EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: WatchYouDie on August 18, 2013, 09:17:58 pm

Title: scepter of time
Post by: WatchYouDie on August 18, 2013, 09:17:58 pm
is this quest still active is so there was a thread a long time ago on it i cant find it anyone have a link ?

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: red2 on August 18, 2013, 09:40:33 pm
yes it is still active. go talk to Siige in nexus. gives you a list of people/places to kill. Be wary, they are tough and have a large amount of hp. For example, it takes me longer to kill Grubin's guards, than hard trash in t6. a team of t4/4/0's should be able to handle it. it takes 512 times through to get the final version. with all the zoning ( and stupid 5 min recast on the porta-telporter) takes me close to an hour to finish a round.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Chunka on August 19, 2013, 08:32:00 am
How it goes: kill a round, get a Scepter 1. Kill another round for a second SoT1. Combine the 2 in a magic box to get SoT2. Complete 2 more rounds to get ANOTHER SoT2, and combine the 2 of them to make an SoT3. And so on.....2 3's to make a 4, 2 4's to make a 5, etc.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Adydar on August 19, 2013, 08:55:40 am
There has been talk on and off about updating this quest, any thoughts on when we might see some changes?

It really is painful, mostly with the need to constantly zone.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: WatchYouDie on August 19, 2013, 02:23:49 pm
ive done the quest ... i was more looking for the pictures of the different ranks =P

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: jmaneuv011 on August 19, 2013, 02:40:05 pm
You can do a /buyer search in bazaar to see the link of any item

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Gilthanas on August 19, 2013, 04:29:48 pm
it takes 512 times through to get the final version. with all the zoning ( and stupid 5 min recast on the porta-telporter) takes me close to an hour to finish a round.

"I can't wait to start farming my SoT"

- said no one ever

Doesn't seem even remotely worth it for only 80k hp.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Danish on August 19, 2013, 05:23:29 pm
It's a horrible timesink.

Get a Frost Covered Tome and go spend your time on progression, plat and exp.

/que mpano and his love of the grind.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Hampage on August 19, 2013, 06:32:07 pm
I hate this quest. I have at least a sceptre I on every character in my guild and a rank IV on my main 6 and thats about all I could stand to do. I would love to see this quest redone and as much as I HATE that everything uses SLS and essences I think it would be the best way.

My Idea is this: Rank I, kill the 10 guys, get the rank I sceptre. Rank II Kill the 10 guys, get a rank I scepter, combine that with a SLS, original rank I and Essence of Qvic and you get rank II. Rank III, kill the 10 guys, get a rank I sceptre, combine that with SLS, Essence of Tacvi and Rank II scepter and you get rank III, and so on and so forth.

This way you are still killing each mob 10 times, which for me with zoning and dealing with guards and whatnot is an hour per run, so 10 hours, plus the time for SLS and Essences and you need up to a Loping Plains essence to get the final rank X Sceptre.

I think thats fair and would encourage more people to do the quest without totally losing the original intent which was to kill the 10 guys over and over again. Anything more than 1 essence or 1 SLS per rank would be too much and make the quest even less desirable.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: jmaneuv011 on August 19, 2013, 08:43:07 pm
Please, no more essence/SLS sinks!  Something to get rid of the crazy amounts of plat would be better-this way maybe people will start selling stuff again

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Fugitive on August 19, 2013, 09:11:07 pm
Grind it

Or just wait for Halloween


Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Hunter on August 20, 2013, 03:19:03 am
Please, no more essence/SLS sinks!  Something to get rid of the crazy amounts of plat would be better-this way maybe people will start selling stuff again

Maybe a Plat Sink ranked item, 100 million per rank.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: hateborne on August 20, 2013, 07:18:48 am
Please, no more essence/SLS sinks!  Something to get rid of the crazy amounts of plat would be better-this way maybe people will start selling stuff again

Maybe a Plat Sink ranked item, 100 million per rank.

Honestly, just update the script to reward a sceptre rank 1 per kill to all in killing group (like it used to do with the components before tasks).

Then add in a 25% chance to drop from sceptre rank 1 on kill as well.

This way it would take plenty of time to get it, but not an ungodly amount of time. It's 512 or 1024 kills to get, but could be slightly faster if good luck with drops.


Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Chunka on August 20, 2013, 10:05:08 am
Just had a thought.....is there a way to open PoTimeB here? Perhaps an item or items that drop from the gods (Scepter of TIME :D). Or perhaps one of the SoD zones that correspond to PoP.

Then again....probably too much work for Hunter just for an upgrade to how SoT works. Silly idea, sorry.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Anuli on August 20, 2013, 12:53:04 pm
 It still takes less time to get ucv2 for the damage modifier, and even less time to grab some ess and play to make a UW for the hp the rank 10 gives. Unless it's changed to what Hate said or possibly works the way T7 leaves work plus a shit-ton of plat (thus 10 times thru kill quest plus 10mil per rank equals SoT10), this quest is best left for Halloween grind.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Hunter on August 20, 2013, 01:40:03 pm
The point of the quest wasn't really the reward, although the reward needed to be good to make people want to do the quest. Was just trying to make a quest that involved a lot of zoning. Like CG/FG or SoA mold. Also was about going back to the old world cities and deciding if you wanted to hurt your faction wit them or not. Don't have to do the quest, and probably can progress just fine without Sceptre.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Kruciel on August 20, 2013, 02:31:36 pm
I think a reasonable change could be making the quest mobs repop a little faster. Even when I killed them super slow in t5 gear I was still ahead of the respawn cycle for round 2, so I made instances for each zone to do another round (3 zones per kill) and pub still hadnt repopped yet. Its already zone heavy enough to make me buy multiple teleprters to speed up the process, but having to go into an instance in each zone just adds another dose of zoning back into the equation. Without teleporters, if you went back to nexus to the zone and then into an instance, that's 3 zones times 10 mobs times 512 quest cycles coming out to 15,360 times you would need to zone. That is frightening to think about for an item with less hp than t8 or tserrina drops. I've been thinking  of grinding up to rank 5 for my whole team so I could just combine those with some of the Halloween drops, but nonstop zoning doesn't really feel like a grind to me, it feels like sitting at my keyboard watching movies instead of actually playing :P

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Hampage on August 20, 2013, 04:38:08 pm
The point of the quest wasn't really the reward, although the reward needed to be good to make people want to do the quest. Was just trying to make a quest that involved a lot of zoning. Like CG/FG or SoA mold. Also was about going back to the old world cities and deciding if you wanted to hurt your faction wit them or not. Don't have to do the quest, and probably can progress just fine without Sceptre.

With all the work you've done to reduce lag, this sentence seems counter productive.

Ok, if people want a money sink instead, how about turn the quest giver into a vendor, have him sell "Essence of Time I", "Essence of Time II", etc etc, each rank costing 1,000,000pp per rank, so rank 10 is 10,000,000. You kill the mobs, get the Scepter with no stats, then combine it with the essence for the rank I with stats. Kill the mobs again, get a no stat scepter and combine that with the Essence of Time II and your Rank I scepter for Rank 2.

This way you still have to kill the mobs, it still takes a significant investment and you still have to zone 100 times to get a full rank X scepter. I don't even like this suggestion because it would completely wipe out my plat and still only get me up to a rank 6 on one character, but I still like it better than doing the quest another 500 times.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Expletus on August 20, 2013, 04:54:33 pm
Was hoping he would put SLS on crafting vender (no drop) for 150k each ! A man can dream.  ::)

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: WatchYouDie on August 20, 2013, 05:16:38 pm
i kinda like hates idea put in a 1% chance that it will drop a rank 1 ... wont greatly increase the time sink but it will reduce it slightly

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: lerxst2112 on August 20, 2013, 06:06:27 pm
Was hoping he would put SLS on crafting vender (no drop) for 150k each ! A man can dream.  ::)

It's a nice thought, but it would require duping every recipe that uses a SLS because it would be a new item, unless every SLS was made no-drop to preserve the item id.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Raygan on August 20, 2013, 07:41:53 pm
every SLS was made no-drop to preserve the item id.

That would work for me!  At least it would keep retards from trying to sell them for 500k  ::)

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 20, 2013, 11:22:40 pm
every SLS was made no-drop to preserve the item id.

That would work for me!  At least it would keep retards from trying to sell them for 500k  ::)

I agree with that however the idea of the sls is to make it so the newer players would be able to farm something that high end players would need thereby linking the two and giving newer players the friendship and the plat from higher ends without stripping high end player's ability to farm them themselves if they wanted to.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Hunter on August 21, 2013, 02:21:01 am
As Xiggie said.

There is a reason for the SLS.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Chunka on August 21, 2013, 07:55:06 am
Not just that....but who cares if someone is selling SLS for 500K? Dont wanna pay that....dont buy em. Seller doesnt set prices, buyers do.

I know whenever I see those prices I marvel at how lazy and stupid some people are....but then again I daily marvel at how lazy and stupid people are, and for more important reasons than an imaginary item in an online game :D

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Raygan on August 21, 2013, 04:29:52 pm
I don't have a problem with the 50-150k price tag...but server economy is way fucked up at the moment...things are way over priced for some stupid reason.  Is a ton of ways to make plat as a newbie so using the "its the only way to make money on this server" argument is weak in my opinion. Look at HoH plats and since Hunter made strike augs tier based to equip it isn't like new folks are in a major bind when they hit t3 for plat. Yes, I am lazy and do not want to farm SLS because they suck but I also don't wanna feel like I need to carry a bottle of k-Y or astroglide around in my back pocket when I want to buy them either.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Anuli on August 21, 2013, 08:11:30 pm
Well, looking at lower level augs, selling SLS for 50k-100k is plenty to afford augs in low tiers until the player is able to make money in HoH+

selling them on the crafter merchant for 200k won't affect that, people can still farm sls and sell them for <200k and make enough plat for all of their hearts desires.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Kruciel on August 21, 2013, 08:44:30 pm
Honestly I don't think the price is going to go back down on them. Anyone that tries will have their stock bought out and flipped or stored away in some bank for later use. There is way too much plat in circulation from higher tiered players that have nothing else to spend it on, combined with the fact that even the midtier people are mostly being lazy and spending every last bit of plat on SLS to avoid farming it themselves, making their augs a much bigger headache to complete. I know that was my logic at the time, but they weren't 250k then either, and I was still broke all the time even with them being 100k. So basically your options are:

Lower tiered players: SLS farm for 250k each
Middle tiered players: HoH farm for plat / tokens / xp / v2s
Higher tiered players: Anguish or LP farm for plat / xp

The middle tiered players needs infinite amounts of SLS to get their augs leveled and work on warrior's SOA at the same time. They have so many things to work on they'd rather just buy SLS at the inflated price driven up other players and continue working on the massive grinds that go along with getting into tier 5+

That's basically what's been going on in a nutshell with the SLS prices. Well that and the /tar wisp /stick being made against the rules  ;D

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Danish on August 23, 2013, 03:49:53 am

That's basically what's been going on in a nutshell with the SLS prices. Well that and the /tar wisp /stick being made against the rules  ;D

And the crackdown on the /mac SLS players. After the bans of the first AFK macro players, the price of SLS shot up.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Raygan on August 23, 2013, 06:45:07 am
That's an even better argument for having them on the CG vendor...keep folks from exploiting! ;D

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Expletus on August 23, 2013, 06:52:11 am
I just wish they wouldn't disappear into the hills and rocks or up trees. Would be nice to have a huge open flat zone where everything in there had a 15 percent chance to drop a GLS & a 1 percent chance at a rare for an SLS. Hell maybe plane of growth would do the trick.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Chunka on August 23, 2013, 08:34:33 am
I love watching them warp across the map. I run maphide and mapshow, and you can actually see a targeted wisp that you're near, or even right on top of, vanish from the north corner of the map and show up on the south end.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: jmaneuv011 on August 23, 2013, 09:03:00 am
It's pretty easy to scepter them out even if it means waiting a few seconds

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Expletus on August 23, 2013, 11:11:13 am
Could always make another zone with a higher drop rate of GLS and some SLS on rare mobs with a t6/7 level. Sorta like TOFS was created for the charms.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Fliker on August 23, 2013, 06:32:53 pm
Already more than one zone to farm sls.  :-\

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Chunka on August 23, 2013, 07:29:44 pm
I dont see getting SLS as the problem. Its very easy....if boring as all hell for a 70+ character. Can do 4 to 60 an hour readily enough.

Title: Re: scepter of time
Post by: Expletus on August 23, 2013, 08:00:16 pm
Need to add some excitement :(