Title: Qvic Post by: PORTIS on May 20, 2010, 03:47:24 am I dont normally flame about individuals but I was pretty pigged off last night here is how it started.
Went to Qvic last week with some guildies helping them with Epic 3.0 flagging as a group. About 16 people in the zone at that time, we were clearing to one of the sha's (the one opposite Klokk) got into his room only to find a guy had run in and agroed him at the spawn and was killing him.. I left it. Same thing happened on the next spawn.. I said nothing.. We were clearing to one of the Ravs (the one up the big flight of stairs, turtle) I pull the last double set of rooms leaving ph up. Kill those, omw back up the stairs the same guy AGAIN storms past me and starts to kill the PH. I say"you have to be kidding right" nothing he kills it. I am away from my grp and can do nothing, he is a beast and SK dps can do jack. Eventually i get a response, "What, I am only after 1 BP" after a lot of banter between us he is deluded into thinking he can jump nameds because he only needs a bp and will leave everything else for me. As I explained, what if a member of my party needs a BP, just cause we are flagging doesnt me we dont need drops. He persists, i drop it thinking what a fucking retard and cant be bothered posting. Last night, the second time in 3 days we visit Qvic, virtually the exact same thing happens again on the dog rav (sorry for me using the wrong names for nameds but i am sure you all know), I say WTF he says, I killed the first mob so it was mine. Now what happened here was we set up in place, 6 of us, and started clearing towards the dog mob. He walzes in and just kills it in its room... Now this is the same guy. Again we have a bit of banter, I am mad and say I have frapsed. I havnt unfortunetly but he zones sharpish. Now please tell me, this MUST have happened to other folks in Qvic by the same arrogant arshole, the odds on it happening twice too me and nobody else would be insane. His name is Sandi <secondname probably the argogant> and he is a member of Last Stand. I wouldnt normally name but this guy needs sorting out. >:( About Lodar P.S Quote just dont join Last Stand man. He didnt he joined our guild Exhumed, and I can see why if this is how they display their guild tag. If I was their GL I would boot this guy and anyone else dragging their name through the mud. Title: Re: Qvic Post by: sandi on May 20, 2010, 06:43:39 am Well, i guess every story has two sides...
I popped into qvic to do a token run for my bard. After all the grief portis was giving me, i decided to postpone it till later. I will address the issue of tonight first... I zone in, clear through all the entrance trash, and work my way to Rav Gemkki... i am fighting the 2 mobs outside of the building at the top of the ramp. Portis then trucks past me, and pulls 3-4 mobs out of the building to his group. i notice him attempting to leapfrog me, and i go for the boss... its really that simple. Even after i had downed the boss to approx. 75% he comes and pulls agro off of me, and attempts to bring the named back to his group, wherein i get flack from all of them...(biased of course) Its kind of hard to draw the line in this situation for me... where does one get said right to the named? pulling the outside mobs of the building? pulling the mobs inside the building? pulling the named itself? As for 3 nights ago.. I believe i was in the wrong for that one, i was boxing 3 characters along with grouping with another friend of mine, we spent 4+ hours in qvic killing named looking for a plate BP... We called all loot out in shout, tokens and everything else for that matter was left on the corpses... we literally had an army of guys following us around just for loots... We basically had the boss spawns down on rotation and were going from boss to boss killing. The majority of our time there, the zone was empty (minus the leaches), i hadn't actually noticed his group zone in or exactly where they were stationed. we trained the mobs in the building back to the turtle boss. There was still 3 mobs up in the building on the way to the boss.He had started to clear the building, and i didn't realize it untill after i had already engaged the boss and it was too late. I apologized afterwords, gave him an explanation of what had happend, and i DIDN"T even check the corpse for loot. I wished them well and went on my way. After that happend, i got tells from his group members saying it was no problem, and thanking me for calling out loots in shout, and that they only had "X" piece left untill they were finished with their set, etc... Portis, you will be hard pressed to find another person to slander my good name... I play this game with honor, i help others, lend time, and share the small amount of knowledge i have with others freely. And in closing, i hate that you chose to take a jab at my guild... They are a great group of guys that i enjoy playing with. I'm sorry you felt the need to bring this to the forums Sandi~ Title: Re: Qvic Post by: PORTIS on May 20, 2010, 10:13:56 am First of all and i quote
Quote why if this is how they display their guild tag. If I was their GL I would boot this guy and anyone else dragging their name through the mud. This was directed at you not your guild. What I said was that people who play with your wreckless lack of all going on around you WILL give your guild a bad name. Nowhere did i say last stand suck balls. In fact Tankzilla? and a few others clearing Tacvi gave my own cleric a few bits the other night and I was very grateful (not that we cant do Tacvi its just always camped). Secondly every story does have two sides and on this occasion I am afraid yours would be the incorrect one. We were clearing to the rav last night, admittedly you could possibly not have been aware as we had set up and just started killing the mob nearest the safe spot. You did train in and into his room which I would have to say is not maybe KSing but definatly jumping like I say maybe you were unaware. But stripped it bare anyways once it had been pointed out to you by my grp. Instead of appologising and leaving the body. I had 5 other "people" sat waiting not just you + box who then had to wait 30 mins again. The first incidence you were more than definatly aware what we were doing, anyone who has known and done that camp knows a grp positioned where we were (6 of us highly visable) pulling the mobs on the steps of the turtle pull and inside the door ARE going where you headed. Long and short I dont want to get drawn into a long debate about who stepped on whos toes. Maybe you might in future have more "area awareness" when pulling mobs and sit and wait your turn like everyone else does instead of steamrolling into buildings with your eyes wide shut. Title: Re: Qvic Post by: Reed on May 20, 2010, 10:37:53 am Imagine that, more Last Stand shitting up the server...
Title: Re: Qvic Post by: kaizen on May 20, 2010, 10:44:09 am Maybe Tankzilla should boot Sandi out of the guild to set an example..
2 posts in the same day about Sandi.. what are the odds that there are other people that he has KSed, looted corpses without permission or anything else Title: Re: Qvic Post by: Reed on May 20, 2010, 11:34:03 am Should request Hunter change their name to "Filthy Vultures of EZ, Bane of All"
Hang a certain ring to it Title: Re: Qvic Post by: Lodar on May 20, 2010, 11:51:36 am Maybe Tankzilla should boot Sandi out of the guild to set an example.. 2 posts in the same day about Sandi.. what are the odds that there are other people that he has KSed, looted corpses without permission or anything else I have seen a guy being flamed in 8 different posts on a forum in live... for the same thing... nice way to build a rep.. or more like "how to become a known player!" Title: Re: Qvic Post by: Lodar on May 20, 2010, 11:57:02 am I do support Portis on this...
If you dont want a bad rep.. dont be an ass! What Sandi did was being an Ass. He could have waited his turn. Its like I am killing the 2 mobs in the entrance of a room where the boss is, to go kill the boss of course and someone leap frogs me to go kill the boss while I kill the mobs to go in the room in the first place.. that would be about what Sandi was doing and that is being an asshat... I hate asshats.... oh and I dont help asshats... I let them die Title: Re: Qvic Post by: Reed on May 20, 2010, 12:13:04 pm Well luckily for these people, you can get a name change.... for a price... I would charge alot for a name change if i were Hunter, for people in forums who are all around disliked.
He hooked me up with a name change for a aquired necro, was a nice guy. But i dont think im nearly as hated as some. Though idk, maybe i am? Title: Re: Qvic Post by: Eliseus on May 20, 2010, 02:11:05 pm No body likes you Reed. Go play in the freeway.
Jk Title: Re: Qvic Post by: Balthor on May 20, 2010, 02:52:44 pm what a fucking flamming piece of shit.
God I wish I woulda been around when this guild started out. Being a loving dorf with nothing better to do I would have kept shit perma camped to block your progression. Well perma camped minus a few hours of sleep every day. I recognize this piece of shits name, same monk that was lurking around my shit attempting to check bodies without asking. I really wish we had guild instanced versions of qvic/tacvi/pod so I never had to look at any of you faggots again Title: Re: Qvic Post by: PORTIS on May 20, 2010, 04:16:53 pm As I appreciate peoples backing of my side this wasnt meant to be a Last Stand witch hunt it was directed at one person. I have talked to their GL and the matter has been mutually closed. I probably shouldnt have mentioned the guild name in retrospect. :P I am a fair person and would not want to tarnish a guild based on my dealings with one person any other dealings I personally have had with them have been pleasant ones.
Title: Re: Qvic Post by: Scootz on May 21, 2010, 05:41:48 am Maybe this is a bit off topic, but GRATS reed on your hero status on the forumns, we in Vendetta love ya. Seriously though the same name does keep popping up. Swift hand of justice is needed, not trying to bash Last Stand, but you guys have made quite the rep as of late for terrible things, however i realize this doesn't reflect your guild as a whole.