EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on September 10, 2013, 10:51:09 pm

Title: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Hunter on September 10, 2013, 10:51:09 pm
Updated Anguish. Overlord Mata Muram will now depop if other mobs are up. This means he will come back during a repop (Server Reboot, Create/Enter Instance, Repop Instance). Removed the trash inside his circle to help not accidently depop Mata Muram.

Disabled Tacvi. The same armor and molds can be found in Cazic Thule. Then making the Cazic Thule armor after can be optional for now, either make it or skip to T1 armor. Should be easier if you make the CT armor before jumping into T1 zone.

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Expletus on September 10, 2013, 11:33:52 pm
Hunter what's the resist check on anguish charm matta casts during his event? The single target charm?

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Hunter on September 10, 2013, 11:54:09 pm
Probably doesn't have a resist check, could probably look into that though, and add one, maybe -3k or -4k resist check

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: red2 on September 11, 2013, 06:07:02 am
Is that the name of his third version, or first?
if it's the first, will he not spawn until you clear the zone unlike before?
if it is the 3rd, the only thing up by then is the 2 NPC's from the front (first usually summons everything).
so maybe i am missing something?

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Hunter on September 11, 2013, 06:28:59 am
Only the first version of Mata Muram will check if mobs are in the zone.

I've removed mobs near by him to help with accidental aggro.

Lord_Mata_Muram and Overlord_Mata_Muram the 2nd and 3rd versions are not changed.

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: red2 on September 11, 2013, 06:36:16 am
Just to make sure i got it, OMM now spawns after everything else dies, and have met the other conditions? I was already clearing zone, possibly leaving 1-4 mobs up here in there.

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Hunter on September 11, 2013, 06:37:59 am
He spawns same as before, but he will depop if you attack him AND other bosses or trash are alive.

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Poker-ecaf on September 11, 2013, 07:00:25 am
thats is cool ! now the 15mins clears isnt anymore available ;P rush players need now 1hour +- few mins that is cool ! like it

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Hulkpunch on September 11, 2013, 08:38:20 am
Geared players could still clear anguish in 20-30mins so the world is not over.

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Peign on September 11, 2013, 08:45:07 am
thats is cool ! now the 15mins clears isnt anymore available ;P rush players need now 1hour +- few mins that is cool ! like it

Why is that cool?   Why should a player in Max T8, Max UW, Max SoA, close max RoA have to spend an hour doing OLD content.    If a player is in T8 then T6 should be trivial.    They did the timesink to progress.    

But as someone stated, it can probably be done  in 20-30 minutes by those T8 geared folks now.  

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Nexxel on September 11, 2013, 10:17:43 am
thats is cool ! now the 15mins clears isnt anymore available ;P rush players need now 1hour +- few mins that is cool ! like it

Why is that cool?   Why should a player in Max T8, Max UW, Max SoA, close max RoA have to spend an hour doing OLD content.    If a player is in T8 then T6 should be trivial.    They did the timesink to progress.    

But as someone stated, it can probably be done  in 20-30 minutes by those T8 geared folks now.  

I get the feeling that with the changes hunter made to Tacv along with this he doesnt want people reducing zones to what I call " THE SLOT MACHINE "

In other words, reguarless of how trival the zone was that it not be reduced to a single action of putting money in for a instance and "pulling" the handle. i cant coment on the changes to anguish, i still have to fight my way thru, but everyone knew, that tacv was just go to last boss, pull the handle and see what dropped.

Hell Qvic was more of a hasssle then tacv could ever be.

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Expletus on September 11, 2013, 11:19:34 am
Change is good. It also helps with wipes for those trying to break through. Which is why I was wondering the resist check on his anguish charm. At 1400ish resists and I get charmed then destroy my group. It sucks.

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Kaid on September 11, 2013, 01:11:23 pm
I started consistently resisting anguish charm at about 1700-1750.

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Raygan on September 11, 2013, 08:32:21 pm
I was wondering the resist check on his anguish charm. At 1400ish resists and I get charmed then destroy my group. It sucks.

One way to combat the mezz...get a group cure reward on your main tank...when he mezzs your tank will get de-mezzed when he hits you.  You can then click you cure group reward item and all your toons will join back in the fun...hope that helps ya=)

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Expletus on September 11, 2013, 09:52:49 pm
I would do that however I just don't have the 25 bones to toss at it atm. If it was at 5 I would find a way... but 25... my wife would cut my twins off.

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Hunter on September 11, 2013, 09:59:43 pm
Gave out 100 free credits to each person that helped / submitted mini map to me yesterday.

Give out random credits sometimes other places too, like TwitchTV, ooc chat, etc.

Such things are rare, just gotta keep eye out for the opportunities.

Giving out credits for serious bugs/exploits too all the time.

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Tankdan on September 11, 2013, 11:52:10 pm
I would do that however I just don't have the 25 bones to toss at it atm. If it was at 5 I would find a way... but 25... my wife would cut my twins off.
People are always buying Ess with EZ credits.

You can make 50 EZ in a day or two by selling things Essences, HoH tokens, and anything else im not thinking of.  I think ppl were giving like 2-4 EZ per harder Ess.

Title: Re: Updates 09-10-11
Post by: Chukak on September 15, 2013, 05:40:13 am
Would you consider slightly upping the drop rate on tacvi pieces in CT? The CT patterns are easy enough to get, however if you want all 8 pieces of tacvi you literally have to clear every NPC in the zone at least a dozen times. This would likely be a huge bottle neck for newer players, whereas in Tacvi a newer player really only had to clear a much smaller zone a handful of times in order to get their required pieces. Another idea would be to reduce the drop rate on patterns from the bosses to 50% and put in more magic box recipes that allow you to skip from qvic to CT level. That'd allow groups to target/camp needed pieces but wouldn't make it the easy 100% rate it is now (would also incentivise people to actually learn the zone/spawns/etc.)

I like the change (Tacvi was small, boring, and... well... boring), it just seems the drop rate is a bit elusive, especially for that last piece :P