EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on September 22, 2013, 01:58:31 am

Title: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Hunter on September 22, 2013, 01:58:31 am
Fixed a few bugs and exploits in ToFS.

Players should properly receive fading memories buff each time they click on a mirror to port. A simple name typo prevented this when I originally made ToFS custom earlier this year. Should be working as intended now. Will help to prevent any mobs/trains from following players to other floors when getting teleported. This includes the pit trap exit on one of the floors too.

Still planning to revamp the Essences of Frozen Shadow for UW some time soon, by either making them super rare on lower floors, or different versions of it off bosses on lower floors.

Cara should already be fixed and no longer equipping a dagger when its in the loot list. Haven't heard any complaints since so I'm guessing its working and fixed now. Any other npcs with this problem just let me know. Its a simple edit in loot tables db.

** New Boss **
An Angry Beholder now spawns as super rare boss in Qvic with tons of loots on it, just like the AD boss does.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Hulkpunch on September 22, 2013, 05:59:14 am
woot thanks hunter!

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Expletus on September 22, 2013, 09:11:02 am
Here's an idea...  Keep the essence on the boss you have it on. Add a piece of broken essence on each boss on each floor. Make the drop chance small, but once you get ALL 6, you can combine to make the essence.
can use icon 1031 or 1032 and just label them different. Obviously different per level.
level 1: Broken piece of essence
level 2: Shattered piece of essence
level 3: Crushed piece of essence
level 4: Fragmented piece of essence
level 5: Split piece of essence
level 6: Cracked piece of essence

Lore and could make them no drop or drop for player sales...

I dunno, it kinda keeps in theme the idea of different levels in my mind.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Anuli on September 22, 2013, 12:12:17 pm
or, expletus' idea but require less per type. level 1, broken essence, 1/400 drop rate, requires 10 to make a level 2 piece, ten that drop on lvl 2 make a lvl 3 piece. so either a shit-ton of level 1 pieces, or farm higher levels for tiny chances of ''larger'' pieces if you cant get to/kill svartmane.

but I'd think no drop for the parts and only tradable for the complete essence or the higher pieces.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Dinadas on September 23, 2013, 05:51:43 am
I think it would make sense if UW1 needed an item off TofS 1, etc etc

Then UW7+ all need a ToFS essensce from floor 7.

Another simple tweak for tofs that i think everyone would like.

Could 2 recipes get added 8 rank 1 stones in magic box -> IV stone (Same amount but hell of a lot less clicking)
8 rank 2 stones -> V stone

Same amount of required stones whole lot less pain in the arse.

Also could the first floor key, be made to be a clicky to ToFS.  Every other zone has a ring or some sort to gate back. 

I think those few tweaks would improve the ToFS experience.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Maydaay on September 23, 2013, 07:40:09 am
You Rock hunter!

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Anuli on September 23, 2013, 02:13:06 pm
No wait, I changed my mind, people shouldn't be able to get a UW unless they can kill on floor 6 and 7 of ToFS. It should still be rare for top tier peeps (and impossible to get if you arent at least geared up in close to the top progression zone).

If there will be a possibility of essences on lower floors, keep it just to 6 and 7 and maybe put a new unknown trigger mob there just as rare as the 7 final boss with the essence. Keeps the top players from farming them 10x quicker than everyone else, and still gives slightly smaller people a chance if the boss spawn is still rare.

floor 6 essence boss rarer than floor 7 boss would be even better.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Dimur on September 23, 2013, 02:40:04 pm
I don't get what you're saying Anuli, why would you want to keep the top players from farming them quicker than everyone else when the whole point of the weapon's inception was something for only top tier players to farm anyhow?

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Expletus on September 23, 2013, 08:39:36 pm
Well if you stick with my idea you have to get all 6 to combine to make A full essence. Thus having to kill the boss on floor 6.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Kovou on September 24, 2013, 02:23:55 am
Hunter - Maybe make inks drop 75% less and stackable me and several others have many backpacks full ive started destorying them i think there are just to many that have dropped

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: jmaneuv011 on September 24, 2013, 09:11:49 am
Drop rates on ink is alright and they've been selling in bazaar.  You get maybe 1-2 per t5 and t6 run which is fair and maybe 2 or 3 on a longer t7

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Kovou on September 24, 2013, 09:35:37 am
i get 5-10 per T5 clear.....

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Premador on September 24, 2013, 09:48:49 am
wow I've gotten 1-2 max and sometimes none per t5 clear.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Maydaay on September 24, 2013, 10:36:10 am
i agree stackable inks would cut back on a lot of bag space.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Fliker on September 24, 2013, 11:30:31 am
Inks stackable - yes please

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Tankdan on September 24, 2013, 01:15:35 pm
Just dont loot them if you dont need them

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 24, 2013, 01:17:52 pm
If there is one thing I have learned about Hunter is when to shut the hell up. You people keep complaining and you are going to find out really quickly on your own when you bitch too much about a change Hunter has made he is going to knee jerk and make it even worse. If shit keeps going in ooc and on the forums your going log in one day and find that Hunter has disabled the quest all together. People just need to learn how to shut the hell up. Read over the forums and you will find plenty of examples.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Hulkpunch on September 24, 2013, 02:44:50 pm

These people are not complaining; they're offering suggestions on how they think the quest may be improved. Hunter does not play on the server, so to understand how changes are affecting players, he needs feedback. I think Hunter values suggestions players make especially those that have been playing on the server for a long time like Anuli. EZ server is a lot of fun to play on and all some of us want to do is help make it an even more enjoyable experience. Whether or not he follows through with their suggestion is up to him. Its true that not all the comments made from UW changes have been constructive-- there has been plenty of QQ, but players should always be able to feel free to express their ideas because thats what helps move the server forward.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Fjord on September 24, 2013, 08:24:27 pm
If there is one thing I have learned about Hunter is when to shut the hell up. You people keep complaining and you are going to find out really quickly on your own when you bitch too much about a change Hunter has made he is going to knee jerk and make it even worse. If shit keeps going in ooc and on the forums your going log in one day and find that Hunter has disabled the quest all together. People just need to learn how to shut the hell up. Read over the forums and you will find plenty of examples.

And in today's news, hell froze over and I agreed with Xiggie.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 24, 2013, 10:26:20 pm

These people are not complaining; they're offering suggestions on how they think the quest may be improved. Hunter does not play on the server, so to understand how changes are affecting players, he needs feedback. I think Hunter values suggestions players make especially those that have been playing on the server for a long time like Anuli. EZ server is a lot of fun to play on and all some of us want to do is help make it an even more enjoyable experience. Whether or not he follows through with their suggestion is up to him. Its true that not all the comments made from UW changes have been constructive-- there has been plenty of QQ, but players should always be able to feel free to express their ideas because thats what helps move the server forward.

Sorry but I gotta call bullshit on this. This isn't feedback, this is people bitching about a change Hunter made in the game based on actual feedback he received over time. I am trying to give out a fair heads up based on my experience here. I have seen this all before and I know how it goes. Take it or leave it but I am stepping out of it because I don't want to contribute to it myself.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Hulkpunch on September 24, 2013, 11:20:48 pm

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Anuli on September 25, 2013, 09:49:10 am
I don't get what you're saying Anuli, why would you want to keep the top players from farming them quicker than everyone else when the whole point of the weapon's inception was something for only top tier players to farm anyhow?

I know I explained my opinion poorly. I don't want it to be harder for top tiers, I want it to be possible for them only. You know how its super easy to pull the entire floor of ToFS 2, 3, and 4 for top people, but not for lower people?
 well instead of the essences being available on lower floors (where a T8 warrior can just farm them faster and easier, I was saying only put them on floor 6 and 7, so that only people who can kill there can get them. But on floor 6, they should be just as rare or slightly more rare than 7 so that people aren't back-farming the easier floor because they are OP for it. Like, if he were to put ess of gods major in qvic, you'd go there for them instead of waste time consuming tokens and more effort.

I'm all for only keeping ess of ToFS on Svartmane. I don't think the UW should be something anyone does underneath the top two tiers of progression but Hunter clearly is thinking about making it a little more accessible to lower people so, I thought lower, but not too low.

I also think it would be something to think about that the ess bosses in ToFS be top tier based, so someone with no UW Full T7 group should be able to kill the floor 6 boss and someone full T8 group can kill Svart. But when T9 comes out, floor 6 boss is given floor 7 boss stats and floor 7 boss gets upped accordingly.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Expletus on September 25, 2013, 10:52:33 am
I have a different mind set. I don't see why you can't progress through the UW quest under the top tier. You obviously get drops in the lower zones that prepare you for your UW. If the point of the UW was to give top end geared players something to do, then the drops should have been in top tiers only from the get go. I think putting a single bottle neck drop in, is a band aide.

If you keep with the theme of collecting 100 from each zone then it only makes sense to add a drop of some sort to each floor since Hunter is utilizing TOFS. I'm not saying that drop from each floor is in the combine, but make it a second quest within a quest. Why not put it as 1/700 drop on a boss that is a piece of the essence. Then combine the 6 (1 each floor boss) to make the essence. That way it's easier for those that are geared to just go up to 7 and get the essence but make the lower tiered players work for it. A little give, a little take.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Anuli on September 25, 2013, 03:19:27 pm

Flattery will get you everywhere ;)

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Kwai on September 25, 2013, 05:03:48 pm
From the "close but no cigar crowd" ... the quest is hard enough now.  Leave it alone or tone it down even (better drop rate/lower floors on TOFS ESS).   Full T7, Max Shield and UW VI does not mean you can play on floor 6 without penalty.  In fact, without UW and Shield my other T7 toons bite it hard on 5 if I don't continually mash the group cure button rapidly followed by group heal.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Hunter on September 25, 2013, 06:01:42 pm
I'm still working on T9 right now in oldcommons, but still have UW on my mind, and thinking how to make it easier but still keeping it rare as possible on the server. I realize current setup in ToFS excludes anyone that isn't T7+ from getting UW ranks. Will figure a way to make mid tier players have a rare chance to get components.

I thought about using resist stones, such as Stone XI for UW1 ... Stone XIX for UW9, but realize the math on that, would make players go insane.

Don't forget that regular custom tier progress is possible without the UW since most of it was created and blanced before UW even existed. And now that rampage is gone and we have hundreds of new custom spells made by Hateborne, content is even easier than before. You don't have to have an UW to get to end game. Its more or less super rare item that gives end gamers that did everything something more to grind.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Chunka on September 26, 2013, 03:09:34 am
No more insane than trying to farm 100 gods minor, Hunter :D

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Kovou on September 26, 2013, 03:25:53 am
Scepter X just saying........2+1 should equal 3!!! not 2+2=3!!! just saying mind died long ago witht his quest lol

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Raygan on September 26, 2013, 05:14:25 am
How about making the essences drop from level 6-7 AND be no-drop....that way they cant be sold and keeps those who cant handle that section of the zone from being able to get them w/o having gone through the progression steps?  Since, at this moment, EoFS is not used in any strike aug combinesit shouldn't hurt any players dps.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Dinadas on September 26, 2013, 05:41:32 am
IS there a way that the lower levels of ToFS bosses (essence ones) could be linked to level.

This is in regards to Anuli's post about higher tier folks farming lower tiers because of ease.

If you can't spawn the essence boss outside your current tier/level, then you have to always farm what is geared towards your abilities, keeping it equally challenging.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Hunter on September 26, 2013, 07:57:18 am
I'm leaning towards making a super rare boss on floors 1-6 with unique essences for UW's 1-6, then all UW 7+ would require the regular ToFS essence from Floor 7. The bosses on floors 1-6 will probably be as rare as the final boss as well, since you'd only need 1 essence per floor, not like 200 for charm upgrades or anything, so will be super rare hard to find, but can trade to players to sell too.

Might make it next week, so if your upgrading UW's 1-6 then hold onto your materials for new combines, unless you already got ToFS essence you want to waste earlier.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Dinadas on September 26, 2013, 12:23:14 pm
Since Floor 3 whoops me.  Looks like i'll have some work to do to get UW5.

But still awesome change either way.


Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Chunka on September 26, 2013, 01:11:04 pm
Resists, Woog. I'd get your whole team 1200+ resists and 3 becomes pretty easy.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Dinadas on September 26, 2013, 02:35:21 pm
Yeah.  All at like 900 at the moment.

But can't imagine how hard 5 will be.

Going to take a break and work charms in hoh and farm more tokens again.

ToFS/HoH/T5 should be a nice rotation for awhile.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Maydaay on September 26, 2013, 05:53:33 pm
was the remove of Blood of the fallen removed for warrior BP intentionally?

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: WatchYouDie on September 26, 2013, 07:26:20 pm
fading memories only wipes 100% agro about 75% of the time. Its pretty much always been that way even on live just a fyi

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Hunter on September 26, 2013, 10:02:54 pm
So double cast of Fading Memories would be 100% wipe about 150% of the time? :)

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Raygan on September 27, 2013, 06:23:30 am
fading memories only wipes 100% agro about 75% of the time. Its pretty much always been that way even on live just a fyi

My experience, playing a bard, on live for 8 years showed me 100% removal from agro list 100% of the time.  Never once (once they installed FM) did I ever pick back up agro unless it was a see invis mob and I was too close to the mob once I hit fm.

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Hunter on September 27, 2013, 07:41:45 am
How about on emu, is it broke or 100%?

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: Maydaay on September 27, 2013, 07:57:32 am
has worked for my toons 100%

Title: Re: Updates 09-22-13
Post by: WatchYouDie on September 27, 2013, 08:31:50 am
On live it worked if you were at max speed and were far enough away to work 100% of time. There is an instance where it won't wipe which i discussed with hunter. I just farmed a uc on lvl 2 last and and the fm on the mirror only worked about 50 per of the time.