EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on October 03, 2013, 05:08:20 am

Title: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2013, 05:08:20 am
Spell file 10-03-13 now available for download.

Skin of the Drake
Ornate War Sword
Ranger Epic Aug Slots and Clicks
Spirit of the Ninja
Ultimate Daggers BS value (trying to find cap without roll over)

Added Root and Snare spells to Int/Wis Vendor in Surefall.

Fixed T5 npc levels (previous fix was only on test server, didn't go through to live b4).

Created but not live/tested yet:
FD Clickie (Reward Item)
Complete Heal (Reward Item)
Divine Intervention 90% (Reward Item)

Earring of the Ages:
Created 35 Ranks
Created 90 Ranks
Will probably be 1% Divine Intervention per Rank
Duration Permanent (until used), Recast 300 seconds.
Will probably cost 50,000 AA per rank

Coward Augs:
Created but not yet added to bosses in T1-T9
Reduces threat from all spells.
Should fit any aug slot type on shoulders only.
Combine 2 of same rank to get next rank in Magic Box

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Hulkpunch on October 03, 2013, 06:24:40 am

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Maydaay on October 03, 2013, 07:29:48 am
and what is the point of all the new items? in the end we will get them and then they will be nerfed.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: red2 on October 03, 2013, 07:30:26 am
well it looks like todays druid change still makes them mostly uesless. Skin of the drake lasts ~30 seconds, and about that to recast. that does little to help pulling. before the nerf-fest, with SotD i had nearly doubled the amount i could pull in t6, clearing the zone in just over an hour. Sure druids have some nice buffs. but what made them useful was 2 minutes of pulling. i guess i will go back to working on the zerker on that account.

and yes, i know Hunter's playground. he can change at will, do what he wants. It's that now with all these changes over last week, i hardly even want to log in anymore.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Expletus on October 03, 2013, 08:39:58 am
Is that 30 sec with extended benefits?

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Peign on October 03, 2013, 09:04:17 am
First, the Spirit of the Ninja is an awesome item and thank you Hunter for implementing it.  

However, to me the item was awesome as a duration buff.     There are a couple of reasons.

Number one, we have a plethora of clickies and a plethora of toons to manage at this point.   Being able to buff with a duration buff once every x minutes is helpful.      

Number two, there is a problem with aggro calculation in the DB.   Due to the huge values used in aggro generation (not sure why emu developers love large numbers) threat can and will roll over.   When this happens you do not have time to hit a clicky to save your toons.  (this can be offset I guess by clicking it continuously)  Talk to people in T8 about threat rolling over.  

Anyway,  I really liked Spirit of Ninja as a duration buff.   It is still an awesome item and thanks again for creating it.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Takishi on October 03, 2013, 09:26:06 am
Thanks hate and hunter for working on these items! Always like seeing more reward items to give us additional goodies to try!

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2013, 09:29:22 am
Spirit of the Ninja as buff was conflicting with Kraken and difficult for casters to use.

Now you can use Kraken, or play a caster, while still using Spirit of the Ninja via clicking. So its a win for Kraken users and for Casters. From the very beginning several players brought it to my attention of the possible abuse on the item, which I was fully aware of when I made it, and which is why I haven't put it on the reward NPC yet since I'm undecided about it. This item is a favorite of mine, and will likely stay as is for now.

If any of the new items I'm making some how end up making a player invincible 100% of the time, then yes they would be fixed.

For example, I've already made sure the new Divine Intervention Clickies don't stack with the Cleric buff, or else we'd have an immortal Cleric.

We already have super items like RoA, SoA, UC etc are extremely powerful and I haven't nerfed them, so there is no reason for hysteria just cause of recent fixes on other things. Enough trolling ok?

Spirit of the Drake was fixed by Hateborne, an update that I allowed. Its now 18 second song buff with 30 second recast. You'll probably need to do other stuff in addition to casting Skin of the Drake if you want to be an efficient Druid. If these changes make you not want to log in anymore, then don't let the door hit ya.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Chunka on October 03, 2013, 09:38:32 am
The goal on Drake was to remove it as a mass pull tool, and make it more a "stand and tank" assist?

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Peign on October 03, 2013, 09:46:18 am
Thanks for implementing Spirit of the Ninja, it is a great item.

Thanks Hunter and Hateborne for the fix to Skin of the Drake.   While it is indeed not as powerful as it was, it can still be very useful to avoid a wipe. 

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: zefirus on October 03, 2013, 09:47:58 am
Great work Hunter. Thanks.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Chunka on October 03, 2013, 01:50:57 pm
Definitely better than the previous nerf on Drake. Thank you! One idea: since duration is now 30 seconds could we possibly remove the X amount of hits and gone feature of the spell? Make the duration the ACTUAL duration?

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: hateborne on October 03, 2013, 02:00:52 pm
Definitely better than the previous nerf on Drake. Thank you! One idea: since duration is now 30 seconds could we possibly remove the X amount of hits and gone feature of the spell? Make the duration the ACTUAL duration?

This is doable. I'll get the query written and submitted this evening.


Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Expletus on October 03, 2013, 02:25:33 pm
Silly question. Any way possible to replace the dreadful druid effect to a drake effect for the raid with a fixed duration that always replenishes mana / stamina ? (Please don't kill me! )

I appreciate the fix, will defiantly help at least me with pulls in anguish!  ;D

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Chunka on October 03, 2013, 03:06:19 pm
Thank you, Hate

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Hulkpunch on October 03, 2013, 03:37:38 pm
This is doable. I'll get the query written and submitted this evening.
I like this a lot.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: hateborne on October 03, 2013, 03:37:43 pm
First, the Spirit of the Ninja is an awesome item and thank you Hunter for implementing it.  

However, to me the item was awesome as a duration buff.     There are a couple of reasons.


Number two, there is a problem with aggro calculation in the DB.   Due to the huge values used in aggro generation (not sure why emu developers love large numbers) threat can and will roll over.   When this happens you do not have time to hit a clicky to save your toons.  (this can be offset I guess by clicking it continuously)  Talk to people in T8 about threat rolling over.  

Anyway,  I really liked Spirit of Ninja as a duration buff.   It is still an awesome item and thanks again for creating it.

Not trying to single you out, just correcting to the best of my knowledge to prevent the spread of misinformation. The Aggro Calculation is actually fairly well done for normal environments. It is in the actual code, which is C++. In EZ, we are NOT normal. Our explosively high damage is only countered by much more explosively high threat. The threat rollover is something that I'm well aware of (as is Hunter). We've been working hard to combat it. Nearly two years ago, the threat generating abilities were halved (or more in the anger augs' case). After that, when I added my first batch of spells, I started incorporating threat reduction and threat generation abilities. Due to ever increasing damage, we've been trying to keep the threat generation to containable levels. Obviously, it has had it's ups and downs.

Things fixed in the file I'm sending tonight:
  • Kraken I/II
  • Ancient Oak and Learned Decay stacking
  • Drake is now unlimited procs during the 18s uptime

Anything else?


Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Expletus on October 03, 2013, 03:40:34 pm
Drake is not appearing in the song window, only the main buff bar ( noticed grudge from shm is the same) not sure if you wanted in main buffs or not?

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Expletus on October 03, 2013, 03:49:01 pm
Forget what I said about grudge, just showed up now... my fault ! ::)

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: hateborne on October 03, 2013, 03:49:46 pm
Drake is not appearing in the song window, only the main buff bar ( noticed grudge from shm is the same) not sure if you wanted in main buffs or not?

Intended. It's using the bard type buff duration, but that's irrelevant outside of dev. For players, it means that it shouldn't be affected by duration buffs/mods.


Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Expletus on October 03, 2013, 03:59:56 pm
Ahh my fault again !  ::)

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Hulkpunch on October 03, 2013, 04:13:52 pm
Things fixed in the file I'm sending tonight:

    Kraken I/II
    Ancient Oak and Learned Decay stacking
    Drake is now unlimited procs during the 18s uptime

Anything else?

Yea this is pretty minor but can you make the buff icon from clicky warrior 2hander 7.0 (Kreljnok's Sword of Defense Epic 7.0 ID = 131049) the same as the other buff icons from 2h warrior epics 4.0-6.0. The desired icon is a shield.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: hateborne on October 03, 2013, 04:18:40 pm
Yea this is pretty minor but can you make the buff icon from clicky warrior 2hander 7.0 (Kreljnok's Sword of Defense Epic 7.0 ID = 131049) the same as the other buff icons from 2h warrior epics 4.0-6.0. The desired icon is a shield.



Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Hulkpunch on October 03, 2013, 04:20:37 pm
oh also 1 more thing sorry lol. What did we determine about the chest with shield wall in t6: is that intentional? I know you can dispel it but was wondering if you guys meant to change it.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: hateborne on October 03, 2013, 04:37:18 pm
oh also 1 more thing sorry lol. What did we determine about the chest with shield wall in t6: is that intentional? I know you can dispel it but was wondering if you guys meant to change it.

Hulkpunch, email (hateborne@gmail.com) or PM the item name, id, and/or screenshot.


Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Nexxel on October 03, 2013, 04:55:12 pm
oh also 1 more thing sorry lol. What did we determine about the chest with shield wall in t6: is that intentional? I know you can dispel it but was wondering if you guys meant to change it.

Hulkpunch, email (hateborne@gmail.com) or PM the item name, id, and/or screenshot.

He's referring to the Treasure chest (not armor you wear) that spawn after defeating OOM at the end of T6. it has a stonewall/shield wall on it, that suddenly appeared with one of the source code updates.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: hateborne on October 03, 2013, 04:59:45 pm
oh also 1 more thing sorry lol. What did we determine about the chest with shield wall in t6: is that intentional? I know you can dispel it but was wondering if you guys meant to change it.

Hulkpunch, email (hateborne@gmail.com) or PM the item name, id, and/or screenshot.

He's referring to the Treasure chest (not armor you wear) that spawn after defeating OOM at the end of T6. it has a stonewall/shield wall on it, that suddenly appeared with one of the source code updates.

OH! That. I'll see what I can do.


Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Peign on October 03, 2013, 06:28:00 pm
First, the Spirit of the Ninja is an awesome item and thank you Hunter for implementing it.  

However, to me the item was awesome as a duration buff.     There are a couple of reasons.


Number two, there is a problem with aggro calculation in the DB.   Due to the huge values used in aggro generation (not sure why emu developers love large numbers) threat can and will roll over.   When this happens you do not have time to hit a clicky to save your toons.  (this can be offset I guess by clicking it continuously)  Talk to people in T8 about threat rolling over.  

Anyway,  I really liked Spirit of Ninja as a duration buff.   It is still an awesome item and thanks again for creating it.

Not trying to single you out, just correcting to the best of my knowledge to prevent the spread of misinformation. The Aggro Calculation is actually fairly well done for normal environments. It is in the actual code, which is C++. In EZ, we are NOT normal. Our explosively high damage is only countered by much more explosively high threat. The threat rollover is something that I'm well aware of (as is Hunter). We've been working hard to combat it. Nearly two years ago, the threat generating abilities were halved (or more in the anger augs' case). After that, when I added my first batch of spells, I started incorporating threat reduction and threat generation abilities. Due to ever increasing damage, we've been trying to keep the threat generation to containable levels. Obviously, it has had it's ups and downs.

Things fixed in the file I'm sending tonight:
  • Kraken I/II
  • Ancient Oak and Learned Decay stacking
  • Drake is now unlimited procs during the 18s uptime

Anything else?


Not sure that it is misinformation.   I guess you are saying that the C++ code is fine.   Sure, I've not read all the C++ so have no idea.     

The root cause however is that the value of the threat is too high and thus rolls over.   Same happens with dmg (aka rogue BS dmg).    The values being dealt with are too large.  You could multiply HP, DMG and Threat by .01 (or some number that makes sense) and reduce all those values to manageable numbers.   Natedog experimented with this on his test server the other night and was able to get threat down to a manageable level... top threat in a fight was 5000 vice some uberridiculouslylargenumber.    It is definitely doable for threat.      This would probably save headaches in the long term as HP, DMG and Threat will continue to grow with each tier.

In the end it is all just bits and bytes, recalculate the threat to a manageable level.   Same can apply to HP and DMG.   

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: hateborne on October 03, 2013, 06:43:35 pm
Not sure that it is misinformation.   I guess you are saying that the C++ code is fine.   Sure, I've not read all the C++ so have no idea.    

The root cause however is that the value of the threat is too high and thus rolls over.   Same happens with dmg (aka rogue BS dmg).    The values being dealt with are too large.  You could multiply HP, DMG and Threat by .01 (or some number that makes sense) and reduce all those values to manageable numbers.   Natedog experimented with this on his test server the other night and was able to get threat down to a manageable level... top threat in a fight was 5000 vice some uberridiculouslylargenumber.    It is definitely doable for threat.      This would probably save headaches in the long term as HP, DMG and Threat will continue to grow with each tier.

In the end it is all just bits and bytes, recalculate the threat to a manageable level.   Same can apply to HP and DMG.    

True, but the only kick with that is any C++ code mods require manual re-entry EVERY time the source is updated. I've already created too damn many extra steps for Hunter just by adding spells. C++ is also a bit less forgiving then SQL. In a nutshell, if it has to be manually added each time...it's likely to be too much work to keep up with in the long term.

I had considered adding in a threat manipulating timer to one of the globals. Essentially every 30 seconds, reduce the entire hate list by 25-35%. It's an issue at the moment, but I'm just working my way back into the server.


Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Maydaay on October 03, 2013, 07:11:03 pm
your awesome Hate, thanks for all the work lately!

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Chunka on October 03, 2013, 07:25:03 pm
Definitely, thank you for the effort, HB.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Expletus on October 03, 2013, 08:09:43 pm
I would hold off on making drake have unlimited hits for the duration. Seems like that change would make you invincible for 30 secs. At least with set hits you can't pull a ton of mobs.. think it might need some testing...

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: hateborne on October 03, 2013, 08:15:03 pm
I would hold off on making drake have unlimited hits for the duration. Seems like that change would make you invincible for 30 secs. At least with set hits you can't pull a ton of mobs.. think it might need some testing...

Not entirely. Compromise was made to allow Drake to be continued as a useful spell.


Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: hateborne on October 03, 2013, 09:27:34 pm
Updates submitted to the bossman. Here goes :-)


Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: red2 on November 06, 2013, 07:15:06 am
Spell file 10-03-13 now available for download.
Coward Augs:
Created but not yet added to bosses in T1-T9
Reduces threat from all spells.
Should fit any aug slot type on shoulders only.
Combine 2 of same rank to get next rank in Magic Box

Are these in game yet? got 6 tofs 5 keys last night no EOFS5, no coward augs.
Also, has anyone gotten a EOFS5, can tell about how many kills it took? i know bad rng etc ...
Going for more keys tonight see how goes.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: Eruditeone on November 06, 2013, 11:03:22 am
Coward augs are in game, I picked up 3 of them off level 2. Ive also picked up 2x ToFS4 ess's, everything is just rare.

Title: Re: Updates 10-03-13
Post by: hateborne on November 06, 2013, 11:10:43 am
Spell file 10-03-13 now available for download.
Coward Augs:
Created but not yet added to bosses in T1-T9
Reduces threat from all spells.
Should fit any aug slot type on shoulders only.
Combine 2 of same rank to get next rank in Magic Box

Are these in game yet? got 6 tofs 5 keys last night no EOFS5, no coward augs.
Also, has anyone gotten a EOFS5, can tell about how many kills it took? i know bad rng etc ...
Going for more keys tonight see how goes.

Yes they are, but not on all bosses yet. I made Hunter aware of this just last night. With another apocalypse in the sky headed his way, it may be a bit.
