EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on October 04, 2013, 01:31:45 am

Title: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Hunter on October 04, 2013, 01:31:45 am
Spell file 10-14-13 is now available!

UW Dagger backstab values reverted back to what they were.
Was trying to fix roll over due to crits.

Roaming Gnome fixed to see old qglobal flag if any old characters did caster guild flag before it was ported to Task.

CG Vendor added a Familiar Pet clickie.

T7 and T8 vendors added Wizard/Druid portal spells.

Surefall Int/Wis Vendors added Root and Snare spells.

T5 added chance to all bosses to drop a piece of jewelry.

Pet Illusion spells added to T5, T7, and T8. Will add to more zones soon.

Created Earring of the Ages quest from Keeper of the Ages NPC now available.
Earring max rank has 90% chance for Divine Intervention.
Checked to make sure Tribute "Second Chance" doesn't make players immortal, and it doesn't.

Created 3 new Reward Item clickies for FD, Heal, and 90% Divine Intervention.

Edit: Both Earring of the Ages and the Divine Intervention Reward Clickie do a complete heal of about 50-100 million HP when it saves you from death.

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Hulkpunch on October 04, 2013, 08:01:19 am
Not to be a dick or anything but is Divine Intervention really the way to go? I do not know, I feel like the whole point of playing is to avoid getting to the point where you would die. I think you guys are really over rating how good DI is as an effect/clicky. The earring is still worth getting for the HP/AC, but I think players would much rather appreciate +damage shield/+regen/+modifiers. Sorry, I know you guys put a lot of work into implementing this and we all appreciate it, but I just wanted to start a discussion while the item was fresh in everyone's minds.

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: red2 on October 04, 2013, 08:03:00 am
love this "T5 added chance to all bosses to drop a piece of jewelry. "
And this could be fun "Pet Illusion spells added to T5, T7, and T8. Will add to more zones soon. ", any chance it will be added to the ink combine list?

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: zefirus on October 04, 2013, 08:05:34 am
That's a lot of work for one person... Nicely done. Oops 2 people, sorry hate

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: hateborne on October 04, 2013, 08:05:48 am
love this "T5 added chance to all bosses to drop a piece of jewelry. "
And this could be fun "Pet Illusion spells added to T5, T7, and T8. Will add to more zones soon. ", any chance it will be added to the ink combine list?

Those, no. They are goofy items of no progression value. I decided on this as a better way to add pet diversity without needing 5025392752 pets. There are ~20 or so pet illusions (and 4 more in ToV). They work on pets and familiars (even cleric/enc pets).


Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Hunter on October 04, 2013, 08:08:59 am
So who's going to be the first person with max rank Earring of the Ages that has 90% Divine Intervention?

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Chunka on October 04, 2013, 08:09:49 am

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: hateborne on October 04, 2013, 08:11:16 am
So who's going to be the first person with max rank Earring of the Ages that has 90% Divine Intervention?

brb, selling my car.


Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Krupa on October 04, 2013, 08:16:59 am
did you guys happen to do something to either the mage pet or the Shylos II spell? I cant survive on lvl 5 in tofs anymore.

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Hunter on October 04, 2013, 08:19:11 am
did you guys happen to do something to either the mage pet or the Shylos II spell? I cant survive on lvl 5 in tofs anymore.

I blame Hate, he's the guy that works on spells.

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: marxist on October 04, 2013, 09:17:45 am
A 6 second recast delay was added to the reward cure clicky.  Can this either get lowered drastically or can we lose the curses/debuffs that are unresistable with over 300 counters that are pretty much chain casted in tofs?

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: hateborne on October 04, 2013, 09:24:38 am
A 6 second recast delay was added to the reward cure clicky.  Can this either get lowered drastically or can we lose the curses/debuffs that are unresistable with over 300 counters that are pretty much chain casted in tofs?

That's part of why the instant cure has a 6 second cooldown. With the cooldown in place can get rid of the 300-500 stack counters. :-)


Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Denzig on October 04, 2013, 09:32:41 am
So Divine Intervention works on EZ now? I seem to remember it getting jacked from a source update and no longer fired (from cleric spell).

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: zefirus on October 04, 2013, 09:49:07 am

I think the Shoulder / shield / back need to be removed from the 20% drop change on 100 mobs. They are 100% off their respective bosses. I did a complete clear of T5 and got two accessory drops off 20 bosses, one being a shoulder.  :o I will rinse and repeat as it may have been bad rng on my part. Def did not see the 20%, but again I have bad rng.

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Expletus on October 04, 2013, 10:07:44 am
50k AA points for the first rank? I'll chalk that shit up to not happening, incoming bank.

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Fugitive on October 04, 2013, 10:34:38 am
50k AA points for the first rank? I'll chalk that shit up to not happening, incoming bank.

Heh.... Right now for the 800s it's 3,000/40,000.. I think I've spent 340,000++ in 800s alone..

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Expletus on October 04, 2013, 11:24:38 am
Yea, I just don't have that kinda time on my hands.  :-\

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: jmaneuv011 on October 04, 2013, 04:34:54 pm
Cure clicky is useless now.  The only things that stick spells are ToFS which need a million clicks to remove or t7 bosses that need 4 or 5 clicks.  It seems to be good for Dragon Poison in t2 now and not much else.

Can we maybe stop screwing with the game that people have enjoyed playing for years?  I appreciate changes being made on bugs or if something is unbalancing that's fine but it's getting a little ridiculous having something nerfed every time we log in.  Especially something like Cure that people have paid money to get

Some people play games because they enjoy building characters and seeing how the time they put in results in being able to do a little more in the game.  Having characters attack slower or heal less or whatever that already ridiculous and annoying frozen concentration in ToFS was doing makes the zone suck

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Tankdan on October 04, 2013, 04:58:54 pm
Can we maybe stop screwing with the game that people have enjoyed playing for years?

Can't say im surprised though.

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Fugitive on October 04, 2013, 05:04:34 pm
Can we maybe stop screwing with the game that people have enjoyed playing for years?


Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: hateborne on October 04, 2013, 05:08:47 pm
Cure clicky is useless now.  The only things that stick spells are ToFS which need a million clicks to remove or t7 bosses that need 4 or 5 clicks.  It seems to be good for Dragon Poison in t2 now and not much else.

See below (or read through the thread).

That's part of why the instant cure has a 6 second cooldown. With the cooldown in place can get rid of the 300-500 stack counters. :-)


Can we maybe stop screwing with the game that people have enjoyed playing for years?  I appreciate changes being made on bugs or if something is unbalancing that's fine but it's getting a little ridiculous having something nerfed every time we log in.  Especially something like Cure that people have paid money to get

"I appreciate changes being made on bugs or if something is unbalancing that's fine but it's getting a little ridiculous having something nerfed every time we log in"

So if something is unbalancing, you are ok with changing it. This was unbalancing, but you aren't ok with it? The reason it was given a brief cooldown is so we can get away from those stupidly high 300+ count debuffs. Those were put in specifically to COUNTER this clicky. I understand that you paid money and the 6 second delay on an INSTANT purge of all debuffs is still a REALLY good deal considering it trivializes ALL debuffs every 6 seconds.

Some people play games because they enjoy building characters and seeing how the time they put in results in being able to do a little more in the game.  Having characters attack slower or heal less or whatever that already ridiculous and annoying frozen concentration in ToFS was doing makes the zone suck

The stupidly high curse/disease/poison counters will be brought down to reasonable levels. They just got split into two separate updates. The characters attacking slower was due to constant "sudden death" and latency issues. High end players were being instagibbed breaking in to new tiers due to the SUPER fast attack speed of the mobs.

This happened almost two years ago when the paladin procs and cleric Word of Viv were reduced, but due to a broken query mid-page, stopped before the debuffs were cut down too. In this case (as stated above), trying to bring things into a more manageable state but the clicky adjustment came before the debuff adjustment. The 300-500 counters will go away in a day or so.

Can we maybe stop screwing with the game that people have enjoyed playing for years?

Let's undo all the changes in the last three years. Let's go back to groups being 1-2 clerics, rest warriors. Let's go back to 30 minutes fights in T4 with Death Touch every 90 - 120 seconds. Let's go back to having NO new spells past level 70 from the EQ developers. Let's also go back to where there were no instances, STRICT 10 mob limits, and charm drops being one in a few thousand.

Friend, nothing in an MMO is static. I'm not trying to insult or mock you, but MMOs are "living". Things will change from time to time (and not always in a fun way). Occasionally though, things get amazing.

Kraken was changed up to be 12-18s of 25k BASE damage procs (and 100k base damage for Kraken II). Skin of the Drake was highly overpowering (which I did not realize) in the sense that it allowed a player to cast ONE spell and then pull large sections alone without the aid of a healer. The Cure Click made it useful to ever attempt to debuff the player unless the debuffs were set with HUGE counters or set uncurable.


Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: hateborne on October 04, 2013, 05:10:55 pm
Bah, nevermind. Anytime there are a hundred new abilities, no one says a damn thing.

One NECESSARY adjustment is made and shitstorm kicks up.

Forget justifying anything to deaf ears anymore. If you legitimately want an answer, PM. Otherwise patch-notes are all I'm going to post anymore.


Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Fugitive on October 04, 2013, 05:32:55 pm
Bah, nevermind. Anytime there are a hundred new abilities, no one says a damn thing.

One NECESSARY adjustment is made and shitstorm kicks up.

Forget justifying anything to deaf ears anymore. If you legitimately want an answer, PM. Otherwise patch-notes are all I'm going to post anymore.


I like Turtles

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: jmaneuv011 on October 04, 2013, 05:34:02 pm
Saying "let's change everything from the last 3 years" is ridiculous and you know it.

I feel like I'm logging into a different game every time I log in now and it's getting to be a bit much.  I think a lot of people would agree with me

SoTD was unbalancing I'd agree as well as a couple of others like the BP Riposte.  Wiping out an annoying stat debuff that just makes fights take longer isn't unbalancing in my book, however.  On that note, why sell us a clicky if you're going to purposely make it not useable in relevant content?  Especially given the recent 500% price increase on the item... (which was still worth it in its old form)

Lowering the counters won't really help because if you pull as many as 5 mobs in ToFS they'll just slap a new debuff on you instantly anyway.  The other way you could at least be free of it for as much as half the fight.

I appreciate the hard work you guys put into the game and I know it isn't fun to have people not be fans of all of them but some of these changes are making the game less fun for everybody and I don't want to see the server I like playing on become unenjoyable.  Besides, people won't want to donate for a game if they feel like the item they buy is going to be nerfed or their characters are constantly being made weaker.

Why PM?  This affects everybody here so let's have the discussion here to encourage feedback

-Zeroco (I think I'd be trolling at this point if I didn't put my in game name)

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Chunka on October 04, 2013, 05:39:14 pm
Understand the frustration, Hate.....but you need to understand that this frustration is a 2 way street. Many of us can see something being changed within a few days, even weeks after its implemented.....but we're talking about a whole shitload of people who've specifically built a team based on the abilities of the core characters (core, of course, always being tank/heal)....and done so based on abilities that have been in place for a long time (in MMO terms, even here, 10 months plus is an eternity).

People here have been using Drake for a long time to help move through content. They've geared druids, flagged them, swapped out healers, changed team balance completely BECAUSE they thought that Drake, in the game for so long, was working as intended. Now its taken away....and that means retooling groups....again. And it means parking yet another character thats a member of a now near useless class. My only hope is that somehow a good balance will be struck that makes a druid a viable healing class again, because atm there is absolutely ZERO reason to add a druid to a team. Its back to being a PL or buff and camp class, which is a shame.

And yes, we understand that its just one or two people managing content! But you'd have to be an imbecile to not be able to understand the PLAYERS frustration....and I know damned well you arent an imbecile.....yer just havin a rough day :D

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Peign on October 04, 2013, 06:03:37 pm
Understand the frustration, Hate.....but you need to understand that this frustration is a 2 way street. Many of us can see something being changed within a few days, even weeks after its implemented.....but we're talking about a whole shitload of people who've specifically built a team based on the abilities of the core characters (core, of course, always being tank/heal)....and done so based on abilities that have been in place for a long time (in MMO terms, even here, 10 months plus is an eternity).

People here have been using Drake for a long time to help move through content. They've geared druids, flagged them, swapped out healers, changed team balance completely BECAUSE they thought that Drake, in the game for so long, was working as intended. Now its taken away....and that means retooling groups....again. And it means parking yet another character thats a member of a now near useless class. My only hope is that somehow a good balance will be struck that makes a druid a viable healing class again, because atm there is absolutely ZERO reason to add a druid to a team. Its back to being a PL or buff and camp class, which is a shame.

And yes, we understand that its just one or two people managing content! But you'd have to be an imbecile to not be able to understand the PLAYERS frustration....and I know damned well you arent an imbecile.....yer just havin a rough day :D

Drake has been somewhat fixed and is now useable.    You may not be able to use it to pull 150+ trains  ( I know you were not doing this anyway Brick) but it is definitely a viable spell now.    Druid back off the bench!

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Tankdan on October 04, 2013, 06:04:28 pm
Forget justifying anything to deaf ears anymore. If you legitimately want an answer, PM. Otherwise patch-notes are all I'm going to post anymore.
Almost every update I read recently makes the game less fun and controversial.  That's a fact.  We were just getting used to huge changes to UW/SoA/whatever else was done a week or two ago, and before that even sinks in we're getting anally rammed 5 minutes after getting shot in the stomach.  I don't ever remember hearing a discussion on Cure charm or it being a problem whatsoever. It's like these changes just come out of thin air randomly.

What else in on the plate as far as nerfs go?  I can't even find motivation to log in knowing that tomorrow there will prob be more nerfs and a new spell file.    

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Takishi on October 04, 2013, 06:16:10 pm
IJAG...calm down.  Yes, I have the clicky cure and have nerfed classes, but honestly....i still enjoy it. Hate and Hunter could safe f%&k it, shut it down and call it a day. But they are trying to keep all of the updates fair, classes mostly balanced and new content coming.  

If hunter put a reward item of a fugi clone pet, everyone would get it, beat all current content and still bitch about something I'm sure.

It'll be OK. Drink more, get some, do whatever you need to bring the panties from between your cheeks.  Have ideas to fix druids or clicky or whatever? Post them and I'm sure they'll be considered.  If not, smash your monitor and take a break.

PS - yep I'm a scrub in T4 / T5, and I'm cool with that

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Fugitive on October 04, 2013, 06:24:11 pm
If hunter put a reward item of a fugi clone pet, everyone would get it, beat all current content and still bitch about something I'm sure.

I'd farm it or pay for it... good Idea Takishi!!!

I can see Dimur running around with Mini-Me... /sexting it...

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Takishi on October 04, 2013, 06:25:50 pm
I'd farm it or pay for it... good Idea Takishi!!!

Hell i would too!  I wouldn't even need a group til T7 at that point ;)

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Hulkpunch on October 04, 2013, 06:35:18 pm
I like Turtles
I like obamacare

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Takishi on October 04, 2013, 06:43:11 pm
I like obamacare

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Expletus on October 04, 2013, 07:30:38 pm

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Expletus on October 04, 2013, 07:38:48 pm
On a serious note....

Drake for me has been fixed for exactly what I was using it for. Running up and pulling some mobs back to the pack w/out getting crushed and letting my cleric eat a pile of rubber dog poo for healing me. I do appreciate that.

The kraken change to me just seems pointless. You already put in gift of annihilation for enchanters to give you the "big burst" you wanted. Changing it to 25k base for that short of a time frame, i think it ends up being 18 or 20 secs to me isn't worth it with that cool down. Kraken, the old way, was a huge help for me being a casual player with getting that extra dps I needed w/out pimping out some toons with an UC. Now it just doesn't seem worth it to me.

Title: Re: Updates 10-04-13
Post by: Chunka on October 04, 2013, 08:06:27 pm
What about kraken was broken, btw?