EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gnaughty on May 22, 2010, 12:57:05 am

Title: Ninjalooting
Post by: Gnaughty on May 22, 2010, 12:57:05 am
Ok whats the deal man this is getting out of hand, do people know this isnt cool?  Tonight I'm gearing up a new ranger named Talgothon hes my new alt right and helping a monk who asked for me to get pages in potime.  I just kill eight eyes and let the monk loot page and I'm getting ready to use Homey he mage to summon ranger to loot a BP.  I look over and this guy named Jerome is over corpse looting it and I say wtf is going on and he replies minfd if I loot this.  I go off yelling and he replies oh your just crying and you didnt even have a ranger there.  Last night I'm helping a guy get tokens in Qvic when I look over and this fucker is looting a boss I just killed and he runs and hides when yell at him, I cant remember his name but some last night may have seen me bitching in ooc.  What the hell is going on?  Do I have to have fraps running at all times now? Kajira seems to be his alt because hes speaking on that char now berating me for complaining that he ninjad the BP.  Thought I had a screenshot but I'm too much of a retard to take one i guess but everyone in /ooc tonight saw him admitting to looting it.  He keeps defemding himself by saying it was ready to rot.  Sorry if I got busy and wife talking to me about my teenagers but fuck .  Some other guys said there is a rule that if you dont loot by the time its unlocked then you dont have loot rights anymore is that true?

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: qualin on May 22, 2010, 01:08:26 am
I killed a boss in LDoN6, just as a guild ran up.....one that's been known for being vultures and ninja looting. I wanted to put them to the test.  So I kill the boss, loot, and I just stand there, mind you I'm taking screen shots the whole time, waiting to see if this guy is gonna check corpse without asking.

So the timer hits 27:30, and finally after staring at each other for 2 minutes and 30 seconds, he says and I quote "You here for pages?" I reply "Nope" and with that he loots mob.

Is that asking permission? No, not in my opinion, but I was pleasantly surprised they said anything to me at all before checking the corpse.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: ieawenpo on May 22, 2010, 01:46:10 am
Ive had my own experiences with this crap and its getting out of hand.
I ALWAYS ask before looting and wait for a response.
Doesnt matter the time on the corpse.
I was in Qvic tonight and there was a corpse with 10 mins left with plate bracer, I asked if it was available because my war was near. Sure enough, they had someone coming for it.
Had i not followed the server RULES, I would have pissed someone off.

Loot is like water here and is easily come across, just get permission before looting, its a simple rule.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Reed on May 22, 2010, 02:01:21 am
Do I have to have fraps running at all times now?


Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: PORTIS on May 22, 2010, 12:18:28 pm
I think the rules should change,

If there is a body on the ground, any body inc trash only one of two things can happen.

1) A member of the party says /say you may loot now, until that point nobody goes near to even look whats there.

2) You send a direct tell to the member of the party killing, the one moving normally if a box team, and ask "may I look" if you get no respone dont assume you can. Just take it for granted that either they are afk and wait or dont want you to loot and dont want to repsond.

As far as I can see why would anything but these two options work. I know and have suffered this, you feel like you have to guard corpses (especially qvic) this puts people on edge and makes them short with passers by. This is camped, dont go near the corpse, what do you want, all these response I have had just when passing through places minding my own business but understandably if its somebody who doesnt know me. The first thing I say to anyone with corpses on the ground is, dont worry I wont go near them.. This sort of respect should be expected, how would you feel if it was your kill?

I used to think it was ok to look, corpse on ground, you look, something you want, you ask is it free before taking, no response you leave it.. now I dont believe that anymore cause not everyone has the same morals and you cant put a wide presidence on it, really cause there as those that look and take and skip the ask. I am sure people wouldnt mind people looking if they KNEW 100% nobody would take.

I  am also now becoming more akin with those that destroy loot, I hate and I mean really hate doing it. But when you got people swarming all over kills and tagging nearby mobs accidentally and killing grp members and shit it gets very frustrating also.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: sebekl on May 22, 2010, 02:19:25 pm
In the past I have shouted out my rots to people in qvic/tacvi/pod... But it has gotten so ridiculous that now i just delete everything.  coins/armor doesn't matter.  People get pissed and I really dont care.  I am sick of people expecting to get rots to move up in content...  I worked for my stuff boxing and grouping.

EZ is meant to be ez but I am not about to crowd tacvi/pod because people want a free ride.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Balthor on May 22, 2010, 03:19:19 pm
There doesnt need to be a new rule its clearly fucking stated already.
What needs to happen is all you faggot vultures out there need to get the fuck outa zones you cant kill shit in. IF someone has rots they announce that shit in global chats. Come get it then. Otherwise just fuck off.

Also all you fuckers assisting these vultures to flag up and shit should really just stop. You are making the problems worse.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: ieawenpo on May 22, 2010, 03:55:25 pm
There doesnt need to be a new rule its clearly fucking stated already.
What needs to happen is all you faggot vultures out there need to get the fuck outa zones you cant kill shit in. IF someone has rots they announce that shit in global chats. Come get it then. Otherwise just fuck off.

Also all you fuckers assisting these vultures to flag up and shit should really just stop. You are making the problems worse.

I agree that people need to wake up and go by the rules.
Buddy last night in OOC was defending himself saying the corpse was xx minutes old etc.
Although he clearly didnt have permission to loot.

I disagree with the help part though, Sebekl and plenty others helped me get t3 flagged and im now helping others.
I think we are just seeing a bunch of newbs being assholes lately.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: sebekl on May 22, 2010, 07:58:56 pm
I'm not saying i'm not helping anyone anymore.  All i said is that im done flooding tacvi/pod by giving away rots when im lvling up an alt.  I've been helped a lot and have given tons back flaggin people and giving away rots.  With all the new people wanting handouts and just expecting to get far for nothing on ez is just pissing me off so im done with helping in qvic/pod/tacvi.  You want rots get ur own imo.

Perfect example right here...  Was at water tiki couple weeks ago gearing up another warrior and a zerker just for the hell of it.  I was there for about 16 hours over two days and saw 5 plate legs drop.  after my warrior got them i proceeded to ask guild who needed em.  3 got stolen by ninjalooters instead of my guildies because they are god damn vultures and think they own the damn server.

/soapbox off

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Eliseus on May 22, 2010, 08:00:48 pm
I'm looking for help in Tacvi! WTB Help!

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Lzert on May 22, 2010, 08:18:49 pm
I'm all for earning my way or whatever, but when no one wants to group, it makes it hard.  I've sat in Qvic a few nights watching overgeared 3boxers walk around killing everything and then complaining because people want to "vulture their loot" but none ever offer me an opportunity to join them or in some other way "earn" the right to get gear out of the zone.

I'm trying, but I'm also hoping to get my 3.0 one day, so I take what I can get.

That said, I try and ask.  If I don't see anyone around a corpse, I assume it's been abandoned and loot.  I've checked a corpse without asking before, and recognize I shouldn't do that as it makes people nervous, so I've stopped doing that and try and ask first if I see anyone around.

I don't like being a "f'n vulture".  But jumping from LDON to Qvic is a pretty massive jump.  While I can pretty much get anything I want out of LDON, trash in Qvic owns me, and I can't find groups most nights.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Reed on May 22, 2010, 08:20:06 pm
I was there for about 16 hours over two days and saw 5 plate legs drop. 

Wow dude, thats impressive!

Sucks that 60% of it was stolen though. That's the BS we all know and hate =/

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Gnaughty on May 22, 2010, 09:05:26 pm
Ok my new motto is LOOT AND DESTROY...take your time to destroy and leave nothing behind.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: ieawenpo on May 22, 2010, 10:48:35 pm
I may not have fraps running full time.
Does Fapping full time count?

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Teikashi on May 23, 2010, 01:09:03 am
I haven't had time to log on in the past few weeks, but I always check the forums almost every day to keep up to date. And it seems like ninja looting and vultures have really become a huge issue in the past month. Very disappointing.

Isn't there a way to hide a corpse from view? Maybe setting up a hot key for that could help with random vultures. Also, would it be possible for Hunter to increase the loot time from 2.5 minutes to 5 minutes? That way, you'll have some more time to finish off trash mobs/adds before random people ninja your kill.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Scootz on May 23, 2010, 03:11:06 am
Easiest way to do it is loot that shit immediately, dont waste time especially if vultures are looming. also since apparently the Vendetta comments are locked up without anyone able to respond, REED put in guild moderator ( before he acted like a bitch and attempted to destroy Vendetta ) to destroy all rots from qvic on up especially if Last Stand was there. So as a member i went about my duties to avoid being kicked, blame it on REED his ego trip almost demolished a solid guild and then when i asked him what happened he lied to me like a garden tool, (HOE) and said he was gonna make a guild, all of you who were complaining about destroying rots in qvic and up, it's cuz of REED.

P.S. hero forumn troll REED I hope your guild has requirements for not hiring a leader who takes over and spends 90% percent of his time on some forumns and taking rots without playing the game asshat!

PPS. thanks for the guild invite, US military leaves no man behind, well except you who kicked 4 or 5 military members!

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Eliseus on May 23, 2010, 03:27:34 am

PPS. thanks for the guild invite, US military leaves no man behind, well except you who kicked 4 or 5 military members!

Lol, I have no problems with you scootz but, you realize you are playing a video game right? Using comments like that don't really apply to the "fantasy" world.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Scootz on May 23, 2010, 05:07:11 am
OK maybe I raged a bit too hard here. "my bad" and I won't keep this up. just had a bit of RAGE when I was lied to and kicked for no reason.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Aaralynn on May 23, 2010, 05:40:54 am
There there Scootz, all is right in the world again. We loves you. <3

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Balthor on May 23, 2010, 06:20:19 am
love me some scootz

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Aaralynn on May 23, 2010, 08:04:33 am

PPS. thanks for the guild invite, US military leaves no man behind, well except you who kicked 4 or 5 military members!

Lol, I have no problems with you scootz but, you realize you are playing a video game right? Using comments like that don't really apply to the "fantasy" world.

I just wanted to point this out for Scootz, because he is really super drunk right now. But the reason he said that, is because some fag was flaming him saying, "how could you do that to Reed/Cero? He is a US Military member!" A bit hypocritical of said flamer, dont you think?

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: greasy on May 23, 2010, 08:38:56 am
To bring the thread back on topic:

I have to admit I've gotten a fair share of gear through rots, I mean if something is rotting and you have permission to take it, why not take it?  On that same note though, QVIC is getting out of hand.  At any time there can be 45-50 people there, and probably 10-15 are ungrouped, just floating around behind the groups looting all the corpses.  I like the new tactic people have developed.  Try to 'hide' off to the side until the corpse hits 27:30, run in really fast, loot, and hide around another corner.

I've started destroying my loot as well simply because having 5 extra people circling around my group of boxed toons makes it very difficult to see whats going on, or target things.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: ieawenpo on May 23, 2010, 09:26:59 am
I had a monk follow us through qvic the other night for 4 hours. Not a single issue, polite as can be and wasnt intrusive at all.
In the end I wish I would have hung around and got him his 2 tunnel tokens but I was spent.
There are good people in this game, but, lately theyve been outnumbered.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Thyl on May 23, 2010, 11:04:58 pm
Some other guys said there is a rule that if you dont loot by the time its unlocked then you dont have loot rights anymore is that true?

No it's not true, fuck that guy.  You kill it, it's yours, it's stated clearly in the rules. Don't let them try to argue that shit with you.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: robpickles on May 24, 2010, 11:30:48 am
I wonder if there is a way to remove the 'timer' aspect from a corpse and make it so that it could be "released" by the person who killed it to another player instead of automatically being opened up to all at a certain time.

That way if they want it they can go back for it and/or release it to an alt OR a person who has asked permission.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Reed on May 24, 2010, 11:33:58 am
Lately im seeing alot more asking for permission to loot corpses. Either people are reading the forums more, or im just running into a streak of actual courteous people. Either way, im happy about it.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: robpickles on May 24, 2010, 11:39:24 am
Lately im seeing alot more asking for permission to loot corpses. Either people are reading the forums more, or im just running into a streak of actual courteous people. Either way, im happy about it.

Well that is always a good thing! :)

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 24, 2010, 07:21:55 pm
i have personally never ninjalooted a corpse (i always ask first) i think many forget what its like to be new. many of those ninja looting i have noticed mainly do it in qvic. do you know why? A new player with 2.5 can not kill in the zone. and those who can kill in the zone never allow these new players to group with them in the zone to get tokens/gear. so how are they to get the tokens they need for their 3.0 epics?

I understand the frustration of players camping these bosses for their alts/guildies. But few consider the new player who has 2 choices to get their 3.0 epics/gear either ninjaloot or quit. If every new player would quit the server would become quite stale. if all progression is going to be stopped for the new players then i would suggest locking the server as a private server altogether to save new players the trouble of getting started only to be stuck and so players would not need to worry about ninjalooters.

Try this, create a new character and do not box and do not let friends know who you are. Just act as if you are a new player. Get to level 70 then try doing your 1.5 with out asking for help. same with quill/terror. Then try to do ldon to get your 2.0 pages without help. Then try to camp your fg/cg items then try to do qvic. 1.5-2.5 you could probably get help with i have myself helped a few players in potime and ldon for pages. So getting the 2.0 epic while hard it is doable.

But i wish you the best of luck with 3.0. Most say "make friends" or "join a guild" 2 problems with that the first being that friends you make are not powerfull enough to help you in qvic most of the time. The second being that not all guilds do qvic and those that do it alot have high criteria for those who join that new players generally do not stack up to and can not without help.

There is a huge jump in dificulty from bot to time. Then another huge dificulty jump from time to ldon (many do camp bosses in ldon for points so leave pages which can help new players if they follow those groups in) And an insane jump from ldon to qvic. Most that have been here a while do not notice these jumps as they either walk alts through it or have friends do it.

Yes ninjalooting is becoming a problem but that is generally because it is a new player that does not know better and never had any one tell/show them that what they are doing. Many log onto the server from the login and do not know these forums are here. This is evident by some of the questions asked in /ooc.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Eliseus on May 24, 2010, 07:25:13 pm
I personally think Qvic needs to be tuned down a bit. or 3.0 needs to be obtained in another way to allow people to progress through it easier. Reason I'm saying this isn't because of my lazy side but Tacvi (imo) is easier then Qvic but a higher tier, but IDK. May just be my laziness speaking

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: istvaan on May 24, 2010, 07:45:09 pm
PoTime is doable by 4 people in full BoT gear.
LDoN is doable by 4 people in full PoTime gear.
Qvic is doable by 4 people in full LDoN gear.
Tacvi is doable by 4 people in full Qvic gear.
PoD T1 is doable by 4 people in full Tacvi gear.
PoD T2 is doable by 4 people in full PoD T1 gear.

I do not see the problem here. Content is not so difficult that ninja looting is acceptable. Ninja looting is never acceptable.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Eliseus on May 24, 2010, 07:56:57 pm
Content is doable, ya, just saying that Qvic bosses feel harder then Tacvi :P

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 24, 2010, 08:03:33 pm
To say that the only way to progress is ninja loot or beg for help is a very simple way of looking at things. You can join a guild, there are guilds that regularly do qvic and epic runs. Granted not all of the guilds do epic runs there are lower end guilds that do them as well. As for a solo person not being able to go into qvic and get their 3.0, I guarantee you this server would not have the population it has if they could.

There are ways to progress on this server, it's just those ways are harder than vulturing.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 24, 2010, 08:07:45 pm
Like i said do not take my word for it create a new character and with no help from your guildies/friends just see how far you can go without asking for help :)

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 24, 2010, 08:25:14 pm
Like i said do not take my word for it create a new character and with no help from your guildies/friends just see how far you can go without asking for help :)

And what I started here knowing everyone? No, I started here just like most everyone else starts now, knowing no one and not having any leg up. Again, if you are talking about a solo person then yes, they will get stuck in time. It clearly indicates it is a raid zone so you have to bring more than one toon with you. If you are staying that it is not able to be done with 3 or 4 toons, then you just need to change your strat/choice of characters.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 24, 2010, 08:29:48 pm
Like i said do not take my word for it create a new character and with no help from your guildies/friends just see how far you can go without asking for help :)

And what I started here knowing everyone? No, I started here just like most everyone else starts now, knowing no one and not having any leg up. Again, if you are talking about a solo person then yes, they will get stuck in time. It clearly indicates it is a raid zone so you have to bring more than one toon with you. If you are staying that it is not able to be done with 3 or 4 toons, then you just need to change your strat/choice of characters.

My point is that when new players enter there are not many other new players to group with. Most you see are some one elses alt being ran through these zones. So they see alot of rotting corpses and these are what they use to equip themselves with while progressing. Finding 4 new players to hit qvic with is extremely rare. but seeing groups of people slaughtering the zone for gear letting tokens rott is alot more common.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 24, 2010, 08:32:51 pm
Like i said do not take my word for it create a new character and with no help from your guildies/friends just see how far you can go without asking for help :)

And what I started here knowing everyone? No, I started here just like most everyone else starts now, knowing no one and not having any leg up. Again, if you are talking about a solo person then yes, they will get stuck in time. It clearly indicates it is a raid zone so you have to bring more than one toon with you. If you are staying that it is not able to be done with 3 or 4 toons, then you just need to change your strat/choice of characters.

My point is that when new players enter there are not many other new players to group with. Most you see are some one elses alt being ran through these zones. So they see alot of rotting corpses and these are what they use to equip themselves with while progressing. Finding 4 new players to hit qvic with is extremely rare. but seeing groups of people slaughtering the zone for gear letting tokens rott is alot more common.

Thus proving my point:
There are ways to progress on this server, it's just those ways are harder than vulturing.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Eliseus on May 24, 2010, 08:38:44 pm
Anyone actually have a picture of a Vulture? A vulture is a bird correct? Whats one even look like?

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Bikaf on May 24, 2010, 08:41:17 pm
the keyword to take home from zolton's post was "no help from your guildies/friends".

He finally figured out that we all came to this server with a full guild and a set group of friends.

Never in the history of EZ Server has anyone slowly put together a guild formed solely on the basis of "Hey you look like you're struggling too, lets form a guild" or "Hey you don't have a guild but you run around for 5-6 chars all the time, would you like to join us if not just for the extra chat channel?"

The previous paragraph has *never* happened on EZ.

p.s. vultures are huge birds.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 24, 2010, 10:13:00 pm
Like i said do not take my word for it create a new character and with no help from your guildies/friends just see how far you can go without asking for help :)

And what I started here knowing everyone? No, I started here just like most everyone else starts now, knowing no one and not having any leg up. Again, if you are talking about a solo person then yes, they will get stuck in time. It clearly indicates it is a raid zone so you have to bring more than one toon with you. If you are staying that it is not able to be done with 3 or 4 toons, then you just need to change your strat/choice of characters.

My point is that when new players enter there are not many other new players to group with. Most you see are some one elses alt being ran through these zones. So they see alot of rotting corpses and these are what they use to equip themselves with while progressing. Finding 4 new players to hit qvic with is extremely rare. but seeing groups of people slaughtering the zone for gear letting tokens rott is alot more common.

Thus proving my point:
There are ways to progress on this server, it's just those ways are harder than vulturing.

Actually more to proving mine. How can you kill a boss already dead? I have in the past sat and tried to get a group going for qvic. I sat there for 3+ hours looking for others to group with. Then a group came in i sent a tell asking if they were after tokens and gear? or just tokens. When they said gear i asked to tag along to loot tokens for my epic. They said sure no problem so i tagged along watched and learned and chatted with them. After i got the tokens they offered to do the last 5 i needed to help me out.

I don't think its so much the new players as the old ones thinking they are to leet to help a new guy out. How are the new players to learn if others are not there to help them out and teach them? Not every player who starts out on ez server are ex raiders or people who have played eq for years. Some need help learning the controls and commands and what is considered taboo. So rather then helping these new players people would much rather gripe and complain about some one trying to get ahead the only way they can?

On some games and servers it is considered taboo to camp quest mobs for gear without a player in the group that needs the quest item. Maybe thats what is needed here. You want to camp qvic mobs to get that last armor piece? Well be forced to take some one along needing the tokens. Which i do not understand why some people that are only there for gear do not invite others needing tokens. But i am guessing they are afraid of them looting gear. If they do that kick them simple enough right?

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: istvaan on May 24, 2010, 10:31:05 pm
On some games and servers it is considered taboo to camp quest mobs for gear without a player in the group that needs the quest item. Maybe thats what is needed here. You want to camp qvic mobs to get that last armor piece? Well be forced to take some one along needing the tokens.

That wouldn't work when you need Qvic gear to make t0/t1/t2/t3/t4...

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 24, 2010, 10:43:18 pm
On some games and servers it is considered taboo to camp quest mobs for gear without a player in the group that needs the quest item. Maybe thats what is needed here. You want to camp qvic mobs to get that last armor piece? Well be forced to take some one along needing the tokens.

That wouldn't work when you need Qvic gear to make t0/t1/t2/t3/t4...

That may be true but what is the point of letting tokens rott/destroying them to stop players from progressing? One would think qvic would be more friendly considering you always have people who need tokens and others needing gear. It should be a give and take there as they are farming their gear and the ones needing tokens are looting the rotts. but instead you hear comments made such as "scavengers" or "vultures".

If it was set up that to farm for the qvic armor you need at least 1 person with you who needs tokens would be beneficial. Corpses all over lag the zone alot add to that the warrior augs and such that crash the zone make it a real pita to farm qvic any way. This way they can get their gear and others can get tokens. Not sure why you would think this would not work.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: ieawenpo on May 24, 2010, 10:47:16 pm
PoTime is doable by 4 people in full BoT gear.
LDoN is doable by 4 people in full PoTime gear.
Qvic is doable by 4 people in full LDoN gear.
Tacvi is doable by 4 people in full Qvic gear.
PoD T1 is doable by 4 people in full Tacvi gear.
PoD T2 is doable by 4 people in full PoD T1 gear.

I do not see the problem here. Content is not so difficult that ninja looting is acceptable. Ninja looting is never acceptable.
this is true, the issue isnt the hardness, the issue is the availability.
Qvic is harder due to access to the zone and mob locations compared to the other zones prior.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: ieawenpo on May 24, 2010, 10:49:44 pm
i am hoping more and more read the forums, yes, EZ is a self policing server,  but i do wish we had more bans to send messages to those offending.
Maybe an interim GM while Hunter is afk, i know wicked was helping but, we could have sent a message to that entire "Guild" in question quickly and probably stop a lot of shit from happening after.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: istvaan on May 24, 2010, 10:58:01 pm
That may be true but what is the point of letting tokens rott/destroying them to stop players from progressing? One would think qvic would be more friendly considering you always have people who need tokens and others needing gear. It should be a give and take there as they are farming their gear and the ones needing tokens are looting the rotts. but instead you hear comments made such as "scavengers" or "vultures".

If it was set up that to farm for the qvic armor you need at least 1 person with you who needs tokens would be beneficial. Corpses all over lag the zone alot add to that the warrior augs and such that crash the zone make it a real pita to farm qvic any way. This way they can get their gear and others can get tokens. Not sure why you would think this would not work.

If people are unable to a) box the zone, or b) unable to find groups for the zone, then why do they need the tokens anyways? So that they can continue to be unable to box/find groups in tacvi/t1/t2/t3/t4?

Either join a guild or find a group that has less than 6 people who only need the gear to join up with.... or 4+ box.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 24, 2010, 10:58:39 pm
Actually more to proving mine. How can you kill a boss already dead? I have in the past sat and tried to get a group going for qvic. I sat there for 3+ hours looking for others to group with. Then a group came in i sent a tell asking if they were after tokens and gear? or just tokens. When they said gear i asked to tag along to loot tokens for my epic. They said sure no problem so i tagged along watched and learned and chatted with them. After i got the tokens they offered to do the last 5 i needed to help me out.

It is good that you got help but to suggest the mobs are perma camped is incorrect. I was in there recently and though there were times I had to wait, the wait was actually less than when I started over a year ago because the respawn was reduced from 2 hours. If anything it has gotten easier.

I don't think its so much the new players as the old ones thinking they are to leet to help a new guy out. How are the new players to learn if others are not there to help them out and teach them? Not every player who starts out on ez server are ex raiders or people who have played eq for years. Some need help learning the controls and commands and what is considered taboo. So rather then helping these new players people would much rather gripe and complain about some one trying to get ahead the only way they can?

If you have not figured out the controls by the time you've reached qvic then you should consider finding something else to do with your time than playing games on a computer. As for server etiquette, again you should have learned this already, the rest you can learn from the forums. However to suggest that people don't know that it is impolite to steal loot is incredibly naive. As for learning the content, others before you have learned it just fine. Remember, this server was not born with people having 3.0's.

On some games and servers it is considered taboo to camp quest mobs for gear without a player in the group that needs the quest item. Maybe thats what is needed here. You want to camp qvic mobs to get that last armor piece? Well be forced to take some one along needing the tokens. Which i do not understand why some people that are only there for gear do not invite others needing tokens. But i am guessing they are afraid of them looting gear. If they do that kick them simple enough right?

I've played a lot if different games, I have played most of the green servers on eqemu, I played eqlive, I played wow live and wow emu, and I could go on and on. I have never heard of a game that it was taboo to camp something you need, even if it is a quest item that drops with other items you need. This is a naive one sided ideology.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Bikaf on May 24, 2010, 11:10:40 pm
Xiggie: We should give credit to Zolton for providing extensive insight and offering solutions to problems he sees on the server.

Although given that the solutions are often poorly thought out and typically geared to temporarily solve his personal problems with total disregard to how it effects the other 100s of players that log in and have came before and will come after is a whole other basket of crap.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 24, 2010, 11:15:52 pm
Actually more to proving mine. How can you kill a boss already dead? I have in the past sat and tried to get a group going for qvic. I sat there for 3+ hours looking for others to group with. Then a group came in i sent a tell asking if they were after tokens and gear? or just tokens. When they said gear i asked to tag along to loot tokens for my epic. They said sure no problem so i tagged along watched and learned and chatted with them. After i got the tokens they offered to do the last 5 i needed to help me out.

It is good that you got help but to suggest the mobs are perma camped is incorrect. I was in there recently and though there were times I had to wait, the wait was actually less than when I started over a year ago because the respawn was reduced from 2 hours. If anything it has gotten easier.

I don't think its so much the new players as the old ones thinking they are to leet to help a new guy out. How are the new players to learn if others are not there to help them out and teach them? Not every player who starts out on ez server are ex raiders or people who have played eq for years. Some need help learning the controls and commands and what is considered taboo. So rather then helping these new players people would much rather gripe and complain about some one trying to get ahead the only way they can?

If you have not figured out the controls by the time you've reached qvic then you should consider finding something else to do with your time than playing games on a computer. As for server etiquette, again you should have learned this already, the rest you can learn from the forums. However to suggest that people don't know that it is impolite to steal loot is incredibly naive. As for learning the content, others before you have learned it just fine. Remember, this server was not born with people having 3.0's.

On some games and servers it is considered taboo to camp quest mobs for gear without a player in the group that needs the quest item. Maybe thats what is needed here. You want to camp qvic mobs to get that last armor piece? Well be forced to take some one along needing the tokens. Which i do not understand why some people that are only there for gear do not invite others needing tokens. But i am guessing they are afraid of them looting gear. If they do that kick them simple enough right?

I've played a lot if different games, I have played most of the green servers on eqemu, I played eqlive, I played wow live and wow emu, and I could go on and on. I have never heard of a game that it was taboo to camp something you need, even if it is a quest item that drops with other items you need. This is a naive one sided ideology.

i have to say you are the quote master /rolleyes You really do not need to quote so much.

I never said they were permacamped. you like to misquote people alot >_<

After the next quote again you misquote me >_<

I never said that people got to qvic without knowing the controls. Please point to where you get these misquotes. You keep pointing your finger and misquotes at me as if i do not read the forums or know the game controls/mechanics. You do so many misquotes you make a persons head hurt to think where to start to reply >_<

Obviously you have not played very many mmorpgs if you have never came across that before. And in other games it is considered griefing to kill a quest mob just for loot. And it is bannable. I have played far to many mmorpgs everything from runescape to free to play mmorpgs such as shaiya to wow to everquest 1 and 2 on live. Each have their own taboos and not all are exactly the same. And each server is diferent.

And i challenge you to show me how a new player totally new to eq let alone ez server is to know everything if they do not even know the website. Then they find most of their loot on corpses left from some one doing roa who has a pile of mobs there left to rott only killed for exp not drops. I'm just saying there are two sides to every story and you should think of the other player/players as well. I think alot of the drama that comes are mainly from people who are inconsiderate of others.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 24, 2010, 11:16:31 pm
That made me literally laugh out loud. Still getting a chuckle out of it. I wish we could see how many copy and paste that text to enlarge it.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 24, 2010, 11:21:04 pm
Xiggie: We should give credit to Zolton for providing extensive insight and offering solutions to problems he sees on the server.

Although given that the solutions are often poorly thought out and typically geared to temporarily solve his personal problems with total disregard to how it effects the other 100s of players that log in and have came before and will come after is a whole other basket of crap.

And we all know that coming on the forums to complain with no insight or offering of suggestions but to instead complain how so and so looted such and such from a mob that had 2 minutes and 30 seconds to loot with no thought as to why they did it is better? I was pointing out why many do it and offering a way to fix the problem. And i was just pointing out why the problem has started and why it may continue to be a problem.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Bikaf on May 24, 2010, 11:30:41 pm
And i was just pointing out why the problem has started and why it may continue to be a problem.

Please excuse me if i'm off base here.

If it was set up that to farm for the qvic armor you need at least 1 person with you who needs tokens would be beneficial. Corpses all over lag the zone alot add to that the warrior augs and such that crash the zone make it a real pita to farm qvic any way. This way they can get their gear and others can get tokens. Not sure why you would think this would not work.

What is your plan in how to implement that?  Will it be a requirement to get into qvic?  Will there be a "holding pen" of sorts for folks that both need armor and their tokens but don't want to do anything but sit back and throw turmoil warts at the bosses?  What about if nobody is available?  Will you be there with fraps to show hunter that somebody is farming gear but not giving you your fair share of tokens?  Making something taboo because you say it is works more against your objective than it does for it.

I'd say this is right up there with your "idea" to have folks camping multiple items at a single spawn to have to leave after they got one and then come back later for their 2nd and 3rd one.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 24, 2010, 11:46:05 pm
And i was just pointing out why the problem has started and why it may continue to be a problem.

Please excuse me if i'm off base here.

If it was set up that to farm for the qvic armor you need at least 1 person with you who needs tokens would be beneficial. Corpses all over lag the zone alot add to that the warrior augs and such that crash the zone make it a real pita to farm qvic any way. This way they can get their gear and others can get tokens. Not sure why you would think this would not work.

What is your plan in how to implement that?  Will it be a requirement to get into qvic?  Will there be a "holding pen" of sorts for folks that both need armor and their tokens but don't want to do anything but sit back and throw turmoil warts at the bosses?  What about if nobody is available?  Will you be there with fraps to show hunter that somebody is farming gear but not giving you your fair share of tokens?  Making something taboo because you say it is works more against your objective than it does for it.

I'd say this is right up there with your "idea" to have folks camping multiple items at a single spawn to have to leave after they got one and then come back later for their 2nd and 3rd one.

There are rules on other games that deal with that. First rule of it was that you could not camp quest bosses unless you or some one in your party needed the quest. If the mob is up and no one in the zone needs it it is open game. And like the other rules on here its policed by the players. Is there a "holding pen" for kill stealers or those who ninjaloot (like the name of this topic) ? No it is policed by players via fraps/ss's correct?

I never claimed to "need" or "want" "my" share of "tokens" have i? I was just saying and pointing out that this had been done in other games and works well both ways.

As for me putting forth my idea via the people who constantly farm a mob bottle knecking every one else? So in your opinion it is best and alright for some one to set up a permanant camp at a boss others need farming the same item for hours/days keeping every one else from being able to procede? So in your opinion it be ok since i play 14 hours or so a day every day that i could then camp a mob lets say knuckle dusters since they are not lore for my entire time i play getting as many as i can preventing others from getting any?

So you want to do fg quest for an alt or get items for a guildie? well to bad its camped. I got the item i needed but just farming more because i can. So you are now unable to do the quest at all right? In most games its called griefing to do something such as this preventing others from proceding.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 24, 2010, 11:51:40 pm
I quoted you because I wanted to address specific points you made, not to show off my quote skills. But if you wish to resort to name calling and insults, that will only go to show your credibility and maturity.

I never said they were permacamped
Yes you did:
How can you kill a boss already dead

I never said that people got to qvic without knowing the controls.
Yes you did:
Some need help learning the controls and commands and what is considered taboo.
Minor note on this one. Since much more than the majority of your replies in this thread have been about qvic, I made the logical assumption that you were continuing to talk about qvic.

Obviously you have not played very many mmorpgs if you have never came across that before. And in other games it is considered griefing to kill a quest mob just for loot. And it is bannable. I have played far to many mmorpgs everything from runescape to free to play mmorpgs such as shaiya to wow to everquest 1 and 2 on live. Each have their own taboos and not all are exactly the same. And each server is diferent.

This is a lie. I have played most of the games your talking about (except runescape which is a poor example anyway) and it is not considered griefing to kill a mob just for loot, nor is a bannable. Loot being on mobs is a major incentive to kill mobs.

And i challenge you to show me how a new player totally new to eq let alone ez server is to know everything if they do not even know the website.

For one thing this a nearly invisible scenario. Most people who come to eqemu come from eqlive at some point. But lets just go with it. By the time someone reaches qvic, (the zone you have been referring to in most of your replies) they should know the game controls by then. In addition they should have also noticed by then the little /motd that comes up every time they log in. As for people doing roa in custom zones, if they are training mobs fraps it and get them banned. It is against the rules. If they are not training the mobs then the mobs are laying there with no apparent owner. Ninja looting rules do not apply on abandoned loot.

I'm just saying there are two sides to every story and you should think of the other player/players as well.

I've been on both sides of this. I was the noob saying omgz everytime someone linked tacvi gear in ooc. In no way shape or form did I ever think, even as a noob that I had the right to loot someones rots or that I was being griefed because someone more capable was killing a mob we both needed loot from.

I think alot of the drama that comes are mainly from people who are inconsiderate of others.

I agree with you on this one. I think it is incredibly inconsiderate of others to ninja loot. Obviously people have not had a problem with sharing loot, we are here because people shared loot and it was taken advantage of.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 12:11:04 am
Where did i resort to name calling?

I never said they were permacamped
Yes you did:
How can you kill a boss already dead
How is me saying you can't kill a boss already dead saying its permacamped?

I never said that people got to qvic without knowing the controls.
Yes you did:
Some need help learning the controls and commands and what is considered taboo.

i did not say that and again you are misquoting by taking things out of context.

This is a lie. I have played most of the games your talking about (except runescape which is a poor example anyway) and it is not considered griefing to kill a mob just for loot, nor is a bannable. Loot being on mobs is a major incentive to kill mobs. [quote/]

Really so you are saying shaiya has no such rules?

http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?t=792275 (http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?t=792275)

For one thing this a nearly invisible scenario. Most people who come to eqemu come from eqlive at some point. But lets just go with it. By the time someone reaches qvic, (the zone you have been referring to in most of your replies) they should know the game controls by then. In addition they should have also noticed by then the little /motd that comes up every time they log in. As for people doing roa in custom zones, if they are training mobs fraps it and get them banned. It is against the rules. If they are not training the mobs then the mobs are laying there with no apparent owner. Ninja looting rules do not apply on abandoned loot.[quote/]

My point is that new players new to the server do not see a diference between the 2 they think if they wanted something on it they should have looted it. I know many players that play games that do not come to the games forums for several reasons. One being the bashing that happens.

I've been on both sides of this. I was the noob saying omgz everytime someone linked tacvi gear in ooc. In no way shape or form did I ever think, even as a noob that I had the right to loot someones rots or that I was being griefed because someone more capable was killing a mob we both needed loot from. [quote/]

How about when they were killing the mob then not needing the token and was destroying it although you could use it? I understand gear but tokens are nothing more then a quest item.

I agree with you on this one. I think it is incredibly inconsiderate of others to ninja loot. Obviously people have not had a problem with sharing loot, we are here because people shared loot and it was taken advantage of.

And i agree that you should ask if it is ok to loot. to that i am in 100% agreement on. I have also asked before and met some people that say no i destroy it to prevent scavengers. So they delete it even on people who do ask and try to follow the rules.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Gencat on May 25, 2010, 12:13:19 am
Ninjalooting has and always will be an issue on any game where you have more than 1 person there to interact with eachother. You're bound to find a bad apple amongst a group of people, and there is really nothing you can do about it other than report it and hope someone in a position of power handles it.

Griefing which has been brought up so much in this topic would apply if the person camping the mob gets ks'd and the person remains there to ks the mob over and over thus preventing them from progressing. Griefing would not apply to someone who is camping a mob for their loot and not the quest item. Just because someone doesnt need everything from a camp you say they cannot have it is completely asinine. Griefing would also apply if the server was pvp and they were killing you over and over some have rules agaisnt it some dont.

Point being we will never be able to fully get rid of the ninjalooters the best you can do is lock the corpse if your bringing an alt bring the ninjalooter's name to the attention of the community. If it seems the person is fairly new maybe send a tell to the vulture hovering over your corpse. 30% of the time they will take the hint and back off, notice i said 30% because most vultures generally pretend not to speak your language or deliberatly ignore you because they have no regard for other people and the rules.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 25, 2010, 01:10:17 am
Your example in shaiya is quest only bosses. The bosses in qvic are not epic quest only. As a matter of fact, since the bosses in qvic drop quest items for armor so your point is moot regardless. You can twist anything around to fit your convoluted ideas all you want. In the end, common sense wins over idiocy. Now go argue with a brick wall.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 01:23:49 am
Your example in shaiya is quest only bosses. The bosses in qvic are not epic quest only. As a matter of fact, since the bosses in qvic drop quest items for armor so your point is moot regardless. You can twist anything around to fit your convoluted ideas all you want. In the end, common sense wins over idiocy. Now go argue with a brick wall.

So the bosses in qvic are not quest bosses? They do not drop quest items needed to complete the 3.0 epic flag quest? Yes they also drop gear that need combined with a gem to acquire a piece of gear but is that a quest? I love how you go from "i've played those games and you lie" to this response.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 25, 2010, 04:27:00 am
Umm, look at the gems, (I believe the pasterns too) that you get from qvic. It does have (Quest Item) beside it. It is a quest, that you get from the Erudite in nexus/FGCG. Your reference to the shaiya rule is a mob spawned to complete a quest and has no other purpose in the game. Someone else killing the boss referred to in that rule accomplishes nothing but completing a quest (and maybe a fraction of exp). It does not apply here and is a poor example because the bosses have purpose other than just the epic coins.

I changed my tact in posting because unless I bow down to your ignorant views you are going to argue it into the ground. I have seen your type on this server before. You come in and complain about everything get a reputation as a complainer. You burn yourself out and then move on to another server to complain there.

Picture pretty damn related: Idea of phrase attributed to zomgDanyelle, font resize attributed to Bikaf

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 04:43:39 am
I can easilly see why so few post here. when you are met with this much hostillity for any thing. In those exampiles of the rules for shaiya it mentions killing the boss as that is what is needed to finish it. The kill and not an item is needed from the mob to procede. But in the case of the bosses in qvic the tokens are the boss (the thing needed to procede) the same as the gear drops and the gems.

I find it funny you tell me to talk to a brick wall (implying you are done trying to talk to me) only to make another post implying i am the brick wall. a lot of mixed signals there. i love how when some one can not discuss some thing with logic they result to name calling. you tried to imply alot of things using quotes and making wild assumptions and taking things out of context. When that failed now you result to name calling? Please tell me you are more mature then this? or have i caught you at a bad time?

It is weird how in this poll http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=213.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=213.0)

It shows that the majority of thse who voted who many frequent the forums are over the age of 21. So why then when people on these forums are confronted with some thing conflicting with their views. Or that is new or diferent. Why is it met with such hostility and name calling? Are we children on a playground and i wasn't informed?

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Bikaf on May 25, 2010, 05:34:00 am
I can easilly see why so few post here. when you are met with this much hostillity for any thing.

Anyone can look at your post history and see why you are met with hostility.

It's always the same thing:

Zolton: Whaaaa
1st Reply: Stop crying
Zolton: I'm not crying, you didn't read my post - here let me restate everything
2nd - 10th Reply: Dude stop crying.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 25, 2010, 05:59:50 am
I can easilly see why so few post here. when you are met with this much hostillity for any thing.

Anyone can look at your post history and see why you are met with hostility.

It's always the same thing:

Zolton: Whaaaa
1st Reply: Stop crying
Zolton: I'm not crying, you didn't read my post - here let me restate everything
2nd - 10th Reply: Dude stop crying.

Very well said.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Gunthar on May 25, 2010, 06:48:10 am
Back to topic.

First a nice /tell, /ooc or /shout will helps wonder! If it is searching a group or asking for looting a corpse if someone is standing near.
The result was that someone killed stuff just for me to be able to loot it or for powerleveling. There are enough nice players on this server assisting newer players! :) Even try to ask if there is already a group around doing a specific thing and if you can join them. (Hoping then that the group is so nice and let them in.)

(Many thanks and cudos to Wingduck, Judgement and some others to help me getting me lvl 70 on my mage and with assisting me in the CG quests! :) )

The ninjalooting thing can be fend off if the timer on the corpse is increased to at least 5 min which should be enough to get the alt, the friend in or other people you want to help in. Else you can lock a corpse with someone allowed to loot staying in loot mode till the receipient is getting in. But better is to get the recipient in the group before killing so that he can loot directly. In 5 min it should be possible to reach most destinations and looting a specific corpse. But when you not loot the corpse in the corpse lock time then it is your fault when someone else is looting it. (Assume that Hunter is being able to put the timer up to at least 5 min or even more).

Similar things happens to campings. Someone camping a boss and someone other gets in. The other ask (/tell) the first one if he is there for the boss and gets no respond. Even waiting for 5 min and no reaction. After that the other engaged the boss and at the same time the first one suddenly tried to engage the boss also. At least there was no complains by tells or ooc to see.

Something more is that also when there is a not full group camping a boss mob which is used for a quest also should try to ask in /ooc if there is someone around who need quest stuff or kills from this also. Something like this appears to happens too less on the server. Why not invite additional people when the group is not full? This lowers also the risk of ninja looters. if someone does not obey the group law then you can still kick that one out of the group.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 09:02:21 am
I can easilly see why so few post here. when you are met with this much hostillity for any thing.

Anyone can look at your post history and see why you are met with hostility.

It's always the same thing:

Zolton: Whaaaa
1st Reply: Stop crying
Zolton: I'm not crying, you didn't read my post - here let me restate everything
2nd - 10th Reply: Dude stop crying.

Wow again the maturity shows through >_< Can we stop acting like kids teasing others on the playground and discuss things like adults?

Back on topic:

Gunthar I am sure that the corpse stays there for 30 minutes looted or not so long as 1 item is left on it. So unless its looted clean it won't poof for 30 minutes. I am unsure why they do not group the people needing the item in the group so it can be looted as soon as possible. My only guess is that the item drops and they realise an alt could use it so they log it in to run there to loot it. In other zones higher up i think its because it takes more then 1 group to kill it so the other group would need to wait the 2.5 minutes to loot.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Thyl on May 25, 2010, 09:44:39 am
I can easilly see why so few post here. when you are met with this much hostillity for any thing.

No you are met with hostility because you post ludicrous things. You are defending the practice of Ninjalooting.

If these people have no hope for developing social skills and can't box then why should they get gear? They are just going to be gearing toons that never kill anything or participate with anyone and just become blackholes for gear. All they will accomplish is taking gear from polite people and people who were working to gear their alts.

Futher you made some nonsene post earlier about toons with 2.5s not being able to kill in Qvic.  I know thats wrong because I flagged toons for 3.0 with my 2.5 War, Dru, and Mage. Yes there were less people in the zone then but it was tougher then than it is now. You had to wait hours if somebody killed something before you and there was no such thing as rotting tokens.

I do think Qvic is tougher than Tacvi but with so many highly geared toons running around killing stuff and leaving rots for other people it's definitely not the brick wall it used to be.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 10:05:58 am
I can easilly see why so few post here. when you are met with this much hostillity for any thing.

No you are met with hostility because you post ludicrous things. You are defending the practice of Ninjalooting.

If these people have no hope for developing social skills and can't box then why should they get gear? They are just going to be gearing toons that never kill anything or participate with anyone and just become blackholes for gear. All they will accomplish is taking gear from polite people and people who were working to gear their alts.

Futher you made some nonsene post earlier about toons with 2.5s not being able to kill in Qvic.  I know thats wrong because I flagged toons for 3.0 with my 2.5 War, Dru, and Mage. Yes there were less people in the zone then but it was tougher then than it is now. You had to wait hours if somebody killed something before you and there was no such thing as rotting tokens.

I do think Qvic is tougher than Tacvi but with so many highly geared toons running around killing stuff and leaving rots for other people it's definitely not the brick wall it used to be.

Where did i say ninjalooting was ok? i explained why many ninjaloot not that it is ok to do it. i have never and will never agree that ninjalooting is ok and i have never done it myself. i ask the group killing it what they are there for be it pages, tokens or what ever. Then ask if its ok to check it out. And now in qvic you have people destroying tokens and such so no rotts like there was.

I can kill 1 trash mob with my 2.5 pet in qvic. 1 single add and i'm toast though. i have seen 3.0 warriors attack 2 mobs of trash then go down before. I do find it funny how when i bring some thing up i am met with hostility. Yet a player can post :

Ok, So i started playing here on this server just a few days ago, and i seem to b running into trouble, and as some of the system messages say, ask fellow players in the game and they will help, but that is a lie! just today ive sat and asked for almost an hour n a half for some help getting the pages for the 1.5 and since i cannot box, i find this unfair that i am not able to recieve help, because others would rather be tools and play with themselves. how is 1 expected to get good and be able to withstand the forces of this server if he or she cant get started. what am i suppose 2 do? i just find this totally unfair, some poeple are playing with full parties of themselves n themselves only n wont lift a finger to help a noob. that is rather BS! what can b done about this?

Link to it http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=339.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=339.0)

And he is met with praise and a red carpet >_< I bring up a few points and ask a few questions and i'm met with all forms of hostility. Why is that? i have demanded nothing and not treated any one with hostility. yet i'm met with all kinds of it in forms of name calling. Not sure why asking questions and in some cases asking for help (notice i have never demanded it?) means "ok lets pile on this dude as his views do not fit in my view of how things are" It is mind boggling to say the least. So to be treated fairly as well as not have hostility piled on me i should name call and demand things? 0_o

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Reed on May 25, 2010, 10:11:44 am
If these people have no hope for developing social skills and can't box then why should they get gear? They are just going to be gearing toons that never kill anything or participate with anyone and just become blackholes for gear. All they will accomplish is taking gear from polite people and people who were working to gear their alts.

Agree for the most part, need to develop social skills in an MMO. If not, then why not just play an RPG? But the ability to box shouldn't really be a factor for getting loot.

I enjoy grouping with people who can box, sure, but i dont completely disregard people who cant. You can get by single boxing, as long as you make friends. However, with a game thats 12 years old you should have no problem with boxing 2 or 3 chars at a time if you want. Modern "junk" computers are capable of that even

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: kaizen on May 25, 2010, 10:33:25 am
Zolton can i have all of your characters names?

i want to know when to destroy everything on my corpses when you're in the same zone as me.. (I'm sure everyone else wants to know too)

Nothing worse than a MMO player that plays 14 hours a day and cries about everything

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 10:43:48 am
Zolton can i have all of your characters names?

i want to know when to destroy everything on my corpses when you're in the same zone as me.. (I'm sure everyone else wants to know too)

Nothing worse than a MMO player that plays 14 hours a day and cries about everything

Dude what exactly is your problem? where am i crying about anything? I'm not the first and far from the last to mention over camping and such. Go look and read the rants and other posts.

Such as:

Camps are insane now.
http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=305.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=305.0)

Trains... Why?
http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=137.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=137.0)

http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=39.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=39.0)

Why is it me that gets all the hostility? 0_o

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 10:56:39 am
Oh yeah and never mind Secrets saying i brought up some good points right?

Actually, i'll agree with the OP here. While it may be encouraging grouping, the flaw of a tier based system is backflagging people for all the tiers. It makes the rich get richer, and the newer players not have any chance at competing, nor is there any incentive for older players to hang out in the previous tier zones.

There is a simple fix to this concept rather than working around it and making everything soloable; add an incentive for older players to come back and help newer players. An example would be having LDON points drop if a player's groupmate is not flagged for any of the LDON content, but previously said player is. I could code something like this in perl if it were wanted. It's the flaw and what turns me off from most custom servers these days. You can't solo everything and the rich get richer. And if your friends quit or stop playing as much? You get bored and /ex out.

The OP makes a valid point and i'm sure if anyone has more suggestions than I do, you should speak up instead of saying 'lol qq ask for help'


http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=345.msg3574#msg3574 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=345.msg3574#msg3574)

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Thyl on May 25, 2010, 11:00:35 am
Where did i say ninjalooting was ok? i explained why many ninjaloot not that it is ok to do it. i have never and will never agree that ninjalooting is ok and i have never done it myself. i ask the group killing it what they are there for be it pages, tokens or what ever. Then ask if its ok to check it out. And now in qvic you have people destroying tokens and such so no rotts like there was.

You are giving a reason why people do it... There is no reason to do it.  Giving a reason is validation.  If people are destroying tokens it's their right to do as they killed the mob. It's really the ninjalooting that is fueling things like that.

I can kill 1 trash mob with my 2.5 pet in qvic. 1 single add and i'm toast though. i have seen 3.0 warriors attack 2 mobs of trash then go down before.

I'm not sure of the relevance of this statement as I never said people one toon Qvic.  3.0s are a huge benefit but they don't give you godly power.  I understand Qvic is tough. I've spent a ton of hours there. However it is the normal progression that has been in place for a long long time and not everyone who has a 3.0 had to box to do it.

I do find it funny how when i bring some thing up i am met with hostility. Yet a player can post :

Link to it http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=339.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=339.0)

And he is met with praise and a red carpet >_< I bring up a few points and ask a few questions and i'm met with all forms of hostility. Why is that? i have demanded nothing and not treated any one with hostility. yet i'm met with all kinds of it in forms of name calling. Not sure why asking questions and in some cases asking for help (notice i have never demanded it?) means "ok lets pile on this dude as his views do not fit in my view of how things are" It is mind boggling to say the least. So to be treated fairly as well as not have hostility piled on me i should name call and demand things? 0_o

Maybe you should yourself analyze this. Or try to figure out why you get into so many of these situations with people in game and on the forums.  A lot of the people who make these "hostile" posts have been people I, and others, have found to be very amiable and generous.  Just something to consider...

Even the guy in your link had screenshots of technological hurdles he was trying to surpass to progress.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: kaizen on May 25, 2010, 11:09:23 am
its not hostility.. its just i don't want to deal with or come into contact with a player like you

plain and simple

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 11:16:38 am
Where did i say ninjalooting was ok? i explained why many ninjaloot not that it is ok to do it. i have never and will never agree that ninjalooting is ok and i have never done it myself. i ask the group killing it what they are there for be it pages, tokens or what ever. Then ask if its ok to check it out. And now in qvic you have people destroying tokens and such so no rotts like there was.

You are giving a reason why people do it... There is no reason to do it.  Giving a reason is validation.  If people are destroying tokens it's their right to do as they killed the mob. It's really the ninjalooting that is fueling things like that.

I can kill 1 trash mob with my 2.5 pet in qvic. 1 single add and i'm toast though. i have seen 3.0 warriors attack 2 mobs of trash then go down before.

I'm not sure of the relevance of this statement as I never said people one toon Qvic.  3.0s are a huge benefit but they don't give you godly power.  I understand Qvic is tough. I've spent a ton of hours there. However it is the normal progression that has been in place for a long long time and not everyone who has a 3.0 had to box to do it.

I do find it funny how when i bring some thing up i am met with hostility. Yet a player can post :

Link to it http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=339.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=339.0)

And he is met with praise and a red carpet >_< I bring up a few points and ask a few questions and i'm met with all forms of hostility. Why is that? i have demanded nothing and not treated any one with hostility. yet i'm met with all kinds of it in forms of name calling. Not sure why asking questions and in some cases asking for help (notice i have never demanded it?) means "ok lets pile on this dude as his views do not fit in my view of how things are" It is mind boggling to say the least. So to be treated fairly as well as not have hostility piled on me i should name call and demand things? 0_o

Maybe you should yourself analyze this. Or try to figure out why you get into so many of these situations with people in game and on the forums.  A lot of the people who makes these "hostile" posts have been people I, and others, have found to be very amiable and generous.  Just something to consider...

Even the guy in your link had screenshots of technological hurdles he was trying to surpass to progress.

Explaining a motive for a murder is justifying it? 0_o By your response it seems you believe it to be so >_<

So for me to analyze why others seem to have a problem with me? 0_o In game i have ran into very few problems. On these forums though i seem to run into hostility with almost every post. I do not name call and i do not demand things. These people may seem generous and amiable here but i have as yet to see it except from a very few people.

 So posting your thoughts and views on some thing gives every one who disagree with your thoughts and views a right to be hostile and act like children on a playground? Thats mind boggling. A post as stated before was posted asking for peoples ages. The majority of those who voted were in the 21 years of age and older category. so why then if this is acurate by any sense can people not post and discuss things like adults? 0_o

Why all the hostility? Why the jabs and name calling?

its not hostility.. its just i don't want to deal with or come into contact with a player like you

plain and simple

Like me? 0_o so i'm now in some sort of category?

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: kaizen on May 25, 2010, 11:30:54 am
yes you are.. see my previous post

the 14 hour a day MMO player that cries about everything

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: robpickles on May 25, 2010, 11:34:34 am
This thread has grown boring and tiresome.  Enough already and wait for Hunter to make a call.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Crabthewall on May 25, 2010, 11:35:18 am
This thread has grown boring and tiresome.  Enough already and wait for Hunter to make a call.

What call has to be made, he said no ninja looting in the rules, it's crystal clear. If you don't have permission to loot a corpse, don't loot it. Nothing more needs to be said.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: robpickles on May 25, 2010, 11:35:56 am
This thread has grown boring and tiresome.  Enough already and wait for Hunter to make a call.

What call has to be made, he said no ninja looting in the rules, it's crystal clear. If you don't have permission to loot a corpse, don't loot it. Nothing more needs to be said.

You are 100% right Crab....

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 11:38:33 am
the ones so far using hostility towards me so far have been :




And now kaizen jumping in.

Kaizen's earlier posts:

i wouldn't have asked if i already knew to hail him..

he says something about losing something in the field and you would know what it was when you found it..
i killed skeletons for a few hours and didn't find anything unusual

please don't respond to this post unless you have done the quest and know what it is about


Link  http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=324.msg3174#msg3174 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=324.msg3174#msg3174)

I am not sure why Thyl, Bikaf and Xiggie seem to have a problem with me (is it my cologne?) But if they have such a problem with me taking it to pm's instead of causing forum drama i think is the best way to go.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 11:41:44 am
This thread has grown boring and tiresome.  Enough already and wait for Hunter to make a call.

What call has to be made, he said no ninja looting in the rules, it's crystal clear. If you don't have permission to loot a corpse, don't loot it. Nothing more needs to be said.

I agree he said it clearly with:

Don't loot mobs that don't belong to you unless the person/group that killed it gave you permission.

Link http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0)

Not asking to loot is quite rude. I do not know why some do not fraps it or ss it then report it and let hunter sort them out.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: robpickles on May 25, 2010, 11:45:41 am
Not asking to loot is quite rude. I do not know why some do not fraps it or ss it then report it and let hunter sort them out.

I think the thing here is that people are SAYING they asked and the others don't see it.  Regardless whether they see it or not, if they do not respond and okay it then that is that.  No looting.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 11:50:17 am
Not asking to loot is quite rude. I do not know why some do not fraps it or ss it then report it and let hunter sort them out.

I think the thing here is that people are SAYING they asked and the others don't see it.  Regardless whether they see it or not, if they do not respond and okay it then that is that.  No looting.

i agree if i see a corpse i send a tell to the toon they are using (in case they are multiboxing) if no response i send one last tell (in case they missed it) when the mobs are dead if no response then i do not go near it. Unless you get a yes or a go ahead it should be left alone. Although for some putting in a "No response from the person does not mean to go ahead" might make them understand this better. >_<

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Mirielle on May 25, 2010, 11:55:02 am
Shouldn't need to be made clearer.

If someone cannot understand "Do not loot without permission", then they shouldn't even be near a computer, which is far more complex than that simple statement. 

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Lodar on May 25, 2010, 11:56:53 am
I have never seen that many "quotes" in a thread... my eye hurts rereading quotes of quotes of quotes...  Geez.. just put the text you want and forget the quotes!

And for god sakes... enough about ninja looting.

If its not your corpse, dont loot unless you are told you can.. thats it!


Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Crabthewall on May 25, 2010, 11:57:25 am
Shouldn't need to be made clearer.

If someone cannot understand "Do not loot without permission", then they shouldn't even be near a computer, which is far more complex than that simple statement. 

Exactly, it doesn't matter if the group never responds to your request to loot, no response = no looting, PERIOD.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: robpickles on May 25, 2010, 11:57:59 am
Shouldn't need to be made clearer.

If someone cannot understand "Do not loot without permission", then they shouldn't even be near a computer, which is far more complex than that simple statement.  

Unfortunately some people ACT stupid and this is what can lead to getting banned.  People know the rules - they just have selective memory about them when it is most convienent.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Thyl on May 25, 2010, 12:22:59 pm
I understand the frustration of players camping these bosses for their alts/guildies. But few consider the new player who has 2 choices to get their 3.0 epics/gear either ninjaloot or quit.

Honestly Zolton I don't think you believe ninjalooting is right but you say stuff like this and wonder why someone might think you are justifying ninjalooting?

You consider every one making counterpoints to you arguments as hostile.  You made a statement about people with 2.5s in Qvic and I refuted it. Yes I called it ludicrous nonsense but from my perspective the statement was so blatantly false.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 12:32:52 pm
I understand the frustration of players camping these bosses for their alts/guildies. But few consider the new player who has 2 choices to get their 3.0 epics/gear either ninjaloot or quit.

Honestly Zolton I don't think you believe ninjalooting is right but you say stuff like this and wonder why someone might think you are justifying ninjalooting?

You consider every one making counterpoints to you arguments as hostile.  You made a statement about people with 2.5s in Qvic and I refuted it. Yes I called it ludicrous nonsense but from my perspective the statement was so blatantly false.

By that statement i was stating that many are left with those 2 choices to either ninjaloot or quit. If you can not get a group to help and others refuse to help it does leave them with those 2 choices. to me the lesser of two evils is still evil. so its not how i play. Was just trying to get others to see things from another persons perspective.

A mountain to a giant is a hill but a hill to a gnome is a mountain. Just saying there are two ways to look at things. Most i was ever able to group from a pick up group was 3 people. It could have been an off time or just not that many new players at the time up to working on 3.0's. Of that i am unsure. My point was that getting groups in qvic are extremely dificult if not near impossible and getting added to a group only there for gear is next to impossible. >_< So the only other option i saw was to ask to follow a group and loot their rotts for things i could use/need. Which is what i chose.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Bikaf on May 25, 2010, 12:33:36 pm
I am not sure why Thyl, Bikaf and Xiggie seem to have a problem with me (is it my cologne?) But if they have such a problem with me taking it to pm's instead of causing forum drama i think is the best way to go.

The reason you seem the have so much trouble with people here is because nobody respects your opinion because you are so dense and unable to dynamically think through what a rule may be.  

I've never seen someone post so many scenarios about when a rule may or may not be valid - the last time I saw that was probably when hunter put in the "If you spawn a T1/T2 boss, it's yours till it depops" change.   And that's because it was a new rule and we didn't want to get in trouble for something we didn't understand.  Yet you come here and question the validity of these rules that my 5 year old niece could probably grasp.

People come here with different attitudes and get treated accordingly.  You've done nothing but beg for rule clarification and complain EVERY step of the way (just checking out your posts from your first time getting your 1.5 till now).

This is why i'm not the only one that seems to post negative things about you.  If you come in with a chip on your shoulder and never change your attitude - that's what you will get back.  Doesn't matter what kind of help you want.

Would you mind elaborating what your point was to bring up Secrets defending you?  I read what you posted below it, but I believe there were other motives involved.  I have a good idea what you were trying to accomplish but i'm not going to say it because the first line of your post will read:

"Where did I ever say xxxxxx?"

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 12:48:35 pm
Bikaf you are entitled to your opinion as i am on things. But if you have a problem with me personall (which it seems you do) i ask you to please either drop it or take it to pms with me. You do not respect my opinion that is all fine and dandy.

I ask about rules and situations to better understand those rules. Which is better a player playing with no idea of the full meaning of the rules (and you gain more and more ninjalooters) playing? Or a player asking for verification and meanings of the rules fully grasping them? i'd much rather have a player ask about rules then instead go out breaking them.

I never came here with a chip on my shoulder. Asking for rule clarifications is now considered begging? 0_o

I mentioned secrets because they saw that what i was posting had some valid points. And if you read the thread closely you can see what they were or read secrets post i quoted it states them clearly. they also said that people asking for help should not be considered as just QQing.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: robpickles on May 25, 2010, 12:49:33 pm
People come here with different attitudes and get treated accordingly.  You've done nothing but beg for rule clarification and complain EVERY step of the way

I am assuming he is asking for clarification NOT to be whinny or annoying, but to make sure he does not do something to get himself banned.

I some cases it is justified, in others it is just not taking the rule for what it is, as in this ninja looting rule.

It is safe to assume that you need to just err on the side of caution and NOT do something instead of what would seem to make things the way you want them to be.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Thyl on May 25, 2010, 12:56:40 pm
By that statement i was stating that many are left with those 2 choices to either ninjaloot or quit.

So the only other option i saw was to ask to follow a group and loot their rotts for things i could use/need. Which is what i chose.


I was going to leave it at that but I feel I also have to mention that I numerous times have not felt like boxing all my toons at once and either joined groups on one or two toons or invited others to group with me.  Lots of times people only need something particular like plate leggings so others can join groups for gear and tokens. You really make it sound like no one ever groups. If you are having that much trouble getting groups with other people it might be an attitude issue. I see people in game helping others everyday.

Not specifically you but it gets irksome with people asking for "clarification" of obvious rules so they can get around them.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 01:04:10 pm
By that statement i was stating that many are left with those 2 choices to either ninjaloot or quit.

So the only other option i saw was to ask to follow a group and loot their rotts for things i could use/need. Which is what i chose.


I was going to leave it at that but I feel I also have to mention that I numerous times have not felt like boxing all my toons at once and either joined groups on one or two toons or invited others to group with me.  Lots of times people only need something particular like plate leggings so others can join groups for gear and tokens. You really make it sound like no one ever groups. If you are having that much trouble getting groups with other people it might be an attitude issue. I see people in game helping others everyday.

Not specifically you but it gets irksome with people asking for "clarification" of obvious rules so they can get around them.

how is asking for clarification of the rules trying to get around them? 0_o I ask about them as to not break them not to find a way to break them >_<

And how many of those times was it to help a new player you just met to get tokens in qvic? I see others helping people by grouping them in potime as well as ldon. But i have as of yet see a person allowed to join a qvic group to help them get tokens. Finding groups for qvic is very dificult to do from what i have experienced and seen. If it is so easy to get in a group for qvic then why is there ninjalooting mentioned and people offering cg/fg items for token runs? That sounds like the oposite of easy to get a group in that zone.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Thyl on May 25, 2010, 01:49:11 pm
how is asking for clarification of the rules trying to get around them? 0_o I ask about them as to not break them not to find a way to break them >_<

I like your disregard for the first part of my post that showed you obviously know there are more options for the single player than just ninalooting or quiting.  I did mention I was talking about people in general asking these questions. The rule is very clear about what ninjalooting is.  People who want to take other people's items without permission on some factor like corpse time or lack of response are trying to get around that rule.  It was the same with people not wanting to give up tiki camps when after 5 minutes had elapsed they couldnt use them.

And how many of those times was it to help a new player you just met to get tokens in qvic? I see others helping people by grouping them in potime as well as ldon. But i have as of yet see a person allowed to join a qvic group to help them get tokens. Finding groups for qvic is very dificult to do from what i have experienced and seen.

Apparently beggars should be choosers. I think this is why you got the chip on your shoulder comment. You have now moved on from just saying people don't help to saying people don't help in the right way.

Aside from the fact that not everyone is your mother and does not have an ethical requirement to help you as much as possible this is just another wrong statement. People kill mobs for others that give them no benefit all the day long.  I know I killed in Time and LDoN plenty for people who need the help.  Quite often someone asks in OOC for help killing 1.5 or 2.0 boss and I send them a tell and often hear someone is already helping them.

If it is so easy to get in a group for qvic then why is there ninjalooting mentioned and people offering cg/fg items for token runs? That sounds like the oposite of easy to get a group in that zone.

Simple. People offer cg/fg items cause they can handle doing some work to get some where instead of just waiting to be given something for nothing. People ninjaloot because they are selfish or in some cases ignorant.  It's not hard to ask someone if an item is rotting and there is an extreme abundance of people who will let you take rotting items.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 25, 2010, 03:47:41 pm
First off 'mr high and mighty why is everyone picking on me' you started the antagonistic name calling when your did you stupid little quote master comments about me so you can get off your high horse. Second, there is no second, all of your points are moot. You have destroyed any point you might have to make by the negative blight you have pulled over yourself. When your standing there saying something and all the people around you are saying your wrong or any other negative thing then you might have to entertain the idea that you could be wrong.

I have said it a thousand times, one of the most important pieces of armor you can have in everquest is your reputation. I have earned mine and am re-earning mine from the changed people from the server since I took a long break. You are earning yours too and I suggest you upgrade yours. I am not coming back to this topic to read your little snappy comebacks about persecution but let me give you some parting advice. Stop posting and hope that people forget who you are.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 06:23:24 pm
how is asking for clarification of the rules trying to get around them? 0_o I ask about them as to not break them not to find a way to break them >_<

I like your disregard for the first part of my post that showed you obviously know there are more options for the single player than just ninalooting or quiting.  I did mention I was talking about people in general asking these questions. The rule is very clear about what ninjalooting is.  People who want to take other people's items without permission on some factor like corpse time or lack of response are trying to get around that rule.  It was the same with people not wanting to give up tiki camps when after 5 minutes had elapsed they couldnt use them.

And how many of those times was it to help a new player you just met to get tokens in qvic? I see others helping people by grouping them in potime as well as ldon. But i have as of yet see a person allowed to join a qvic group to help them get tokens. Finding groups for qvic is very dificult to do from what i have experienced and seen.

Apparently beggars should be choosers. I think this is why you got the chip on your shoulder comment. You have now moved on from just saying people don't help to saying people don't help in the right way.

Aside from the fact that not everyone is your mother and does not have an ethical requirement to help you as much as possible this is just another wrong statement. People kill mobs for others that give them no benefit all the day long.  I know I killed in Time and LDoN plenty for people who need the help.  Quite often someone asks in OOC for help killing 1.5 or 2.0 boss and I send them a tell and often hear someone is already helping them.

If it is so easy to get in a group for qvic then why is there ninjalooting mentioned and people offering cg/fg items for token runs? That sounds like the oposite of easy to get a group in that zone.

Simple. People offer cg/fg items cause they can handle doing some work to get some where instead of just waiting to be given something for nothing. People ninjaloot because they are selfish or in some cases ignorant.  It's not hard to ask someone if an item is rotting and there is an extreme abundance of people who will let you take rotting items.

How did i disregard the first part of your post? I did not i responded about it in the second part of my post. You seem to try and rationalize your statements and acrions thous far by saying i was trying to find a way around the rules. i would really like to know how asking for clarification of rules so i do not break them is trying to get around them.

I find it funny how you can read something and completely flip flop on it. I asked you "How many times was that in qvic?" And "How many of those were new players?" You were stating that finding a group of players in and for qvic is really easy. I simply pointed out that if finding help for qvic was so easy then why is there posts about ninjalooting and why then are people offering fg/cg items for a qvic run? Then you try to rationalize and avoid answering these questions by saying that people are just not offering to help in the right way?

A huge difference between time/ldon which my mages 2.5 pet can solo all bosses in time minus dragon slave. And can also solo all the bosses in ldon up to level 6 where the last 2 bosses are generally camped any way.

Ok i love this generalization of "the reason these people farm these fg/cg items for qvic is to work for a qvic run". As in your mind its better for them to bottlekneck others trying to do these quests then for some one to help them out?

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 06:30:00 pm
First off 'mr high and mighty why is everyone picking on me' you started the antagonistic name calling when your did you stupid little quote master comments about me so you can get off your high horse. Second, there is no second, all of your points are moot. You have destroyed any point you might have to make by the negative blight you have pulled over yourself. When your standing there saying something and all the people around you are saying your wrong or any other negative thing then you might have to entertain the idea that you could be wrong.

I have said it a thousand times, one of the most important pieces of armor you can have in everquest is your reputation. I have earned mine and am re-earning mine from the changed people from the server since I took a long break. You are earning yours too and I suggest you upgrade yours. I am not coming back to this topic to read your little snappy comebacks about persecution but let me give you some parting advice. Stop posting and hope that people forget who you are.

Dude what else did you expect? I'm not the only one who think repeated quoting over and over hurts the eyes and serves no real purpose when you could just answer the person. i was not calling you names just trying to get you to cut back on the quotes some. And each time you were quoting me you were pulling things out of context.

And by your admission here it shows that your problem with me and the reason for your hostility is completely personal. So i suggest you taking it to pm's and save others the drama.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Zaes on May 25, 2010, 06:30:57 pm
For the love of waffles please do not respond to him anymore. I managed to read this entire mess of a thread and he's clearly going to defend himself until the cows come home. No matter how many times you explain to him that he should chill out before he rubs everyone the wrong way it's clearly just his nature and we're not going to change him.

All I can say is it hasn't been a hard struggle doing much of anything progression-wise for me thus far, but then again I've made some acquaintances who were really helpful and polite.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Thyl on May 25, 2010, 09:16:10 pm
For the love of waffles please do not respond to him anymore. I managed to read this entire mess of a thread and he's clearly going to defend himself until the cows come home. No matter how many times you explain to him that he should chill out before he rubs everyone the wrong way it's clearly just his nature and we're not going to change him.

All I can say is it hasn't been a hard struggle doing much of anything progression-wise for me thus far, but then again I've made some acquaintances who were really helpful and polite.

I know but I just can't help myself.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Thyl on May 25, 2010, 09:55:13 pm
How did i disregard the first part of your post? I did not i responded about it in the second part of my post. You seem to try and rationalize your statements and acrions thous far by saying i was trying to find a way around the rules. i would really like to know how asking for clarification of rules so i do not break them is trying to get around them.

My first part of my post was two quotes of yours that contradicted each other. Where you basically said there were two options, ninjaloot or quit. Then you later said  that you chose the option of asking people for rots. Which is clearly another option then ninjalooting or quitting.

I find it funny how you can read something and completely flip flop on it. I asked you "How many times was that in qvic?" And "How many of those were new players?" You were stating that finding a group of players in and for qvic is really easy. I simply pointed out that if finding help for qvic was so easy then why is there posts about ninjalooting and why then are people offering fg/cg items for a qvic run? Then you try to rationalize and avoid answering these questions by saying that people are just not offering to help in the right way?

Are you asking if I have let new players group with me? What you think when I'm killing stuff and someone asks to join that I'm like "no you are new"?

Do I have to play match the question to the answer for you? You asked why people do cg/fg:
I said cause they dont mind doing some work. You know instead of being led around getting geared while doing nothing? Other reasons include getting a run through for them with a trade might be a more sure thing than forming their own group. There are several possible reasons. But the thing these people can grasp that you can't is its reasonable to give something for getting something.

You asked why do people ninjaloot:
I said because they are asshats or ignorant. In other words I'm saying they don't ninjaloot because they need to. It takes a lot of time to gear up toons to kill stuff in Qvic it's not asking that much to take 5 seconds to send a tell.

It's nice when people help each other out and makes it a better server to an extent. It dickish when people expect random people to play the game for them.

Ok i love this generalization of "the reason these people farm these fg/cg items for qvic is to work for a qvic run". As in your mind its better for them to bottlekneck others trying to do these quests then for some one to help them out?

Are you asking if I have let new players group with me? What you think when I'm killing stuff and someone asks to join that I'm like "no you are new"?

Do I have to play match the question to the answer for you? You asked why people do cg/fg:
I said cause they dont mind doing some work. You know instead of being led around getting geared while doing nothing? Other reasons include getting a run through for them with a trade might be a more sure thing than forming their own group. There are several possible reasons. But the thing these people can grasp that you can't is its reasonable to give something for getting something.

You asked why do people ninjaloot:
I said because they are asshats or ignorant. In other words I'm saying they don't ninjaloot because they need to. It takes a lot of time to gear up toons to kill stuff in Qvic it's not asking that much to take 5 seconds to send a tell.

It's nice when people help each other out and makes it a better server to an extent. It dickish when people expect random people to play the game for them.

This is a pretty big leap in logic. You're assuming that every spawn is needed every second. Not to mention what is the difference if someone camps these for Qvic runs as opposed to the person giving the run camping them?

This is my final post. We are never going to agree because while I think it's good to help people you expect it.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: zolton32 on May 25, 2010, 10:26:42 pm
Thyl I first posted here to try and let people see that there are two sides to every story. and to show why some do ninjaloot or feel they have to. i do not see how me saying "For some there are 2 choices to progress ninjaloot or quit" I myself found and used a third solution in to ask if i could follow them and loot the rotts. I do not see how that contradicts what i said. Some never think to do the route i chose and for those they see it as ninjaloot or quit.

No i asked "Have you ever let a new player group with you in qvic?" as well as "Have you ever helped a nonguildy/nonfriend get qvic tokens?" Not whether you grouped with some one or not before.

I personally do not agree with the "Take cg/fg items from those trying to do the quests" I myself have taken as long as 5 days to do the fg quest because of this and do not personally believe its the best solution.

"I NEVER ASKED WHY DO PEOPLE NINJALOOT" I gave an alternate "EXPLANATION" as to why some do it. And what did i get for it? Hostility and name calling. >_<

I do not expect help. >_< You really like to generalize and demonize people. And no we are not going to agree. I posted here to give another side to the ninjalooting. But because it conflicts with yours and others thoughts/beliefs on it you try to generalize and demonize me by trying to say things to and about me that are just untrue.

I have never in my life ninjalooted some one. I try to follow the rules of the server but me asking for clarification on these rules in your opinion is trying to get around them? Trying to give an explanation of why some ninjaloot as they can get no help for these items automaticly means i believe these people are right in your opinion? And that i am no diferent because i can understand why some of these players do this? Its ok i won't respond here either. Any further responses will be via pm's on the forums to spare others this drama.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Destined on May 26, 2010, 02:04:05 am
Dang, I get bored and decide to come read through the EZ server forums and find that this stuff has gone down the tubes. I guess I should be glad I decided to just quit when I did. Apparently, a lot of people can't read rules or anything.

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Bikaf on May 26, 2010, 05:43:49 am
I miss you destined. Dont mind zolton, he's an idiot. Soooo you back?

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Gnaughty on May 26, 2010, 10:50:55 am
Yes come back, I need one or two more clerics to help with T3!

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Destined on May 26, 2010, 01:28:25 pm
Nah I'm not coming back, actually deleted EQ on my computer, heh. If you guys need more shizz for t3 I can always PM bikaf all my infoz and he can pass it out to guildies though.  :P

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Bikaf on May 26, 2010, 05:46:38 pm
make it so!

Title: Re: Ninjalooting
Post by: Gnaughty on May 27, 2010, 01:28:34 pm
Yes sir.