EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Eruditeone on October 11, 2013, 05:49:24 pm

Title: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: Eruditeone on October 11, 2013, 05:49:24 pm
I recall Hunter mentioning that code had been implemented, to prevent a previous exploit that allowed un-keyed characters from going to levels they were not allowed to go into. If that code has been implemented, can we get our GCoH reward items to work in ToFS, like it does in other Non-CoH zones? Anyone that has spent any time there knows that it is a giant PITA to run 6-12 characters to the upper levels.

I know Im bitching, but it is a reward item, after all.

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: Hunter on October 11, 2013, 07:42:17 pm
Every character needs to be keyed.

Once you all get to the 7th floor and get master key from Tserrina, then you can use the left mirror on first floor to go strait to the 7th floor, then you'll be in a mirror room where you can teleport to any other floor.

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: Eruditeone on October 11, 2013, 08:06:26 pm
I understand that all characters need keyed. Im simply saying, I wish I could use the GCoH to bring all my keyed chars to level 5, instead of running and dying and whatnot.

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: hateborne on October 11, 2013, 09:39:55 pm
I understand that all characters need keyed. Im simply saying, I wish I could use the GCoH to bring all my keyed chars to level 5, instead of running and dying and whatnot.

Honestly, I really agree with the keying each character method. I was against at first, but after spending hours per character keying it...I heavily agree with Hunter's stance. With the items here, there are some fairly strong items that can come from TOFS.

There are a few things that I am having issues with currently (specifically floor 3 boss spawn rate) and aoe debuff radius being slightly too big and too often. Otherwise, TOFS is a zone that I enjoy fairly well.


Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: Kwai on October 11, 2013, 09:50:01 pm
I look at ToFS like I look at T5... total PITA that you have to get through in order to move on in levels.  That probably means working as intended.  =)

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: Hunter on October 11, 2013, 09:59:38 pm
With all the stuff that Hateborne and myself added to the zone, its definitely a place worth going to.

Heroic Resist Augments
Charm v1 and v2 upgrades
Various Armor and Weapon drops added huge stats
Roaming Gnome for Pet Weapon Quest
Coward Aug (reduced aggro effect).
Pet Illusions
Essence(s) of Frozen Shadow

... and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting, but basically you can work on all of that stuff at the same time. And you'll probably get a few AA while doing it.

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: Chunka on October 11, 2013, 11:30:03 pm
I have no issue with running characters through....biggest issue I have is that the zone for some reason is 10000 times more fubar than it ever was live....characters stuck, mob corpses killed on floor 1 but end up unlootable on floor 2....if you /hidec all then /hidec 0 they end up at zone in to floor 1, unlootable...and mobs seem so ignore pesky things like walls, floors, etc. I know there's no way you can make a CoH item work in ToFS without allowing people to summon a group from 1st floor to 5th whether they ar4e keyed or not.....its just that this is easily the second worst zone to move around in for EZ custom zones (behind Abyss).

LOVE ToFS, live, and really love it here. Just hate how buggy pathing and moving through to zone can be.

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: marxist on October 12, 2013, 02:47:19 am
...if a toon is not properly keyed atm, they are ported out.  I think the point is that since you have to be keyed to be on a floor, why not allow coh?  Unkeyed characters wouldn't be on floors they should not be on regardless.  Would also be nice if the run speed clicks worked now too since you get fading memories when you click a mirror.

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: Anuli on October 12, 2013, 12:53:53 pm
The mirrors work when the first person runs and gathers a train and teles to the next level, but Ive had it where I run thru with one toon, click, switch to the second and run to the same mirror before the mobs go away and click it then they all follow the second toon to the next floor.

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: zefirus on October 12, 2013, 02:35:08 pm
So I can get a toon the level 7 key and Coh him past the trap right to tserrina corpse in mirror room

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: Dimur on October 12, 2013, 02:45:59 pm
Why would you need to coh them past?  You could just let them die to the trap and drag them and rez.

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: zefirus on October 12, 2013, 03:31:22 pm
Just to save a few minutes

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: WatchYouDie on October 12, 2013, 04:15:59 pm
all toons zoning like that creates a lot of the lag

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: Raygan on October 13, 2013, 08:15:34 pm
So I can get a toon the level 7 key and Coh him past the trap right to tserrina corpse in mirror room

Once you get the key off Tserrna, you no longer have to run through the trap...you port from floor 1 to the mirror room on floor 7.

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: zefirus on October 13, 2013, 10:22:19 pm
Or imagine getting a key on 6. Then the group succors hits the main mirror, ports to mirror room, and then coh the new keyholder.  You saved 15 minutes :)

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: Raygan on October 14, 2013, 06:50:25 pm
In that scenario you bypass the traps at the beginning of floor 7 as well as the clear to the mirror room...why cheese the content up?  

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: zefirus on October 14, 2013, 07:05:06 pm
My point exactly...  ;D I am giving a scenario by which CoH works in an unintended way which validates the non use of it.

Title: Re: CoH Reward item in ToFS
Post by: Kruciel on October 15, 2013, 04:58:32 pm
In that scenario you bypass the traps at the beginning of floor 7 as well as the clear to the mirror room...why cheese the content up?  

Nothing on floor 7 sees invis, I never cleared trash there anyhow :) but I do agree that coh not working in the zone is for the best.