EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Adydar on October 31, 2013, 10:27:38 pm

Title: pay to win server?
Post by: Adydar on October 31, 2013, 10:27:38 pm
Has this become a pay to win server?

Sure seems like credits are taking over.  Mass ooc's for things for credits only. :(

what happened here?  :(     we used to hardly ever see that ever.

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: hateborne on October 31, 2013, 10:49:39 pm
Credits can be farmed. Credits have become the defacto currency because their value is half-real. Players can trade credits for cash, cash for credits, credits for rewards, credits for items, or items for credits.

tl;dr - More purchasing power.


Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Adydar on October 31, 2013, 10:59:50 pm
Players can trade credits for cash, cash for credits, credits for rewards, credits for items, or items for credits.

tl;dr - More purchasing power.


all you had to say was 'yes...yes it is'   :(

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Hulkpunch on October 31, 2013, 11:14:40 pm
Saying its a pay to win server now is maybe a little extreme friend - credits definitely help speed up the rate of progression (free waypoint & 250% xp) but one still has to progress through the content.

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Anuli on October 31, 2013, 11:38:09 pm
You can pay me and I will like you for it. In this situation we are both winners, so yes.

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Adydar on October 31, 2013, 11:50:53 pm
I agree, maybe somewhat extreme but not really.  For some cash, you streamline through the content.  anyone with enough real life money can just go up to the vendor and buy their way up the tiers.  You can buy pretty much anything now.  Things like waypoints an stuff like that was cool because it helps go through content ... it doesnt skip content.  Seems lately you can barely get anything anymore from people without credits.

Take a look at this halloween event.  things were so ridiculous, folks were spamming ooc about paying $25 worth of credits for things.  And other folks were destroying items because they wanted credits, no pp.

In game currency took a turn for the worse

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Hunter on November 01, 2013, 12:34:35 am
People not interested in plat won't be able to get an Ultimate Weapon.

Most of the players in end game are there cause of the time they put in to progress through all the tiers. You'll notice many of the same players that have top HP on leaderboards also have most time played.

Sure, some of the items available from credits make things easier, but still have to progress through all the tiers, put in your time, and beat the RNG.

Handing out credits for items is a great way to reward players for reporting bugs, and sometimes other stuff like video contest, or other random events.

Just about every free to play game out there is being accused of pay to win, so topic is actually old.

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Tankdan on November 01, 2013, 01:02:13 am
Definately not pay2win, but there are some very helpful items for 100+ creds.  With that said, they arent needed.  Free waypoint isnt pay2win because it is not needed.  Exp item only helps your Ring of Ages progression.

I think the EZ Reward Cure and the Group Summon are essentials though.  

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Dimur on November 01, 2013, 01:31:42 am
I like me some runspeed reward!

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Chunka on November 01, 2013, 01:40:31 am
My guild and I got dozens of strike augs, quite a few IG pets, tons of stone pets, 2 characters to SoTX, many others SoTVI or better.....and helped out a bunch of new players getting started here. We paid 0 EZ credits, and we spent 0 EZ credits.

However.....if we were to have sold items I'd have done my best to get EZ creds for the best goodies. I can farm pretty much anything....but the ONLY way to get the group CoH clicky, the AE rez stone, the free instance maker is via EZ credits. Now as helpful as those items are, I did quite a bit in the game without them.....and I know more than a few players T7+ who have NONE of those things.

I dont see how thats pay to win.

Now....if some players wanna spend RL cash and buy essences, epics, books, etc that they can get in game with modest effort.....hey, more power to them! And THANK YOU!! Its people like that who are helping pay Hunters expenses and keeping him running what has to be a colossal pain in the ass for our amusement!

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Nexxel on November 01, 2013, 02:06:33 am
To say the server is pay to win because people are conducting transactions for credits instead of plat is just not true.  Plat is a simple form of curency that allows basic purchases. when i first started playing there were no player exchanges of credits unless in closed tells. The current exchange of items, loot rights or whatever for credits are additional form of currency, not one just to pay to win. there are things people would like that Creds alow them to get. if people want those things and they know other people are willing to pay that, they will ask what they are asking for. Fair enough.

If i have a bank full of plat and have no desire to spend RL money to get creds, i will farm things people want and are willing to spend creds for. And i will not sell them for plat because thats NOT what i want. That Simple. Now i havent personaly done this but Thats the premose.

Cred have devolped IMHO from a reward/leg up jump tool to another form of currency.

I think its a good idea, because there are alot of people who will not spend RL money to buy vertual Items but hey, if they can trade inganme items for things that are alone purchasable from one vendor for credits, I thinks it great that this is possible now.

If anything the ability of players to trade credit for items VS HUNTER being the SOLE possible dispercer on them, goes oppisite the Pay to Win..

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Expletus on November 01, 2013, 03:56:52 am
Go compare EZ to hidden forest. The best in game items from THF are bought w/RL money and the only way to get them. EZ defiantly not pay to win.

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Rent Due on November 01, 2013, 05:06:40 pm
its not a pay to win/play server. sorry, it just isn't.

can you pay to get "toys" ? yes
do you need those? no

pay is to help Hunter continue this game we play, nothing more. Toys are the only way he has to give us something for our money that he needs to keep the server going. I'm sure if Hunter was super rich he wouldn't have credits in the game at all.

people with loads of credits are like people with loads of plat, just like it is in real life, they are going to have toys that the rest of us just won't have. get over it.

Over my time playing here I have donated and I have some toys. do I have all the toys? no. do I have all the toys I want? no. does that bother me? no.

bottom line, if everyone starts selling everything in game for credits only, guess what? not a lot of junk is going to get sold, and if it is sold, so what you still need plat to do things. UW, SOA, need plat.

this is a dead subject though, haha trolling on a sunday afternoon

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Fjord on November 02, 2013, 01:19:38 pm
I think between my chars I have every credit-bought item (last I looked); my group is not even near end game. They're toys. Completely not necessary, but helpful. On top of that, there are in game ways of acquiring those items without spending a dime.

The mere fact that people are willing to trade credits and CAN trade credits indicates that it's not pay to win. You could legitimately farm items in game and sell/trade them for credits to others who have bought/acquired credits. I think the use of credits in regular transactions speaks more to inflation issues on the server, but that's besides the point.

Title: Re: pay to win server?
Post by: Chunka on November 02, 2013, 05:52:20 pm
Agreed know a character who, while new to T1, desperately wanted the CoH item and cure clicky.....so he traded SLS for credits. Not long after that he traded essences to get the free waypoint.