EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on December 03, 2013, 07:29:32 am

Title: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Hunter on December 03, 2013, 07:29:32 am
Going to focus on any quick fixes that need to be made since power and internet is some what more stable now.

Essence of Cazic Thule made a bit more common.

Waypoint script edited/fixed to require you be in a public zone if you enter instance. This is to prevent (or slow down) some abuse that has been going on. Was thinking about using a timer, but wouldn't have fixed the problem.

T8 OldCommons night time undead aggro radius reduced to 1/3 of previous aggro range.

Reward Succor clickie updated, and new spell file available for that to work. Should help prevent having to double zone when doing succor in an instance. Will go into affect after next server reboot.

Any other quick fix request are welcome here.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Brokyn on December 03, 2013, 07:38:03 am
Could you please take a look at the Pet classes and Halloween Pets?  If a pet class summons a halloween pet, it now dismisses the original pet.  It used to just give the buff and say "you can only have one pet at a time".  That was much better :)


Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Hunter on December 03, 2013, 08:10:29 am
Not sure why it does that. Which Halloween pets are doing that? All of them? Or new one? Could compare broken one to working one to find a fix.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Brokyn on December 03, 2013, 08:21:29 am
It is with the Insane Goblin.

Edit ****

Asked online and it is the same issue with older halloween pets

It has also been brought to my attention that pets are losing summoned weapons when they zone now.  I have to assume they also lose summoned necks?

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Kovou on December 03, 2013, 09:55:00 am
Its all of them.......thou now i don thave that problem due to my enchanter and bst's CT pets are MIA for some reason.....

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Chunka on December 03, 2013, 11:39:30 am
Hunter, seems very random for me. Sometimes IG or SM will replace a pet, and other times (same character, same zone) they do not and you get the message that you cant have 2 pets at the same time but you still get the pet buff. I wasnt able to see a pattern to it.

As I stated before on the broken stuff thread, the qvic quest npc still directs you to Twinkle Toes for 3.0 book, and actually ports you to the zone. Uncertain whether or not its been fixed.

Custom pets no longer keep casters guild/ToFS pet weapons when they zone, no matter what AA you have.

Thank you for revisiting CT drop rate. This was severely limiting the ability of newer players/characters to make strike augs.

Level 1 to 20 is VERY frustrating for newer players I've spoken to. The melee changes here cap weapon delay at what....40 or so? Along with that from 1 to 20 damage is capped as well.....so a level 19 warrior swings their weapon once every 4 seconds and does MAX 20 damage. I cant think this was your intent. Perhaps remove the damage cap under 20, if possible....or perhaps give all players the ability to summon a melee pet that vanishes once you ding 20 (just a possible suggestion).

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: arya1 on December 03, 2013, 04:48:49 pm
it takes 5 mins to get to 20 with buff bot damage shield

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Expletus on December 03, 2013, 04:58:05 pm
Yea, level 20 is done in maybe 10 minutes.

Hunter, could you fix double loot script to include the chests in T6 ?

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: arya1 on December 03, 2013, 05:46:40 pm
I personally think in the MOTD or somewhere for newbies it would be nice if you put that this is a boxing server,  and that macroquest 2 / eqbcs is allowed. It may seem evident but i think a majority of new people solo to 70 or however far they get and then realize they can't do anything without a boxed group.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Chunka on December 03, 2013, 10:55:25 pm
Or the lazy assed sumbishes could spend a few minutes and read the ezguide. Link it in ooc all the time and still get questions it answers minutes after I do. When I ask why they dont read the guide I get "Who has time for that!" or "Its too long". So I just ignore em.

And yes, you can do 1 to 20 in no time with high level help....but believe it or else some people actually do try to do shit on their own here.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: arya1 on December 03, 2013, 11:21:38 pm
This is exactly why they should know what they're getting into from the start. I cringe whenever I see in ooc a lvl 52-53 char asking what to do to level, because they're basically screwed, depending what class they picked until they're 70 (and beyond), unless they boxed. The same thing happens and is asked again and again so it makes sense that people are somewhat aware of what they're getting into. The leveling quests give a false sense of what is to come later on as they're very solo friendly until around 50.

You don't need any fancy buffs; you can level easily to at least 35 or above with just buff bot buffs.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Chunka on December 04, 2013, 01:20:25 am
When did you last level a character from 1 to 20 with just buff bot buffs.....no high level buffs?

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Tankdan on December 04, 2013, 01:58:09 am
Hunter, could you fix double loot script to include the chests in T6 ?
T6 already drops too many ess during double loot.  Having chest drop 2 seems overkill.  

And unless your tank has 2.5mil+ hitpoints, it is far more efficient to skip OMM entirely and rush each boss while skipping unnecessary trash, then repop.  Can clear in half the time and average 2-3 ess per clear.  

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Natedog on December 04, 2013, 03:17:46 am
Not sure why it does that. Which Halloween pets are doing that? All of them? Or new one? Could compare broken one to working one to find a fix.

Could make them all temporary pets? Might need 1 extra line inside the hail pet buff script to see the owner of the swarm pet  ... $npc->GetSwarmOwner();

Also make sure the spells are all self only that way the pet will follow the player who cast it :)

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 04, 2013, 03:26:28 am
When did you last level a character from 1 to 20 with just buff bot buffs.....no high level buffs?

Took about an hour for a new pally.  I assume most toons would be about the same since the damage shield did most of the work.  It'd be much faster if the teleporter would teleport you to the next zone before you hit the level for the quest.  The mobs go green before you hit the level for the next zone.

What would really help is putting a fixed duration on the damage shield from the buff bot, I probably spent more time zoning and running to where the mobs in Paludal were than actual fighting.  I also went to Oasis since I killed everything in Paludal which was just a waste of zoning/running time.  Mobs in the water suck and there weren't many of them easily found.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Natedog on December 04, 2013, 03:41:18 am
Now that you mention that lerxst.. the buff timers are messed up because they are duration buffs based on level of the caster.. so if it was changed so that the NPC casts the buffs it would last the normal time if the NPC is a high level.

my $Group = $client->GetGroup();
$Group->CastGroupSpell($npc, $_) for @Spell20;

@Sepll20 being the level 20 and lower spells array or whatever.. would be cast by the npc instead of quest::selfcast which I think is being used?

Would be helpful for noobs who just start at level 1 and want normal buffs from the buffbot :)

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: arya1 on December 04, 2013, 08:53:50 am
Leveling to 20 is not the biggest concern for new players.

 The same scenario is played over and over. A person somehow levels to 70 or 52, and asks for help to get to 70 or get 1.5 / 2.0 etc.  People DO help them, because they know there's no way they can do it themselves solo. Once they do get that, the person is in limbo because they cannot progress nor can they really help their other chars to get their 1.5 / 2.0 (again depends what class they picked) because it isn't such a big boost that they can solo it themselves now. I'm sure many quit at this point.

It would make sense to me that they are fully aware that this is a boxing server from the start, they need UF client, mq2/eqbc etc to make the server playable for the most part. I never looked into the forums until i had to when i was level 55 and was going no where as I was solo.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Expletus on December 04, 2013, 03:32:50 pm
I'm sure many quit at this point.

If they quit that quick, those people, if they made it to higher level tiers, would quit at the grind involved with them, specifically t5.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: WatchYouDie on December 04, 2013, 03:52:16 pm
i see a potential problem with having to zone to public between instances. zoning 6+ toons puts tons of stress on our computers and your server. forcing extra zones is going to cause more lag and more toons to crash. i did make a suggestion in ooc of maybe making the code to see if you have an active guild instance avail and if so zone you into that instead of pub then if need be you can leave the instance and goto pub. this would elminate a good portion of zone especially if players start making guild instances of nexus. (less nexus zone crashes) i know you want nexus to be central hub but when a 18+ man group wipes out and zones into the nexus all at once it tends to crash the zone =( this i  also so with making you zone into pub between instances (these are just my opinions).

Make one of the armor clickies gate instead of nexus gate and players can pretty much pick their own zones to be "their zone" this way when people are trying ot make trades in nexus it wont crash in the middle of it =)

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: arya1 on December 04, 2013, 04:40:02 pm
I'm sure many quit at this point.

If they quit that quick, those people, if they made it to higher level tiers, would quit at the grind involved with them, specifically t5.

And? So, what? There have been people playing for months or even years in t5 from what i've read. My point is that people should know the bare essentials of the server sooner rather than later, so they can decide whether they want to box etc. Citing the website is okay,  but I doubt many people, if any, will check it before they reach 70.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Expletus on December 04, 2013, 04:56:19 pm
The same scenario is played over and over. A person somehow levels to 70 or 52, and asks for help to get to 70 or get 1.5 / 2.0 etc.  People DO help them, because they know there's no way they can do it themselves solo. Once they do get that, the person is in limbo because they cannot progress nor can they really help their other chars to get their 1.5 / 2.0 (again depends what class they picked) because it isn't such a big boost that they can solo it themselves now. I'm sure many quit at this point.

If you're main concern is to let ppl know early on then fine, but from what you wrote, it sounds like a complaint on the progression system. Maybe I'm reading it wrong...

You could always add a book upon creation in that characters inventory that says READ ME. Then the book will explain this is a boxing server.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: arya1 on December 04, 2013, 05:15:36 pm
yeah you're reading it wrong. I'm just suggesting that new players know the basics so they don't have to feel the need to rely on other people so much.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Dimur on December 04, 2013, 08:28:16 pm
No offense, but if you're able to set up the EQEMU client and modify the shit you need to just to play on an emulator, odds are pretty good you can figure out how to use google to research the server you're going to play on.  I understand the suggestion, but the whole point of playing online games is to occupy your time immersing yourself in a game environment...if you can't be bothered to figure out what you're getting into on your own then maybe you need to rethink how you should be spending your leisure time.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: arya1 on December 04, 2013, 09:56:39 pm
except you don't need mq2 or eqbcs to box technically nor do you need to have UF client.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Dimur on December 04, 2013, 10:42:31 pm
except you don't need mq2 or eqbcs to box technically nor do you need to have UF client.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here since I never said you needed any of that shit to box, I simply said if you can manage to get eqemu working it's quite likely you can figure out what each server is about by doing some simple research.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: marxist on December 04, 2013, 10:46:38 pm
If its really too hard to get past the noob stages without asking for help or figuring it out on your own, honestly, go play wow

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: arya1 on December 04, 2013, 10:55:06 pm
Why even comment if it doesn't affect you in any way?

I have helped at least 20 new players since I've started about 2 months ago, so maybe I have a little more experience in helping other people. The whole point of it is to make new players more self sufficient so that they don't have to ask the same questions or find themselves in the same situation.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Dimur on December 04, 2013, 11:45:32 pm
I'd think the big yellow text every time you log on giving the URL to the website hosting the forums is enough, but maybe that's just me.  And as far as Why comment?  Because every single one of us was new to the server at some point or another and personally I didn't feel handicapped because information that is easily attainable wasn't implicitly beat into me with in game messages other than the aforementioned link to the forums that answer almost any question a player could possibly ask from a newbie through a T7 player.  Congrats to you on the 20 people you've helped, but don't kid yourself into thinking that the rest of us here haven't and still don't go out of our way to help people who are new.  I don't care if Hunter wants to require people to sign off on some document stating that you have read into the server background and are willing to waive any future gripes or whatever it is you think needs to be addressed, but my opinion, in case I was unclear, is that it's up to the person who decides to play on his server to be responsible enough to utilize the resources already provided to figure out if this is where they want to play or not.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Hunter on December 05, 2013, 01:24:48 am
I personally think in the MOTD or somewhere for newbies it would be nice if you put that this is a boxing server

Wasn't originally designed to be a boxing server. Was hoping people would help each other out and play together. Just too many people being anti social I guess.

If just 1 person is having trouble progressing on their own, then tough luck.

If 2 or more people are having trouble progressing, they try teaming up.

Even made certain custom zones to encourage teamwork, and yet people still want to be anti social.

Whatever, if you want to box, and use MQ2 to help you do it, then fine. Just no cheating or botting.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Dinadas on December 05, 2013, 07:07:12 am
I think it's more being self-sufficient then anti-social.

If you can play, you want to just be able to play, log in your army and go.

Also 95% of the server is quite helpful.  Throughout the first 5 tiers I have received help at all stages.

Case in point last night, I was down to my last 2 T5 bosses, after 2 instance clears of the triggers, I ooc'd if anyone was bored with a FWP and would repop my instance for me for one more attempt before bed.

Dreamia came over, repopped it and luckily enough got both to spawn and helped me get them down.

I think the community is outstanding on the server when it comes to that, but the armies represent more of an ability to be self sufficient and control your play time.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: Chunka on December 05, 2013, 08:47:55 am
MOTD directs you to the forums, where you can find a wealth of info if you just take a few minutes to read. Sadly many never will, either because they think they dont need the info ("I've been playing EQ since beta!") or because they're just too goddamned lazy. Changing how they are directed to that info really wont help. Typically the P99ers I encounter disdain any type of direction to knowledge....they want it lined out in tells or they dont want it. Only the last wave or 2 from P99 and THF have I seen players actively request forum info....its rather nice (some VERY good people the last month or so from P99 and THF).

And people here are VERY social, Hunter....just not in a conventional EQ manner. We DO group together to help each other....but we do it bringing groups of players for a raid, not single players for a group. This allows us to work together to achieve goals faster and/or easier, and still allows us to do things alone without our characters we box being "left behind" content and gear wise. And thats one of the great things about EZ....you can socialize and cooperate, but you can still get things done if you only have an hour to play without spending time finding groupmates, or without the feeling that when you leave in an hour you're leaving friends hanging without a tank, healer, whatever.

My original issue that seemed to set people off was the disparity of difficulty for the first 20 levels. It does put some new people off, because killing is so much slower than even P99 or live for those levels if you are a melee. Regardless of what high level help may be out there, its still an issue for some: the fastest you can hit with any weapon is about the speed of an old world 2h weapon, or slower, and the max hit you can do is 20 damage before lvl 10, and 40 damage before lvl 20. As you know it really makes no diff for me....I can do 1 to 70 in no time with my characters buffs :D But some newer players seemed perplexed as to why it was so slow at first.

Title: Re: Minor Updates & Fixes
Post by: arya1 on December 05, 2013, 09:02:27 am
it has nothing to do with whether people are anti-social.

One reason why I chose this server is that I didn't have to rely on someone else, if i didn't want to. There is no worse feeling than in a game where you have to be dependent on others to progress. Not everyone has time to wait in finding a group nor are there many groups to be found, which is why Eqlive has such a low population of new players.

Whether it was your original goal to make this is a boxing server or not, it clearly has become one.