Title: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 22, 2013, 05:49:38 am Currently the anti train code allows for up to 10 mob train in public zones and 50 mob train in private instances.
fearplane, chambersb, and oldcommons are excluded from the public 10 limit. You get yellow text warnings when your train is above 46. If your train goes above the limit, then you get sent to jail in highkeep. The jail door is locked, and you can't cast or do combat. This is not to nerf people. Its meant for the server health. People complain about lag, and I'm sure its those people pulling 100-500 mob trains that is creating lag at times (in addition to other factors yes). potimea had aggro reduced to 60. qvic had leash removed. highkeep now has popup yes/no window after 5 minutes if you want to get out of highkeep/jail. If you click no, then it'll reappear after 1 minute. So its now a 5 minute time out box. Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: clbreastmilk on December 22, 2013, 05:50:46 am As of server restart time, character moving is Not moving my toons out of HighHold jail.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 22, 2013, 06:39:32 am login name is case sensitive.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 22, 2013, 06:46:16 am Updated original post, edited potimea and qvic.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Kwai on December 22, 2013, 07:08:20 am I'm not sure if this script is the issue in Anguish or not, but the lag there is horrible with only 176 logged on when I started. Will check again after dbl loots end. And no, I am not pulling 46+ 10 - 12 on a pull.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Chunka on December 22, 2013, 07:52:11 am Agreed on anguish. Any number of characters logged in, and lag was unplayable. Even just logged on warrior and druid and pulled 3 mobs and got desync.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 22, 2013, 08:10:21 am Could just be the anguish zone crashing.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Expletus on December 22, 2013, 08:58:52 am The hour long sent to jail with no way out except to wait is just stupid. There are other things that could be done to achieve the point you're making like a debuff, mobs depop etc.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: clbreastmilk on December 22, 2013, 09:33:51 am It's 5 minutes now
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Expletus on December 22, 2013, 09:37:04 am touche
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: arya1 on December 22, 2013, 09:47:51 am Is this only for DL weekend or at all times from now on?
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Dinadas on December 22, 2013, 09:59:02 am I believe all times.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 22, 2013, 10:05:36 am People like to complain about lag, but they also like to pull 100-500 mob trains.
I think 50 mob train in instance is fair. Will it slow some uber players down? Yes, a little bit. Unfair? No. Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: WatchYouDie on December 22, 2013, 10:10:41 am not getting notification till after 50 now =/ can we up it to 60 please Tofs floors have about 55-60 mobs in it be nice not to have to pull those few extra mobs
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: arya1 on December 22, 2013, 10:15:20 am People like to complain about lag, but they also like to pull 100-500 mob trains. I think 50 mob train in instance is fair. Will it slow some uber players down? Yes, a little bit. Unfair? No. How many mobs per wing in HOH approx.? Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Peign on December 22, 2013, 10:27:02 am People like to complain about lag, but they also like to pull 100-500 mob trains. I think 50 mob train in instance is fair. Will it slow some uber players down? Yes, a little bit. Unfair? No. +10 Have you considered a possible scaling penalty? 1st strike = X time in jail 2nd strike = X+Y time in jail or something to that effect. Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 22, 2013, 10:33:12 am Its possible to do via quest_global to record how many times you've been in jail and increase penalty.
For now I won't do that though until I plug all the escape holes ;) Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Kwai on December 22, 2013, 10:59:12 am I'm not sure how to address this without sounding like a complete dick, but I'll give it a shot. T6 is completely unplayable and I have a strong suspicion it has nothing to do with train size but does have something to do with the anti-train or other scripts running in that zone.
I had hoped to finish my last UC2 today, but that won't be possible under current conditions. Under normal server load I would have had it done by now (without pulling more than 20 since that is about my limit there). I'll just check back tomorrow. Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Expletus on December 22, 2013, 11:22:50 am It took me 45 mins to pull up to the castle in T6 today. It normally takes me 10 mins. The pulls I can handle are only 15 mobs if that at a time. It was so bad I had to pay someone to finish up a run for me to finish off my UC2 for an alt. Something is up with this zone and it's bad.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 22, 2013, 11:28:02 am Sounds like the zone is bad bootup today, and crashing. Other zones are fine.
On side note, I'll have to add fearplane and oldcommons to the 10 train exception, still its 50 in instance though. Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Dinadas on December 22, 2013, 12:04:11 pm my t6 is borked.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Chunka on December 22, 2013, 12:14:54 pm Tried Anguish today, same issue.....lagging to hell, desync, even with 2 characters and pulling no more than 2 or 3 at a time. Was doable before yesterday....the insane lag and desync started there then, though. HoH with similar issues for me.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 22, 2013, 12:55:36 pm Tried Anguish today, same issue.....lagging to hell, desync, even with 2 characters and pulling no more than 2 or 3 at a time. Was doable before yesterday....the insane lag and desync started there then, though. HoH with similar issues for me. Public or Instance? I think public might be bugged today. Would require reboot. Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Peign on December 22, 2013, 01:25:32 pm Its possible to do via quest_global to record how many times you've been in jail and increase penalty. For now I won't do that though until I plug all the escape holes ;) Would setting the toons bind to the jail zone close up some of the holes? No gate for you! Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Premador on December 22, 2013, 01:37:41 pm just in hoh
unplayable Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Kovou on December 22, 2013, 03:38:54 pm remove CoH from Jail zone :P
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Claytin on December 22, 2013, 03:55:25 pm Stuff seems more laggy now with anti-train. PoD was fine yesterday(for a DLWE), just a mess today that I had to try something else. HoH sucks pulling less than a wing but couldn't do it today anyway due to lag. CT wasn't happening either yet there were more people on yesterday and had some lag but it was still doable.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 22, 2013, 04:12:40 pm I throttled down my NSA script and my anti train script for the purpose of double loot and high population.
Doesn't mean they are off though, still need to behave or you'll get flagged (eventually). Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Felony on December 22, 2013, 04:39:40 pm People like to complain about lag, but they also like to pull 100-500 mob trains. I think 50 mob train in instance is fair. Will it slow some uber players down? Yes, a little bit. Unfair? No. With the lvl of stupid bitching in QQC last night, err sorry OOC, I am very sad that you didnt just turn on a script of "pull more then 10, account suspended" and tell everyone to fuck off. The retards will never learn and all it was last night was a long line of QQ from tankdan the dumbass and redtwo the failure. Change the script to auto suspend accounts, I would love to see the retards QQ then. Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: red2 on December 22, 2013, 07:17:16 pm dammm who pee'd in your wheaties?
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Maydaay on December 23, 2013, 09:31:05 am I have to agree on this one it has been stated, posted everywhere pulling more than 10 mobs is a ban-able offense....I think Hunter is being more than reasonable~
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Chunka on December 26, 2013, 01:12:48 pm Not sure if the issue is this code or something else....but any time I get myself and a guildie in T5, T6 or HoH we both get half our chars going out of sync, even with 6 boxes or less each. Getting to be a pain. Others in OOC have claimed to see the same issue.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Dimur on December 26, 2013, 02:39:09 pm I agree, it's significantly more laggy for me than before the code was implemented... It isn't as bad as initially but it definitely is noticeable and quite likely is creating far more lag than it is reducing. At the very least, there are realistically only a handful of zones that this even makes sense using it in and it should be restricted to those zones.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Chunka on December 26, 2013, 02:43:27 pm Just about unplayable in T6. Giving up on working this zone with anyone else.....not worth the time it takes to constantly restart clients.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Peign on December 26, 2013, 02:55:39 pm Just about unplayable in T6. Giving up on working this zone with anyone else.....not worth the time it takes to constantly restart clients. I've been in T6 all day. Not seeing any lag at all. Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Chunka on December 26, 2013, 03:13:17 pm Wasnt getting it solo...nor was guildie. But if we were both in at the same time, desync all over for both of us. Others in ooc reporting same issue in PoS, HoH and T5.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: WatchYouDie on December 26, 2013, 09:49:44 pm ya if you have more then 1 player running especially if both are on hate list in zone its pretty bad can lag up to 45 sec sometimes :/
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Natedog on December 26, 2013, 09:54:16 pm ya if you have more then 1 player running especially if both are on hate list in zone its pretty bad can lag up to 45 sec sometimes :/ Make sure both players are filtering combat. You can actually lag each other from just being near each other. If I log in 18 characters and turn off my filters and do anguish with someone i could desync all of our characters just from attacking. Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 26, 2013, 10:35:25 pm Double Loot and Player Massive Trains are causes lag, not the anti train code that checks 1 variable number every 60 seconds.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: marxist on December 27, 2013, 12:59:16 am Seems the lag is worse in instances with other people than pre-train code on my end also. Would rate it as unplayable
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 27, 2013, 01:14:35 am It was put in during double loot week and yes most double loot times have same complaint, about lag cause people are making biggest trains possible to maximize their gains.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Dimur on December 27, 2013, 01:17:44 am Double Loot and Player Massive Trains are causes lag, not the anti train code that checks 1 variable number every 60 seconds. That's also true, except the fact that you entered my ToV instance and saw me pulling less than 7 mobs at a time and the zone lagging out because of it. Are you actively logging anything while the anti train code waits the 60 seconds to check the variable? Couple that with the suspect pathing of mobs in T8 wandering off and agroing another 6-10 mobs and you get a pretty good chance of desync. This is with all clients filtering melee and spell damage out btw. Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Chunka on December 27, 2013, 09:02:44 am Hunter, I'd agree with you, but I tested with 2 players in T6, 8 characters, pulling 5 or 6 mobs at a time (not a train by anyone's definition) and 3 chars went out of sync....1 of mine, 2 of his. Not sure what the issue is, but its not huge trains, and it sure as hell wasnt large server pop (under 300 on when we tried).
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: WatchYouDie on December 27, 2013, 11:27:30 am ya if you have more then 1 player running especially if both are on hate list in zone its pretty bad can lag up to 45 sec sometimes :/ Make sure both players are filtering combat. You can actually lag each other from just being near each other. If I log in 18 characters and turn off my filters and do anguish with someone i could desync all of our characters just from attacking. i had 2 mobs on my hate list he had less then 8 i was in storms he was in 8 and it was baddddd. Double Loot and Player Massive Trains are causes lag, not the anti train code that checks 1 variable number every 60 seconds. I would agree with this in the past however i would say since you fixed oom the random full server/zone lag spikes have gone/ DL does add a lot of lag but thats expected with an influx of people Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Hunter on December 27, 2013, 12:06:04 pm Another thing to consider is how many updates I've been doing recently while the server is up and running. Just look at the front page of all the things we've updated in the last week. Server gets moody when I edit the database and quest.
Title: Re: Anti Train Code Post by: Chunka on December 27, 2013, 02:20:33 pm Fair enough. Hopefully it will get better.