EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Expletus on January 02, 2014, 10:14:53 am

Title: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Expletus on January 02, 2014, 10:14:53 am
After the drop rate of DL with GLS going back to what is currently in place makes it suck farming these. Couple that with the addition of the mob that only 3 ppl on the server can kill the price of these are sky rocketing. Out of all the components used for SOA, UW and SA's (and i'm sure the future UW augs will require these) these shouldn't be as time consuming to obtain as essences are.

Increase the drop rate by double what it is now
Drop the chance to spawn the AW to 1 in 50
Put SLS on a crafter guild merchant for 500k plat

I'm sure players would rather be doing content, resists etc than farming 10 of these with the current drop rate. Please consider some sort of change with these. Thank you for your time.

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: hateborne on January 02, 2014, 11:09:54 am
After the drop rate of DL with GLS going back to what is currently in place makes it suck farming these. Couple that with the addition of the mob that only 3 ppl on the server can kill the price of these are sky rocketing. Out of all the components used for SOA, UW and SA's (and i'm sure the future UW augs will require these) these shouldn't be as time consuming to obtain as essences are.

Increase the drop rate by double what it is now
Drop the chance to spawn the AW to 1 in 50
Put SLS on a crafter guild merchant for 500k plat

I'm sure players would rather be doing content, resists etc than farming 10 of these with the current drop rate. Please consider some sort of change with these. Thank you for your time.

Last I remember, the drop rate for the ancient wisp is already 4x what you suggested. If you want to make it spawn 4x more often....that's just crazy talk and I am heavily against.

The drop rate is fine, the week long double loot has just spoiled everyone. I can farm ~8 SLS a day at work, while doing 2-3x what my coworkers are doing without double loot. With double loot I farmed 24 SLS in ~2 days while screwing around.


Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Expletus on January 02, 2014, 11:22:55 am
The only reason I said increase that spawn is for a little give and take. Give more reward, increase the risk.

One clear nets 4 GLS all morning and i've been at it for 2 straight hours and only 4 SLS. I would much rather be working on something else for the last 2 hours than farming these things. No wonder people are using afk macros to farm them.

Why not put it up for a poll?  Increase the drop rate or leave it?

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Gannicus on January 02, 2014, 12:03:57 pm
It's already 1/100 chance for that wisp ; mind you I seem to get it every 3 wisps ; it's horrible, yes. But it's doable and has been so for awhile since the LAST increase to GLS. Double loot being gone spoils you and makes you think everything should be faster, it'll feel normal again soon.

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Expletus on January 02, 2014, 12:08:06 pm
The AW is really just a band aid for the root of the problem being the drop rate. AW was put into to counter act the afk macro farmers working in the zone which also punishes the normal players trying to avoid the AW. I really can't see telling someone new to the server to go farm GLS knowing they are gonna get raped by that thing.

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Hunter on January 02, 2014, 12:15:15 pm
The Ancient Wisp was just an extension of creating super rare bosses like Ancient Dragon and Angry Beholder. Its cute how players think I put it there to combat afk botters, although it is a pretty neat side affect.

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Expletus on January 02, 2014, 12:33:30 pm
If that were the case Hunter, then why would you make it so only 2-3 people (maybe 4) could kill it on the server? Especially in that zone. Logically it doesn't make any sense.

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: hateborne on January 02, 2014, 12:43:32 pm
The Ancient Wisp was just an extension of creating super rare bosses like Ancient Dragon and Angry Beholder. Its cute how players think I put it there to combat afk botters, although it is a pretty neat side affect.

I will say that the ancient wisp is seen 2-3x more often than Ancient Dragon, considering ancient dragon is public only (right?). If ancient wisp were public only, that would be a bit less painful I suppose.

Just a note. :-)


Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Nexxel on January 02, 2014, 01:07:24 pm
Ancient dragon is NOT public only (unless it was changed) i have killed it in a instance.

And if the AW was added to like the AD and AB its lvl would be a bit more inline with the zone  ::)

Reguardless of "Why" it was put in, the effect on Bot's is the end result, allong with playing Wackamole with the farmers of the zone :D

But add my 2cp's, theres no change needed to the zone as far as drop rate. so you spawn the thing and you git bopped on the head back to spawn point. Go back and keep farming and stay away from it. cant have more then one and it dont move.

Double loot spoiled some. life will return to normal.

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: huffdady on January 02, 2014, 03:25:09 pm
If that were the case Hunter, then why would you make it so only 2-3 people (maybe 4) could kill it on the server? Especially in that zone. Logically it doesn't make any sense.

why is it that only a hand full of peeps can kill it if it's main goal is to stop farmers?   I've had that thing kill me a ton of times.  I'm in full T7 armor and buffs and it still hits me for 3.5x more hps than I have.  I just don't think it should be that tough.    People who put as much time as it takes to get to uc2, soa30+ and full T7 should be able to kill it.

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Peign on January 02, 2014, 04:00:18 pm
If that were the case Hunter, then why would you make it so only 2-3 people (maybe 4) could kill it on the server? Especially in that zone. Logically it doesn't make any sense.

That is ludicrous.  Anyone in T9 can take out the wisp.    Look at the leaderboards,  anyone on the top 10 can kill it  (some have, some are busy elsewhere).    Heck, anyone in the top 20 can kill it.  

It is a T9 level boss.  If you are ready for T9 you can take out the AW.   If not, well then back to the grind for you.

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Fuzzypoodle on January 02, 2014, 04:01:36 pm
I don't really see a problem with the drop rate or AW.  I can farm about 50 or so in a day and a bad day about 30ish and that's not double loot..  As far as the AW, it might be a pain but I have had 2 instances going and one spawned about 5 clears in and the other it took about 4 hours before he popped.  So really just pull wisps to a area that you can stay clear of and when he pops just have a zone holder so it doesn't depop.

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: yeejek on January 02, 2014, 11:25:50 pm
Anyone in top 20 can kill ancient wisp. He has a ton of regen but bring >14 million dps and its a 60 second fight. You'll also want at least two clerics and slow his ass.

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Felony on January 03, 2014, 04:57:45 am
Anyone in top 20 can kill ancient wisp. He has a ton of regen but bring >14 million dps and its a 60 second fight. You'll also want at least two clerics and slow his ass.

Dude why you gotta give away the sekrets!
Make those fools use their brains and think about the encounter.
People here are so use to "attack on, check. afk on, check." then looting shit.

Side note, /who all <zonename> ... think about what I might be able to say next.

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Tankdan on January 03, 2014, 07:50:12 am
1 in 50 is 2 clears....

it should be much rarer than that.  Not everybody wants to log in 2 groups just to farm SLS.  Make it spawn in a different location like the Ancient Dragon does, it shouldnt immediately 1 shot farmers, SLS is hard enough to get as it is with the hundreds that are needed to progress on this server.

Putting a T8-T9 boss in Jaggedpine just doesnt seem like a good idea.  Why not make a rare and easy to kill boss, that works as a reward for the farmers, instead of a hindrance.  Some people might like having 2 groups logged in for SLS, id rather just farm SLS stress free.  

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: balidet on January 03, 2014, 11:47:51 am
I dont see what all the excitement is about.. I ... for the first time needed a GLS for a newb I am leveling up and zoned into Jaggedpine...the mother of all WOW was up...I farmed every WIsp in the zone avoiding easily the red one....got not only the GLS i was after but an SLS to boot.....

SO what is all the excitement about?

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Hunter on January 03, 2014, 12:29:00 pm
Dude why you gotta give away the sekrets!
Make those fools use their brains and think about the encounter.
People here are so use to "attack on, check. afk on, check." then looting shit.


Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: Peign on January 03, 2014, 01:31:49 pm
Dude why you gotta give away the sekrets!
Make those fools use their brains and think about the encounter.
People here are so use to "attack on, check. afk on, check." then looting shit.


Take that a step further and look at the EZ Guide.   It pretty much gives away all the secrets of the server and leaves nothing to the imagination.     Should be scaled down or removed. 

Title: Re: SLS Suggestion
Post by: RuthlessJay on January 03, 2014, 02:15:54 pm


Take that a step further and look at the EZ Guide.   It pretty much gives away all the secrets of the server and leaves nothing to the imagination.     Should be scaled down or removed. 

 hmm really? so it's a GOOD idea to remove the EZ Guide? so i guess you'll be the one wanting to field all the noob questions that will undoubtedly be asked 1000 times per day in OOC? lol ...because i, for one, appreciate having somewhere to refer people with tons of questions...