EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Tankdan on January 08, 2014, 06:54:41 am

Title: SOE to announce "All Access Pass" $15/month
Post by: Tankdan on January 08, 2014, 06:54:41 am
According to a thread on the internet, Smedley hinted that SOE in the near future is going to offer an All Access Pass to be a Premium(subscribed) member for all their games combined for the standard $15/month, pretty tempting for when EQN/EQNL comes around. 

Forth - And this is very important -
We are considering (and are likely going to move forward with) a plan that means if you subscribe to one of our games you are a subscriber to all our games (this applies to PC titles only btw).. all for the current $14.99 a month. That's a benefit most companies simply can't offer because they don't have our portfolio of games. The goal would be to let you pick an item in each game you play. Some of you might say "well who cares..I only play Planetside 2. How is that a benefit to me?" My answer is simple - we've got a great lineup of games, some of which aren't announced yet that cater to a lot of players. We have EQN and EQNL coming along with other..... games... that PS2 players might just like :)