EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: hateborne on January 10, 2014, 06:27:59 pm

Title: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: hateborne on January 10, 2014, 06:27:59 pm
T8 Augs and Weapons are LIVE!

Crystalline weapons have replaced the Ancient ____ of Temple Veeshan on drop tables. Look for these new weapons as you are tearing through Temple of Veeshan.

T8 Epic Augs are now creatable! Combine your T7 aug with a Charged Veeshan Scale of Power to get your T8 aug.

Charged Veeshan Scale of Power = 3x Red Scale, 3x Silver Scale, 3x Green Scale, 1x Veeshan Essence in your Magic Box.


Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Natedog on January 10, 2014, 08:17:51 pm
Ooh any 8.0s to post I wanna see :-D

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Dimur on January 11, 2014, 01:57:32 am
This is the lackluster monk 8.0, no offense but you lose regen from upgrading from 2 7.0 1h and don't gain anything other than 20 avoidance which is already overcap.

Forgot to add that you lose combat effects and gain 55k hp, at this gear level you'll be over 1mil total so 55k seems meh, and the proc that you gain is somewhere between 1/6 and 1/7th that of the ninjastrikes you'll put in here for a bit more of a boost.  But having to farm 3 of each type of scale and an essence to get that boost is something people likely won't do until they are already done using essences for strike upgrades and SOA upgrades as well as UW upgrades not to mention wasting scales that could be used to work toward more UCv3 upgrades.

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Chunka on January 11, 2014, 02:00:20 am
Not sure I understand.....the NS aug wont slot into the 8.0?

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Hunter on January 11, 2014, 02:01:34 am
These are brand new, and still need tweaks.

I'm sure Hateborne will fix this and make the Epic 8.0 Augment version worth having with new or increased affects from the 7.0 version.

So what are the differences in new graphic/stat weapons from T7 to T8, worth having?

Also there are benefits to Monks using 2hb.

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Dimur on January 11, 2014, 02:10:14 am
There is zero tangible benefit to a monk using a 2hb from what I know, if you mean eating less ripostes that's negligible because starting at T8+ your monk will not be in a position to eat riposte damage or will likely be sitting the fight out dead and waiting for a rez.  Once monks got aura on live to negate ripostes, you didn't see them getting 2h weapon upgrades other than lateral upgrades to their 2 1h setup.  They also got an AA to negate riposte dmg from offhand weapons iirc, but I haven't played live in years so I'm not certain on that.

As far as the 2 NS augs not in the weapon yet, it's more because I was logging and unimpressed by the final combine anyhow.  Yes, the 2 NS will fit in there when I pull them out of the 1h weapons.

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Hunter on January 11, 2014, 02:14:04 am
I'm sure Hateborne wont' abandon the Monks. Now that we have feedback we'll see what we can do to make it worth having.

Any click, focus, worn, or proc that you'd like to see, just post about it here, and maybe it can be made!

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Adidis on January 11, 2014, 02:39:05 am
There is zero tangible benefit to a monk using a 2hb from what I know, if you mean eating less ripostes that's negligible because starting at T8+ your monk will not be in a position to eat riposte damage or will likely be sitting the fight out dead and waiting for a rez.  Once monks got aura on live to negate ripostes, you didn't see them getting 2h weapon upgrades other than lateral upgrades to their 2 1h setup.  They also got an AA to negate riposte dmg from offhand weapons iirc, but I haven't played live in years so I'm not certain on that.

As far as the 2 NS augs not in the weapon yet, it's more because I was logging and unimpressed by the final combine anyhow.  Yes, the 2 NS will fit in there when I pull them out of the 1h weapons.

Monks get Punishing Blade which increases the chance for extra hits with 2h weapons. Not to say that it makes 2h better or worse, but it is something.

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Peign on January 11, 2014, 11:00:00 am
Agree with Dimurwar  UC3 >  Epic 8.0.      Those scales are fairly rare and and you get a better ROI from the UC3.    Perhaps make the 8.0 combine use something other than the scales?   

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: hateborne on January 11, 2014, 01:20:51 pm
This is the lackluster monk 8.0, no offense but you lose regen from upgrading from 2 7.0 1h and don't gain anything other than 20 avoidance which is already overcap.

Forgot to add that you lose combat effects and gain 55k hp, at this gear level you'll be over 1mil total so 55k seems meh, and the proc that you gain is somewhere between 1/6 and 1/7th that of the ninjastrikes you'll put in here for a bit more of a boost.  But having to farm 3 of each type of scale and an essence to get that boost is something people likely won't do until they are already done using essences for strike upgrades and SOA upgrades as well as UW upgrades not to mention wasting scales that could be used to work toward more UCv3 upgrades.

The Combat Effects is minor and can be fixed. We're all at proc cap anyway, but we can set it to 150.

The HP on all the T8 items will likely need to be scaled up by the bossman. I am far too conservative to make explosive HP values.

As for the scales, you really only need ONE epic aug at this point. I may be mistaken, but the epic aug only gives you the click/focus which is needed once. In T6 you had to choose to use the augs for your gear or for UC. Now you use 3x red/silver/green and 1 essence to make the epic aug. In T6, you were forced to clear the entire zone to get to OMM for the book. It's really not much different currently.

tl;dr - mudflate hp values, re-evaluate the random stats, recipe for epic aug is fine (see above)


Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Dimur on January 11, 2014, 01:47:11 pm
I'm fine with the recipe being what it is, it's just that as it stands now the epic aug is a marginal upgrade and the components are more useful elsewhere.  Epics should be epic, so basically keeping the stats the same and boosting hp doesn't really do much to address that.  And yes, we are overcap already on combat effects which is why I was wondering why it was even put on the 8.0 aug as well as being the only increase over the 7.0.  One thing that would definitely garner some more appeal is making a click that is actually going to be used.  You've done an awesome job on a lot of epics, some classes have effects so useful that people put them in /twist to click on every refresh but there are others that have fallen into uselessness.  Maybe put a post in the class forums asking for ideas and suggestions for potential epic click effects and then filter through the godmode requests and see if there are reasonable ideas regarding these.  I honestly think that making the click effects themselves incrementally better than previous tiers would go a long way to making people get excited to upgrade them and even forego upgrades elsewhere just to get them.

tl;dr - Review and update click effects for classes that have useless ones

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: hateborne on January 11, 2014, 01:58:47 pm
I'm fine with the recipe being what it is, it's just that as it stands now the epic aug is a marginal upgrade and the components are more useful elsewhere.  Epics should be epic, so basically keeping the stats the same and boosting hp doesn't really do much to address that.  And yes, we are overcap already on combat effects which is why I was wondering why it was even put on the 8.0 aug as well as being the only increase over the 7.0.  One thing that would definitely garner some more appeal is making a click that is actually going to be used.  You've done an awesome job on a lot of epics, some classes have effects so useful that people put them in /twist to click on every refresh but there are others that have fallen into uselessness.  Maybe put a post in the class forums asking for ideas and suggestions for potential epic click effects and then filter through the godmode requests and see if there are reasonable ideas regarding these.  I honestly think that making the click effects themselves incrementally better than previous tiers would go a long way to making people get excited to upgrade them and even forego upgrades elsewhere just to get them.

tl;dr - Review and update click effects for classes that have useless ones

LOL no ----? The epics have mostly been garbage stat items FOREVER. It's only when we separate the effects that people start to notice this. There is nothing epic about any of the class weapons.

I've not gone through and re-written most of the trivial clicks because I'm not in the mood for another ----storm. Tons of the epic clicks are pretty much worthless. We've just dealt with it for far too long because we want the stats from the epics.

If there is genuine interest in making the epic abilities useful, some needs to start a thread and start posting suggestions.


(Post modified to suit virgin ears)

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Dimur on January 11, 2014, 02:13:50 pm
LOL no ---?

Ease up there bucko, I'm offering feedback that you can either consider or dismiss but there's no reason to get snippy about it. I can totally understand your trepidation in putting a ----load of effort into editing the clicks because you are absolutely correct, it would ensure a ---storm would follow.  All I suggested is that if the powers that be would consider making the clicks more desirable, perhaps you can temper the ---storm by letting people be more proactive and offer suggestions than critical and pick it apart after the fact.

(Post modified to suit virgin ears)

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: hateborne on January 11, 2014, 02:20:57 pm
LOL no ---?

Ease up there bucko, I'm offering feedback that you can either consider or dismiss but there's no reason to get snippy about it. I can totally understand your trepidation in putting a ----load of effort into editing the clicks because you are absolutely correct, it would ensure a ----storm would follow.  All I suggested is that if the powers that be would consider making the clicks more desirable, perhaps you can temper the ----storm by letting people be more proactive and offer suggestions than critical and pick it apart after the fact.

Heh I wasn't attacking you. I've been saying that for over a year now. It's just amusing to have some one else agree with me. (Sarcasm fails in type, sorry Dim. I do greatly appreciate your feedback!)

If people want new clicks, they can start up a thread and start making suggestions. I'm not going to even attempt to create things from scratch without some form of feedback because it will blow up in my face.


(Post modified to suit virgin ears)

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Peign on January 11, 2014, 02:28:10 pm
LOL no ----?

Ease up there bucko, I'm offering feedback that you can either consider or dismiss but there's no reason to get snippy about it. I can totally understand your trepidation in putting a ----load of effort into editing the clicks because you are absolutely correct, it would ensure a ---storm would follow.  All I suggested is that if the powers that be would consider making the clicks more desirable, perhaps you can temper the ----storm by letting people be more proactive and offer suggestions than critical and pick it apart after the fact.

Can also not make so many changes so rapidly.   Make small changes, implement, allow time for feedback, rinse and repeat.     There is no need to make vast sweeping changes.   Make changes in small manageable chunks.  

Agile Development for the win.  

While this is Hunters server, we do all play here and it seems many enjoy it.  

(Post modified to suit virgin ears)

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: red2 on January 11, 2014, 11:33:00 pm
wow i never though i would agree with peign. But, the idea of change some, see what it does then move on is a good one.  It is essentially  what we use to trouble shoot electronics. make a change observe effects, repeat as necessary.

Also, the idea of toning down the HP on UW, in conjunction with tuning t9+ mob damage and hp, could work. so long as the scale is balanced. 

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Denzig on January 12, 2014, 09:48:27 am
Thanks for all the work you've put into these.

Made Cleric 8.0 this morning.

I expect the HP should be 160,000 since they only wield one? Currently 80,000 like the dual wield classes.


Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: hateborne on January 12, 2014, 10:57:37 am
Thanks for all the work you've put into these.

Made Cleric 8.0 this morning.

I expect the HP should be 160,000 since they only wield one? Currently 80,000 like the dual wield classes.


Just because you can't dual wield doesn't mean you get all of your HP from 1 item. There is still a shield/offhand out there somewhere.

As for the values on all the Crystalline items, I mentioned this to Hunter. He will likely increase the HP values when able.


Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Denzig on January 12, 2014, 11:21:20 am
That's cool, just giving feedback. 40k reduction from 7.0 to Crystalline at the moment for Cleric.

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: red2 on January 15, 2014, 08:41:47 pm
any chance tserrina's staff can have slot 21 added to make it similar to the t7/t8 epic skins ?

Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: Brunaa on January 16, 2014, 08:49:44 am
I cant combine Aurora the Heartwood Blade Epic Augument 7.0 with the Charged Scale of Power any idea why it is not working?

Does Ranger now only get 1 epic weapon for secondary slot (Crystaline Sword of Parrying) Epic 7.0 is for primary and secondary

I havent seen a epic 8.0 weapon for primary for Rng yet.


Title: Re: T8 Weapons and Augs LIVE!
Post by: hateborne on January 16, 2014, 11:06:38 am
I cant combine Aurora the Heartwood Blade Epic Augument 7.0 with the Charged Scale of Power any idea why it is not working?

Does Ranger now only get 1 epic weapon for secondary slot (Crystaline Sword of Parrying) Epic 7.0 is for primary and secondary

I havent seen a epic 8.0 weapon for primary for Rng yet.


There isn't one currently. The pet was removed so you would make an epic aug with 0 stats and no click/proc/focus/worn.


EDIT: I see what you mean. I found myself having trouble locating a primary weapon for the ranger as well. I'll get that resolved.