EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dinadas on January 22, 2014, 12:30:48 pm

Title: Thanks Hunter and Hate(list of changes over last 6 weeks)
Post by: Dinadas on January 22, 2014, 12:30:48 pm
Listed as I can remember them:

Pally and SK changes (fixed healing )

Ultimate Weapon changes (click removed), stats to be adjusted, general discussion of developement with community, added epic slots, creating new unique combos to be explored.

Created stats window added lots of info there.

Changed Credit balance restrictions.

Adjusted Mana drain per floor in ToFS

Changed T5 Bard song

Class Inks stack to 10

Removed leash from Ldon and qvic

Master EOFS no drop(gave us 2 weeks of being tradable)

Titanium users now get a warning

Jail and Anti Train added and adjusted per community feedback.

Regen tweaked and then adjusted based on community feedback

Resist recipes added(8 level 1,II,III, IV) make larger ones with less clicking

New exp reward items added

Mask of Experience created(free option to boost exp gain)

Group/Raid Exp improved at request of community.

Distillers condensed to 1 type and stack to 1000, along with water

New instance zone code, reducing loading tremendously

Remote creating guild instances

Magic Box no longer lore (free 10 slots)

Essence drop rate increased across the board

Buffs don't run out if in nexus

Spell tweaks from Hate

Kick function

PVP changes

Love it or hate it, In my opinion there are a lot of things on that list that have greatly improved my gaming experience, and the server as a whole.

And heck that is a lot of changes/work in 4-6 week period of time.

Title: Re: Thanks Hunter and Hate(list of changes over last 6 weeks)
Post by: balidet on January 22, 2014, 01:36:29 pm
Yes and thank you for all the hard work!

Title: Re: Thanks Hunter and Hate(list of changes over last 6 weeks)
Post by: huffdady on January 22, 2014, 04:57:08 pm
Dang, that is alot of changes.

You forgot the change that will affect/effect (I can never remember which one is which) almost every boxer on the server.

Warriors 2 handed/1 handed getting the same clicks AND being able to be added to UW.  This is by far the best change made so far. 

I think over all, the changes are going to be good for the server. 

Good Job guys, keep it up. 

Title: Re: Thanks Hunter and Hate(list of changes over last 6 weeks)
Post by: clbreastmilk on January 22, 2014, 05:55:49 pm
Was T8 epic's missed in that list?

Title: Re: Thanks Hunter and Hate(list of changes over last 6 weeks)
Post by: Dinadas on January 22, 2014, 08:26:59 pm
I did miss t8 epics, sorry not there yet myself

and the warrior change was quite useful as well.