EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Scorpien on February 10, 2014, 10:48:31 am

Title: FG/CG
Post by: Scorpien on February 10, 2014, 10:48:31 am
I would suggest that max AA's be included in completing FG or CG. In the grand scheme of gaining and spending AA's the 800-1200 that are used for alt ability's is negligible.

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: balidet on February 10, 2014, 11:19:49 am

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Brokyn on February 10, 2014, 11:22:14 am
gaining and spending AA's the 800-1200 that are used for alt ability's is negligible.

Exactly, suck it up and spend a few minutes getting them all =)

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Hunter on February 10, 2014, 12:11:40 pm
Not sure how to do this with Task, unless I made some fake task step that can't be completed, then have npc check your AA, and auto complete the task step for you, to finish it.

We have 2 types of flags, old global flag, and the new task completed flag. Would have to edit both of those to do this.

Its a neat idea but CG/FG should be fine without it.

Could make a new Uber Elite Guild that requires certain amount of ranks of certain items to get flagged, a new quest/task.

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Premador on February 10, 2014, 12:41:13 pm
Dont see the point. Sounds like work for Hunter for no real value added.

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: balidet on February 10, 2014, 04:14:21 pm
I like the idea of a ubber guild....but then getting ubber is kinda a reward all in it self..so..../shrug ..you can probably do better stuff with your time.

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Scorpien on February 11, 2014, 07:14:09 am
In my mind if it was put to live would be something along the same lines as a npc that sets your melee/casting skills or like the one that trains all spells and Discs set up inside the CG/FG halls. Hail the NPC he maxes out ya AA and then on your way.

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Fuzzypoodle on February 11, 2014, 07:24:58 am
I really don't see any value of Hunter wasting time for AA's to be maxed.  It really doesn't take long to max them and if you are having issues with 1500 aa's, what is going to happen when you have to farming millions for other things on the server?

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Scorpien on February 11, 2014, 07:27:44 am
It's not the farming that bothers me or why would I play on this server. It's the going through and (training) each one that gets on my nerves.

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Fuzzypoodle on February 11, 2014, 07:30:48 am
Lol... Ok just as I do, just bank a lot of them and then spend as needed.   ;D

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Chunka on February 11, 2014, 07:46:08 am
Do you have any idea how long it took me to get all the evil exes' contact information so I could form this stupid league? Like, two hours! *Two hours!*

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Brokyn on February 11, 2014, 08:00:49 am
Do you have any idea how long it took me to get all the evil exes' contact information so I could form this stupid league? Like, two hours! *Two hours!*

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Goth on February 11, 2014, 08:24:20 am
let me get this straight ... in order to get your 2.5, you will need to farm 800 to 1200 AA on top of FG /CG?   

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Scorpien on February 11, 2014, 12:57:51 pm
let me get this straight ... in order to get your 2.5, you will need to farm 800 to 1200 AA on top of FG /CG?

That was not my intent. I wanted to have maxed AA's as prize for finishing your FG/CG not a requirement but we know how evil Hunter can be sometime.....LOL

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: gagem on February 11, 2014, 03:12:50 pm
let me get this straight ... in order to get your 2.5, you will need to farm 800 to 1200 AA on top of FG /CG?

That was not my intent. I wanted to have maxed AA's as prize for finishing your FG/CG not a requirement but we know how evil Hunter can be sometime.....LOL

How about an NPC that does this for your char if it has the flags for all 3, FG/CG and crafters?  The full tri-guild experience :)  If you need extra incentive to finish all 3.. make it a 1500 AA reward that automatically spends them on your available AA's but spills over to your unspent AA if you have already done several yourself.

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 12, 2014, 07:50:15 am
I think it is too trivial to bother Hunter with coming up with the code/quest to implement it. Not saying it would be all that hard but it's just stupid easy to come up with aa. There are plenty of other directions Hunter can apply his efforts in.

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: huffdady on February 14, 2014, 08:52:44 am
I like the setting your skills higher option.  You can never have to much defensive or melee skills. 
You could also add a buff NPC that gives better buffs.  Oak, crabs and vamperic thunder maybe? 
If you have a toon that is in all 3 maybe the buff npc will give a low level XP buff, lets say like 20% or something?   Instead of a 1 time infusion of 1500.  It will be like the gift that keeps on giving. 

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: Rent Due on February 14, 2014, 09:12:45 am
I like the setting your skills higher option.  You can never have to much defensive or melee skills. 
You could also add a buff NPC that gives better buffs.  Oak, crabs and vamperic thunder maybe? 
If you have a toon that is in all 3 maybe the buff npc will give a low level XP buff, lets say like 20% or something?   Instead of a 1 time infusion of 1500.  It will be like the gift that keeps on giving. 

I can not get on board with the higher buff idea, however, a buff bot inside the tier that gives a higher level buff I can get behind.

reasoning, if the buff bot in nexus gave oak3, 7.0 sham, etc then it would be just a PL tool that would defeat the purpose of progression through 1-70 and turn it into a 45 min ordeal. I believe, for new players that the 1-70 leveling is vital to get an understanding of how MQ2 works and how to work their crew.

with that said, making a druid is not for everyone's crew. some people may wish to run a 12 man without a druid and that's cool. so, when they progress into T3-T4 it would be reasonable to place a buff bot there to allow them access to the tier appropriate druid buff for their team instead of asking in OOC for a kind soul to mass buff druid buffs. I do believe eventually people come to the point where they do make that druid and intergrade them into their team, even if just for the buffs, spells they offer, but it is not needed for every crew.

hope that makes sense

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: balidet on February 14, 2014, 11:24:35 am
I don't go anywhere without my skin

Title: Re: FG/CG
Post by: huffdady on February 14, 2014, 12:37:31 pm
I don't go anywhere without my skin

Me Either