EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Brokyn on February 24, 2014, 09:16:18 am

Title: Epic 8.0 augs
Post by: Brokyn on February 24, 2014, 09:16:18 am
Hi Hunter/Hate

I was wondering if you could please set up the Epic Vendor NPC to allow toons to hand in their 8.0 epic augs to trade from 1h to 2h and back, like it always used to be for epics.  (I realize you don't want a 1h version of monk, since there is no weapon to put it in, and no 1hs version of Ranger, so those don't have to be there).  It would be great though, if we had that functionality back again.

Thanks :)

P.S.  Not sure if this was in there for 7.0, and should be there for 9.0+ as well =)>

Title: Re: Epic 8.0 augs
Post by: Elwen on February 24, 2014, 09:51:02 am
I wanted this as well thanks.

Title: Re: Epic 8.0 augs
Post by: Blurring on February 24, 2014, 11:41:14 pm
This is a big problem.

If there are different versions of the epic for 1 hand and 2 hand you NEED to be able to switch between them.

If you have the 8.0 epic you are SoL. Even if you had to take your 8.0 epic aug and downgrade it the 7.0 epic aug and return it to the T7 vendor for the epic weapon and then give it back to the epic vendor for the 1hand/2hand equivalent that would be preferable to the current system. As it is you simply can't exchange your 8.0 aug for the 1hs/2hs equivalent. Want the extra healing on your paladin from the 1hs compared to the 2hs? Doh, you're stuck. =\

Please make a way to exchange or a way to downgrade your 8.0 to the 7.0 + components so that it can be changed.

Title: Re: Epic 8.0 augs
Post by: Dimur on February 25, 2014, 12:41:24 am
I totally agree with this, it hasn't been an issue for me yet but I could very easily see it becoming one and it'd be nice to see this addressed in some fashion.