EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Raygan on February 24, 2014, 11:09:33 am

Title: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Raygan on February 24, 2014, 11:09:33 am
I was wondering, if there was a way to make ancient willowisp not an auto agro mob.  If someone is botting in JP, then they would (I assume) target the ancient...and then wipe...but most folks who farm the zone don't have a full group in the zone, as they are just trying to get the GLS for making SLS...but for those who do want to kill ,legitimately, they could park group at zi and once the Ancient Wisp spawns they could CoH group assemble/buff up...then engage.  Maybe , if Ancient Wisp was instituted due to botting, make it have the same name as a regular wisp just with a red con...no auto agro...then botters would run up try to kill....and then that could be logged to make botters in the zone easily researched?  Just an idea...and if it doesn't make any sense then disregard.

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Raygan on February 24, 2014, 11:20:09 am
Of course an additional benefit to this would be for newbies who apwan it could sell the loot rights to higher tiered folks to come into their instance to kill the mob....so would help those people who qq about not making plats for strike augs

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: balidet on February 24, 2014, 01:35:45 pm
Why? it takes you less than a minute to get back to sls farming if you wipe.?? '

there is nothing here to fix...

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Expletus on February 24, 2014, 01:36:34 pm
It makes sense. However they would just add an IF statement to the macro to avoid the mob and continue the farming.

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Raygan on February 24, 2014, 04:42:36 pm
Here's another idea as well if you don't want to make the ancient wisp non agro...make it spawn in the north west corner of the zone that way it doesn't kill ya as soon as it spawns...you still get the spawn..is still auto agro but it wont wipe ya out as soon as it spawns.  Although I do have a feeling it was designed to help with botting so I don't know if this idea will be the best idea...just throwing noodles against the wall see what sticks. :D

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Chunka on February 25, 2014, 12:46:05 am
The point was to make wisp farming dangerous, and to reward players who could overcome that danger. Working fine as is.

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Gannicus on February 25, 2014, 02:52:27 am
I still personally don't see the reason for the Ancient wisp besides stopping the bot farming and that seems like an odd way to me still of how to handle the situation. People can probably kill it by now, but it's just a huge inconvenience to farm something essential and having to waste down time when you die to go back. Sure it's maybe a minute to get back , but add up all the times the thing pops it adds up fast.

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Rent Due on February 25, 2014, 07:22:36 am
I think everyone (well almost) can agree on two things with this mob:

1. it helps, if not stops botting

2. its a major pain in the rear for honest players farming

SLS's have become such an important part of this server that they are one of those things that you can not progress without.

I don't know anyone that "likes" to farm SLS's. I've never heard someone say, "well, I have all the essences and plat to make my augs, I can't wait to go farming for SLS's and I sure hope the AWW spawns!"

I wish I had a solution, but I can not come up with anything lol, I just dread the thought of even going there now a days

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Dinadas on February 25, 2014, 07:36:55 am
I still think it should be tiered like Halloween. The mechanics are already developed.

First spawn ~t3 level 1-2 SLS chance to drop
2nd spawn ~t6 level 3-4 SLS chance to drop
3rd spawn Current Ancient(~t9) with current loot

Could even have them summon more wisps as adds, greater chance of GLS

Make it something worth attempting, I think 98% of the server still can't kill it.

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Brokyn on February 25, 2014, 09:55:21 am
Actually, Rent, if I am farming SLS I do want the AWW to spawn :)  Just strange that way, I guess...  I like the chance at a few ready made SLS :)

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: balidet on February 25, 2014, 12:58:06 pm
I just feel like most people are missing the point...it is supposed to be hard...otherwise he would just code the zone to have the SLS randomly spawn on the ground and you could run around and pick them up...

just think back a few months to when the damn wisps spawned underground half the time...thank god he fixed that!

Farming SLS is not a big deal...2 clears of jagged pine almost always gets me 1 sls...that is less than 6 mins a clear? if it was any faster I would have to stop and wait for the timer to repop the zones...

SLS are by far the fastest and easiest part of ANY quest item in this game and people are constantly complaining about them ....

I just dont understand....do you want a vendor that just sells them? for free? Maybe you should not farm SLS for 4 hours at a time....and just progress and farm them as they are required for your augs...its not designed to be your personal PP factory...

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: huffdady on February 25, 2014, 01:00:06 pm
I still think it should be tiered like Halloween. The mechanics are already developed.

First spawn ~t3 level 1-2 SLS chance to drop
2nd spawn ~t6 level 3-4 SLS chance to drop
3rd spawn Current Ancient(~t9) with current loot

Could even have them summon more wisps as adds, greater chance of GLS

Make it something worth attempting, I think 98% of the server still can't kill it.

You must be a GD Genius Private Pyle, you must have an iq of a 140.  That is a really awesome idea man.  I like it.  

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Rent Due on February 25, 2014, 01:32:27 pm
that is a freaking awesome idea!!

no joke, wish I had thought of that lol

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Drep on February 25, 2014, 02:53:45 pm
I don't run a bot and I still run right into the bitch and die.   When your in there long enough, you stop paying attention when your hitting your /tar hotkey.   I end up completely forgetting.  Hit my target hotkey and forget to look if it's the ancient or not, run up and die.  :)

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: Chunka on February 25, 2014, 03:12:04 pm
I like the tiered spawn idea. Solid!

Meanwhile...necro pet or ranger seems to be thge best way to farm em now without risk of dying.

Title: Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp...
Post by: huffdady on February 26, 2014, 12:17:45 pm
I have found that if you only pull 1/2 of them at a time, you won't get him to spawn.
When I used to farm them by pulling the entire zone of Wisp's, I would get him to spawn ever 3 or 4th pull.
Since I started only pulling them 1/2 at a time, I haven't seen him yet. 

I don't know if hunter ment it to be this way but it's either RNG is my friend when hunting wisps or it got tired of 1 shooting me.  LoL