EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Xiggie | Stone on March 01, 2014, 12:05:46 pm

Title: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 01, 2014, 12:05:46 pm
I don't know that Hunter's (Aaron) family and friends in real life will ever see this but I would like to express from all of us our sincerest condolences. This is absolutely shocking and tragic. I am dumbfounded what to even say. I am very sorry to all the people who have lost their friend and family member.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: barrettd04 on March 01, 2014, 12:17:37 pm
Very sad,  especially considering his son will grow up never knowing his father.  My condolences.

RIP boss


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: spuddson on March 01, 2014, 12:20:25 pm
Such sad news my prayers are with his family.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Premador on March 01, 2014, 12:24:37 pm
OMG my sincere condolences. RIP Aaron

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Chunka on March 01, 2014, 12:37:38 pm
I didnt know Aaron too well, just from the occasional heated discussion on some issues. He was insanely creative, and from what I could tell family meant everything to him. I cant believe he's gone! My condolences to his family.....the world is a bit darker of a place today.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: whatzizface on March 01, 2014, 12:58:47 pm
My sincere condolences and my thoughts go out to his family. R.I.P Boss

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Adydar on March 01, 2014, 01:06:40 pm
I can't believe what I just read, absolutely shocking.

My sincerest condolences to his family and friends.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Rent Due on March 01, 2014, 01:28:38 pm
unbelievable news, such a shock.

I know he was working hard to provide for his family.

he will be very missed here.

it is my hope that all of the creative minds here can
keep his server going in his memory.

I know his family was his top priority.

many thoughts and prayers to his family

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Thyl on March 01, 2014, 02:39:14 pm
It's been a while since I have been on this forum or the server, but I had a great time while I played here. I am deeply saddened to hear about the loss of Hunter who contributed so much to this community. My condolences to his family and friends.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Akkadius on March 01, 2014, 02:49:05 pm
I spoke to Hunter for quite a few hours a few weeks ago before he started heading back up to the states, this is still even now quite the shock to myself. I am deeply saddened by this, I really am. I was just at a close relatives hospice before their passing from lung cancer 2 days ago and then I wake up to this news, it just doesn't seem to stop.

Hunter was a great member of the EQEmu community. Always respectful and willing to help and contribute whenever appropriate. He has been around since the early ages of EQEmu when his server had very little people on it for the longest time. He had many considerations of just closing the project, but through perseverance he has carried on for many years afterwards.

He is loved by many, had a great passion for his life and everything that he cared for.

He had the special insanity that it took to run an EQEmu server for hundreds of players while maintaining a professional and busy life. All of the demands, E-Mails, pressure, drama, threats, challenges, creative inspiration that is all demanded from a person who runs a server of this level by himself and with Basher at many times, but more recent years with the help of great people with the smallest contributions to large.

I have created a news post on the front of EQEmu for people to pay their respects. I can't post on the News section here because I never bothered Hunter for forum admin access even though I have a GM toon in game that I never use other than to log in and show face.

Regardless I have had lengthy conversations with Hunter on this server, its history, struggles, players, code issues over the years and I've been glad to be able to help him as a friend and be able to speak with him on such personal levels. I feel great that I have had this opportunity to be able to relate to him in levels other than EQEmu and get to know about a window in his life.

I also feel honored that he had asked me personally if I would 'Just keep EZ going' when he wanted to retire from it all. I told him that I don't believe I have put nearly enough heart and effort into this as others such as Hateborne and others. Though I have helped him with his code/crash crisis and many other issues, I have never had the intentions of running or even trying to take over his server; which is maybe why he asked to begin with. He also did make a statement that Hateborne is also a big person he has considered for running it when he retired for obvious reasons, but as we all know Hunter, he has had serious issues trusting anyone with anything. Regardless of this information that I just mentioned that he would've wanted kept as private until he said something, I only want whats best for everyone in this community. Because the true thing that he has very much succeeded with here is not only creating a great fun server to play on, he has created a 'Home' in which people can come and get away from all the bullshit that life throws at us. A place to escape, a place to troll, a place to be who you are and express your thoughts and feelings.

But aside from that, the concerns of EZ will have to wait until Basher can get the RL things sorted out. As much as EZ Server was a part of Hunters life, pride and passion. There is now an emotional void, a lost friend and all kinds of things that will need to be taken care of. Please give him the respect of sorting those issues out and keeping the concerns away from what is going to happen with the project, but more honoring Hunter for the great person he was and is.

I cannot say that I am nearly the close personal friend that Basher is to Hunter, but I do want the best for this project and I hope I am able to have a conversation with Basher (I sent you a PM) when it is the appropriate time and he is ready.

As Basher noted, it sounds like he will be posting a way to support his immediate and large family that he supported down there. I believe all current donations as part of EZRewards should be put forth towards the same purpose as that is how he had it and I would think had wished.

I am willing to dedicate whatever resources is necessary to make sure that this project carries on in however form it deems respectful.

Please everyone, do what you can to let others know and honor this great man.


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: L0stman on March 01, 2014, 03:12:13 pm

Old player here - remember working with Hunter on a few special projects.  Saw the email about this.  I am deeply saddened by the news.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Fugitive on March 01, 2014, 03:21:58 pm

Been at a loss of words all morning since I got the text from Hate...

You will be missed, I enjoyed all the ups and downs in this sandbox that you created and I called home for almost 4 years!

I will miss chatting with ya in TS/Vent and all the crazy stuff you always did just to kill my toons over and over!!

Bud, Bro and Friend I will miss you!


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Sarthin on March 01, 2014, 04:50:44 pm
I cant believe this!  You were so young, so kind and such an important man for so many. I will really miss talking with you :-(

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Saphien on March 01, 2014, 05:03:50 pm
I can't believe no more crazy truck driving videos. No more crazy OOC rants or debates over politics.

I wasn't super close to Hunter but I've been playing off and on here for about two years. Just really dumbfounded right now.

My thoughts go out to his family and children and friends.

Let us, the community, know if there's anything we can do or anyway we can help.

RIP my friend.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Takishi on March 01, 2014, 05:24:17 pm
As many have voiced, I'm at a loss for words. Emailed hunter many times throughout my time on EZ and have discussed various in and out of game  topics.  Such a tragedy. You will be missed boss man. The served Will never be the same without you sir.

Thoughts and prayers go out to Aarons family and friends and may god grant them the strength to get through this.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Fjord on March 01, 2014, 05:30:46 pm
This is devastating. I have no clue how to even respond, but it hurts. Hunter's one of the few people I have ever trusted to making the right decisions, for the right reasons. He is 100% the reason why I chose to invest so much time playing on this server.

You will be missed Hunter; I'm happy to have known you and I'm thankful for the time we had together. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Benamil on March 01, 2014, 05:42:38 pm
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Hunters family....I just really cant believe it....He really was a good man. He will be missed.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Pukagiz on March 01, 2014, 06:24:28 pm
Wow...i don't even know where to begin....i've been away for a long while and i received a text saying that hunter passed and i couldn't believe it. I'm sitting here reading everyone else's post to hunter and their condolences to his family and i STILL can't believe that this is happening...my thoughts and prayers are with his family and those closest to him...may god let him rest in peace.

You are gone bro but not forgotten man you never will be...


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Medic on March 01, 2014, 07:00:17 pm
This is so awful to hear.  Such a young life snuffed out well before what I would like to believe was his time.  May God make good use of him up there.

My prayers are with this family, friends and the rest of the community.  I know this has hit us all very hard.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Fliker on March 01, 2014, 07:29:18 pm
I haven't been around for a while and have been taking a break from all games.

I was floored from the txt from Fugitive this morning about Hunter's passing.

As a child I lost my father at a young age so I really feel for Aaron's child.

My deepest sympathy goes out to Aaron's family.
He will always be missed and never forgotten.


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Duluum on March 01, 2014, 07:55:48 pm
Hunter was a very talented person and had a really noble way to behave, in both good and hard times this server had been driven him.
And it seemed to be the same concerning his life in general.

We will miss you Aaron.

Deepest thoughts and condolences to his friends and family.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Ashlierayne on March 01, 2014, 08:15:48 pm
RIP Hunter.

EZ server gave me a chance to fall in love with EQ again after 13 years of playing. I have streamed EZ server more hours than I care to know. I have met a few new friends on EZ and have always thought the community on here was the best part of it.

Your hard work and dedication to this game has given a lot of people joy and fun. You will be missed.

As a fellow Truck Driver to another.. Clear Roads ahead!

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Kovou on March 01, 2014, 08:24:29 pm
I to have been at a loss for words still am for the most part.... Hunter was always one of the best ppl i've talked to around here and everything. I will miss him and his humor and everything....Hunters Family is in our prayers and will forever be thought about... i hope to see Ez live long and hopefully progress still but ik it will be hard.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Severs on March 01, 2014, 10:25:47 pm
I am speechless! I never commented here much but have known you for years. Hunter my friend you will be missed greatly. I will never forget the conversations and time we shared and the hours of messing around. I am still in shock and can not think clearly enough to express my thoughts. My friend you will be greatly missed.


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: tacl on March 02, 2014, 01:15:28 am
I am just shocked. While I didn't talk to hunter more than once or twice I observed his leadership of the server. He is a man that eared great respect from his peers.   The server will never be the same. Chances are he didn't even know me but, I considered him a friend. I know he sacarficed a lot of time for ezserver. More than most of us will ever know. He did it because he loved it and he wanted to create something for others to enjoy. For that, I will never forget him.

My heart goes out to his family. Good by friend. You will be missed.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Worthington on March 02, 2014, 06:35:54 am
I am absolutely floored to hear this news.  You will be missed boss man.  Rest in Peace.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Goth on March 02, 2014, 10:17:27 am
OMG, I'm lost for words and shocked ... so many mix feelings

my condolences to his family and friends

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Maydaay on March 02, 2014, 11:35:29 am
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help the family, i for one am willing to help!

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: mcaslow on March 02, 2014, 12:02:14 pm
i have not played here in a few years but i deciede to come back to emu servers this morning and i'm sadden to find that hunter has passed. i would like to wish his family and friends my deepest sympathy.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Seyton on March 02, 2014, 03:11:16 pm
Wow... I haven't played in forever, but thought I'd check in today to see how EZserver was doing. I can't believe the news. My condolences to Hunter's family and friends. He was a great leader, and I'm very sad to hear he is gone.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Denzig on March 02, 2014, 04:19:32 pm
Like everyone else, I am stunned beyond words and am not quite sure what to say.

Thank you, Aaron, for giving us this medium to forget ourselves in.

Jesus ******* Christ.


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Tankdan on March 03, 2014, 03:58:06 am
Oh my god... I am so sad.   I don't even know what else to say.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Rotic on March 03, 2014, 04:04:55 am
RIP Hunter.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Strix on March 03, 2014, 06:06:15 am
I'm not usually one at a loss for words... but this has left me stunned.  Life is just too fragile and fleeting to make any sense out of it at times.  While I haven't played much on EZ in the last 6 months or so, I deeply treasure the time I did spend playing in the world Hunter (Aaron) created.  He was a creative soul with clearly a lot to give and he will be missed.  My deepest sympathises to Aaron's family, Basher, Secrets and all his close personal friends.  I am truely sorry that I never had the opportunity to meet Aaron outside of this game world he created and express my deepest appreciation for the enjoyment he imparted on me and so many.  Aaron was genuinely one of those special people we meet in life who asks little from those around him, but invests heavily in others.  Whereever he is tonight and forever more... I hope he senses the love and fondness we all shared for him.  He will be missed.

Vale Hunter. 

Mitch Holmes.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Maydaay on March 03, 2014, 11:24:17 am
Well put Strix, i cant agree more!

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Odiji on March 03, 2014, 06:04:13 pm
I would also like to extend my condolences to Hunter's family and friends. I haven't played on EZ in quite some time (probably years at this point), but seeing what crazy new ideas Hunter would whip up for EZ always kept my eyes glued to updates. He gave us a truly unique twist on a classic MMORPG and I am very thankful for the experience.

Thank you, Hunter, for your dedication and hard work towards a rockin' server and for everything that you have done over the years. You will be sorely missed.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Revelations on March 03, 2014, 09:28:42 pm
Do we know what happened? Was he sick? An accident?

Truly gonna miss chatting with him and seeing him /ooc in others toons just to mess with them


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Mixlor on March 04, 2014, 05:58:10 am
I too am at a loss of words. I have been currently deployed on a US Naval vessel for the last 6 months, anxiously awaiting to return home so I can play on EZ and mix it up folks like I have done for the past 3 years or so.

Truth be told, this pretty much floored me and I shed some tears. I too didn't know Hunter in RL but had some fond memories of chats and could sense his love and dedication in creating something that gave others a tremendous amount of fun and happiness. Thank you Hunter (Aaron) for everything you did and my heart and prays go out to your family.


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Brokyn on March 04, 2014, 06:01:46 am
It has taken me some time to gather my thoughts, and yet I am still in shock.

Isa, I am so sorry for your loss.  Aaron was a kind, generous, and creative person who spent so much time selflessly working to make others lives better.  I know that EZ seems like just a game server, but it is so much more.  It is proof of the creativity, and the dedication to others that we all saw in Aaron.

If there is anything that we can do, please don't hesitate to ask.

Rest in Peace Aaron, you will be missed.

George Baker

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Fuzzypoodle on March 04, 2014, 07:43:49 am
I have had a hard time with words about this.  However, I send all my condolences to Aaron's family and to the EZ family.  This is such a great loss!! I will keep Aaron and his Family in my prayers for sometime come. 

Rest in Peace Hunter!!


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: chantal6 on March 04, 2014, 07:54:23 am
I have just read about Hunter (Aaron) and would like to take this opportunity in sending the family our condolences.  Thank you for making this world for us to disappear in, to forget our troubles and woes and to enjoy ourselves.  You will be sorely missed.

Mizespally & Killertoad
Chantal & Karel Erasmus

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: huffdady on March 04, 2014, 10:27:19 am
There's not anything else that can be said, that hasn't already been said.

Aaron (Hunter) you will be missed.

Rest in Peace. 

Kevin W. Huffman II

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Tankdan on March 04, 2014, 11:12:43 am
Well Thank you Hunter for the wonderful time I had playing on this server.  I do not know how many hours I put into playing here, but it had to have been a decent chunk of my life, and I do not regret ever picking your server. You kept your cool, always seemed respectful, and that is admirable.  You will be missed and I am sorry your time has come so soon.  I can only hope that you got to live a fulfilling life, and am glad you have a son to carry on your legacy.

   Hunter was a good man that many of us never got to really know.  This is a game we're playing that will mean nothing to any of us sooner or later, but experiences last a lifetime.  Rest in peace and thank you for the entertainment you provided.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Expletus on March 04, 2014, 01:34:10 pm
This is awe full news. My prayers go out to the family. This should be a constant reminder to everyone that live is a precious gift not to be taken for granted. Live everyday to the fullest and before you leave or go to bed, no matter how mad you are, say you love them.

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Gannicus on March 04, 2014, 10:11:55 pm
I still am at a complete loss. I've been trying to find the words to express how deeply saddened I am by the news and my condolences to Isa and his son and other family members. Hunter (Aaron) created a server that allowed endless time sinks to escape reality and an enormous amount of content to keep players always going. EZserver truly is the only server I've stuck with over the years because of this and his dedication and work and love for the server truly shows. I hope his legacy carries on with the visions he had in mind for the server as much as possible. May he rest in peace.

Gannicus (Ryan)

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: lookin on March 05, 2014, 05:59:19 pm
my condolences to the family, hunter was dedicated in all he did and enjoyed life, truly one in a million.


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Follow Me on March 07, 2014, 10:52:29 am
Halloween will never be the same without you Hunter (Aaron). 

I joined the server a good few years ago when PoTime was still endgame ;P  I have logged in and played on and off for many years, but have always made a point to come back and play during the Halloween events.

Your server always stood out because of its excellent community.  The community which never would have gathered if it did not have an excellent GM/Server Admin running the show.

You brought all us like-minded individuals together as a community.

You will not be forgotten.


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Anuli on March 07, 2014, 10:52:02 pm
I also wish to extend my condolences to Isa and their family. I know I haven't been around the server recently but I hope you all are doing well, and I was deeply saddened hearing the news. He was certainly a great man, and if anyone was lucky enough to get to know him and his accomplishments, you are also lucky.


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Expletus on March 08, 2014, 11:35:36 am
Have those who had access to the server been able to communicate as to the future of the server?

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: hateborne on March 08, 2014, 12:30:02 pm
Have those who had access to the server been able to communicate as to the future of the server?

Basher is working hard to make sure the server will persevere.


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: undeadanger on March 08, 2014, 05:27:32 pm
its just sad i have no words , just read the post , RIP Hunter , thank you for given us EZ , god speed man ,

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Elwen on March 08, 2014, 11:58:08 pm
Rest in peace Hunter. My condolences go out to your family

Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Ginge on March 09, 2014, 02:30:51 pm
Haven't played for 6 months or so and I log in to see this, terrible news, RIP dude the worlds a lesser place for losing you....

Server wide wake in the arena...


Title: Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends.
Post by: Kwai on March 09, 2014, 10:10:06 pm
Stunned.  Heart broken and saddened beyond belief.  A member of our family is gone.  My most sincere condolences to Aaron's family and to all of you as affected by this as I am.  We have lost a friend today.

Rest in peace my friend.