EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Goth on March 18, 2014, 01:25:48 pm

Title: Resist Chart Reference
Post by: Goth on March 18, 2014, 01:25:48 pm
I'm just about to enter T5 / ToFS 3rd floor and I'm currently working on my resist.
So far I have only have my war at 1200 and was wondering if someone could give a quick reference  on what resist are need for what zones and some of the quest mobs (SoA, Korucust)


Title: Re: Resist Chart Reference
Post by: Expletus on March 18, 2014, 01:48:01 pm
T6 I believe the resist check at OMM is around 1500ish. T7 I'm resisting everyone except a curse or two at 1800.

1800 I resisted everything in TOFS.

That's all I know.

Title: Re: Resist Chart Reference
Post by: Poker-ecaf on March 18, 2014, 02:07:10 pm
and for T8 warrior on like 2500 and army on 2100 to resist the AoE from Trash and bosses !

Title: Re: Resist Chart Reference
Post by: Gannicus on March 18, 2014, 02:40:42 pm
Korucrust I have no idea honestly, I was told 2k would resist it, I'm at 2600 resists on my warrior and still get mezzed. I'd aim 1800+ on alts and about 2500 or so on your tank.

Title: Re: Resist Chart Reference
Post by: Ponzi on March 18, 2014, 03:08:12 pm
I'm in roughly the same boat and got my war/pal/monk all to 1300 resist.. all 3 got UCs T4/T5armorz and the boss that can pop off any mob will still basically put me down in a hurry one by one with the cleric spamming heals.

Long story short: 1300 will make it manageable to kill the trash with little effort (use lulls/mob split tricks on the clump of cooks in the dining room), but you'll be in horrible shape for the enraged shadow beast when he pops. -- He's the reason most progressing will repop the heck out of TOFS 2 to get resists up instead of moving up to 3. You can resist AEs and kill mobs so much faster on 2 that you'll still accumulate more hero stones curb stomping 2 than lightly killing on 3.. Just no v2s.

Title: Re: Resist Chart Reference
Post by: Rent Due on March 18, 2014, 04:47:43 pm
IMO, you should shoot for:

tank: 4,000
army: 2,000

I think this will cover your bases nicely

Title: Re: Resist Chart Reference
Post by: Chunka on March 18, 2014, 05:44:59 pm
Up to 4th floor ToFS and in most zones before T6 1300 will get ya safe from most crap. 5th floor+ in ToFS its 1600 to resist whats nasty...and that 1600 figure will let you resist most of the nastier crap through T7. Dunno about Koro....at 2740 on my tank I never get mezzed. And I've heard 2800+ for T8 (will find out soon).