EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Kougur on April 12, 2014, 12:01:18 am

Title: plat vanish
Post by: Kougur on April 12, 2014, 12:01:18 am
Not sure where else to post it ( also going to pm / email hateborne )

 but tonight I had over 13 million plat disappear from my bank and I have 181k on my paladin kougur when I tried to trade him money from my warrior (27k) all of kougurs old plat vanished and he dropped down to a total of 27k -- really weird

 its not in my bank or on any of my other chars -- not sure what happened, anyone else have problems like this?

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Rent Due on April 12, 2014, 01:33:03 am
I have that problem at least once a week

usually coincides with making augs

you are right though, it is weird

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: red2 on April 12, 2014, 09:21:56 am
had something similar happen about a week ago. Was working on upgrading t8 levels of SOA. had 3 mill in the bank, and had just finished a few t6 runs. Had someone with me who was doing all the looting. after the t6 runs, went to upgrade the SOA, used up the plat on me, went to grab the 3 mill from the bank and it was empty. had no proof, and it was not a large sum, so shrugged it off.

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Raygan on April 12, 2014, 10:34:19 am
Do you share accounts with anyone?

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Kougur on April 12, 2014, 02:30:26 pm
no I havent shared accounts with anyone

 but I did actually catch it in the act last night

 I was killing in HoH for the last v2 charms i need for my monks UC and I got up to 47k plat -- whe nI zoned into nexus and checked character it had reset to 0 plat ... It then happened again after I got up to like 25k plat then reset to 0 then one more time 495 plat to 0 plat all after zoning

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Kielohawk on April 12, 2014, 02:57:37 pm
I usually summon a banker in T6 after a run, deposit essences and PP before I start the next. Good to know about the zoning thing. I might have to test it with a small amount of PP to see if it vanishes on me.

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Kougur on April 12, 2014, 04:34:29 pm
Ive been testing with it -- I put plat in a trade window -- 30k from selling loots and when I switched characters to the one receiving the trade request it showed 0 plat being traded -- when I cancelled the trade my kougur got 0 plat back from the 30k and my other char got zero plat

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Kougur on April 13, 2014, 10:12:45 am
lost another 150ish k today after zones / trades ( a total loss of 13.6 to 13.8 million plat easy) -- the only other thing I can think of is Kougur did get put into jail ( had a few too many in a pub zone) shortly before all this started happening -- and now I cant save and all my old plat is gone -- maybe something in that script?

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Akkadius on April 13, 2014, 02:12:39 pm
Is this a recently rising issue? Or has this happened for a long time?

We'll need to get more information along the lines of what some of you have already been reporting, such as what is the event in common with (Jailing/zoning/etc) and then we can narrow down the issue and what is the cause so it can be fixed.

Thanks all

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: red2 on April 13, 2014, 04:43:54 pm
I have been on this server for almost 2 years now. never noticed it until a week ago or so. only had it happen once, but it had several common elements with Kougar. T6, trades and zoning. some off by 1 array that got missed with the move? not sure.

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Kougur on April 15, 2014, 03:56:40 pm
Is this a recently rising issue? Or has this happened for a long time?

We'll need to get more information along the lines of what some of you have already been reporting, such as what is the event in common with (Jailing/zoning/etc) and then we can narrow down the issue and what is the cause so it can be fixed.

Thanks all

Akka I stopped playing for a little bit of time -- only logging on sporadically from September 2013 till April, right before i stopped I sold off some abyss and gods major essences hence the 13+ million. -- that money was still in Kougurs bank account when I started playing again regularly in early April. I know he had it for just over a week before I got to report the missing plat here so my plat disippeared on or around 4/6/14.  I thought maybe I just forgot that I transferred it to my enchanter with crafters guild flag so I could work on my damage strike augs- but when I couldnt find the plat anywhere and then I noticed it actively deleting itself when zoning / trading I knew something was up.

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Mixlor on April 21, 2014, 05:15:48 am
I hope this gets fixed and it sounds like others have had similar issues so there is something going on. I tried to explain it best as I could last night in /ooc to Akk but stuck foot in mouth and basically got boo'd out of /ooc (not the first) hehe.  Hope to get you back in the game buddy and tear up some T5+. I got some plat to give you if you need...and the rest I will steal from Fugi. I got yer back...buddy!


Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Akkadius on April 21, 2014, 09:58:21 pm
I really still need more definitive information so this can be reproduced and fixed.

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Udeni on April 21, 2014, 10:42:32 pm
The one time I had this happen to me (was last week i think?) I was in an instance of posky (airplane). I was standing on the island where you fight bosses, and i traded ~400k pp to my zerker from my warrior. My warrior was the group leader, and my zerker was in the same group if i remember correctly. My zerker had around 500k plat on him, and when i looked at his total it was the same as what my warrior traded to him. Gold, silver, and copper remained the same. I believe i had around 7 other toons in zone at the time. It was a guild instance, not created by me, but created by a guildie with a FWP i believe.

Only had it happen once to me, as i've been super careful about how much plat i've had on me when trading since then, so i wouldn't lose too much. Hope this helps some. I'd love to know why this happens.

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Akkadius on April 21, 2014, 11:33:20 pm
Good information Udeni.

I need to know if this still is happening to people after the upgrade. I have some ideas, but it is still a shot in the dark at this point.

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Udeni on April 22, 2014, 12:55:42 pm
I lost my plat about a week before going to jail, so I'm going to have to say its not related. (I went to jail the day before yesterday-ish? and lost my bit of plat a week or two prior to that, before the server code update) (Was in response to a deleted post, i'll leave it here for the extra info.)

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: marxist on June 14, 2014, 12:34:49 am
Just had this happen to me in the last 1-2 hours...been watching hockey so I don't know exactly when it happened.  I had just shy of 11 million plat, was clearing t8, reset instance, zoned once as well, sold plat bags (maybe 1 mil plat worth) and next time i checked i had like 950k plat, I did trade with warrioror for a rot item he purchased, not positive if I checked plat after the trade happening

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Quarg on July 19, 2014, 01:27:02 am
I guess this is somewhat related.. Not sure if it could have anything to do with the server move, but the plat in my waypoint bank seems to have poofed. I had around 8-900k in it, and when I went to put a bit more in tonight it only showed my balance as what I just added. 

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Chunka on July 19, 2014, 02:00:24 am
Dont store plat in your waypoint. It can and will poof on you. This was "fixed" years ago....but it still happens.

Feed your waypoint the cash you need when you need to use it. No more.

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Quarg on July 19, 2014, 07:43:43 am
Wish I'd known about that before hand, never would have kept a bank in it otherwise.  :(

Title: Re: plat vanish
Post by: Ponzi on July 25, 2014, 09:33:51 am
This all happened yesterday so i just ragequit / logged.

Three Toons : Kanyon, Kiwis, Syxx.. had 25mil plat between 'em.

Today there is 800k... all from plat bags i sold when all started the morning with a fat Zero pp.

Brutal, simply brutal.

Do have a couple odd things they went thru yesterday that might help the bug-finding quest:

Kiwis was stuck in a dead instance and i char moved her to nexus.

Kanyon and Syxx were also part of an expired instance and were naturally booted to nexus upon logging in.

I gave syxx about 3-5 mil to give to a guildmate, Phoddi, in nexus (i owed him for some dbl loot essences we passed back and forth). Ended up having him afk at banker and ended up actually making the trade for like 2 mil on Kanyon to Phoddi.

Server went bye bye (cat pictures were posted in thread) and i came back to all 3 toons with zero pp where both kanyon and kiwis were 10mil + and syxx was between 3-5.. At least 25mil gonzo.

But ive never heard someone mention char mover or dead instances and it seems like a plausible situation where a toon is teleported and re-matierialized... maybe its like a sci-fi wormhole.. you come back relatively whole at the safer destination but your 1s and 0s are a bit out of place, namely the cash inventory. /shrug.