Title: Updates Post by: Akkadius on April 13, 2014, 02:30:32 pm Server Software Update
Some of you already know this has been happening. Unfortunately it is not as simple as running 'Windows Update' and restarting the server. I have started up the test server again (It is at the bottom of the list). There have been a few issues that need to be tested and some more data presented regarding healing/damage spells so I can address what the issue is with them. Otherwise I have confidence that 90% of the update should go smooth and have put in a ton of work to make sure it does. It helps us move forward as a server and provide overall a smoother experience for all. Once we have figured those issues out we can launch the update Live, planned for the 18th, THIS FRIDAY. So PLEASE, give it your attention if you have the time. Thank you testers for all of your hard work, individuals like yourself keep this community strong.
Double EZ Credit and Double Loot Weekend (25th-28th (Fr Morning - Mon Morning)) For those who didn't get the opportunity to schedule their time off for the last weekend that happened very quickly to us all, I am hoping to land this weekend off given that we have gotten through all of the code issues from the Server Software Updates, if you can please help us and make sure the testing this weekend/week is done and we work through the remaining issues so that we can without a doubt kick this off. More details about this soon... Ultimate Weapon Discussion Most of you already are aware of this discussion, please keep following and contributing here until we come to a compromising solution. There has been a lot of great thoughts and perspectives and overall it has been cool to see the community come together to help shape the 'ultimate' decision on the 'revamp'
-Akka Title: Re: Updates Post by: Takishi on April 13, 2014, 07:17:22 pm Sweet, another double loot weekend!!! Thanks Akka and crew.
Title: Re: Updates Post by: Rent Due on April 14, 2014, 07:25:19 am yada, yada, yada :o :o DOUBLE LOOT :o :o yada yada yada