EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Loveborne on May 02, 2014, 01:32:55 am

Title: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Loveborne on May 02, 2014, 01:32:55 am
Updates for 5-1-14

  • All Rogue epic clicks are now worn effects. The damage and amount has been reduced by 70%, but has 100% uptime.
  • Skin of the drake saw a 33% healing value drop.
  • NPC snares and roots will no longer partial resist.
  • Polarity Flux can no longer be partially resisted (all or nothing).
  • Removed Call of The Void from NPC shadow knight spell books.
  • Asylum of Anguish has been completely moved around. Almost all NPCs in zone have been more strategically placed. Several NPCs also now patrol and/or wander.
  • The invisible man in the Abyss has been put in timeout and forced to stand in the corner. In addition, some NPCs will also now wander and cast.

  • T5+ mobs will no longer ignore Feign Death. Coral and most bosses are excluded from this rule, but this should make for a better splitting experience.
  • Overlord Mata Muram will now allow a small amount of NPCs to be alive when you start the fight with him. Leaving a boss up will NOT end well.
  • T5 weapons are now 100% more likely to drop (in example BUT NOT USING ACTUAL DROP NUMBERS if they were 1:50, they would be 1:25).
  • Wail of Tashan and Malos' Malignance will be dispellable after reboot.
  • T5 now has a "Lottery Boss". If you kill ALL NPCs (excluding triggers), when the last kill for the "kill all of type X" hits, you will get a 100% chance to see a completely random boss appear in central room on ground floor. This is intended to help those backflagging or those strong enough to clear all NPCs but still needing T5 kill credits.

New spell file available!

-Love and Hate

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Expletus on May 02, 2014, 07:19:54 am
Without testing drake I feel its gonna hinder my tanking ability tremendously after the uw HP and resist change. Any chance we could get the recast timer swapped back for more uptime?

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Expletus on May 02, 2014, 07:21:59 am
Of course I should probably test before posting but I'm very impulsive! Sorry!

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Brokyn on May 02, 2014, 08:07:48 am
The roaming mobs in Anguish are cool and having no mobs on the stairs rocks.  I think it will add a nice level of difficulty!  I do think that maybe Ture's room might be a little overwhelming for a new T6 crew with all the discordlings roaming (they will proximity aggro and make huge pulls).  A great way to fix that would be to make it so mobs don't see through FD, and let monks and SKs do split pulls :)

Also, I noticed that the spell Wail of Tashan II (ID:10116) can't be cured.  Is that intentional?

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Ponzi on May 02, 2014, 08:38:41 am
I had to laugh when God of the Deep started gfluxxing my toons off a bridge in abyss! My bad for not having levitate up on all of them. Toons with 1400 to 1600 resists went flying everywhere, which im sure will be fixed real soon. Also Hidden killed half my box somehow while i was afk smoking, something thats never happened before. Exciting and new things happening in Abyss!

And wow @ all the roamers in Abyss now.. It's like Dance Dance Revolution now. Means 0 for the ppl mass pulling and will be hell for those just breaking into the zone, probably as intended.

And a big thank you for putting hero resist stones in the different progression tier zones.. It helps tremendously!

Random side note for clarification: Why exactly were we choosing between Cool Down and 33% reduce on Drake Skin again? Not b!tching or anything, just curious as to why it was important to alter (obviously the perma-on option that accidently got triggered with the new file needed to go!).

Edit: while i'm here, In running Abyss the last month i've noticed the drop rate of T5 weap skins are incredibly low. I'm in single digits on bosses left, 40+ essences in, and I still have yet to see either a monk weapon skin, a paladin 2h weapon skin, or *any* pure caster weapon skin drop.. at all. At any point. Gotten 2 warrior weapons. 1  zerker doggy whacker, and a trio of priest 1handers. Also only seen one dessicated souls (RNG) and zero bows.

Its been long enough for RNG to even out a little bit, was curious if you'd take a look at the drop rate and see if it needs a little tweaking. Compared to HOH / Airplane it seems a ton rarer (it should be rarer anyways, but this seems more than a touch extreme).  Plat bags as well seem to be about 95% the 6k variety.. I see maybe 3% heavy bags of plat and every 5th clear or so i'll score a big bag of plat.. Never anything more than the 50ker.. TY MUCH for adding plat bags, it makes a difference, just unsure if you wanted qvic to still be outpacing t5 as a plat revenue source. Lord knows abyss essences sell for more than qvic ones, so you make revenue up in that regard. :)

I'll stop rambling now.

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Expletus on May 02, 2014, 09:41:17 am
Toons with 1400 to 1600 resists went flying everywhere, which im sure will be fixed real soon.

See at t5 this seems to be an issue with me. No reason at that resist lvl you shouldn't be resisting spells especially in t5

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Krinkle on May 02, 2014, 10:31:15 am
I also do not understand why drake needed a change from the way it was 2 weeks ago. Drake doesnt give me the ability to kill anything i cant already kill, its the only spell that makes my druid usefull to me, and it only makes my pulls a little easier in that I dont have to tell my cleric to directly heal me, or quickly click assist for a proc heal. Just wondering if im missing something because to me a spell that makes things go smoother and doesnt give you the ability to something you couldnt do without that one spell, is not op.

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Rent Due on May 02, 2014, 10:40:04 am
I also do not understand why drake needed a change from the way it was 2 weeks ago. Drake doesnt give me the ability to kill anything i cant already kill, its the only spell that makes my druid usefull to me, and it only makes my pulls a little easier in that I dont have to tell my cleric to directly heal me, or quickly click assist for a proc heal. Just wondering if im missing something because to me a spell that makes things go smoother and doesnt give you the ability to something you couldnt do without that one spell, is not op.


I was trying to figure this out all night, but I was in T5 pulling so I couldn't devote a lot of attention to ooc.

drake does not make druids a one spell pony, but it really is the reason I was so attracted to the class. it is an awesome spell. and with all the recent changes it is a good compensate spell to offset these changes. I am just trying to bend my mind around what was wrong with the spell as it was.

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: hateborne on May 02, 2014, 11:17:43 am
Random side note for clarification: Why exactly were we choosing between Cool Down and 33% reduce on Drake Skin again? Not b!tching or anything, just curious as to why it was important to alter (obviously the perma-on option that accidently got triggered with the new file needed to go!).

Edit: while i'm here, In running Abyss the last month i've noticed the drop rate of T5 weap skins are incredibly low. I'm in single digits on bosses left, 40+ essences in, and I still have yet to see either a monk weapon skin, a paladin 2h weapon skin, or *any* pure caster weapon skin drop.. at all. At any point. Gotten 2 warrior weapons. 1  zerker doggy whacker, and a trio of priest 1handers. Also only seen one dessicated souls (RNG) and zero bows.

Its been long enough for RNG to even out a little bit, was curious if you'd take a look at the drop rate and see if it needs a little tweaking. Compared to HOH / Airplane it seems a ton rarer (it should be rarer anyways, but this seems more than a touch extreme).  Plat bags as well seem to be about 95% the 6k variety.. I see maybe 3% heavy bags of plat and every 5th clear or so i'll score a big bag of plat.. Never anything more than the 50ker.. TY MUCH for adding plat bags, it makes a difference, just unsure if you wanted qvic to still be outpacing t5 as a plat revenue source. Lord knows abyss essences sell for more than qvic ones, so you make revenue up in that regard. :)

The new source update allowed nearly everyone to indefinitely chain Skin of the Drake, whereas before it required a few odd pieces of gear. I was fine when it was for those that worked for the ability to chain cast. Now that it's available, at nearly no time cost to you, I can't be as passive about it.

I'll look into the T5 drops to see what can be done. :-)

I will also look into QVIC's drop rate. I didn't check QVIC or CT during my plat bag additions. Whoops...

Toons with 1400 to 1600 resists went flying everywhere, which im sure will be fixed real soon.

See at t5 this seems to be an issue with me. No reason at that resist lvl you shouldn't be resisting spells especially in t5

What zone, what mobs, etc etc? I need this info before anything will happen.

I also do not understand why drake needed a change from the way it was 2 weeks ago. Drake doesnt give me the ability to kill anything i cant already kill, its the only spell that makes my druid usefull to me, and it only makes my pulls a little easier in that I dont have to tell my cleric to directly heal me, or quickly click assist for a proc heal. Just wondering if im missing something because to me a spell that makes things go smoother and doesnt give you the ability to something you couldnt do without that one spell, is not op.


I was trying to figure this out all night, but I was in T5 pulling so I couldn't devote a lot of attention to ooc.

drake does not make druids a one spell pony, but it really is the reason I was so attracted to the class. it is an awesome spell. and with all the recent changes it is a good compensate spell to offset these changes. I am just trying to bend my mind around what was wrong with the spell as it was.

(Copied from same post's top)

The new source update allowed nearly everyone to indefinitely chain Skin of the Drake, whereas before it required a few odd pieces of gear. I was fine when it was for those that worked for the ability to chain cast. Now that it's available, at nearly no time cost to you, I can't be as passive about it.

I've known for a while that this spell would potentially reach that state given specific item combinations, which some of you met before source update. After source update, everyone can just chain cast it.

As for the druid becoming a one trick pony, that's because there was no reason to cast anything else. With new source, cast Skin and be near invincible while it was up. I had two players suggest I leave it as is but add back the number of hit limit (after X hits, spell fades). I considered it, but I really like the small window of freedom to pull without worrying about the buff vanishing.

I know this may not seem like it, but I'm not just reducing things "for fun". Any adjustment that people see as "hurtful" results in me being BLOWN up with tells, PMs, and emails on somehow others having a better understanding of the game design than I do. As I've stated numerous times before, if you present a logical argument as to WHY I should undo something...that's fine. Present it, let me digest it, and (assuming your argument is logical and has merit) I will happily undo it.

So far, I've made changes that seem unpopular, but the game as a whole is slowly becoming more challenging but not quite as painfully grindy.


Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: hateborne on May 02, 2014, 11:27:50 am
The roaming mobs in Anguish are cool and having no mobs on the stairs rocks.  I think it will add a nice level of difficulty!  I do think that maybe Ture's room might be a little overwhelming for a new T6 crew with all the discordlings roaming (they will proximity aggro and make huge pulls).  A great way to fix that would be to make it so mobs don't see through FD, and let monks and SKs do split pulls :)

Also, I noticed that the spell Wail of Tashan II (ID:10116) can't be cured.  Is that intentional?

I'll remove FD restrictions on T5 and above.

I'll fix Wail of Tashan and Malos' Malignance line soon.


Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Ponzi on May 02, 2014, 11:42:17 am
The new source update allowed nearly everyone to indefinitely chain Skin of the Drake, whereas before it required a few odd pieces of gear. I was fine when it was for those that worked for the ability to chain cast. Now that it's available, at nearly no time cost to you, I can't be as passive about it.

I'll look into the T5 drops to see what can be done. :-)

I will also look into QVIC's drop rate. I didn't check QVIC or CT during my plat bag additions. Whoops...

Thanks on the drake clarification.

Qvic's drop rate seems fine. CT, to my knowledge, has never had plat bags of any kind drop anywhere (i've done a bit of CT essence farming in my time here). CT is the zone where people by far spend the least time progressing (it's grab armor and scoot for the most part), so it not having any way to generate plat isn't nearly as big a deal as T1+, where you can hit progression roadblocks that force you into long periods of times in a zone (think t5 in
general, or trying to grab BPs off warlord in T4)..

I hope i didn't come off as whiny about the T5 weap skins. It just really feels that they simply aren't showing up with any frequency at all. On the same note, anytime i clear HOH those brick on a stick-type t3 skins litter the catwalks armpit-high like the streets flowing with the blood of the nonbelievers. lol.


What zone, what mobs, etc etc? I need this info before anything will happen.

Zone was abyss, mob was God of the Deep, whom I had pulled to zone in bridge. The only reason i even noticed the gflux was i only had levitate going on two of my 5 toons logged in. Zerky with 1350 resist, Pally with 1500 resist and Monk with 1150ish resist all went flying off the bridge. It didnt cause any great dmg, it just simply separated my party and forced me to channel a Companion Call midfight.

I noticed some alakris and eyes casting lifetaps.. And i ran into a particularly nasty underwater NTI that was AE proc'n something that put knockbacks on my entire box (main pally and war are like 1600 and 1800 resist, respectively).

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Ponzi on May 02, 2014, 11:44:55 am
I'll remove FD restrictions on T5 and above.

I'll fix Wail of Tashan and Malos' Malignance line soon.


Very cool.. On a side note, I get hit with Wail of Tashan a lot in T5, and from what i can tell off the inventory screen, it doesn't lower any of my resists one bit.. Unless it's only supposed to increase the frequency of procs against me (which tbh i have no clue how to determine), it might simply not be working at all.

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: hateborne on May 02, 2014, 12:03:23 pm
T5+ immunity to Feign Death removed. New instances (or reboot) will be needed. Coral and most bosses will still ignore Feign Death though.

Wail of Tashan and Malos' Malignance are set to extremely high resist diff, but will be simply cure after reboot. (Removing undispellable bit)


Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Dimur on May 02, 2014, 12:06:20 pm
You probably don't notice a resist drop on mob Tash because you are so far overcap that it mitigates it, just a guess though.

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Gannicus on May 02, 2014, 12:20:13 pm
I'm really just flustered and confused on why the need for roaming mobs in t5? It makes pulling it so much erm, harder. I tried to give it a chance but it probably has to be the single most annoying change in awhile. People hate t5 as it is and people who are just breaking in rage quit 90% of the time, why add another oddity to t5 to make it as miserable as it can be.

Edit: I don't want this to be taken as me being quite upset, but I just couldn't understand the logic behind it. Especially when you said you wanted things to be challenging and not as much of a grind where T5 is a grind no matter how you look at it, why beef it up and add odd mechanics when it's un tolerable to behind with

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: hateborne on May 02, 2014, 01:09:15 pm
Overlord Mata Muram will not depop if you have a few NPCs left alive in the zone. I will not reveal the number, but a small amount can be left alive. Leaving a boss alive will NOT end well though.

T5 weapons are now 100% more likely to drop (in example BUT NOT USING ACTUAL DROP NUMBERS if they were 1:50, they would be 1:25).


Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Denzig on May 02, 2014, 02:15:47 pm

If you can squeeze it in, Cleric 2.0 click does nothing since the update a few days ago. Maybe something simple?

Item: Aegis of Superior Divinity item id 20076
Click: Divine Balance spell id 6265


Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: hateborne on May 02, 2014, 04:13:39 pm

If you can squeeze it in, Cleric 2.0 click does nothing since the update a few days ago. Maybe something simple?

Item: Aegis of Superior Divinity item id 20076
Click: Divine Balance spell id 6265


Replaced click on both 2.0 and 2.5 shield with Divine Aura click, instant cast, 10min CD (same as spell).


Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Ponzi on May 02, 2014, 06:19:18 pm
Overlord Mata Muram will not depop if you have a few NPCs left alive in the zone. I will not reveal the number, but a small amount can be left alive. Leaving a boss alive will NOT end well though.

T5 weapons are now 100% more likely to drop (in example BUT NOT USING ACTUAL DROP NUMBERS if they were 1:50, they would be 1:25).


Oh hell yeah!!!! (x2) ty!

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Rent Due on May 03, 2014, 08:41:24 am
Didn't want to start a new thread for silliness

but, if anyone cares, T5 lottery win boss is now working  :P

kill all, get a random, possibly useless named :)

if it works properly, which it should now, it spawns in the center of the zone where the exobeast spawns in that main room down from zone in, if he doesn't spawn I am sure Hate will want to know.

good add and fix by Hate, thank you

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Denzig on May 03, 2014, 05:56:31 pm

Replaced click on both 2.0 and 2.5 shield with Divine Aura click, instant cast, 10min CD (same as spell).


What's wrong with Divine Balance? It's been fine forever, just stopped working with the update.

Clerics already have Divine Aura as a spell and AA, no need for a click as well. It's hardly ever used.

Divine Balance is a cleric defining ability.

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: hateborne on May 03, 2014, 06:00:07 pm

Replaced click on both 2.0 and 2.5 shield with Divine Aura click, instant cast, 10min CD (same as spell).


What's wrong with Divine Balance? It's been fine forever, just stopped working with the update.

Clerics already have Divine Aura as a spell and AA, no need for a click as well. It's hardly ever used.

Divine Balance is a cleric defining ability.

Read your own post.


If you can squeeze it in, Cleric 2.0 click does nothing since the update a few days ago. Maybe something simple?

Item: Aegis of Superior Divinity item id 20076
Click: Divine Balance spell id 6265


The effect is broken, I replaced it...now you're upset? I don't know what the hell to say or do then. O_O


Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Denzig on May 03, 2014, 06:10:00 pm
Who said I was upset? A class defining ability is broken and I thought I was telling the person who would want to know.


Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Gannicus on May 03, 2014, 06:36:12 pm
I think what he's saying is before the sourcecode update? That it worked fine and was good for clerics and now it didn't work because of that and was wondering if there were a fix for it, not a replacement.

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Rotic on May 04, 2014, 09:52:03 am
Overlord Mata Muram will not depop if you have a few NPCs left alive in the zone. I will not reveal the number, but a small amount can be left alive. Leaving a boss alive will NOT end well though.

T5 weapons are now 100% more likely to drop (in example BUT NOT USING ACTUAL DROP NUMBERS if they were 1:50, they would be 1:25).


I just did T6. Clear all the mobs. When I send my pet in to engage, it depop.



Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: hateborne on May 04, 2014, 10:34:03 am
Overlord Mata Muram will not depop if you have a few NPCs left alive in the zone. I will not reveal the number, but a small amount can be left alive. Leaving a boss alive will NOT end well though.

T5 weapons are now 100% more likely to drop (in example BUT NOT USING ACTUAL DROP NUMBERS if they were 1:50, they would be 1:25).


I just did T6. Clear all the mobs. When I send my pet in to engage, it depop.



After reboot? Dafuq.


Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: red2 on May 04, 2014, 10:01:37 pm
did a few t6 runs today 5/4, and had no problems with OMM. Even left a few mobs up "just because".

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Gannicus on May 04, 2014, 10:37:00 pm
I did 3 runs of t6 today, first 2 I left nothing up went smooth. Last one I left like 2 mobs up and it still sailed smooth so I would have to say it's working just fine.

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Ponzi on May 05, 2014, 02:52:11 am
Not sure where to put this but server for the last few hours has been zoning toons into (or out of) instances naked, and instances are being hella buggy.

Its been a hot topic in /ooc but no one has bothered posting it on here, so here it is! :)

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Chieftan on May 05, 2014, 04:30:23 am
seems some public zones also have the issue
zoned to public abysmal sea, appeared naked
vendors all have no goods
cant zone out lol, cant attack anyone to die an zone
character mover appears to work, but leaves toon still in zone, so stuck till reboot
think db has some issues, hoping reboot solves it

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Brokyn on May 06, 2014, 10:04:10 am
Updates for 5-1-14

Overlord Mata Muram will now allow a small amount of NPCs to be alive when you start the fight with him. Leaving a boss up will NOT end well.
-Love and Hate

IMO, if all of the bosses are dead, and your train would not otherwise put you in jail (15 in pub or 100 in instance) it shouldn't matter how much trash you leave up.  The limit and the despawn was designed to keep people from pulling OMM to aggro the whole zone.  If you force people to kill all bosses before they can aggro OMM that will solve the issue without putting an arbitrary number on allowable trash to leave up...

Just a suggestion

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Raygan on May 06, 2014, 10:20:37 am
I just cleared Anguish, and left a total of 5 mobs up (/maphide npc and /mapshow npc) pulled OMM and he despawned when I pulled him.

Been thinking about why this could have happened, if it is working for everyone else...and I was thinking it might be because on the Jelvan event I short-cutted the script instead of saying "help" then "ready" I went hail /say ready...maybe that bugged it even if it popped the 3 sword hand guys?  Don't know if that's what caused it not to work or what...just seeing if anyone else can verify.

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Gannicus on May 06, 2014, 11:29:25 am
I just cleared Anguish, and left a total of 5 mobs up (/maphide npc and /mapshow npc) pulled OMM and he despawned when I pulled him.
That means the allowed number for OMM is less than 5 :P

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: Kruciel on May 06, 2014, 11:49:44 am
I have been pulling him with his whole room up since the update with no issues.

Title: Re: Updates 5-1-14
Post by: hateborne on May 06, 2014, 01:21:49 pm
Updates for 5-1-14

Overlord Mata Muram will now allow a small amount of NPCs to be alive when you start the fight with him. Leaving a boss up will NOT end well.
-Love and Hate

IMO, if all of the bosses are dead, and your train would not otherwise put you in jail (15 in pub or 100 in instance) it shouldn't matter how much trash you leave up.  The limit and the despawn was designed to keep people from pulling OMM to aggro the whole zone.  If you force people to kill all bosses before they can aggro OMM that will solve the issue without putting an arbitrary number on allowable trash to leave up...

Just a suggestion

Well I can always undo the change and require all mobs in zone if new setup isn't good enough I suppose. :-)
