EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: hateborne on June 18, 2014, 01:26:07 pm

Title: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: hateborne on June 18, 2014, 01:26:07 pm
PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP

Alright ladies/gents/trolls,

Here is the situation: I am having issues coming up with a variety of engaging PVE events to replace the high level PVP content. I can, but would prefer not to, simply remove the PVP bits and rewards from the zone. I would like to replace it with some engaging and fun PVE events that are a bit more challenging and less "free loot at wee hours".

Some of the ideas I'm kicking around currently are:
  • King of the Pit - Stay in the central area of the gaping area in Overthere, while avoiding the charging (and exploding) air elementals that know you into the air.
  • Greedy Hyrulian - Spawn 100 chests randomly in the zone (using ~300 spawn points). Each chest has a 50% chance to be empty, 25% chance to award 1 Rupee, 15.75% chance to award 5 Rupees, 6.25% chance to award 10 Rupees, 3% chance for 50 Rupees. First to get 300 Rupees and hail quest NPC would win. Chests would be belly-cast only to avoid easy wins by ranged.
  • Recycling - Many druid "droppings" left across zone. First one to collect X will win.
  • Scavenger Hunt - NPC will spawn a one of numerous locations in the zone and request a few random items. The items chosen will come from a sufficiently HUGE list to prevent players from stockpiling to complete the quest before it starts. Such items may include Baby Joseph Sayer, Seax, Crushbone Belts, Master Wu's Trance Stick, etc.

Does anyone else have any ideas? :-)


Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: hardcoretank on June 18, 2014, 02:08:35 pm
Capture the Flag

Have a NPC spawn somewhere in the zone that well drop a flag... player kills and loots the flag (making a world announcement) once flag has been looted they have to run back to a Turn-In NPC. if player dies with flag use a player global to create ground spawn of flag for other players to pickup and auto remove corpse from zone.. first one to capture 5 flags = Win

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: hardcoretank on June 18, 2014, 02:16:29 pm

have players PVP and First to 10 kills = Wins

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: hardcoretank on June 18, 2014, 02:19:22 pm

Create waypoints all around the zone that players have to run to, first one to complete all waypoints = wins

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Krinkle on June 18, 2014, 02:33:34 pm
I dont care about gem collector but would be great to see it replaced with something else fun, and something else thats PVP (player vs player not player vs mob or chest or anything else)

The only thing I would like is if the 60 pvp superior wisp wasnt messed with at all. Its the only everquest pvp ive ever been in that is 100% completly equal and balanced it doesnt matter if youve played here for a week or years you are easily capable of making any class 60 pvp you want with the same gear as everyone else 60 pvping. If only 5 people ever attend the kill then grats those 5 people on some sls. There is nothing stopping anyone that wants to 60 from 60 pvping, its perfectly balanced, and there is no reason at all to remove it from game.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: hateborne on June 18, 2014, 03:03:03 pm
I dont care about gem collector but would be great to see it replaced with something else fun, and something else thats PVP (player vs player not player vs mob or chest or anything else)

The only thing I would like is if the 60 pvp superior wisp wasnt messed with at all. Its the only everquest pvp ive ever been in that is 100% completly equal and balanced it doesnt matter if youve played here for a week or years you are easily capable of making any class 60 pvp you want with the same gear as everyone else 60 pvping. If only 5 people ever attend the kill then grats those 5 people on some sls. There is nothing stopping anyone that wants to 60 from 60 pvping, its perfectly balanced, and there is no reason at all to remove it from game.

If 60 PVP was perfectly balanced and the reason you're all there, I'll simply remove the wisp. That way players can get their PVP on without the free loot (which I suspect *IS* the reason everyone is there).


Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Krinkle on June 18, 2014, 03:09:45 pm
Im not beating around the bush about that, the one single reason anyone is in commons is for loot, thats why people only show up when it spawns. What i dont understand is why that is a problem.

This isnt how it is, but IF I was the only person who ever killed wisp, nobody else was remotely interested, and every day i got every kill unchallenged, what is the problem with that? Every other person on this server has the ability to easily make a 60 pvper and come PVP or just kill wisp if nobody is there to PVP them.

If anyone wants to, they can come get the loot any time they want. random chance of a plat bag, sls, and a credit rarely (1 out of 15 kills id guess). If theres only 5 of us there, that is because nobody else is interested. What is the issue with a few people having fun making 60 pvpers gearing them up and pvping/killing wisp and also getting and sls and a plat bag in the process?

Also if the event has to be in overthere and gem collector removed completly instead of another zone, Why not leave gem collector in game untill the new event is 100% complete and ready to go?

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: marxist on June 18, 2014, 04:05:53 pm
Kind of feel the same way about OT...there are some fun rivalries developing, and honestly there are a couple untouched classes in there that I believe would wreck people if played properly.  Why not make an alternate PVE event in a different zone.  There is 0 chance I would participate in any sort of loot chests for credits to win or scavenger hunt event (just don't care or find it fun), but if some of the people who don't like pvp like that idea, I'm not going to complain about it either.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Hulkpunch on June 18, 2014, 04:31:10 pm
Scavenger Hunt - NPC will spawn a one of numerous locations in the zone and request a few random items. The items chosen will come from a sufficiently HUGE list to prevent players from stockpiling to complete the quest before it starts. Such items may include Baby Joseph Sayer, Seax, Crushbone Belts, Master Wu's Trance Stick, etc.

This idea sounds like a solid one. I donno about the recycling idea unless there is someway you can increase the size of items on the ground by a large percent. Pvp is dumb for reasons hate already mentioned finding something to replace it is the right choice. When hate removed all the trash loot in CT people complained about not being able to make bags, no need to listen to the continuous silly commentary. Whatever you come up with hate I'm sure will be great.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: hateborne on June 18, 2014, 04:48:34 pm
Kind of feel the same way about OT...there are some fun rivalries developing, and honestly there are a couple untouched classes in there that I believe would wreck people if played properly.  Why not make an alternate PVE event in a different zone.  There is 0 chance I would participate in any sort of loot chests for credits to win or scavenger hunt event (just don't care or find it fun), but if some of the people who don't like pvp like that idea, I'm not going to complain about it either.

Ok, this being said, it could be arranged that a "spectator" spawns and all players must compete for the spectator's favor. Highest kill count during the X minutes he's up or something equally amusing.

The biggest issue I have is that most of the loot is going to less than 5 players right now simply because they are online often enough. I am ok with lottery type rewards but right now it's literally free most of the time to 1 of 3 people.


Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Kruciel on June 18, 2014, 04:51:08 pm
I had all this good shit typed up at work and then my phone died  >:(

Anyways, I think OT could be fine staying if a few zones were just added with different level restrictions and similar rewards. You could use a new zone for level 70-72 players, OT could be for level 73-75 players (UC1), there could be a level 76-77 zone (UC2 players) and a 78+ zone (UC3 players)

They don't even have to be PVP zones, it could just be an event or a world boss type thing. The other custom server I dabbled with when I took a break here was THF. For each progression tier there, they have 3-4 world bosses in various random zones that drop tradeable gear with slightly better stats than the tier offers. The spawns are pub zones only, random 10-24 hour spawn time, and there is a quest in the city to kill every world boss to receive a special title and end-game accessory.

The world boss thing was tons and tons of fun for me. Every day I'd log on and check all of the zones for the bosses. If something like that were possible here, I think it'd be a super neat way to give some special weapon skins out.  It gave a nice excuse to run around and check out a lot of the old zones I hadn't seen in forever.

What made it work was the spawns were so rare that you wouldn't waste your time 'camping' them. You'd just check if the ones you wanted were up when you logged on, then get back to your grind zone for the day and maybe check again before you log off. I really like the idea for some special weapon skins though!  :P

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Peign on June 18, 2014, 06:03:26 pm
Kind of feel the same way about OT...there are some fun rivalries developing, and honestly there are a couple untouched classes in there that I believe would wreck people if played properly.  Why not make an alternate PVE event in a different zone.  There is 0 chance I would participate in any sort of loot chests for credits to win or scavenger hunt event (just don't care or find it fun), but if some of the people who don't like pvp like that idea, I'm not going to complain about it either.


OT pvp is fun,  no need to replace it.    Make the gem collector a random spawn X times per day vice on a timer.   Or some other type of pvp.    I know Hunter added the GC and Sup Wisp to get peeps to go to the zones.      

Heck, make T10 PVP  ;)

The pve event idea is a good one, would be nice if it wasn't an either or scenario.  Many other unused zones to do PVE Events or what not.      

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Krinkle on June 18, 2014, 07:36:40 pm
I dont see why it matters if its only 5 people, or just 1 person, getting the kill over and over and over if its completly balanced pvp like 60 pvp is that just means nobody else is interested in contending the mob. No need to take a fun time away from 5 people just because 50 other people dont think its fun and dont want to do it.

I know ot pvp isnt balanced thats why i said before i dont care, i dont agree with changing it but oh well, 60 pvp is for a fact 100% balanced and equal though.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Brannyn on June 18, 2014, 08:11:58 pm
Put a cap on the amount of spell damage a player can take, make strike augs not proc, and disable UW in OT.
The problem with the pvp is not that it's unbalanced, it's that it's a one hit kill without using anything special. Take away the one hit kills and pvp becomes fun and viable for everyone.
Might need to also put a cap on the maximum % of hp a melee hit can do as well because of how hard abilities like backstab hit.
Change SoS to work like it does on live in pvp where other players can't see the rogue (after nerfing pvp backstab damage) and possibly changing a few other abilities around slightly so that snare/root don't become so overpowered that it's impossible to pvp.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Krinkle on June 19, 2014, 02:49:50 am
Just a side note, none of that stuff needs to be done in commons because its already like that, if you havent tried it you should when i said its balanced i mean it. Its real fun and sls/poss credit loot.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: marxist on June 19, 2014, 03:39:35 am
Put a cap on the amount of spell damage a player can take, make strike augs not proc, and disable UW in OT.
The problem with the pvp is not that it's unbalanced, it's that it's a one hit kill without using anything special. Take away the one hit kills and pvp becomes fun and viable for everyone.
Might need to also put a cap on the maximum % of hp a melee hit can do as well because of how hard abilities like backstab hit.
Change SoS to work like it does on live in pvp where other players can't see the rogue (after nerfing pvp backstab damage) and possibly changing a few other abilities around slightly so that snare/root don't become so overpowered that it's impossible to pvp.

So just rebalance the game for pvp in OT? /pass.

Also, the reason a select few continuously loot GC has a little more to do with being online. They work for it

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: hardcoretank on June 19, 2014, 05:33:27 am
Commons isnt really balanced casters have no real say in what goes on there, its just warriors against warriors.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Krinkle on June 19, 2014, 06:39:22 am
By Balanced I meant any newb or vet can make a 60 pvp with the best gear possible in just a few hours, its open to anyone. But I know for a fact there is a caster class out there that can hold its own in 60 pvp, and Warriors have really only shown up in commons in the past month and half, before that there was only one warrior I ever noticed.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Peign on June 19, 2014, 08:19:11 am
Put a cap on the amount of spell damage a player can take, make strike augs not proc, and disable UW in OT.
The problem with the pvp is not that it's unbalanced, it's that it's a one hit kill without using anything special. Take away the one hit kills and pvp becomes fun and viable for everyone.
Might need to also put a cap on the maximum % of hp a melee hit can do as well because of how hard abilities like backstab hit.
Change SoS to work like it does on live in pvp where other players can't see the rogue (after nerfing pvp backstab damage) and possibly changing a few other abilities around slightly so that snare/root don't become so overpowered that it's impossible to pvp.

So just rebalance the game for pvp in OT? /pass.

Also, the reason a select few continuously loot GC has a little more to do with being online. They work for it


Even when UW was allowed in OT (it is not allowed in OT any longer Brannyn), the people that had them still worked for it.     However, really none of Brannyn's post applies.    No more balancing is needed, time would be better spent on building out new content.    All gear on the server is available to everyone.   Working as a team is an option available to everyone.   Due to changes being made, so many classes are now really viable in both PVE and PVP. 

PVP is fun for many as it is (and was)  maybe 10-15% of the server. 

60 pvp, meh.   Sup willow has waaaaay too many hp. 

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Brannyn on June 19, 2014, 12:27:06 pm
Put a cap on the amount of spell damage a player can take, make strike augs not proc, and disable UW in OT.
The problem with the pvp is not that it's unbalanced, it's that it's a one hit kill without using anything special. Take away the one hit kills and pvp becomes fun and viable for everyone.
Might need to also put a cap on the maximum % of hp a melee hit can do as well because of how hard abilities like backstab hit.
Change SoS to work like it does on live in pvp where other players can't see the rogue (after nerfing pvp backstab damage) and possibly changing a few other abilities around slightly so that snare/root don't become so overpowered that it's impossible to pvp.

So just rebalance the game for pvp in OT? /pass.

Also, the reason a select few continuously loot GC has a little more to do with being online. They work for it

I guess you don't know that there are separate pvp/player specific combat rules that do not affect NPCs?

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: marxist on June 19, 2014, 02:51:12 pm
There is no magic reduce x% dmg to balance it all out, it would take a lot of effort to make any headway in balancing every calss. Its actually very balanced right now with 5-6 competitive classes in there (some work better pairing with other toons, others are better solo). There also is a reduction in place on pvp dmg, increasing this would not balance anything. Part of the fun of pvp is using different classes strong points in the proper way to make them more successful.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: WatchYouDie on June 19, 2014, 07:18:06 pm
casters + mana neck = OP in OT right now .... just saying.

Imo disabling procs would balance the classes the most.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Chunka on June 19, 2014, 08:15:40 pm
Have you tried pets since the pet change? They're hardly overpowered now.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: marxist on June 20, 2014, 12:05:41 am
casters + mana neck = not op...not by a long shot

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Chunka on June 20, 2014, 09:33:03 am
Yeah, you seldom see a mage in OT anymore. Its typically RangerFest 2014.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Kruciel on June 20, 2014, 11:04:39 am
I saw a Mage recently but he was being protected by 2 rangers :)

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Peign on June 20, 2014, 11:09:39 am
I go in with my monk.   Since resists apparently do not matter, even though his resists are higher than many main tanks on the server, he gets snared and owned.

It is fun, I likada QQ

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Kruciel on June 20, 2014, 11:32:31 am
All resists get reduced to 0. I doubt we'd want them in play, otherwise our rangers would never be able to kill one another! It'd just be a dps race on the GC while healing yourself... That'd be pretty funny actually.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Peign on June 20, 2014, 11:42:30 am
All resists get reduced to 0. I doubt we'd want them in play, otherwise our rangers would never be able to kill one another! It'd just be a dps race on the GC while healing yourself... That'd be pretty funny actually.

I understand how it works, thanks.

Resists in play, my monk kills your ranger with white dmg.    :)

0 resists is kinda ridiculous.  Melee has 0 chance at all.   A big part of old school EQ pvp was resists and a big part of EZ is resists. 

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Kruciel on June 20, 2014, 12:10:53 pm
Lol procs aren't considered white damage. They are resist based. Nobody is doing over 2 mil white damage without an ult weapon, which isn't allowed. Also, I was killed by a monk pretty hardcore when my epic weapon proc'd a root and the monk's insane goblin buff reflected the root on to my ranger. Idk if that was your monk, but it had me laughing :P the odds of both those effects firing off is hilarious.

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: Peign on June 20, 2014, 12:24:54 pm
Lol procs aren't considered white damage. They are resist based. Nobody is doing over 2 mil white damage without an ult weapon, which isn't allowed. Also, I was killed by a monk pretty hardcore when my epic weapon proc'd a root and the monk's insane goblin buff reflected the root on to my ranger. Idk if that was your monk, but it had me laughing :P the odds of both those effects firing off is hilarious.

Thanks for the lesson, I know what white dmg is. 

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: hardcoretank on June 26, 2014, 09:37:39 am
-King of the Castle

use the fort in overthere and create guards and such to defend a chest, once chest dies that person is labeled King, once the first title has been issued that player can place the chest and NPC's anywhere he likes by using items looted from the chest that made him King, the way these well work is that on drop in "OVERTHERE" they spawn X npc at that location...

So say Faceshooter kills the first chest, after he kills the chest all other players are removed from zone back to nexus and he well have 30minutes to loot
2x Kings Guards
1x Kings Iron Bound Chest
3x Kings Archers
1x Kings Crown
X random reward

after looting he can run anywhere in zone and drop these items on the ground to spawn the guards.. after he is done he can leave zone at his pleasure...

now next time the event is active the King can go defend his chest and if he manages to protect it for X time he receives more loot and the corresponding NPC tokens... and is able to place them where-ever he decides...

I have done several events like this in the past so i know it is possible =)

Title: Re: PVE Events to Replace Overthere PVP
Post by: marxist on June 26, 2014, 10:41:20 pm
If you think a monks white dmg is killing a ranger in pvp, well that is hilarious. In fact, the ranger would win eventually.