EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chunka on July 16, 2014, 10:22:53 pm

Title: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Chunka on July 16, 2014, 10:22:53 pm
Ok, a lot of people talking about future tiers, and alternative zones for content, and new things to do on EZ. But in all this, what zones would you like to see? What looks neat, what do you remember from later expansions live that some players on EZ may have never seen?

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Kaid on July 16, 2014, 10:49:14 pm
Crystallos, Korafax, Citadel of the World Slayer (don't remember short name, and it's mostly the same NPC models as anguish), Arthicrex, Kernagir, Brell's Temple, Convorteum.

As you may be able to tell, I really liked UF. It would be fun to go back to some of those zones and play around again.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Nullyn Void on July 16, 2014, 10:55:44 pm
To add to the list Kaid listed I think Solteris would be a really good zone to see added.  Was always my favorite raid zone as well as not being widely viewed by the player base because when it was released it was pretty challenging and because of that a lot of guild skipped it since Sony was releasing expansions so quickly at that point in time. 

I also 2nd Korafax and Citadel of the World Slayer (tower)... those 2 were high on my list of favorite zones.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Kruciel on July 17, 2014, 07:24:05 am
One thing I'd find interesting would be a daily event, similar to OT, designed toward newer teams grab some of the PoStorms crafted augs (same ones that drop in HoH). The event could be strong enough so that a t6+ team would have to help them, player interaction could be made, and there wouldn't be any money / farm crap that would make an upper tier player whore the event to themselves.

With the changes to the Level Up Wench, it extended the gap a little bit further for warriors to get some anger augs and actually do some damage. It used to be so simple to just get the noobie's warrior a t2 chest, pop into HoH, get his 3.5 / anger augs and 4.0 all done in an hour ish. Now it requires full t1 / t2 yada yada yada.

I blew thru over 100 crystals just to get this guy a couple anger augs so he could hold his own  :o That's generally the way I helped teams start off tho, just by taking their warrior and rushing them to anger augs. It's turned into a huge pain in the ass to the point where I don't really do it much anymore, because it would take all day.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Expletus on July 17, 2014, 08:50:15 am
Valdeholm for t10

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Chunka on July 17, 2014, 09:28:43 am
Not sure how far Hate and Akk can take things.....what expansions they can pull from. But.....I'd love to see Underquarry used. Great zone, lots of possibilities, NPC models we havent seen in EZ yet. And its a really good looking zone! Also in UF is Volska's Husk, essentially the entire zone is an enormous magma serpent's corpse. Brell's Temple is also really neat looking, and another handful of models we've not seen here. And yes, Convorteum is very memorable!

From earlier, back during DoN era, I like Thundercrest Isles, Accursed Nest (would be amazing to have a Vish style encounter!), even Stillmoon Temple!

From SoD era Toskirakk, Korafax and Kaesora's Library.

From Buried Sea the only zone I liked was Katta Castrum. I never was a fan of Solteris.

In SoF Crystallos and Bloodmoon Keep were fun.

Just some ideas.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Rotic on July 17, 2014, 10:20:35 am
Crushbone :P

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: clbreastmilk on July 17, 2014, 02:29:39 pm
Big fan of Planes of Power.  Would love to see Plane of Torment especially.  Others include Plane of War, Plane of Earth AB, Plane of Air, Plane of Disease, and Innovation.

Looks like we have access to some Seeds of Destruction zones.  You can manually get there by walking/clicking into the shiny light thingy at plane of time entrance which leads to The Void and some empty zones connecting it.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Chunka on July 17, 2014, 02:32:43 pm
I spent too much frustrating time in PoP back before Sony finished things....when nearly every encounter was either completely unfinished or badly broken. I havent liked PoP since.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Mixlor on July 17, 2014, 02:40:49 pm
Many of us were burnt out by Planes of Power but there were a lot of great zones I wouldn't mind seeing. PoInnovation, War, nightmare...etc.  I know everyone is tired of hearing about Kael (Giant's home) and Coldains but that was one of my favorite places and would have loved to see it as a end game tier. I don't know.. something about Giants being formidable foes seems right. But I am sure whatever comes up next will be pretty good. Just visiting these zones brings back memories and that is enough for me.


Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: WatchYouDie on July 17, 2014, 05:04:03 pm
I'd like kael that was a fun zone. I would also love to see ssra remade into something like tofs. not a required zone but something else to do to spend some time. I would like to see some of the MPG events back too.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Ponzi on July 17, 2014, 05:43:36 pm
while its not a large zone by any means, i absolutely love the look of The Void and think it would be a nice little OT-type capture the flag type zone for an event based script.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Expletus on July 17, 2014, 05:54:39 pm
Plz every server has Kael and ssra as a custom zone. Don't do that here.  Custom zones scripts are the niche here. Set a trend and avid those 2.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Fugitive on July 17, 2014, 06:00:09 pm
Plz every server has Kael and ssra as a custom zone. Don't do that here.  Custom zones scripts are the niche here. Set a trend and avid those 2.


Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Kruciel on July 17, 2014, 06:25:37 pm
Crystal Caverns best zone ever <3

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Peign on July 17, 2014, 07:44:22 pm
I'd love to see Everfrost Peaks utilized for something.    It is wicked nostalgic to hear the wind in that zone.   I remember being a noob barbarian shaman in 1999 running around killing polar bears for their pelts to make gear.

The wind of that zone is awesome..   actually have a white noise app on my phone that has sweet wind like that.

Many of the other suggestions are awesome as well.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Chunka on July 17, 2014, 09:42:46 pm
Plz every server has Kael and ssra as a custom zone. Don't do that here.  Custom zones scripts are the niche here. Set a trend and avid those 2.

Man, I LOVE Kael and Ssraza both....and Ssraza would really lend itself well to UC2/3 farming!!....but I have to agree. Something different, please.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Kovou on July 17, 2014, 11:40:58 pm
heck there are alot of zones and i agree Kael and Ssra should be left off the menu as they have been done and redone to death. I wouldnt mind seeing Colbalt scar Crystal cavern or heck if you want more straight foward why not do Some WoS or like on live NC had several boss type with minis in zone and scrpited epics (just random events) then again i was always in love with MPG and RSS

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: zefirus on July 18, 2014, 10:23:31 am
Vex thall, plane of hate, potimeb, veeshan peak... All great

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: clbreastmilk on July 19, 2014, 05:23:18 am

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: krazycrakker on July 19, 2014, 07:02:26 am
I would love to see Kael and iceclad ocean. those were my 2 fav zones ever. crystal caverns could make for a good dynamic as well.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Expletus on July 19, 2014, 09:15:05 am
You can die.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Jibekn on August 19, 2014, 11:07:44 am
LGuk, VT, SSRA and Temple of Veeshan.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: zefirus on August 19, 2014, 11:37:29 am
You can see ToV being used if you can get to T8 which is that zone.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Tananthalas on August 19, 2014, 11:52:58 am
I wouldn't mind seeing a linear trip through  the Planes of Power expansion.  I really loved Akhevia from the Luclin expansion too.  That was an awesome zone and ambiance.  I also wouldn't mind experiencing an epic zone from content i haven't seen (past GoD for me personally).

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Jibekn on August 19, 2014, 12:02:32 pm
You can see ToV being used if you can get to T8 which is that zone.

Awesome! I used to love that zone in Live, might be a while though, my group is still working on their 1.5's :)

LGuk is my ultimate vote though, hands down my favorite zone.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: zefirus on August 19, 2014, 01:19:40 pm
If I were to chose between lguk and Seb, I would choose Seb :) Both those zones were awesome for picking up groups though since each had so many camp sites and the ability to get lost in. Definitely would not like to use them as a raid zone but for a custom dungeon, +1

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Rakharth on August 26, 2014, 11:05:46 am
Sleepers tomb, griegs end, povalor.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Fugitive on August 26, 2014, 11:17:54 am
LoL it's funny everyone tries to rekindle that little flame of nostalgia that tied them to this game. Let's make a new EZ Nostalgia point in our lives and use the newer zones.

Or I can just go back to fear farming druids @ the druid rings with my necro..

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Rakharth on August 26, 2014, 11:30:54 am
Ok convortum, ashengate was fun , frostcrypt was fun also.

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: Peign on August 26, 2014, 05:35:18 pm
LoL it's funny everyone tries to rekindle that little flame of nostalgia that tied them to this game. Let's make a new EZ Nostalgia point in our lives and use the newer zones.

Or I can just go back to fear farming druids @ the druid rings with my necro..

Fear farm me!

Title: Re: What zones do YOU want to see used?
Post by: zefirus on August 27, 2014, 07:40:56 am
LoL it's funny everyone tries to rekindle that little flame of nostalgia that tied them to this game. Let's make a new EZ Nostalgia point in our lives and use the newer zones.

Or I can just go back to fear farming druids @ the druid rings with my necro..

While that may be the reasoning for some, I have only played through PoP so my rationale for highlighting zones I want to be seen used was based on zones I have seen before. However, you bring up a good point in that I may be missing out (and others) on some zones that were released in more recent expansions that are great... and be the same as new content for some of us.