EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: swamphy on June 03, 2010, 09:24:27 am

Title: If you know so dang much, start your own server!!
Post by: swamphy on June 03, 2010, 09:24:27 am
I've bit my tongue a lot lately, but I'm going to rant here about this.

Last night much of the OOC chat was all about how this server is messed up and what's wrong with it, on and on. Got rather annoying to me. People who never do anything always seem to know how to do everything.

EZserver is AWESOME. If it never changes from what it is right now, never gets another scrap of content added, never gets a class balance, never gets another bug fix... it is Awesome just how it is!

We are invited to make suggestions in the forums section of that title. And our idea's there are considered. That is cool.

I'm just tired of people going on and on and on and on about what needs fixed or what's going to bring down the server. If you're so dang smart, start your own server! Otherwise, post it in suggestions and give us some peace from your pontification.

*pounding fist all the while*

Title: Re: If you know so dang much, start your own server!!
Post by: Eliseus on June 03, 2010, 09:31:00 am
Why make your own server or play on another one when you can just complain while playing on this one?

/sarcasm off

Title: Re: If you know so dang much, start your own server!!
Post by: robpickles on June 03, 2010, 10:00:29 am
Don't you know that no matter how perfect it is, even if there were no problems at all, someone would find something to complain about.  ::)

Title: Re: If you know so dang much, start your own server!!
Post by: swamphy on June 03, 2010, 10:58:15 am
Of course!

I did.

Title: Re: If you know so dang much, start your own server!!
Post by: Lodar on June 03, 2010, 11:35:22 am
I agree with that rant...
This server is free and not managed by a full team of developpers... Hunter is doing awesome work with this server, also the peeps at EMU and yes there is bugs and issues... Live still does after 11 years! People needs to stop complaining.. instead they should put it in suggestions so someone can do something about it or make your own server.


Title: Re: If you know so dang much, start your own server!!
Post by: robpickles on June 03, 2010, 12:13:36 pm
People needs to stop complaining.. instead they should put it in suggestions so someone can do something about it or make your own server.

+1  ;D

Title: Re: If you know so dang much, start your own server!!
Post by: zomgDanyelle on June 03, 2010, 04:26:43 pm
It sure is suck up in this thread...

Look, nothing is perfect. I don't know what conversation you were a part of last night but never once did anyone say "this server sucks" blah blah blah. Hunter is not Sony, He simply doesn't have those kind of resources. There is always going to be things that need to be repaired or things we would like to see implemented. We post it in that section of the forums to bring it to Hunter's attention but we talk about it in game to discuss it as a community. Because, i don't know if you've noticed this yet, but this entire server is kinda like a large family (albeit dis functional at times lol). So of course we're gonna talk about this. We did it on Live and we PAYED for that service.

No one has ever once said they don't like the server and making suggestions or "wishes" is not an alternative form of insulting it or Hunter. In fact were i in Hunter's place i would WANT to hear this kind of shit. Why? Because it's implying that despite the issues you find that you want to stay on the server, which is a compliment. So please stop speaking for Hunter as if you know his feelings on this kind of stuff, especially when you've been here for how long? And what have you contributed? Exactly.

P.S. I DO know how to make my own server, in fact i have one. I would rather play on a server than operate one though and this is the best one i have found by far. But that doesn't mean i don't still have things i would like to see implemented and i think if you know me you'll know that i work pretty damn hard to see these things done, or at least brought to his attention.

Title: Re: If you know so dang much, start your own server!!
Post by: Reed on June 03, 2010, 11:00:50 pm
complaining (to an extent) and making suggestions about how to improve the server is how the dev/ admin knows the community wants change, and knows what to work on next. If i were running a server publicly, i would want to know what the general community wanted to know, have changed, added, removed, etc...