EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ponzi on July 29, 2014, 05:32:41 pm

Title: Since everyone is here hanging out...
Post by: Ponzi on July 29, 2014, 05:32:41 pm
I've never had much luck with Underfoot on my laptops, yet HOT runs like a dream, so i've always run House of Thule.. Its a more recent client, does the same thing as UF as far as making boxing easier and taking less memory per clone client running, etc.

One.. goofy.. minor.. drawback.

For some stupid reason, it has no way to tradeskill. PoK, Kelethin, Freeport, Felwithe, Rivervale.. etc.. Any town in the entirety of norrath.. Has no forges, no kilns, no ovens, etc..

Yep. Zero way to do tradeskills. In the past I have just bought a crafter flag for 8 ez credits and been done with it, but was curious before i did it on my zerker to start up the Mask Of Experience and burn thru all those saved rainbow crystals.. Does anyone have any idea why this is for me? Am i missing a file somewhere? I've tried reinstalling from scratch, etc.. I just have no kilns or forges. It's super weird.

Title: Re: Since everyone is here hanging out...
Post by: Fugitive on July 29, 2014, 05:33:59 pm
Sounds like you are using a modded Global load resource file. It makes all those "disappear"

Title: Re: Since everyone is here hanging out...
Post by: Ponzi on July 29, 2014, 06:04:14 pm
Thanks. Thought it'd be a pretty simple fix! Gives me something to do for the next *hopefully* ten minutes before the server comes up. ;)

Title: Re: Since everyone is here hanging out...
Post by: lerxst2112 on July 29, 2014, 08:29:23 pm

You do know that there is no actual House of Thule client support in the emu right?  The client is Underfoot.  You may have copied the House of Thule zone files into it which the Underfoot client will load, but that doesn't change the actual client binary you're running or the version of MQ2 you use, etc.

Title: Re: Since everyone is here hanging out...
Post by: Raygan on July 30, 2014, 02:59:19 pm
I believe HoT and Underfoot are the same client just one has the zone files for HoT.......but are basically the same thing.