EZ Server

General Category => Quest and Guides => Topic started by: zomgDanyelle on June 04, 2010, 01:33:30 am

Title: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: zomgDanyelle on June 04, 2010, 01:33:30 am
Some people have been asking this so here you go. A complete list of things good and bad about SoF/SoD to compare to your current use in Titanium. This is a complete list of new features to the SoF/SoD clients whether they work atm or not.

1. Second set of Bank slots (Active) (SoF and SoD)

2. Third set of bank slots (Active) (SoD)

3. AA window revamp. No longer requires you to spend any AAs in one tab in order to spend them in another tab. Also merges some of the tabs. All of the exact same AAs are there they are simply merged in with different tabs. No there are no new AAs for the clients though, that's server side not client side. Also yes all of the same AAs work for SoF/SoD as they do in Titanium, if they don't work in SoF/SoD it's because they don't work in Titanium either. (SoF and SoD)

4. New Mob Models. Other than the new Aneuk model (which you can find the post for here:http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=332.0) You won't be seeing these models on EZ unless the server uses them in new content. At the end of this post is going to be a list of races that are global for the SoD client which may or may not be used to the effect of new illusions ;) (races 475-586 which includes the Drakkin are SoF and SoD only. Race 587-627 which includes the new Aneuk are SoD only.)

5. Mana cap appears to be Titanium only. The other two clients may progress their mana beyond that point without using the -mana augs. (SoF and SoD)

6. Item window change. Items windows now have far more organized stats making comparing items much simpler. Also the name of an item will be in red if you can't use it or green if you can use it, thus there's no excuse for "oops i looted it and didn't know i can't use it" so let the ban hammers fall! (SoF and SoD)

7. Money no longer has any weight at all (SoD only)

8. UI reconfiguration. The SoD UI has changed quite a bit. For example the target window now displays your target's buffs, group window now displays mana/endurance in addition to hp/pet and also makes the group leader's name green so you never have to ask who the leader is. If you're the leader of a group your name will be green. The new Merc window may soon be used for EQEmu's bots (although EZ doesn't use bots so that has no bearing) (SoD only)

9. Loot all button. No more clicking each item individually to loot it. Just click "Loot All" at the bottom of the loot window (SoD, SoF was supposed to have it to but there are a few things missing from the fresh CD install of SoF and i can't remember if that was one of them)

10. Drakkin race. Fully usable. Slight issue with items not being wearable by Drakkin atm but it's an easy fix. (SoF and SoD)

11. More modern custom UIs are compatible with SoD since it's only a year old. (SoD only SoF as well in comparison to Titanium but it's over two years out dated)

12. Tons of new item icons and graphics. Though until EZ gets new SoD content this has no bearing. (SoF and especially SoD)

13. /charinfo. Displays your current bind locations. Not yet implemented. (SoD only)

14. Ornamentation. Changes the appearance of weapons and shields. Not yet working. (SoD only)

15. Blocked Buffs. If you don't want a certain HELPFUL spell cast on you you can block it. Does not, obviously, work on detrimental spells. I know that last part is common sense but i know someone will ask it if i don't specify. Does not currently work (SoF and SoD)

16. Levitate is no longer a bobbing effect, instead it simply raises you into the air and keeps you there. Much less annoying. (SoD only)

17. Fellowships. The ability to form a fellowship with 9 players (Lord of the Rings anyone??) and even set down a campfire that you can use to teleport to that fire's location from anywhere in the game via use of a fellowship object. Not yet implemented (SoF and SoD)

18. Power Source slot. Power Sources will increase the stats of items that have a "purity" level. The purity level of the item and the strength/life span of the Power Source (which, like a battery, will eventually fade) determines how much the stats of that item are raised. Not yet working. (SoF and SoD)

19. Heroic Stats. Raises your stats and resists beyond their caps. This does work however no items in EZ currently have these stats. (SoF and SoD)

20. Guild Banners. The ability to teleport via the guild hall to a customizable banner placed by your guild leader/officers. Not yet working. (SoF and SoD)

21. Player Traps. Items that when an npc gets within a certain proximity cast an AoE spell usually of detrimental effect. Not yet working. (SoF and SoD)

22. Spheres of Influence. These spells act similarly to a bard song and provide various effects when inside their "Sphere of Influence". These are also called "auras" and the spells obtained at level 55 and 70 during the PoR expansion fall under this category.  Does not currently work. (SoF and SoD)

23. Multi Core work arounds. Computers with multi-core processors now have no issues playing EQ using the SoD client. Boxers also will notice boxing is now smoother as the client can assign each window to a different core and slow down the frame rate of hidden windows to increase performance. (SoD only)

24. West Bug fix. The West Bug that caused the world to turn into a black void whenever you faced a certain direction no longer plagues us. This fix removes this bug in it's entirety. People that came from the SoF client to SoD will love this... (SoD only)

25. Respawn Window. When you die instead of porting back to your bind point the camera will hover over your corpse and a window will come up asking if you want to return to bind or be rezzed, obviously you can only select the rez option if someone actually rezzes you. Eventually the window will expire and you will return to your bind point. This does not work on EQEmu yet and it still ports you to your bind point immediately. (SoF and SoD.)

26. Item Required levels. You can now equip items that you have not met the required level for yet. However you will receive absolutely no benefit from doing this. It seems this was mostly done so people that died and lost a level and no longer had the required level to wear some of their gear no longer had to un equip it until they leveled up. It works. (SoD only)

27. Extra change now automatically is converted to platinum while selling at a vendor. Sort of works sort of doesn't. It says it changed it into plat by showing <10 cp/sp/gp in inventory but it adds no plat. Then upon zoning or logging out and back in you have the same amount of cp/gp/sp you had before. Seems it still needs coded i guess. (SoD only)

SoD global races (If you want a screenshot of any of these for any reason just ask):

4-Wood Elf
5-High Elf
6-Dark Elf
7-Half Elf
14-Werewolf (Old)
26-Froglok Armored
27-Froglok/Froglok Ghoul
42-Wolf (Luclin)
43-Bear (Old)
51-Tae Ew Lizard Man
58-Solusek Ro (Old)
60-Skeleton (Luclin)
63-Tiger (Luclin)
66-Rallos Zek (Old)
75-Elemental (Old/Luclin depending on what is loaded)
85-Spectre (Old)
89-Drake (Old)
91-Alligator (Old)
95-Cazic Thule
108-Eye of Zomm
120-Spectral Wolf (Luclin)
127-Invisible Man
130-Vah Shir
137-Kunark Goblin
142-Nearest Object (Minor Illusion)
143-Tree (New)
151-Tribunal (Old)
161-Iksar Skeleton (Old)
199-Shik Nar
209-Earth Elemental (Old/Luclin)
210-Air Elemental (Old/Luclin)
211-Water Elemental (Old/Luclin)
212-Fire Elemental (Old/Luclin)
216-Horse (Luclin)
252-PoM Castle
331-Troll Pirate
338-Gnome Pirate
339-Dark Elf Pirate
340-Ogre Pirate
341-Human Pirate
342-Erudite Pirate
356-Scaled Wolf
367-Skeleton (LDoN)
407-Lightning Warrior
411-Pyrilen (Same as 408)
415-Rat (OoW)
433-Goblin (DoN)
436-Basilisk (DoN)
454-Werewolf (DoDH)
456-Sporali (DoDH)
458-Orc (DoDH)
464-Gargoyle (DoDH)
468-Snake (DoDH)
469-Evil Eye (DoDH retextured LDoN model)
470-Hanvar (DoDH no axe model)
471-Zombie (DoDH)
473-Fairy (DoDH)
485-Spectre (New)
492-Horse (New)
503-Bear Trap
508-Runed Stong Ring
510-Runic Symbol
512-Floating Skull
513-Spike Trap
517-Nightmare/Unicorn (New)
518-Horse (New)
520-Bixie (New)
524-Gnoll (New)
527-Harpy (New)
558-Aviak (New)
562-Kerran (New)
564-Siren (New)
567-Fellowship Fire Pit
568-Brownie (New)
574-Minotaur (New)
582-Chimera Mount
583-Kirin Mount
584-Cat Mount
586-Guild Banner
594-Worg Mount
597-Cragslither Mount
598-Wrulon Mount
623-Feran Mount
625-Sokokar Mount
627-Sokokar Mount

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: walk2k on June 11, 2010, 06:17:22 pm
8. "displays target's buffs"

This doesn't seem to work for me, it shows my OWN buffs.  (this threw me off at first, I wondered why every mob was buffed up like crazy..)

26. equip items you can't use

This does work. The item slot turns yellow, and of course you get no stats from the item.  I think weapons are the exception here.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: zomgDanyelle on June 11, 2010, 07:21:21 pm
8. "displays target's buffs"

This doesn't seem to work for me, it shows my OWN buffs.  (this threw me off at first, I wondered why every mob was buffed up like crazy..)

26. equip items you can't use

This does work. The item slot turns yellow, and of course you get no stats from the item.  I think weapons are the exception here.

8. Weird that worked for me when i had it (i have a UI that uses HoTT now instead), i did notice that it changes to your buffs when YOU get buffed though (For example when you target the buff bot and hail it changes to your buffs.

26. Yeah you're correct i found this out yesterday while running around my server. I had level 85 gear on and deleved to 70 to do the spawns for a 70ish zone and my items were still equipped.)

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: talanos on June 13, 2010, 11:18:42 am
Does the Custom SoF Spell File work for SoD as well?  SoD seems like the way to go based on this post; is there any reason to use Titanium over SoD?

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: zomgDanyelle on June 13, 2010, 01:14:03 pm
Yes it does and no not imo

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Murrjok on June 14, 2010, 12:06:38 am
If hunter puts a replacement for PGT somewhere other then oldhighpass and turns on universal chat for ignore/friends/chat channels, we would be set for SoD to be the ideal client. Trevus managed it, how? I dunno.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: robpickles on June 14, 2010, 08:10:59 am
If hunter puts a replacement for PGT somewhere other then oldhighpass and turns on universal chat for ignore/friends/chat channels, we would be set for SoD to be the ideal client. Trevus managed it, how? I dunno.

I had thought he had done this already but when i ran around EK looking for Grenix Mucktail I couldnt find him.  So i went into Highpass and sat for 3 hours there after Consumer was done.  ;D

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: talanos on June 14, 2010, 04:30:24 pm
So are SoD clients still unable to get PGT then?  I thought I read there was a fix for this. 

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Murrjok on June 15, 2010, 02:18:36 am
He mentioned he would put it in the Karana's somewhere, but i have yet to see the mob or hear of its placement.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: talanos on June 15, 2010, 09:01:36 am
Okay, so if I keep my Titanium client around, and log in when I want to go find that mob, I should be okay right?

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: robpickles on June 15, 2010, 09:37:34 am
Okay, so if I keep my Titanium client around, and log in when I want to go find that mob, I should be okay right?

Yup.. .I got mine using Titanium with no trouble.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Reed on June 15, 2010, 04:49:33 pm
only thing that kept me using Titanium is the reports from people saying it devoured alot of computer resources, causing lag. If not for that, i would be using it now (not that my computer cant handle it, just dont like to)

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: talanos on June 16, 2010, 10:51:50 am
I'm actually running it now, and on a dual core with Win 7, it actually runs better than Titanium did.  But I do have alot of RAM to spare...

The graphics, especially particle effects, look alot better.  And its nice to see mana bars in group, and be able to swivel around your character in 3rd person view like in modern MMOs.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: walk2k on June 16, 2010, 12:14:03 pm
It uses 1GB (out of 6) on Win7 x64 for me.  That's with every luclin model turned on and running at 1920x1200.  I imagine if you were boxing you would turn off luclins models and run each box in a smaller window 1024x768 or so...  as long as you have 2-4GB ram I don't see a problem running a few boxes.. (but I never tried)

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Reed on June 16, 2010, 04:39:34 pm
My computer



I imagine i wouldn't have any problems either, however, i was just waiting a bit longer for bugs to get fixed... Quests to be sorted out, etc..

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Reed on June 16, 2010, 04:41:53 pm
It uses 1GB (out of 6) on Win7 x64 for me.  That's with every luclin model turned on and running at 1920x1200.  I imagine if you were boxing you would turn off luclins models and run each box in a smaller window 1024x768 or so...  as long as you have 2-4GB ram I don't see a problem running a few boxes.. (but I never tried)

Well i play boxed no mater what. Single box or otherwise.
Cant remember window size though.
But i normally box between 4 and 8 characters on a regular play. Which is why i stayed with what i knew worked for now

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Isaaru on July 23, 2010, 03:21:38 pm

Just to shed some light on if people think they can box or not.

Running 7 boxes at 1680x1050, no luclin models (I hate them anyways), I use 7GB of ram idle and up to 7.5GB during intense combat.

SoD Client + Vista 64

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Soakked on July 24, 2010, 01:11:44 pm
Just downloaded SOD after reading this post, but I am having a problem with it freezing my system after I put in my account name a password. Anyone else have this problem?

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: bufferofnewbies on July 24, 2010, 01:49:57 pm
Make sure you dont have any kind of antivirus running in the system (mainly Norton's Application of Computer Annoyance). These tend to do so many checks when you play online games that they will bog your system down to the point of lockups.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Soakked on July 24, 2010, 02:43:58 pm
After searching and searching thru google, I came back to ezserveronline and found this gem http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=463.0 which helped with the problem. I also disabled my zonealarm firewall which also helped. I am currently running SOD and I love it!

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: walk2k on July 24, 2010, 04:20:50 pm

Just to shed some light on if people think they can box or not.

Running 7 boxes at 1680x1050, no luclin models (I hate them anyways), I use 7GB of ram idle and up to 7.5GB during intense combat.

SoD Client + Vista 64

LOL turned off luclin models, and a few other things, for 2-boxing on my PC at work (1024x768 windowed) each one uses about 100-120 megs.  Big diff lol. 

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 24, 2010, 06:00:25 pm

Just to shed some light on if people think they can box or not.

Running 7 boxes at 1680x1050, no luclin models (I hate them anyways), I use 7GB of ram idle and up to 7.5GB during intense combat.

SoD Client + Vista 64

Wow, that is insane. I have run up to 8 toons on my main pc and have only 2 gigs of ram. You are doing something way wrong if you are using that much ram.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Isaaru on July 24, 2010, 09:11:33 pm

Just to shed some light on if people think they can box or not.

Running 7 boxes at 1680x1050, no luclin models (I hate them anyways), I use 7GB of ram idle and up to 7.5GB during intense combat.

SoD Client + Vista 64

Wow, that is insane. I have run up to 8 toons on my main pc and have only 2 gigs of ram. You are doing something way wrong if you are using that much ram.

Maybe it's Vista I have no idea.  I'm sitting at 1.5 GB used idling on the desktop with firefox open.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: walk2k on July 24, 2010, 09:41:00 pm
I think resolution has a lot to do with it.  Like I said at 1920x1200 full-screen it was using 1GB (with Luclin models on)..  At 1024x768 windowed , with luclin off it was only using 37MB at first (nexus) and went up to about 130MB max (was in ldon or pofire I think)

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Isaaru on July 28, 2010, 01:21:26 am
I think resolution has a lot to do with it.  Like I said at 1920x1200 full-screen it was using 1GB (with Luclin models on)..  At 1024x768 windowed , with luclin off it was only using 37MB at first (nexus) and went up to about 130MB max (was in ldon or pofire I think)

Just tried this again.  Turned all my boxes resolutions down to 960x600 and am using the exact same 7 GBs of RAM as before.  No idea why, but my only guess is Vista.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: tacl on July 28, 2010, 09:01:25 pm
chances are it is just the swap file for temp memory. the more memory you have the more gets used and the less swap gets used. not that anything is getting done wrong it is just how computers work.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: walk2k on July 28, 2010, 09:09:50 pm
Are you looking at the total memory used?

Pull up Task Manager and look at the Processes page, look for eqgame.exe, look at Memory column.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Isaaru on July 28, 2010, 10:32:38 pm
Are you looking at the total memory used?

Pull up Task Manager and look at the Processes page, look for eqgame.exe, look at Memory column.

Yes, I'm not computer illiterate.  I just don't understand why it uses all available RAM if it doesn't need to.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Simp on August 29, 2010, 04:22:38 pm
I have SoF and SoD client's , SoF works just fine but using the SoD client buffs don't show up and upon hailing the buff bot it shoots you across the zone 20k dmg.
Any ideas in getting this client to work? btw this is the correct steam version compatible with EMU.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: lerxst2112 on August 29, 2010, 04:27:14 pm

Make sure you download the spell file for this server.  The link is on the left.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: zomgDanyelle on August 29, 2010, 04:28:47 pm
I have SoF and SoD client's , SoF works just fine but using the SoD client buffs don't show up and upon hailing the buff bot it shoots you across the zone 20k dmg.
Any ideas in getting this client to work? btw this is the correct steam version compatible with EMU.

No it isn't. Just by what you said i can already tell you're running Underfoot. You must have just recently bought SoD off Steam correct? Yeah that version is actually Underfoot (It SAYS it's SoD because it only flags Live accounts to use up through SoD content on Live, however it has up through Underfoot and is thus an Underfoot client.)

Only way to get SoD atm is Torrenting it sadly =/. Hang onto the client though. Underfoot is nearing compatability (as a matter of fact that buff issue should be fixed already, i don't think Hunter has updated source code in awhile.)

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Simp on August 29, 2010, 05:10:43 pm
Bleh yeah I dl'd not too long ago, figured it out after poking around the files for abit. Thanks .

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Simp on August 29, 2010, 05:12:32 pm
On a side note loading into the game and to character select is considerably faster with this client too!

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Wordson on October 15, 2010, 04:18:55 pm
5. Mana cap appears to be Titanium only. The other two clients may progress their mana beyond that point without using the -mana augs. (SoF and SoD)

Can anyone explain this in depth? What do these augs do? When should one use these augs? I am a currently a titanium user and I play a cleric. I saw the augs on the newb vendor. When does the mana cap for us titanium users cap at?

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 15, 2010, 04:52:29 pm

If you get so much mana that it becomes a negative number, then you'll know it's time.

Title: Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
Post by: Drezden on November 07, 2010, 02:13:52 pm
 I think the mana issue was resolved.

 Another thing about SoD,it opens up so much more design content that can be used. Weapon models,NPC models,spell files,etc !

 Here is the eqemu SoD development tracker.

http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30909 (http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30909)

 Oh yea I'm pretty the link for SoD on that page from steam is actually now UF client. So dont buy it thinking its SoD unless your sure !