EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rent Due on August 29, 2014, 12:34:19 pm

Title: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Rent Due on August 29, 2014, 12:34:19 pm
Its so close we can all feel and smell it!

I had a thought that for the endgamer's maybe employ the undead in T9 for events $$

good challenge, level current content and the undead are strong in T9

just popped off talking to Fuzy about something else

if its already been suggested, thought of, whatever, sorry :(

but cool idea I thought lol

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Peign on August 29, 2014, 07:35:53 pm
Deep thoughts there Jack Handey.

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Ditri on August 30, 2014, 04:55:11 pm

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Expletus on August 31, 2014, 05:34:26 pm
I hope the existing halloween event stays as is. I hope additional zones will be added with higher level mobs (t8ish) with higher level rewards (NS8's, new ranged item, maybe some cool illusions that give a benefit when in that form. Like shadow man gives 50% less hate in that form. endless options for that one area).

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: hateborne on August 31, 2014, 05:57:39 pm
I hope the existing halloween event stays as is. I hope additional zones will be added with higher level mobs (t8ish) with higher level rewards (NS8's, new ranged item, maybe some cool illusions that give a benefit when in that form. Like shadow man gives 50% less hate in that form. endless options for that one area).

I really didn't care for last year's event. Few people rush in, 9000 characters AFK at zone in waiting to spam turn in for hopeful prize. :-P

I've been working through this mentally since I agreed to take over content dev. I want to make sure EZ's Halloween is still amazing.


Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Peign on August 31, 2014, 06:42:45 pm
I hope the existing halloween event stays as is. I hope additional zones will be added with higher level mobs (t8ish) with higher level rewards (NS8's, new ranged item, maybe some cool illusions that give a benefit when in that form. Like shadow man gives 50% less hate in that form. endless options for that one area).

I really didn't care for last year's event. Few people rush in, 9000 characters AFK at zone in waiting to spam turn in for hopeful prize. :-P

I've been working through this mentally since I agreed to take over content dev. I want to make sure EZ's Halloween is still amazing.


Agree wholeheartedly regarding Black Unicorn.   The IG and SM were still fun, but they need to be revamped.   Quite honestly, they were fairly easy last year.     Yes you had to get them to spawn, but EZ players are dedicated.   

A revamp would be cool Hate, keep EZ the Halloween place to be but make it challenging and or alter the rewards.   Novelty is always exciting.    The current EZ event is played out.

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Ponzi on August 31, 2014, 07:03:41 pm
I hope the existing halloween event stays as is. I hope additional zones will be added with higher level mobs (t8ish) with higher level rewards (NS8's, new ranged item, maybe some cool illusions that give a benefit when in that form. Like shadow man gives 50% less hate in that form. endless options for that one area).

I really didn't care for last year's event. Few people rush in, 9000 characters AFK at zone in waiting to spam turn in for hopeful prize. :-P

I've been working through this mentally since I agreed to take over content dev. I want to make sure EZ's Halloween is still amazing.


And you've done an amazing job with all of it, such a tall task to begin with. The new content, revamping the old content.

I mean, adding rainbows and hero stones and gemstones to older tiers makes backfarming far more exciting. We're multitaskers at heart and we no longer need to decide between things to do: each task we undertake has multiple potential improvements for the toon armies. The newer released content is great, and the UW augs and dungeons (and new currency?) on the horizon is intriguing.

This server hasn't diminished since you took over, it's grown exponentially. Yes, we flick you plenty of $#!t because we love you and fight you every step of the way on every miniscule detail, but that's just because we're mmorpg gamers, being miserable effs resistant to change is our nature.

Just a sincere thank you, not just for taking over this project and the enormity of work it entails, but for excelling under fire and completely hitting everything out of the park. He would be as proud of you (and Akk behind the scenes) as we the community are each and every day. Thank you for your hard work and sacrifice.

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Raygan on September 01, 2014, 04:52:56 am
Agree wholeheartedly regarding Black Unicorn.

And Blarr isn't on that much anymore t be running BU for everyone this year...for all the afk loot folks  :D

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Brannyn on September 01, 2014, 07:41:27 am
What if you changed Earth so that If more than say 30 people zone in the extras get put into a new instance of the zone or something?

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Expletus on September 01, 2014, 10:00:44 am
Of just get rid of that event making the BU drops available through a different zone as a random drop off a boss or purchasable with candy currency.

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Phah on September 01, 2014, 12:21:55 pm
So, just curious. As a newbie who wasn't around last year, I have no idea what the halloween event was like (other than apparently awesome). What level / tier was it geared towards? and what benefits (other than SoT) did it give?

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Eruditeone on September 01, 2014, 12:54:24 pm
FG/CG items to the point that they were just thrown on the ground, Strike 5s, SOT, pet clickys, blue diamond armor, halloween weapons (which after nerf 2 years ago, have no use except halloween time :/ ), other random clickys. Im sure this year we will see rainbow frags, GoTA, maybe higher strike augs? idk, halloween usually kicks ass though

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Bigoh on September 02, 2014, 10:06:59 pm
I really hope we see strike augs and some of the lesser pet mobs still that have been around i.e cazic/stone monster and insane goblin. Iirc that bu mob was pretty tough but his loots would mostly be obsolete minus the HT item. It has been a few years but i know no matter what the event will be great. I cannot wait to see what's in store. Just prayin to get some pets and strike augs is all lol :)

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Phah on September 03, 2014, 01:02:08 am
Strike augs would be nice, I'm just starting working on them and DAYUM they're expensive. I'm broke after getting 1 NS4 lol

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Expletus on September 03, 2014, 06:41:19 am
Be warned strike augs don't drop like candy. The mob is pretty tough especially if you are below T6 (estimated) they will eat you alive.

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: zefirus on September 03, 2014, 09:38:38 am
Be warned strike augs don't drop like candy.

Candy does though

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Ditri on September 03, 2014, 07:50:31 pm
Is there "something for everyone" at the halloween event or do new players benefit (loot wise) as well?

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Nexxel on September 03, 2014, 09:05:15 pm
If your soloing a single toon probably not, but as long as your running a full 6 man teem your fine. And, IF you get a chain of bosses and you ended up with one you cant handle there are usually more then enough people that will pop into your instance or your camp/kill spot in public and give you a hand. there are some  who will ask for a drop from the boss but there are just as many people who will do it just be nice. so as long as your willing to pull loads of mobs and grind thru the mobs to get bosses to pop you will get stuff.

Of all times i actually "schedule" time to play if im so busy i have a hard time getting to (seems alot this year  :P ) i take time off for Halloween from work, family, life. Alot of people have been here a while and are hoping for something with a new Pizazz from Hate and Love for Halloween, your first Halloween is defiantly a show stopper for sure.  ;D

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Bigoh on September 04, 2014, 07:04:34 am
If your soloing a single toon probably not, but as long as your running a full 6 man teem your fine. And, IF you get a chain of bosses and you ended up with one you cant handle there are usually more then enough people that will pop into your instance or your camp/kill spot in public and give you a hand. there are some  who will ask for a drop from the boss but there are just as many people who will do it just be nice. so as long as your willing to pull loads of mobs and grind thru the mobs to get bosses to pop you will get stuff.

Of all times i actually "schedule" time to play if im so busy i have a hard time getting to (seems alot this year  :P ) i take time off for Halloween from work, family, life. Alot of people have been here a while and are hoping for something with a new Pizazz from Hate and Love for Halloween, your first Halloween is defiantly a show stopper for sure.  ;D
This definitely sums up the event. It's ALWAYS a sweet time and people are usually really helpful.

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Rent Due on September 04, 2014, 07:33:12 am
it is for sure a do not miss event.

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: Gannicus on September 06, 2014, 12:36:52 pm
Revamping the existing bosses like SM and IG would be dumb, adding another boss off of IG on the other hand to fit in line for the tier would be pretty neat.

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: aythena on September 08, 2014, 10:21:14 am
Its so close we can all feel and smell it!

I had a thought that for the endgamer's maybe employ the undead in T9 for events $$

good challenge, level current content and the undead are strong in T9

just popped off talking to Fuzy about something else

if its already been suggested, thought of, whatever, sorry :(

but cool idea I thought lol

Easy for you doesn't mean easy for the rest of the server usually events are meant to be fun for all levels and ages not just max level bored tier 9's XD Just saying having a harder boss for you guys is fine but what about the rest of the players :3

Title: Re: A Halloween Thought....
Post by: zefirus on September 08, 2014, 10:57:58 am
Its so close we can all feel and smell it!

I had a thought that for the endgamer's maybe employ the undead in T9 for events $$

good challenge, level current content and the undead are strong in T9

just popped off talking to Fuzy about something else

if its already been suggested, thought of, whatever, sorry :(

but cool idea I thought lol

Easy for you doesn't mean easy for the rest of the server usually events are meant to be fun for all levels and ages not just max level bored tier 9's XD Just saying having a harder boss for you guys is fine but what about the rest of the players :3

The rest of the players can suggest their ideas as well. Keep in mind, the current way Halloween runs is fun for all levels but since t8 and t9 came out, there is nothing for T9'rs... Adding something for end game does not take away from lower levels to have fun, it just adds another tier and something you may want to aspire to achieve