EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: hateborne on September 06, 2014, 03:09:15 am

Title: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: hateborne on September 06, 2014, 03:09:15 am

Due to a small hang up with the first dungeon, Love and I were delayed. Everything has been tested and confirmed working minus very last boss of dungeon 3. Once we resolve that (tomorrow, early afternoon), I can set the new Miner script in place and it will be open to all. I'm 2.5h past bed time, and I've got a 10h tomorrow.

The alternate currency is not working 100% yet, but should be with reboot.

At this point, waiting on Akkadius to save me from my lack of understanding. Once he resolves the bit involving the chained instances, they will be live. :-(


Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Expletus on September 06, 2014, 08:05:00 am
Hate. So you are saying you put RL before a video game? This is blasphemy. You should be stoned to death or burned at the stake.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Phah on September 06, 2014, 11:36:12 am
You should be stoned to death or burned at the stake.

In game, cuz thats the only place that matters for these things

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Hulkpunch on September 07, 2014, 06:08:41 am
At this point, waiting on Akkadius to save me from my lack of understanding. Once he resolves the bit involving the chained instances, they will be live. :-(

Hey no worries hate. Thanks so much for your efforts we appreciate it and remain excited for what is to come.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: zefirus on September 09, 2014, 08:39:38 am
Where is the Alt currency vendor located in Stonehive? Huge zone..

Also, reward says 10 berries but I get one. The graphic though is a branch with a lot of little berries so this may be it?

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Phah on September 09, 2014, 09:38:40 am
I tried running this yesterday, pretty fun.

My warrior died on floor 2 (i know, i'm bad) to some trash in the first set of rooms. I rezzed him back up, and proceeded on my merry way. However, when I got to the end of the floor 2, I realized he didn't have credit for either kill on that floor. He was definitely alive when both bosses dropped, and all my other toons DID have credit, and at least one of them also died at some point. So I figured i'd go back and wait for the bosses to respawn. But going backwards through the dungeon sets you back to the start of the dungeon, and you can't leave the entry room  :-\

Not sure if that last bit is intended, but the part where one toon didn't have kill credit is very odd...

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: hateborne on September 09, 2014, 11:22:28 am
I'm aware of the potential of getting stuck. I made a small change to the door-skipping detection (the things that warp you to ent). I will also readjust the doors this evening to better handle wipes. :-)


Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Expletus on September 09, 2014, 12:50:13 pm
Is this dungeon going to be restricted to a group, player limit? (raid or group)

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: kojak488 on September 09, 2014, 09:24:15 pm
I lost my necro in level 2.  I rezzed him and clicked yes, but it zoned him into Nexus rather than level 2 of dungeon.  I couldn't rezz him again as I got the message "This character has already been resurrected."

Then of course I couldn't run him back either as the doors were all up.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Akkadius on September 09, 2014, 09:51:19 pm
I lost my necro in level 2.  I rezzed him and clicked yes, but it zoned him into Nexus rather than level 2 of dungeon.  I couldn't rezz him again as I got the message "This character has already been resurrected."

Then of course I couldn't run him back either as the doors were all up.

I implemented a checkpoint functionality that Hate will end up making use of here soon.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Raygan on September 10, 2014, 05:41:45 am
Last night I killed the first dungeon city of dranik I think was name....after I cleared it and exited the zone (went back to stonehive) and hailed the miner for the reward, I received a berry (some kind of new currency) on all six toons.  As soon as it hit my cursor I got some kind of message about unknown item and all my toons were booted from server.  I couldn't get a screenshot of all the text (which was yellow) because they all went LD at the same time after that text was on screen.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Denzig on September 10, 2014, 05:58:36 am
Also experienced zoning to Nexus from the exit on level 1 to level 2. Five toons zoned to Nexus, 1 went to the correct level. If it matters I zoned one at a time not all together.

Went back to the miner in Stonehive but if you have the expedition he won't give you the catacomb text so had to kill the mission in the quest box.

Thanks for these missions. Looking forward to the merchant for augs going live too.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Ekuug on September 11, 2014, 04:09:09 am
First time throught I had no problems.  Second time through I also only had 1 character out of 4 proceed to the 2nd level.  The other 3 would get booted back to Nexus each time I tried to bring them back.  Ended up quitting the quest/expedition.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Rent Due on September 11, 2014, 06:51:22 pm
zones seem to be running smoothly for me, I haven't DLed the spell file so I got humans in zone, but that's perfectly fine for me.

only thing I have noticed that is slightly /ugggg is the berries are not stackable :(

hello bank full of bags full of berries........

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: hateborne on September 11, 2014, 07:20:12 pm
zones seem to be running smoothly for me, I haven't DLed the spell file so I got humans in zone, but that's perfectly fine for me.

only thing I have noticed that is slightly /ugggg is the berries are not stackable :(

hello bank full of bags full of berries........

If you actually download the files, the berries go to your alternate currency window. Being lazy hurts. :-)


Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: zefirus on September 11, 2014, 09:13:47 pm
Well Hate... lets not go calling folks lazy. I am sure Rent downloaded the files. The quest when complete puts berries on your cursor as well as puts 10 into your alt currency.. so everyone is a winner. Is there a use for the berries in your inventory or can we delete them.

NMR he didn't.  Good to know about reclaim

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Rent Due on September 11, 2014, 09:23:40 pm
Well Hate... lets not go calling folks lazy. I am sure Rent downloaded the files. The quest when complete puts berries on your cursor as well as puts 10 into your alt currency.. so everyone is a winner. Is there a use for the berries in your inventory or can we delete them?

well, technically Rent hasn't updated spell files/server files in quite a while. too many updates, so I quit doing the DL's $$

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Expletus on September 11, 2014, 09:47:02 pm
They go in to the alt currency. HOWEVER you still have the 1 berry bush thingy in inventory till you click the reclaim button.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Drep on September 11, 2014, 09:55:24 pm
Well Hate... lets not go calling folks lazy. I am sure Rent downloaded the files. The quest when complete puts berries on your cursor as well as puts 10 into your alt currency.. so everyone is a winner. Is there a use for the berries in your inventory or can we delete them?

My group got the berries but in the alt currency tab it says...Berries  0

I have it in my inventory.  If I hit that reclaim button it changes to....Berries 1 and removes my berries from inventory

If I hit create it changes to...Berries 0 and adds the berries back to inventory.

Not 10 like this states above.   Am I doing something wrong?

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Rent Due on September 12, 2014, 08:08:31 am
and does only 1 toon get credit?

I did this a couple of times and only rent got the alt currency

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Kwai on September 12, 2014, 10:02:26 am
Something wonky there Rent.   All 6 of my A team got the berries.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Adydar on September 12, 2014, 11:00:12 am
To expand on Dreps comment, our whole crew got the berry in inventory, only one of them shows 10 under the alt currency tab though.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Rent Due on September 12, 2014, 11:50:21 am
yeah all of my toons got a berry, but only Rent got the alt currency

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Akkadius on September 12, 2014, 12:38:13 pm
You have to hit 'Reclaim' for them to go to the Alternate Currency tab. I'll talk to Hate about it just automatically going to alternate currency.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Drep on September 12, 2014, 01:34:25 pm
You have to hit 'Reclaim' for them to go to the Alternate Currency tab. I'll talk to Hate about it just automatically going to alternate currency.

Yeah, hitting reclaim does in fact work.  For my toons though the alt currency tab only shows 1 instead of 10.   

Also had a slight hiccup...going into the 3rd location, my paly ended up in a different instance all by himself instead of with the rest of the group.  He did however get the task completed when main group finished.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: bobo on September 12, 2014, 07:34:14 pm
So this is what happens to me. Only the leader gets 10 berries all other toons including leader get a berry on their cursor and dialog stating that they received 10 berries. Reclaim the berries on cursor and it gets added to alt currency. If you click create more than 1 berry on the alt currency tab you will only get one berry and the rest you selected to create are lost. Could be because they arnt stackable?

Also have issues with toons zoning into the 3rd dungeon. The pets made it but the toons didnt had to close the client and restart 3 toons.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Rent Due on September 12, 2014, 08:40:03 pm
I wanna play with my berries

just sayin

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Expletus on September 13, 2014, 03:30:52 pm
Showing giving credit for berries and a bush shows up in cursor however when I reclaim I am only getting credit for 1 now instead of 10 (no the 10 is not being put in automatically).

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Rakharth on September 15, 2014, 10:52:29 am
Finished the dungeon got no berries at all. Did dungeon yesterday after lv 2 went to zone up and it ported all my toons to different floors and blocked me from getting back to lv I was on. Couldn't remove the expedition also to start a new one.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: hateborne on September 16, 2014, 11:52:11 am
I encountered the hang up going from B to C. I'm looking in to it now and harassing Akkadius for a second set of eyes. :-)


Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: balidet on September 16, 2014, 12:51:33 pm
I assume all of the non responsive mobs at the end are just extra?

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Brannyn on September 16, 2014, 05:54:45 pm
I had the same issue as Rent, did dungeon and got 10 berries plus the one to hit reclaim on for my war and everyone else just got the 1 to hit reclaim for.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Akkadius on September 17, 2014, 02:45:56 am
I encountered the hang up going from B to C. I'm looking in to it now and harassing Akkadius for a second set of eyes. :-)


The hang has been removed for now until some things can be fixed.

I'm working on some EZ overhauls right now with some code with instancing, when I am complete I will pop out of my gopher hole with some news.

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Rent Due on September 17, 2014, 07:55:48 am
do you have plenty of caffeine and junk food in your gopher hole?

Title: Re: New Dungeons Late!
Post by: Akkadius on September 17, 2014, 02:22:19 pm
do you have plenty of caffeine and junk food in your gopher hole?

No junk food, just caffeine.