EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Dinadas on October 20, 2014, 07:51:58 am

Title: As a returning player
Post by: Dinadas on October 20, 2014, 07:51:58 am
Ran into a problem as a returning player.

I was farming uc2's and starting t7 when I took a break.

My crew is currently
75 warrior w/ UW7(No hatestomp) + Whip + UC2
75 monk w/ 2 6.0 epics, full 8 augs +UC2
75 ranger w/ whip + 6.0 epic full 8 augs +UC2
75 zerker w/ 6.0 + UC2 + FS5's
75 zerker w/ 6.0 + UC1 + misc Firestrikes
75 bard w/ whip + 6.0 + UC1 + misc NS
75 Pally w/ 6.0 + UC2 + Misc FS augs
75 Pally w/ 6.0 +UC1

Support shaman, druid, enchanter(GoA), mage(IA3)

WIth old 6.0 weapons, I can no longer kill in T7.  I beat on a few treants for 20 minutes, just watching them flip flop between 30 and 100%.

Even with using Grugde, Kraken, IA3, and GoA.

I'm collecting weapon skins, but not being able to turn 6.0 weapons into augs is tough.

Can the wandering trader be made to turn 6.0 weapons into 6.0 augs as well.  I'm stuck in a spot where I can't really progress, maybe when I have full augs and all UC2's which is awhile away.

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Kovou on October 20, 2014, 08:22:05 am
sadly this is the problem alot of us returning players have....and as far as i know just warrior was able to do that but hate has/had no intention of allowing this

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Dinadas on October 20, 2014, 08:49:10 am
Another weird thing to be stubborn about.

That group of characters, quite literally, cannot kill in t7 which is insane.

I'm not asking for handouts, I'm currently farming for weapon skins, and for most it doesn't matter if epic is not slotted, but for example my zerkers i would be hard pressed to not have their procs.

See if I can muddle through until I can get 7.0's I guess.

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: huffdady on October 20, 2014, 09:15:41 am
I am right there with ya man except I have been playing all along. 
I have had the hardest time breaking into T7.
I can run T6 like a champ.  Pulling gobs and gobs of mobs and blowing them up.
When I headed into T7, I would pull 3 mobs and spend 10 - 15 min's killing them. 
At first I thought it was because my team wasn't UC/UC2.  Fixed that, all are UC2'ed but 1 now.  Still taking a while.
Then I thought it was because my warrior wasn't UW'ed enough for this level, knocked out 5 levels of that.  Still not alot of change. 
My zerker has FS7 x3, my rangers has all V+'s, my Enchy has Mana necklace 7 or 8, even my clr/druid have IS V+'s.   
Even with all that it still takes me 5-8 min's to kill 3 or 4 mobs right there at the entrance.  I am not sure what I am doing wrong.  Is this the point where it is necessary to have 2 or 3 groups? 
Most of my toons have the Epic 6.0's.  I have been fortunate enough to be able to buy a couple of 7.0 augs and use T6 skins.

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Dinadas on October 20, 2014, 09:36:31 am
I have 2 groups and can't kill.

Hoping when they all have t6 skins I will be able to kill there.

Before the change in hp regen and crazy hp of mobs, i could kill in t7 with a reasonable clip.

I guess I need 2 full groups with full augs as well.

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: zefirus on October 20, 2014, 09:58:56 am
I have 2 groups and can't kill.

Hoping when they all have t6 skins I will be able to kill there.

Before the change in hp regen and crazy hp of mobs, i could kill in t7 with a reasonable clip.

I guess I need 2 full groups with full augs as well.

You definitely want to grind t6 for all uc2.. and also grind out some augs. Halloween is around the corner so you should be able to aug out your toons with V's no problem.  I think 6 skins allow for 3 x strike v augs each.

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Dinadas on October 20, 2014, 10:02:20 am
I made a NS9 for the ranger with the whip as well.

Hopefully Halloween will give a me good base of augs for everyone and the dailies will help with leveling them up.

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: balidet on October 20, 2014, 11:12:58 am
Not to be the dick but..

are you debuffing the trents? they cast skin ..are you dispelling it?

with what you have posted (all of you above) you should have no problem in t7...unless you are just hitting attack and waiting for things to die... do you switch targets if they cast skin? have to tried anything other than just /attack on??

I broke into t7 with almost no uc2's BEFORE the skin was nerfed and the bowshot from npcs....and I had very few problems once I figured it out...

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: hateborne on October 20, 2014, 11:19:52 am
Another weird thing to be stubborn about.

That group of characters, quite literally, cannot kill in t7 which is insane.

I'm not asking for handouts, I'm currently farming for weapon skins, and for most it doesn't matter if epic is not slotted, but for example my zerkers i would be hard pressed to not have their procs.

See if I can muddle through until I can get 7.0's I guess.

That's because a lot of NPCs now have spells. The trees are druids, which means heals. Pulling a few healers at a time means you must have mad DPS or they can potentially out heal you DPS. The old weapons were not nerfed, the new weapons are admittedly stronger, and the NPCs have access to spells now.


Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Dinadas on October 20, 2014, 12:22:40 pm
I must not have my filters set to see spells, guess i missed that. 

Will try dispelling next time.

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Dinadas on October 20, 2014, 01:05:29 pm
I still think it'd be nice to be able to trade in old 6.0's into augments somehow, given how long it will take to get ready to get 7.0's

bane weapons etc.

Just my 2 cents, but at least I might be able to work on t7 again.

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: zefirus on October 20, 2014, 03:35:31 pm
Work on UC2 and Augs

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: hateborne on October 20, 2014, 04:25:33 pm
I still think it'd be nice to be able to trade in old 6.0's into augments somehow, given how long it will take to get ready to get 7.0's

bane weapons etc.

Just my 2 cents, but at least I might be able to work on t7 again.

You have any idea how many people send me requests to get their augment turned back into a weapon because they upgraded and didn't have a weapon yet? It's still pretty high. Add in the ability to immediately upgrade? Hahahaha, no #@%!ing thank you. :-)


Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Dinadas on October 20, 2014, 05:07:41 pm
I still think it'd be nice to be able to trade in old 6.0's into augments somehow, given how long it will take to get ready to get 7.0's

bane weapons etc.

Just my 2 cents, but at least I might be able to work on t7 again.
. Add in the ability to immediately upgrade? Hahahaha, no #@%!ing thank you. :-)

I'm not looking to go directly to 7.0, but given the amount of time to go from 6.0 to 7.0. It would be nice to turn 6.0 epics into 6.0 augs.

Maybe consider it just for berzerkers, akin to knights.  They are subpar w/o their procs.

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Fugitive on October 20, 2014, 05:12:26 pm

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: hateborne on October 20, 2014, 05:36:39 pm
I'm not looking to go directly to 7.0, but given the amount of time to go from 6.0 to 7.0. It would be nice to turn 6.0 epics into 6.0 augs.

Maybe consider it just for berzerkers, akin to knights.  They are subpar w/o their procs.

The berserkers and knights that are already using 6.0 epics already have the procs. That being the case, you are wanting the procs AND the new stat bonuses. That being the case, upgrade or back farm. :-)


Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Brannyn on October 20, 2014, 07:11:54 pm
I'd say backfarm and throw in another zerker or 2 while your at it.
I'm taking Krucielz advice and getting 2 more zerk (since I only have 1 currently) and some bards to get my dps up before I start t7

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Ponzi on October 20, 2014, 11:22:51 pm
I concur on adding zerkers... with one caveat :

Halloween is around the corner.. get those FG and CG Kits then :)

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Dinadas on October 21, 2014, 08:00:30 am
Weird position to take, but will work around it.

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: zefirus on October 21, 2014, 08:06:34 am
Weird position to take, but will work around it.

My guidance is the best... because no matter what, you will eventually have to follow it.

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Dinadas on October 21, 2014, 08:13:42 am
I have already been working on UC2's and now added in farming weapon skins.

Back when I played I didn't do much in tier 7 because I didn't have the resources to make strike 9 augs.

With the new system, I would have worked on 7.0 augments because they can go in t6 weapons, nice work around to the strike problem presented for years.

With Halloween coming hopefully I will be better prepared and get a bunch of level 5 augs for the rest of my crew, and dailies help with the essences to upgrade those as well.

Always working uc2's and augs when resources allow. 

Title: Re: As a returning player
Post by: Fugitive on October 21, 2014, 08:54:38 am
Tell ya what if you go to T7 with sh#t augs and not enough UC2s, the beatdown you attempt to give the mobs is laughable period even before the spells/regen changes...

1 toon can't carry a group anymore (as much)

Invest in your group(s)

I think that is the history of all these posts, same stuff different tier ... get more Boom Boom
