EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Warbash on November 20, 2014, 01:05:55 pm

Title: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Warbash on November 20, 2014, 01:05:55 pm
I cant help but notice all the fighting and bitching lately, its kind of a real bummer. I see two groups involved, those that just bitch and offer no constructive input and those that try to be constructive. These two groups tend to be separated further by those at end game and those not.

So to those bitching that's "its too easy" or "too hard" or those attacking people providing input or feedback, what have you, freaking knock it off. If I was Akka, Hate or Love I would run as from from us as possible. I love this server and I love hunters vision for this server, the best aspect of this server for me is that each tier almost allows you to rofl wtf stomp the previous teir, but more on that later. I also appreciate what Hate did with hunter and for the server, he definitely brought some interesting features, spells and mechanics.

This server has grown and as harder tiers and items to combat those tiers are added it makes the previous tiers obsolete. Its used to be UC1, then Strikes, Then UC2, then UW, then UC1, now Halloween pets etc...

Can the end gamers let it go some and let some of the silly stuff like having to farm SLS in jagged pines which is freaking stupid imo be rectified like in the dailies and other ways, let casters gets some love etc even if it makes things at the lower tiers easier? and can the up and comers let it go a bit and recognize that it takes time to progress and it is easier than before even though it may not feel that way?

Is it as important as working on T10? no, we need a continuous stream of new content for the health of the server but allow little things to make life easier on the low end get fixed, let it elevate more people to the higher levels, let the server grow and be happy.

kept the original post below :P
With that said I want to talk about the end gamers, I am only in T7 getting close to T8 and I do not understand most of you end gamers attitudes. You guys are the most entitled, premadonna pricks out there, excluding a few like Darpey and Aythena that I know. You hide behind this desire to keep the server whole and healthy but all I really see is your selfish need to stay at the top and keep others down, with the exception of when you so graciously deem someone worthy to bring up to maintain a fake image of philanthropy.

Last thing, we have gone round and round about SLS, the dailies class balancing and you elite scumbags want to keep it the same or judge it from your perspective of "I have all UW max augs and it takes me 10 seconds to rofl stomp this so its easy eough as it is".

Your input on something being easy below T9 has little relevance, that's the way this server was designed. I don't care that you went through the previous tiers once before or magnanimously ran a new crew through without any help from your stronger characters. You still come from a position of having massive character power.

This server has grown and progresses as harder tiers are added and items to combat those tiers makes the previous tiers obsolete. Its used to be UC1, then Strikes, Then UC2, then UW, then UC1, now Halloween pets etc...

let it go and let some of the silly stuff like having to farm SLS in jagged pines which is freaking stupid imo be rectified like in the dailies and other ways, let casters gets some love etc...

Is it as important as working on T10? no, we need a continuous stream of new content for you end gamers but allow little things to make life easier on the low end get fixed, let it elevate more people to your level, let the server grow and be happy.

If you cant, just go away, trust me no on will miss you, there server will still be here and probably happier than ever.

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Raygan on November 20, 2014, 01:19:57 pm
Started off thinking this guy may have a point trying to help both sides find common ground...read through and it sounds like someone pissed in your Cheerios.  :-*

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Fugitive on November 20, 2014, 01:24:37 pm

Have balls and call them/me out.. as for going away trust me know one will miss you, you must have read one of my posts from long ago and just forgot to add the /quote tags. The same rings true for you

No one wants to keep any body down, just because we put it out of the table and ID for what it is, not everyone will agree but the F'ing Elephant in the room is PINK and HUGE.

This game(server) has turned into a GIMMEGIMME RACE to the end.
We need plat bags,
we need SLS,
we need more % on esse drop,
we need zones to not repop for this long,
we need zones to repop faster.
Just to cater to players that are killing fast racing to end (sometimes it might take 50-100 days to complete a quest embrace it)

EVERYONE EXPECTS to have INPUT on how a game/server should be if everyone wants that go make their own server and put it up there and get players to come play.

No matter how spun up you are, you honestly are only looking at it from your prospective, place yourself in Hate's position.
What's next whats still broke how to make it harder but not impossible, just like the bag of ass Hunter left with the UW9+ millions upon millions of hps on a wep. Just thing when Hate changed the procs ( retarded DPS and retarded HPs... /godemode on) There shouldn't be a god mode in this game or even near. There is no logical way to balance it for either side of the plate from that stance.

Hunter made a lot of fixes/kneejerks when players caught his ear what's good for 1 player could be bad for lots. The Direction HB has been taking the server is breathing life into it period. MODs/Devs will always upset players to no matter when when the fix a loop/bug/or something not working as intended and players abusing it instead of telling him.

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Warbash on November 20, 2014, 01:44:58 pm
Oh yeah I have no illusions no one would miss me, and its not for a lack of balls, i just didn't wan to leave the other fuckards out and I don't know their names :)

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Darpey on November 20, 2014, 01:46:38 pm
I don't want you to go :(


I'd miss you.

And Rent and Fugi - even though they're dicks.

But the good kind... *wink*

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Warbash on November 20, 2014, 01:48:59 pm
I don't want you to go :(


I'd miss you.

And Rent and Fugi - even though they're dicks.

But the good kind... *wink*

Im not going anywhere I have fun here, and believe it or not I like Fug for the most part and Rent is actually fairly cool too. We just have to find some balance too much whining from both sides i guess.

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Fugitive on November 20, 2014, 01:50:34 pm
 ;D come to nexus for some gnome punting

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Anuli on November 20, 2014, 01:58:40 pm
I don't want you to go :(


I'd miss you.

And Rent and Fugi - even though they're dicks.

But the good kind... *wink*

The world needs dicks to keep the pussies from becoming assholes.

That's pretty much the key thing to remember when you guys get mad at each other for being dicks. It's solid advice :p

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: balidet on November 20, 2014, 02:01:35 pm
I dont mean to bash on new players...

lets face it the server is a cake walk now...

people popping up to 480% xp buffs  in nexus ...

Raid xp being as good as group xp...

Essence drop like fugitives panties at a rockyhorror picture show.

you have more plat (thanks halloween!) than you can spend...

the tasks quests make early essence farming a snap...

mother freaking unicorn poop everywhere....

You can pull 1000000000000 mob trains without Bubba time....

The server does not lag..../crash /random zone reset constantly

everyone has at least 1 UW

I mean really things have gotten much better )easier( over the last year...

This is why people in T9 and the people who have BEEN T9 for a long time are upset.. it all looks to easy... or EZ...

and the people who are new...who don't have the UWxstrikeaugs of doom or whatever item...they don't want to hear about how it was...because they are struggling now... with the current content..

the 2 parties will never agree.... so lest just accept it and move on..

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Rent Due on November 20, 2014, 02:27:39 pm
I'm confused am I a dick or pretty  cool

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Darpey on November 20, 2014, 02:33:22 pm
I'm sure that came out wrong - meant to be cheeky, and failed. You're a cool guy Rent. Was going to delete it but got quoted.

Love the Rent.

Love (http://ezserverwiki.com/images/f/f7/EZLove.png)

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Warbash on November 20, 2014, 03:01:12 pm

This is why people in T9 and the people who have BEEN T9 for a long time are upset.. it all looks to easy... or EZ...

and the people who are new...who don't have the UWxstrikeaugs of doom or whatever item...they don't want to hear about how it was...because they are struggling now... with the current content..

the 2 parties will never agree.... so lest just accept it and move on..

Truer words..... been like that in EQ for ever, I mean ever lol. Don't expect it to change here.

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Fugitive on November 20, 2014, 03:48:41 pm

Hehe jkjk /chuckle

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: warrior5 on November 20, 2014, 04:21:03 pm

lets face it the server is a cake walk now...

Lol it never ends  ::)

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Phah on November 20, 2014, 05:17:35 pm

lets face it the server is a cake walk now...

Lol it never ends  ::)

I like walking on cake

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: WatchYouDie on November 21, 2014, 05:17:32 pm
I don't comment on these kinds of posts a lot so ...

I think the amount of time to achieve things on this server is faster than before... Yes people have sunk a lot of time in this server, but with progression things should become easier on the back side. If you went back to play regular eq and started over how long would it take you to get to end game? if you play any other game how long? things should get easier as they go along.

At this point with the amount of xp required for alt itmes i think its a good mix of drop rates on ess vs xp vs time sink. its a fair ammount of time even for a hardcore player. with little help kardux has been playing for over a year now and is just breaking into t9. he plays about 8 hours most days with prob 3-5 hours legit play time a day. He started about the same time the mask went into effect. has almost a 300xp click mask after getting a 250 clicky to up how fast it went. He has roa 750+ using crystals. Basically he has surpassed me, however with the issues im having i cant play :/ ... but ya uh he is just starting t9. i (along with zef) did help him get a few ucs2 along with t7 gear t8 gear. i actually prob saved him at least 2 months of farming. he still has plenty more to do and with hate releasing new stuff chasing the ear chasing uw6+  and maybe an aa based wrist come come soon ?????? i think to catch up to full end game content he still has another year to go min

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Kardthe on November 22, 2014, 09:16:07 am
I don't comment on these kinds of posts a lot so ...

I think the amount of time to achieve things on this server is faster than before... Yes people have sunk a lot of time in this server, but with progression things should become easier on the back side. If you went back to play regular eq and started over how long would it take you to get to end game? if you play any other game how long? things should get easier as they go along.

At this point with the amount of xp required for alt itmes i think its a good mix of drop rates on ess vs xp vs time sink. its a fair ammount of time even for a hardcore player. with little help kardux has been playing for over a year now and is just breaking into t9. he plays about 8 hours most days with prob 3-5 hours legit play time a day. He started about the same time the mask went into effect. has almost a 300xp click mask after getting a 250 clicky to up how fast it went. He has roa 750+ using crystals. Basically he has surpassed me, however with the issues im having i cant play :/ ... but ya uh he is just starting t9. i (along with zef) did help him get a few ucs2 along with t7 gear t8 gear. i actually prob saved him at least 2 months of farming. he still has plenty more to do and with hate releasing new stuff chasing the ear chasing uw6+  and maybe an aa based wrist come come soon ?????? i think to catch up to full end game content he still has another year to go min

Hehe... yah.. I didn't want to feed the trolls... but what Watch posted there is pretty much accurate.  I almost posted the same in response to Fugi but deleted it :P  I am on A LOT... but I play from work, so a lot of my time is spent afk, actually doing work.  Still, i play most evenings for a bit too, and have done so since just before Halloween 2013.  I did go back twice to bring up more toons, so have done T5 and up twice now (the hard way) on top of just getting one group up, and that did add some time.  Have most in UC2, one UC3 on tank, etc.  Now have 15 working on T9. 

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: Krinkle on November 22, 2014, 11:23:57 am
You guys ever see those wing suits parachuters wear when skydiving? freakin awesome just like VRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOM all over the place man. I want one.

Title: Re: Server Infighting and Disconect
Post by: zefirus on November 22, 2014, 10:32:06 pm
i need to log on and see you guys...