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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rakharth on December 01, 2014, 01:36:11 pm

Title: Motherboards
Post by: Rakharth on December 01, 2014, 01:36:11 pm
Just looking for some feedback on good gaming motherboards. Mine isnt extremely old maybe 4 year but looking to upgrade ram and such and im maxed on mine. One i was looking at is http://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/X99DELUXE/ just dont know if its worth the money or if there are cheaper ones of same quality. Ty for feedback

Title: Re: Motherboards
Post by: hateborne on December 01, 2014, 02:02:26 pm
Just looking for some feedback on good gaming motherboards. Mine isnt extremely old maybe 4 year but looking to upgrade ram and such and im maxed on mine. One i was looking at is http://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/X99DELUXE/ just dont know if its worth the money or if there are cheaper ones of same quality. Ty for feedback

Do you know what socket type your processor is, what type of RAM you have and/or looking to get, what PSU wattage and connection type you have, etc etc?


Title: Re: Motherboards
Post by: Anuli on December 01, 2014, 02:12:38 pm
Just looking for some feedback on good gaming motherboards. Mine isnt extremely old maybe 4 year but looking to upgrade ram and such and im maxed on mine. One i was looking at is http://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/X99DELUXE/ just dont know if its worth the money or if there are cheaper ones of same quality. Ty for feedback

Woah there bud, for the price of a $400 motherboard, you could save that for a processor and memory. Go with a nice $75 gigabyte MOBO with an LGA 1155 intel for $300, then two 8GB ram sticks for like $100 and youre good to go.

there you go, built you a computer for $550 that will run EQ 24 times lol.

Title: Re: Motherboards
Post by: Rakharth on December 01, 2014, 02:49:13 pm
my processor atm is a older i7 my ram is at 8gb. just upgrading my mother board gonna get a newer i7k processor and wanna get a lot more ram. im not gonna do it all at once but im trying to get the best bang for my buck.

Title: Re: Motherboards
Post by: Chunka on December 02, 2014, 03:15:00 am
Lets take a look at something else:



$199 for this processor right now (AMD 9590).


$299 for the I7 4790.

Or go nuts....

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=19-117-402.  $389.

Here's the comparison on the AMD vs that newer I7:


LOTS of great mobo options for any of those three. For the newer I7 I rather like this MSI board:


For the 4790 I like this board, if you're married to Asus:


For the AMD I like this board: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131876.

So......for the top AMD processor (which in some ways will outperform the newest I7) we have $199 CPU and $219 board, for $418.

For the slightly older I7 4790 and board we have $299 and $219, for $518

Or for the newer I7 we have $389 and $259, for $648

Obviously the newer I7 has some legs. The AMD holds its own, however, and overclocks easier and better than the I7. But.....with the AMD you will be using DDR3, rather than the DDR4 on the newer I7/ The newer I7 uses a lot less electricity (22 nm vs 32 nm). Also the AM3+ socket boards do not support PCI-E 3.0 yet, so its still 2.0 (honestly wont see much of a difference with even the newest vid cards).

Anyway, just some food for thought. Were it me.....I'd probably go AMD and save myself a bit of cash. The performance differences are minimal.

Title: Re: Motherboards
Post by: Rakharth on December 02, 2014, 08:02:55 am
Ty guys for all the advice and links and input alot of good ideas now.  ;)

Title: Re: Motherboards
Post by: Warbash on December 02, 2014, 10:56:20 am
Chunka, you are alright :) glad to have you back.