EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Crevi on December 03, 2014, 06:03:18 am

Title: Little help with new team
Post by: Crevi on December 03, 2014, 06:03:18 am
Hi all, im Kanka. I suposse most of you know me as the complaining one in /ooc.... I thinking to start a new group to complete a raid team. Actually got pally, cleric, warrior, zerker, beast and rogue, all fully T4.  Any suggestion for new group? Many tx for your time.

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Ponzi on December 03, 2014, 07:20:15 am
Druid and Enchanter for certain.

Beyond that its a matter of what you wanna do. You'll want a 2nd ninja dps.. so either a monk or a ranger.

So DRU/ENC/ + mnk or ranger makes 3.

Other 3 slots can be whatever. Shaman is nice for their hp boost on their epic click. A second paladin is always a good idea. A second zerker is always welcome for AE dps. '

So, say Dru/Enc/Mnk/Shm/Pal/Zerk would be my overall recommendation.

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Crevi on December 03, 2014, 08:07:53 am
I got some doubt between pally or sk. The others sound good :)

Just left know a good place to lvl up in 13 mins like someone says in wiki...  ::) ::)

Tx for your time

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Expletus on December 03, 2014, 08:36:07 am
I agree with Ponzi. dru/enc/mnk/shm/pal/zer(or ranger)

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Rakharth on December 03, 2014, 08:40:52 am
Easiest way to lv the alts up is get some higher end buffs including a mage ds rk2 or higher. Get ds and just run around to get you high enough to get into fire then its  just one pull for 70

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Rent Due on December 03, 2014, 08:42:19 am
This is what you already have

IMO this is what I would make your 2 grps look like orange you already have, red you would need

Group 1

Group 2

just my opinion, whatever, take it for what it is

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Darpey on December 03, 2014, 08:54:59 am
Hi all, im Kanka. I suposse most of you know me as the complaining one in /ooc.... I thinking to start a new group to complete a raid team. Actually got pally, cleric, warrior, zerker, beast and rogue, all fully T4.  Any suggestion for new group? Many tx for your time.

Honestly Pally (http://ezserverwiki.com/Paladin) - Cleric (http://ezserverwiki.com/Cleric) - Warrior (http://ezserverwiki.com/Warrior) - Zerker (http://ezserverwiki.com/Berserker) - Beast (http://ezserverwiki.com/Beastlord) - Rogue (http://ezserverwiki.com/Rogue) sounds pretty solid

With the possible exception of replacing one of the healers (I would replace Cleric, but that's just personal preference) for another DPS or Druid (http://ezserverwiki.com/Druid), but that's not critical.

I know lots of people have 2 (or even 3 *shudder*) groups... but it's too expensive to strike aug (http://ezserverwiki.com/Strike_Augments) them all anyway (and it's annoying to log that many on), why not just stick with one group of fully augged chars - and get the Warrior his Ultimate Weapon (http://ezserverwiki.com/Ultimate_Weapon) high, rather than augging 2 groups.

Just my 2 cents.

(Disclaimer: I have 14 characters past T5 (http://ezserverwiki.com/Abyss)... but I only play 6 of them now:
Warrior - Rogue - Monk - Berserker - Bard/Druid - Paladin)

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: huffdady on December 03, 2014, 10:16:13 am
I usually run, Warrior, Cleric, Enchanter, Druid, Ranger and Zerker.

I have other toons on stand by just incase.

I have a shammy (for HP buff), SK (which used to be my old tank), bard, monk and pally.

I am really thinking of switching the cleric for the pally for the extra dps.  

I just started clearing T7 and any dps makes it go faster.

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Anuli on December 03, 2014, 11:13:36 am
I second Rents option. Bard in main group is a very nice addition. maybe switch the druid and chanter for the zerker/rogue so they can benefit in group 1 from extra healing power, as druid and enchanter can cast their spells on the warrior from group 2.

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Chunka on December 03, 2014, 01:30:06 pm
One group can run well, but in my experience its faster and easier running 12 boxes than just 6, even considering UC and strikes.

Put your mind to rest pally vs SK. You have a warrior, IMO if you decide you need a 2nd tank, make another warrior; they end up better dps anyway. A pally, on the other hand, is second best healer in the game in later tiers (just barely behind druid....yes, druid. NO healer does as much for a team as a druid). A pally in either group does a ton.

Strike augs and zerker epic procs are spell damage, which means that a bard and a chanter will add a ton to the team (bard for 5.0+ epic effect, one man band, and ench for Timeless Vampiric Thunder and Gift of Annihilation, which is a HUGE short term damage buff on one character). I run both. Either works well.....overall when you consider everything both add about the same to a team in terms of damage added to your boxes. Both also have other benefits. Honestly I'd do both....and unlike what you'll hear from others I'd actually RUN the ench in the team; by themselves they can do decent damage if you use all their abilities (twincast, debuffs, pet with mana neck, etc).

You're also running a bst, which means your pet can do some decent physical damage, if you run your BST well. Your warrior will most probably also eventually want a UW, whether you run 6 boxes or 12. So to add to THEIR overall damage I'd also include a shaman. Shammy do well as healers, but they also have the 2nd best hit point buff in the game (behind druid) and they also add some short term melee bumps, including Kraken, which adds a spell proc to your melee, but also has Ancestral Grudge, which substantially increases physical damage from melee (HUGE gains on UW melee, rogue backstabs and beastlord pets).

So....were it me I'd add druid, ench, pally, bard, shaman.....then either another zerk or a ninjastrike melee, monk or ranger. Both end up about equal when geared up properly, and run to the max of their abilities. After that I'd shuffle the groups around a bit, making sure you have war, bst, rogue and shaman in the same group (grudge will land outside the group but it lands more reliably in). Then I'd add bard and pally to G1, for the extra heals, and the tempest blade add on your pet and warrior, as well as defensive adds to tank group.

Past that.....I ended up parking my cleric. If you decide to do that it open a spot for another strike melee, but thats up to you.

Just food for thought.

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Darpey on December 03, 2014, 01:55:20 pm
A pally, on the other hand, is second best healer in the game in later tiers (just barely behind druid....yes, druid. NO healer does as much for a team as a druid). A pally in either group does a ton.

Yes but Pally does passive Healing (combat effect) whereas druid is single target - unless you know something I don't, which is highly possible. Also Druid's only lasts 18 seconds, then you are on cooldown for several seconds without heals.

Shammy do well as healers, but they also have the 2nd best hit point buff in the game (behind druid)

My T9 Shaman does a 200k HP buff, my T9 druid does 16,500 HP <-- what am I missing here?

^ Please correct me if I'm wrong on either of these points, because that means I can utilize classes more than I have been.

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: hateborne on December 03, 2014, 02:00:55 pm

Yes but Pally does passive Healing (combat effect) whereas druid is single target - unless you know something I don't, which is highly possible. Also Druid's only lasts 18 seconds, then you are on cooldown for several seconds without heals.

Shammy do well as healers, but they also have the 2nd best hit point buff in the game (behind druid)

My T9 Shaman does a 200k HP buff, my T9 druid does 16,500 HP <-- what am I missing here?

^ Please correct me if I'm wrong on either of these points, because that means I can utilize classes more than I have been.

Red: What? Are you neglecting the AoE heal, the single target heal, and the fairly powerful regen?

Orange: 16.5k base HP + a percentage of your max hp. Like your kindergarten teacher used to say "Read all the way through before starting".


Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Chunka on December 03, 2014, 02:05:46 pm
Yes but Pally does passive Healing (combat effect) whereas druid is single target - unless you know something I don't, which is highly possible. Also Druid's only lasts 18 seconds, then you are on cooldown for several seconds without heals.

That 18 second is more than enough, and the cooldown doesnt outlast the heal. I can chain cast it. But more important is that the more you pull, the more it heals....and even JUST fresh into T9 I like pulling 10+ at a time. Add to that the druids MONSTROUS regen (really helps on long pulls) and their group heal (same basic amount as the cleric group heal, but just 200% bonus from T8 clicky buff, rather than cleric's 400%, but with the other heals the druid is more effective).

Druid keeps me healed by parse more than cleric or pally in T8.....140% more than cleric, 20ish% more than pally.

My T9 Shaman does a 200k HP buff, my T9 druid does 16,500 HP <-- what am I missing here?

Druid is 16,500 plus a percentage of max hps. My druid adds well over 200K hps to my tank with Oak3.

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Darpey on December 03, 2014, 02:10:17 pm
Lol shows how much I know about the game, thanks for that Chunka and Hate.

Well now... that's embarassing...

Red: What? Are you neglecting the AoE heal, the single target heal, and the fairly powerful regen?
Yes... yes I am - except the regen - I use that

Orange: 16.5k base HP + a percentage of your max hp. Like your kindergarten teacher used to say "Read all the way through before starting".
Yes sir... *head down in shame*

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: balidet on December 03, 2014, 02:17:04 pm
I love these type of posts btw ...so thank you

Paladin dps is horrible even with 2 XI firestrikes they do not get the CRIT rate that other firestrike toons get. I ran mine on parse with a zerk and both uc2 both with 2 firestrikes and it was not even close...and that is on 1target with zerk AOE dps it shames the paladin.

Paladins are the BEST healers in game. the druid is the BEST SINGLE target healer with Skin but its cooldown with modifiers is the same as its duration.. so its great at one target..not so good if you need other healing... they do have a group heal but unless you are farming qvic its not going to do much for the rest of your team... and regen..well thats nice for some spot healing if you get hit with a single AOE but if you do a large pull and get several AOE's going it dont do shit.

Paladins on the other hand have a proc (9.0) mind you that will basically CH the enter group ever 6 seconds...and that is with UC2... it takes no mana...he swings...it procs....everyone gets heals..and it crits like mad....2.5mil 3mil...3.5mil...whatever it is ...this is your healer...this guy will keep your group alive in all but mass pulling situations when you have 40 mobs pulled...

Clerics ...first thing I hear about clerics is HP buff....this is what they do best....its a small % of your total hps end game and you willl never notice if you have it or not. Clerics have a similar proc to paladins but for whatever reason it does not seem to work as well...I dont know why..might be a modifier in for pallys ...I dunno...but cleric does nothing that matters better than a paladin and wont last 5 seconds as an off tank...

Bard/enchanter/shaman bleh bleh bleh modifier more dps bleh bleh bleh...stop... If you want to be the most efficent player do not play these toons... 1 ninjastrike rogue is going to add more damage with less support than  any of these.. think about it this way.. you have a chanter in your group that adds ..lets say..20% dps ...and thats a reach to  your party.. lets do this.

Group 1

Group 2

This is a good suggestion ....no disrespect ....but...

first group..

warrior (yes)
cleric zerk
Druid (great!)
Bard monk
paladin (good!)
Enchanter rogue

You have lost some healing that you dont need in the cleric and a 20k hps buff? ..but you gained massive dps with the zerk and AE knockdown for those large pulls...very important.
The bard is great if you are caster heavy and plan on lots of long fights...but..thats not how this server works... So you toss the bard dps (2 ninjas? proc rate and crit rate are pathetic compared to monk.. not even close) and have gained a 100% dps output here just on strike augs.  replacing the enchanter with a rogue is probably about 400% damage increase for this position in the group... at least....look at the parses... the chanter does have a nice couple of buffs...GOA is insane burst dps gain but overall ...you will get more out of a high crit rate ninja strike dpser...

Group 2.

If you work on just those 6 toons and get them charms and augs..you wont need a second group...

but if you want one..this is where I would invest in bards chanters and the like...the first group is solid and can do anything....you can log in the "booster" group if you feel you are lacking in some way....hell run a shaman chanter bard pally cleric um..sk .. if you want ...whatever...

I do run what I have suggested here and do have 16 toons that are t9...capable....I  say take it all with a grain of salt and do whatever you want..

dream second group (for me at least)


sadly I only have 5 t9 zerks...so I am 1 zerk short!:) and about 6 firestrike 11s short....maybe with teir 10?

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Darpey on December 03, 2014, 02:22:00 pm
I agree with literally everything balidet said - good stuff... and redeemed me a little on my druid fail.

Paladin passive heal of effectively a CH about once a second is killer.

Druid is great for establishing the heals from Pally while Warrior is getting the mobs to camp, but Paladin is your bread and butter healer... will keep the group alive during fights.

The druid regen is huge... but relative to T9 level RoA and UW (e.g. Darpey's regen is 176,120) it's small in comparison.

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Darpey on December 03, 2014, 02:37:49 pm
Orange: 16.5k base HP + a percentage of your max hp. Like your kindergarten teacher used to say "Read all the way through before starting".

Looked it up, and here's a screenshot.

I know it also does a DS... but this doesn't show up either.

Additionally, The only group heal in the community wiki's druid page (http://ezserverwiki.com/Druid) or a search through my own druid's purple heal gems is "Breath of Nature" which "Heals 8320 to 13,423 random hp"... (virtually nothing, even after UC2, compared to a T9 warrior (i.e. Darpey @ 3.1m HP ~ 176,120 regen Unbuffed)) and has a 6 second cast time

^ Level 1 of "Breath of Nature"

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: hateborne on December 03, 2014, 02:58:17 pm
Orange: 16.5k base HP + a percentage of your max hp. Like your kindergarten teacher used to say "Read all the way through before starting".

Looked it up, and here's a screenshot.

I know it also does a DS... but this doesn't show up either.

It doesn't show a DS because there ISN'T a DS. Slot 12 = Max HP Change by 10% (positive change). This gives the a 10% global HP bonus. If you have 100khp, 125khp with buffs, this buff would add 29k (16.5k from static buff, 10% of 125k is 12.5k).

Additionally, The only group heal in the community wiki's druid page (http://ezserverwiki.com/Druid) or a search through my own druid's purple heal gems is "Breath of Nature" which "Heals 8320 to 13,423 random hp"... (virtually nothing, even after UC2) and has a 6 second cast time

^ Level 1 of "Breath of Nature"

Level 1 is the L69 version (pic), the 8320-13423 is the version 2. :-P
Even so, UCv2 has +900% healing which means multiply the amounts by 10. 83,200 - 134,230 excluding ALL AAXP bonuses. The 6 seconds is the RECAST time. The cast time is instant.

If you are counting on an AoE heal as your MT heal, "yer doing it wrong". You should be using Chlorobon or Chlorobon II. The first version is 12.5k and 60k for the second. Add in UCv2 alone and that's 125k and 600k that is an instant cast with a 5 second cooldown. Considering you can drop AoE for ~135k (before aaxp/buffs), ST for ~600k, then the regen tick ~45-65k... that's 780-800k (before aaxp/buffs) in that 6 second window that you are counting as "down".


Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Warbash on December 03, 2014, 03:06:28 pm
BoA does have a DS though, been pulling in qvic for essence and had to close click it off or mobs die as I run around. I use GLS and shield to not do damage.

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Darpey on December 03, 2014, 03:29:21 pm
The 6 seconds is the RECAST time. The cast time is instant.
Thank you for clearing that up. I haven't actually used it so I interpreted it wrong.

If you are counting on an AoE heal as your MT heal, "yer doing it wrong". You should be using Chlorobon or Chlorobon II. The first version is 12.5k and 60k for the second. Add in UCv2 alone and that's 125k and 600k that is an instant cast with a 5 second cooldown. Considering you can drop AoE for ~135k (before aaxp/buffs), ST for ~600k, then the regen tick ~45-65k... that's 780-800k (before aaxp/buffs) in that 6 second window that you are counting as "down".
Good point - 600k or 800k (with both spells) is definitely worth casting - need to modify my main hotbutton to include these spells :)

Tho - to get a druid in your crew you'd have to sacrifice a DPS spot, so it's a tradeoff... and Pally heal is more, faster, and group.

Thanks for the clarification.

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: hateborne on December 03, 2014, 03:32:12 pm
BoA does have a DS though, been pulling in qvic for essence and had to close click it off or mobs die as I run around. I use GLS and shield to not do damage.


No, it does not. I checked all three ranks and there is not a DS on it. Some of the gear DOES have the Damage Shield stat, but there is NOT a damage shield on Blessing of Ancient Oak I/II/III.

10505Blessing of Ancient Oak2542547925425469254254254254254214
10506Blessing of Ancient Oak II2542547925425469254254254254254214
10507Blessing of Ancient Oak III2542547925425469254254254254254214

Effectid3 is 79, which is CurrentHPOnce (non-scaling heal).
Effectid6 is 69, which is TotalHP (hp buff).
Effectid12 is 214, which is MaxHPChange (Percentage buff).
Effectid values of 254 is blank, or no effect.

There is no DS on this spell. Effect ID 59 is damage shield and is not found on these spells.


Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Darpey on December 03, 2014, 03:36:01 pm
So weird - I could have sworn it used to... But I just went into Qvic, and sure enough... no Damage Shield

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Darpey on December 03, 2014, 03:40:15 pm
Just shot Oak III on darpey (unbuffed otherwise)

3,632,456 HP unbuffed
3,648,956 Oak III

Difference of exactly 16,500

As per "/say stats"

Looking at UI health instead of "stats" shows the following:
3,202,340 HP unbuffed
3,100,681 Oak III

Oak III decreased HP by 101659 or 3.3% lol

Edit: double checked the numbers on the UI, and yes... they did appear to decrease

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: balidet on December 03, 2014, 03:48:18 pm
/grabs popcorn

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Warbash on December 03, 2014, 03:50:15 pm
So weird indeed :) just Monday I had this happen. I'll test again :)

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Warbash on December 03, 2014, 03:52:52 pm
Just shot Oak III on darpey (unbuffed otherwise)

3,632,456 HP unbuffed
3,648,956 Oak III

Difference of exactly 16,500

As per "/say stats"

Looking at UI health instead of "stats" shows the following:
3,100,681 HP unbuffed
3,202,340 Oak III

Oak III decreased HP by 101659 or 3.3% lol

Edit: double checked the numbers on the UI, and yes... they did appear to decrease
Per your numbers looks like it increases with oak on ui?

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Darpey on December 03, 2014, 03:56:25 pm
I labeled them backwards - fixed the original post

Blessing of Ancient Oak (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Spell:_Blessing_of_Ancient_Oak) effects (Druid (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Druid) and Warrior (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Warrior))
(http://everquest.allakhazam.com/classes/c_druid.gif) (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Druid)
(T9 Druid)

User Interface HP
1748873 HP Unbuffed
1494702 Oak III

Net Change: 254171 less hp - or 14.5%

"/say stats"
1942055 Oak III
1749005 HP Unbuffed

Net Change: 193050 more hp - or 9.9%

(http://everquest.allakhazam.com/classes/c_warrior.gif) (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Warrior)
(T9 Warrior)

"/say stats"
3,632,456 HP unbuffed
3,648,956 Oak III

Net Change: 16,500 more hp - or 0.05%

User Interface HP

3,202,340 HP unbuffed
3,100,681 Oak III

Net Change: 101659 less hp - or 3.3%

Have faith in me, Hate! I can do math... I think...

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: hateborne on December 03, 2014, 04:53:16 pm

Again, your math needs work. :-P

Normal: 638751
Oak III: 720776
Difference: 82025 (minus 16.5k, 65525)
720776 - 16500 = 704276 / 638751 = 1.102583 or roughly 10% increase.

Me with UW Staff 10: 1125846
Oak III: 1256580
Difference: 130734 (minus 16.5k, 114234)
1256580 - 16500 = 1240080 / 1125846 = 1.101465 or roughly 10% increase.

Normal: 4089427
Oak III: 4516250
Difference: 426823 (minus 16.5k, 410323)
4516250 - 16500 = 4499750 / 4089427 = 1.100337 or roughly 10% increase.

Anything else I can clarify? :-P


Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Darpey on December 03, 2014, 04:57:54 pm
So it appears "/say stats" is quirky in certain zones


This has nothing to do with math, which was flawless 2nd grade subtraction. No need to be a dick.

Darpey was in Qvic when both numbers were taken, and Daruid was in Nexus

both buffless - I'll test again in a different zone

new numbers en route... (Plane of Dragons (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Plane_of_Dragons))

(http://everquest.allakhazam.com/classes/c_warrior.gif) (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Warrior)
(T9 Warrior) in Plane of Dragons (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Plane_of_Dragons)

"/say stats"
4,013,851 Oak III
3,632,456 HP Unbuffed

Net Change: 381,393 more hp - or 10.5%
(Perfect 10% after subtracting out the 16.5k raw hp buff)

The bad numbers were (I guess) due to the zone that they were in (Qvic / Nexus)

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: hateborne on December 03, 2014, 05:12:59 pm
So it appears "/say stats" is quirky in certain zones


This has nothing to do with math, which was flawless 2nd grade subtraction. No need to be a dick.

LoL, if I were being a dick...you'll know. Just %@%@ing with ya. :-)


Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Digz on December 03, 2014, 05:19:12 pm
is there actually a way to accurately show hp values above ~1.5m? seems values are widely skewed once you start going over that number. I know /say hp works but not having your hp bar accurately display your effective health can be annoying at times, my war currently shows about 1.5m when i have 2m in /say hp. would it be a ui thing or strictly an eqemu issue?

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Ponzi on December 03, 2014, 08:30:48 pm

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Chunka on December 04, 2014, 02:07:29 am
As for DS on Oak, there was one at one point in time. It was removed over the summer. Used to be Oak 1 was 100 hp DS, 2 was 200, 3 was 300. Gone now.

As for hps on Oak 3:

Unbuffed Chunka: 2,770,875
Chunka with just Oak 3: 3,066,112
Increase: 295,237 hps

Minus 16500 for the base hp buff thats roughly 10% increase.

Title: Re: Little help with new team
Post by: Crevi on December 04, 2014, 04:18:52 am
Well ,tx all for info and help. At last decided for pally, zerker, monk, druid, shm and enc.

Now i need 108 items for caster/figther guild quest... so if someone want spare something, feel free. Hope i can get all in a week