EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: WatchYouDie on January 21, 2015, 10:55:46 am

Title: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 21, 2015, 10:55:46 am
seems as this tread might be needed...

get your bitch out here.

instead of screwing up suggestion posts with unrelated suggestions get them out here...

get whatever you want out here just bitch about life game gf whatever... expect to be flamed...

i ask hate/akk that if you guys have a suggetion post in the future if any reply is unrelated to the suggetion at hand i.e. UW in an sls post or Old content in a new content post or dru in a clr post please delete the replies so people dont have to go through them and read unrelated crap to the post

plz and thanks

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Chunka on January 21, 2015, 11:11:50 am
I can only shake my head and laugh, given that you're the one who started the name slinging and whining in the first place. Most of us were just posting ideas, and making our arguments for them. You started taking it personally.

Grow up, Watch. If you want threads to cease degenerating into what we saw, stop taking them in that direction.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Dinadas on January 21, 2015, 11:22:16 am
In an ideal world

I would love if UW7 had floating skull bane damage again

That UW7+ didn't require Master Essences since I hate that camp.

All I have to complain about.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 21, 2015, 11:23:29 am
i dont typically flame people on here ... however i'm tired of your ignorance and taking shit off topic... YOU took it off topic completely ... and i'm not only calling you out here ... rent fugi etc everyone use this thread to get your bitch out ... it might piss people off it might give people some humor but try and keep your off topic suggestions off other threads because it defeats the purpose ... especially when you dont even play that much and much moronic posts in the first place

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Rent Due on January 21, 2015, 11:32:00 am
I dislike this thread that's it

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Chunka on January 21, 2015, 11:35:57 am
Ok, I'll get my bitch out: you're an imbecile. You see what you want to see, read selectively and cherry pick "facts" to try and support your point of view, and attack others if they dare disagree with you.

Ya know, I actually DEFENDED you to some people, because I honestly thought you were a good and capable player. I approached you to try and help with the wiki and guide, to get the SK point of view, and help for new players wanting to start SK tanks here. You completely blew that off. Fine, you didnt want to be involved, no big deal; not everyone does, and many think the wiki and guide do more harm than good. I am OK with that. I had ZERO beef with you, Watch, but as far as I am concerned you can go piss up a rope. Screw you.

Oh, and this isnt because we have differing viewpoints. I WELCOME differing viewpoints, and solid debate. THATS HOW WE GET HATE AND AKK SOLID INPUT! What I do mind is someone being a total douchebag because someone has a different viewpoint. Again, grow up.

That rant enough for ya?

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darpey on January 21, 2015, 11:54:37 am
Thought i'd dust this one off... and add two members to the family.


Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 21, 2015, 11:57:45 am

That rant enough for ya?

Perfect exactly what this thread is for..

I can't honestly tell you how I excel at playing an sk other than I understand the game concepts... You can't teach people common sense... however I have helped many sks with questions and suggestions even going out of my way to help them and message then..
I have uw9 and I rarely use it...

I can tell you wars a better tanks if played correctly...I can also tell you I wipe a lot...however I don't play safe I push my limits all the time...which means I know what I'm capable of...

I never asked for you to defend me... to whom our for what I doubt it was for anything important...

And rent... I'm sorry I forgot the crackers for you to not like this thread but I figured you would just bring yourself

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Fugitive on January 21, 2015, 11:58:54 am
**** you all, carry on.

4 letters assume what ya will  :)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: hateborne on January 21, 2015, 12:03:19 pm
Love you all, carry on.

4 letters assume what ya will  :)



Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Fuzzypoodle on January 21, 2015, 12:05:37 pm
Lol  Love it Hate ... you da man!

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 12:45:31 pm
Thought i'd dust this one off... and add two members to the family.


To save space you could just throw all the Focus Hope toons into one avatar.  ;)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: huffdady on January 21, 2015, 12:46:46 pm
Thought i'd dust this one off... and add two members to the family.


Where am I?   

<----------------- Iamthedevil

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darpey on January 21, 2015, 12:52:39 pm
Consider yourself lucky if you're not in it... it was based on some forum shenanigans that happened a few months back... I just included all the jokers that were involved that day - including me.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Rent Due on January 21, 2015, 04:37:25 pm
I really don't see how the hell my name is getting thrown into all this crap?

Personally I don't think you want my name in this, but I guess I am being attacked/mentioned because I am a "joker" as Darpey put it.

I gots no real beef with anyone atm, but keep throwing my name into crap and I will

just sayin


btw, love you too fugi /wave

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Ugazel on January 21, 2015, 04:49:10 pm
I say Arena Deathmatch, with Watch and Chunka, il charge one SLS per spectator ~

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Dimur on January 21, 2015, 05:03:26 pm
Thought i'd dust this one off... and add two members to the family.


To save space you could just throw all the Focus Hope toons into one avatar.  ;)

And to make a shitload of SLS with questionable origins, just auction off any gear drops from T5+ to <Fires of Heaven>.


Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darpey on January 21, 2015, 05:11:27 pm
I say Arena Deathmatch, with Watch and Chunka, il charge one SLS per spectator ~

I'd pay that - I'd probably pay more than that.

Where's our "best of the best" Hate? - that would be a fairly straightforward thing to set up... and  we're all fairly(ish) matched in terms of classes... would be a fun event

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darpey on January 21, 2015, 05:14:24 pm
Personally I don't think you want my name in this, but I guess I am being attacked/mentioned because I am a "joker" as Darpey put it.

I have much love for the Rent.

We're all jokers.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 05:26:00 pm
Thought i'd dust this one off... and add two members to the family.


To save space you could just throw all the Focus Hope toons into one avatar.  ;)

And to make a shitload of SLS with questionable origins, just auction off any gear drops from T5+ to <Fires of Heaven>.


You guys don't have any questionable toons? With half the active server in guild it's hard to keep track as I'm sure you know.

Also... jealous? ;)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Dimur on January 21, 2015, 05:43:55 pm
Thought i'd dust this one off... and add two members to the family.


To save space you could just throw all the Focus Hope toons into one avatar.  ;)

And to make a shitload of SLS with questionable origins, just auction off any gear drops from T5+ to <Fires of Heaven>.


You guys don't have any questionable toons. With half the buy your way through players on the server in my guild it's hard to keep track as I'm sure you know.

Also... I'm jealous! ;)

Fixed it for you

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Rent Due on January 21, 2015, 05:44:16 pm
Thought i'd dust this one off... and add two members to the family.


To save space you could just throw all the Focus Hope toons into one avatar.  ;)

And to make a shitload of SLS with questionable origins, just auction off any gear drops from T5+ to <Fires of Heaven>.


You guys don't have any questionable toons? With half the active server in guild it's hard to keep track as I'm sure you know.

Also... jealous? ;)

you really wanna get that started and go there? really?

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 05:51:37 pm

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Fugitive on January 21, 2015, 05:52:25 pm
 :-* Rent

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 06:11:36 pm
Also nothing wrong with using *legitimately obtained* droppable items to buy some progression on server. It's part of the game - otherwise nothing would be droppable.

The idea that it isn't acceptable is something FH cooked up because most of you guys had to do everything the hard way  ::)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Dimur on January 21, 2015, 06:43:23 pm
Yep, only people in FH think it's retarded for people running around in T8 gear who can't seem to do anything for themselves but buy what they need...from EoFS 4, 5 hell even Masters that were all farmed by people in far less gear but somehow it's too tough to leave nexus or qrg to go obtain the items.  Only people in FH think it's funny when someone in T8 gear is asking content specific questions about zones that are anything but difficult to figure out if you spent more than the 10 minutes of zoning in, trading your SLS and looting your item takes.Only people in FH roll their eyes when someone /auctions WTB Every Warrior Obtainable Drop in T8, instead of actually working your way up to the content.  Only people in FH think that the influx of an abundance of SLS, coincidentally in rare supply up until recently when people were using them to buy their way through content, strikes an ironic chord when you consider the massive bannings and considerations of revamping the whole SLS process.  And only FH people think that it's funny you can sit here thump your chest behind an anonymous screen name and let everyone know how you've got nothing to hide.  Yep, only FH.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 06:49:07 pm
Anon screen name? You know I'm Godtank Dim.

Regardless I don't think the "problem" of people buying gear with legitimate SLS or ess or whatever is really a problem at all - it's part of the game. I don't know anyone in T8 regardless of how they got there who is a newbie, unless they bought their account - which is also against the rules.

Farming SLS with bot is a real problem and Hate is addressing it.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darinow on January 21, 2015, 06:53:02 pm
They're not the only ones who think it is dumb...but i reckon FH has more of those legit/illegitimate sls stockpiled from selling the gear to said buyers than anyone else =p

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 07:01:22 pm
They're not the only ones who think it is dumb...but i reckon FH has more of those legit/illegitimate sls stockpiled from selling the gear to said buyers than anyone else =p


Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Chunka on January 21, 2015, 07:38:12 pm
Dont know about all that, new to FH. So far so good, they're damned nice people. Eager to help, sometimes to a fault. But they're without exception that I've so far seen very solid, decent people.

The idea that it isn't acceptable is something FH cooked up because most of you guys had to do everything the hard way

Heh. Yeah. FOH on EZ invented that :P People live NEVER hid when they Ebayed, because EVERYONE live just loved it when people did :P

Whether you buy your way to T10 or not really has no effect on me. I dont care, other than to wonder why the fugg you'd bother logging in if you would rather just pay someone else to play the game for you.

Hey.....theres an idea! I could sell that as a service! I'd progress your character, and give you weekly updates on how uber you are so you can wave around your ezpeen and brag to your friends!

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darpey on January 21, 2015, 07:47:12 pm
I didn't "buy" my way to T9 - I took full advantage of all things being sold or given for free on auction, of course, but everyone does. You'd be stupid not to.

It's possible I'm terribly naive, but I don't see the harm in "buying" things - that's an economy

For one, it's extremely expensive to do, and for two you just can't "buy your way to the top". With an unlimited budget of platinum (say, 1 billion), it would still take me a LOOOOOONG time to "buy my way" to T9 ("buying" all those armor pieces and gems and combines? ugggghhhhh). Would be faster just to do it organically.

I have more plat than I know what to do with, and there have been plenty of times I just flat out couldn't buy something that I needed, even above normal asking price.

So basically, Joe has two options after he gets to level 70 and starts Plane of Time. He can play Plane of Time... or he can grind wisps in Jaggedpine and "buy" armor from other people. Usually in my experience, it's faster (not to mention more fun) just to play the normal game.

However, if Joe wants to grind Jaggedpine for SLS's to buy a few essences to get a jump on his UW (or buy armor, or buy essences, or buy whatever...) more power to him.

There was a big sarcastic post about FoH and how they were the only ones that cared about people "buying their way to the top" on page 2 of this thread (won't quote it, it's long). I agree with this sarcastic post. I don't care if people do that. That, and I don't believe it's practically possible.

Call me naive, I just don't see the problem here. Let people grind some SLS's and buy armor when it is available... I haven't SOLD armor in a long time anyway, I just give it away usually.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 07:54:18 pm
Who said anything about ebay? This is about selling droppable items in game for some gear on rare occasion... and usually just for one toon out of whole set of toons. Fyi, most of our guys get our gear on their own and from guildies. Very little is purchased with SLS or ess.

For the record we had two accounts suspended that I know of, and both were connected somehow. If we had known first we would have fixed it ourselves. One account left the guild, and the other the suspension was lifted afaik.

Whoever is creating fohbot accounts is cracking me up though, seriously.

FoH is a very helpful guild of mostly T5-T8 - we don't judge folks for how they play the game as long as it's within the rules.

I can promise you, our T9 folks (current and future) won't give anyone a hard time for progressing within the rules - it's just a waste of time.

Also, I'm *really* glad I bought some more MoFs during Halloween using a lot of my essences... it has helped a lot, and I earned those essences legitimately just like everyone else. Pretty sure I paid some FH folks for those too.  ::)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 07:56:52 pm
I didn't "buy" my way to T9 - I took full advantage of all things being sold or given for free on auction, of course, but everyone does. You'd be stupid not to.

It's possible I'm terribly naive, but I don't see the harm in "buying" things - that's an economy

For one, it's extremely expensive to do, and for two you just can't "buy your way to the top". With an unlimited budget of platinum (say, 1 billion), it would still take me a LOOOOOONG time to "buy my way" to T9 ("buying" all those armor pieces and gems and combines? ugggghhhhh). Would be faster just to do it organically.

I have more plat than I know what to do with, and there have been plenty of times I just flat out couldn't buy something that I needed, even above normal asking price.

So basically, Joe has two options after he gets to level 70 and starts Plane of Time. He can play Plane of Time... or he can grind wisps in Jaggedpine and "buy" armor from other people. Usually in my experience, it's faster (not to mention more fun) just to play the normal game.

However, if Joe wants to grind Jaggedpine for SLS's to buy a few essences to get a jump on his UW (or buy armor, or buy essences, or buy whatever...) more power to him.

There was a big sarcastic post about FoH and how they were the only ones that cared about people "buying their way to the top" (I guess this post was deleted?). I agree with this sarcastic post. I don't care if people do that. That, and I don't believe it's practically possible.

Call me naive, I just don't see the problem here. Let people grind some SLS's and buy armor when it is available... I haven't SOLD armor in a long time anyway, I just give it away usually.

Agree 100%

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Peign on January 21, 2015, 08:05:12 pm
I say Arena Deathmatch, with Watch and Chunka, il charge one SLS per spectator ~

If sharing accounts wasn't frowned upon, I'd let Watchyoudie use Recluse for that one.    Just collecting dust anyway.  

FYI:  Watchyoudie wtfowns playing an SK.    Most players on this server  (with exception of a few) have no idea what pulling is or the capabilities of toons played correctly.  

LOL@this thread, this is awesome!

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Fugitive on January 21, 2015, 08:11:32 pm
Turtles I like

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Chunka on January 21, 2015, 08:19:56 pm
Who said anything about ebay? This is about selling droppable items in game for some gear on rare occasion... and usually just for one toon out of whole set of toons. Fyi, most of our guys get our gear on their own and from guildies. Very little is purchased with SLS or ess.

Because its very similar. What we're talking about is people buying their way through content....and if you think some of your guildies arent then you dont know your roster too well. I see nothing wrong with buying a missing piece or 2 if you just cannot get the damned thing to drop. But again, thats not what we're talking about here. We're talking about people paying to go through tiers rather than just hunkering down and working the content. But once again....

I dont care what ya do. It doesnt effect me either way, I just find it sad and funny. I equate it with cheating at solitaire. Why would you?

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Fugitive on January 21, 2015, 08:25:02 pm
my cents

Players buy the shit out of everything (fully okay in game honestly)

Then they suddenly find themselves at end tier and want to comment on everything i.e. ways to make this better or that less (whatever it doesn't matter)
... one they didn't even try to complete any of the content on their own Period, and now want to have 100% input on how to make X better and QQ about a fucked up economy..

If it isn't you then don't have a future QQ fit about this. But that statement above is 100% fucking accurate not an opinion.


There is a fuckton of Bags in all tiers (nearly).. if you can't make money in this game now, honestly please leave (making changes to SLS will not effect NOOBS only asshats)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 08:27:38 pm
Who said anything about ebay? This is about selling droppable items in game for some gear on rare occasion... and usually just for one toon out of whole set of toons. Fyi, most of our guys get our gear on their own and from guildies. Very little is purchased with SLS or ess.

Because its very similar. What we're talking about is people buying their way through content....and if you think some of your guildies arent then you dont know your roster too well. I see nothing wrong with buying a missing piece or 2 if you just cannot get the damned thing to drop. But again, thats not what we're talking about here. We're talking about people paying to go through tiers rather than just hunkering down and working the content. But once again....

I dont care what ya do. It doesnt effect me either way, I just find it sad and funny. I equate it with cheating at solitaire. Why would you?

So you know my roster better than me?  ???

Regardless, I can't believe you just said trading in-game droppable items for in-game loot, which is part of the game, is "very similar" to buying stuff on ebay.

Come on Chunka  ::)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Peign on January 21, 2015, 08:30:55 pm
Who said anything about ebay? This is about selling droppable items in game for some gear on rare occasion... and usually just for one toon out of whole set of toons. Fyi, most of our guys get our gear on their own and from guildies. Very little is purchased with SLS or ess.

Because its very similar. What we're talking about is people buying their way through content....and if you think some of your guildies arent then you dont know your roster too well. I see nothing wrong with buying a missing piece or 2 if you just cannot get the damned thing to drop. But again, thats not what we're talking about here. We're talking about people paying to go through tiers rather than just hunkering down and working the content. But once again....

I dont care what ya do. It doesnt effect me either way, I just find it sad and funny. I equate it with cheating at solitaire. Why would you?

So you know my roster better than me?  ???

Regardless, I can't believe you just said trading in-game droppable items for in-game loot, which is part of the game, is "very similar" to buying stuff on ebay.

Come on Chunka  ::)

Chunka made female characters and flirted his way to uber gear in EQ Live.   

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Fugitive on January 21, 2015, 08:32:21 pm
Chunka made female characters and flirted his way to uber gear in EQ Live.   

You ICQ'd (<-- lol)  me this idea on EZ when we made those red head scarlet Gnomers.. to get our Epics!!  oh the days to flaunting our vaginas..

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darpey on January 21, 2015, 08:33:05 pm
Chunka and Fugi and Dimur

You can't "buy your way through content" see my post at the top of this page (page 3). You're always going to be playing 90% of content, by sheer necessity of the design of the game. You three complain about whiners, but do a disproportional amount of complaining.

Are you talking about EBAY'ing things? I don't think anyone would argue that Ebay use is bad for server... I don't think that's what you're saying though, it seems like the three of you are complaining about noobs or medium tiered players grinding SLS and buying gear...

Let's play the "I want to buy my way through the tiers" game (let's assume you have lots of money)

Time - I can't... nobody plays it. Maybe I could pay someone to kill Dragon Slave for me... or maybe do a single run through

QVic - Maybe pay to do a run... but even then you're going to spend 95% of your time getting gems and armor yourself

CT - I hate this zone, you're going to do 95% of this yourself

Dragons 1 and 2 - You're going to be getting those damn patterns yourself, I don't know what you can buy here

Gods - You can "buy your way" through this, I guess... but it'd probably be just as easy to "FREE your way" through it... because people do runs of this all the time with rots

Abyss - You can "buy" a couple of the bosses out of ONE HUNDRED.. but even if you had 1 billion platinum to spend, you are going to have to get lucky that someone else has spawned a boss you need

Anguish - You can't really buy much here

Loping - One of the rare zones where you can buy a little... but still you're going to need to do 80% of the work in this zone

ToV - you can buy a few of the beginning pieces for your tank. 90% of the gruntwork will be done by you

T9 - you can buy a book or two.... but those are given away...

What are you three talking about? I don't know sometimes

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 08:34:30 pm
my cents

Players buy the shit out of everything (fully okay in game honestly)

Then they suddenly find themselves at end tier and want to comment on everything i.e. ways to make this better or that less (whatever it doesn't matter)
... one they didn't even try to complete any of the content on their own Period, and now want to have 100% input on how to make X better and QQ about a fucked up economy..

If it isn't you then don't have a future QQ fit about this. But that statement above is 100% fucking accurate not an opinion.


There is a fuckton of Bags in all tiers (nearly).. if you can't make money in this game now, honestly please leave (making chages to SLS will not effect NOOBS only asshats)

Please name one character who got to T9 without completing ANY of the content on their own? I'm legitimately interested.

Additionally, does this character have other toons? Did they also use SLS and essences to buy all the gear for their other toons? Why not just play the content with their geared tank who bought all their gear with SLS / ess? How did he/she manage to find EVERY item they need for sale? If I need a single piece from any tier it sometimes takes me weeks to find a seller - this person must be a professional trader and online 24/7!  :o

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 08:36:33 pm
Chunka and Fugi and Dimur

You can't "buy your way through content" see my post at the top of this page (page 3). You're always going to be playing 90% of content, by sheer necessity of the design of the game. You three complain about whiners, but do a disproportional amount of complaining.

Are you talking about EBAY'ing things? I don't think anyone would argue that Ebay use is bad for server... I don't think that's what you're saying though, it seems like the three of you are complaining about noobs or medium tiered players grinding SLS and buying gear...

Let's play the "I want to buy my way through the tiers" game (let's assume you have lots of money)

Time - I can't... nobody plays it. Maybe I could pay someone to kill Dragon Slave for me... or maybe do a single run through

QVic - Maybe pay to do a run... but even then you're going to spend 95% of your time getting gems and armor yourself

CT - I hate this zone, you're going to do 95% of this yourself

Dragons 1 and 2 - You're going to be getting those damn patterns yourself, I don't know what you can buy here

Gods - You can "buy your way" through this, I guess... but it'd probably be just as easy to "FREE your way" through it... because people do runs of this all the time with rots

Abyss - You can "buy" a couple of the bosses out of ONE HUNDRED.. but even if you had 1 billion platinum to spend, you are going to have to get lucky that someone else has spawned a boss you need

Anguish - You can't really buy much here

Loping - One of the rare zones where you can buy a little... but still you're going to need to do 80% of the work in this zone

ToV - you can buy a few of the beginning pieces for your tank. 90% of the gruntwork will be done by you

T9 - you can buy a book or two.... but those are given away...

What are you three talking about? I don't know sometimes

Case in point. You cannot "buy your way" through EZ using SLS and essences. It's not possible. Not even close.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darpey on January 21, 2015, 08:36:51 pm
The solution to all of this is simple...

It's not about fixing SLS

It's not about stopping "buying your way to the top"

It's about making more hard content. The main argument between the two camps of people is that people are at the top and are bored vs. the other people that aren't at the top yet. (or are, but don't bitch as much as you guys)

T10 comes along, asuming it's "smack you in the face" Hellishly hard and long (that's what she said) problem solved.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Fugitive on January 21, 2015, 08:45:32 pm
You have no fucking idea what players have donated for goobs of EZ creds. You honestly think you fucking know everything about the politics and ins and outs of the server you don't period, nor are you even open minded enough to see past your nose at times.

Do you thing we are just talking about the last year? This shit has been going on since the back door deals have been Lining Hunters Pockets with mula agree or not it has period. I can attach lots of LOL emails from Hunter about how much shit he introduced via EZ credits. (even with me and others encouraging him not to break things)

on good note, the amount of effort into the server in last 11 months has not been in vain(spelling shrug) lot of positive changes, stability, speed and tons of stuff to look forward to content/class/spells/ you name it HB is inventing it.

oh and Warrior5 quit jumping on the bandwagon like Fire of Heavens is all innocent in everything. Every fucking old member had nearly unlimited Credit codes to make any goon max level, max gear, max everything with just a few strokes of the keyboard not alone the Automated Macro supply that they nearly shared with everyone on the server

No one wants to point out the ease of the path the game has created recently, they just want to point and lecture the "elite guy"

Turtles I like, done with this post keep @ it if yall want

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Chunka on January 21, 2015, 08:48:49 pm
Yeah. Anyway.....

On to more important topics. About damned time the Bears got smart! They fired Emery, fired Trestman, decided to hire Ryan Pace (unsure on that, but willing to give him a chance) and hired John Fox as head coach. JOHN FOX! Ok, I am hopeful for 2015. Now....they just need to stop spending a silly fortune on aging players or putting all their eggs into the Cutler basket, and they need a good middle linebacker!


Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darpey on January 21, 2015, 08:51:37 pm
RL Currency for plat is unhealthy, and I would agree with you on that Fugi. That's not what you have been eluding to - at least how I have seen your collective posts.

I like you three well enough - don't really know Dimur at all in-game, but Fugi and Chunka are cool people with the little interactions I've had... I just disagree with your thoughts on new player progression.

I do think I know a decent amount about the game and its politics. I am not aware of some of the things that you mentioned, but I don't think there's a player in-game that would say that USD for plat or progress on a large scale is a good idea. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0u4M6vppCI)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Peign on January 21, 2015, 08:58:13 pm
lame flame session.   Now I have to find something else to do to entertain me for the evening.

Oh wait.....

I'll sell my Harley and donate to the proceeds to get BU nerfed!

Oh wait....

that already happened in 2012   /sigh

Nerf BU!

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 08:58:50 pm
I bought stuff like everyone else through EZ Merchant... it's good for the server. Guess I'm missing your point Fugi.

Regardless, I agree with Darpey. I actually like everyone I'm arguing with including you Fugi (believe it or not!).

The only one I hate is Orthanos ;)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Fugitive on January 21, 2015, 09:13:35 pm
Agree, all the clowns including myself I enjoy hanging out with, so don't take it from these flame forums let it end here at the boards.

It's better here then in game.

Krincle on the other hand....that's another story and a shot from the dr to fix it..

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Chunka on January 21, 2015, 09:18:25 pm
Ok, lets try and perk this up!

Thats right.....Darpey has no dick!

Well, thats what I was told!! Ok....by Krincle.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 09:19:10 pm
Chunka is FAT.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Chunka on January 21, 2015, 09:21:14 pm

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Fugitive on January 21, 2015, 09:21:48 pm
(F)un (A)rticulate (T)ranny

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darpey on January 21, 2015, 09:23:14 pm
Ok, lets try and perk this up!

Thats right.....Darpey has no dick!

Well, thats what I was told!! Ok....by Krincle.

Thanks, it's a medical condition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micropenis).

I told you that in confidence.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 21, 2015, 09:27:21 pm
told you this thread was needed =P...

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 09:29:16 pm
it really was

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Dimur on January 21, 2015, 10:32:22 pm
Darpey, I don't know what fucking rock your crawled out from under but here in the world of EZ it's quite easy and possible buy your way through content.  You don't know me in game because I don't sell loot, I might give it away or trade for GSoA or something but I don't see the point of selling since I don't need plat or someone to bot farm sls for me when I can get all I need in T9.  Let me break it down for you how this can easily be done by anyone geared enough and bored enough to sell their services to help a gimp skip through tiers.

Time - It takes a grand total of 1 pull, a single pull to get 9/10 pages needed for the epic 1.5...the 10th page is a simple click up away.  Wow that took all of 5 minutes, and then they can go spawn Terrorantula themselves and just /ooc for help because there are plenty of people that have no problem helping those that help themselves.

Qvic - It takes a grand total of 1 pull, a single pull to get every Token boss minus the Sand Monster and quite often you'll pick him up along the way anyhow.  If not, look for the blue dot on the map and go kill it...wow another 6 minutes of time to flag a character through Qvic.  If you want to get their armor for them, easy enough!  Make a few instances and just skip through them pulling all the bosses that don't take you out of the way to get to and kill them til enough armor drops because you'll sure as hell see enough gems drop while farming specific armor pieces if you pull enough mobs.  Soon as Sand Monster is down, short run to go grab the Ancient for the 3.0 book.

CT - It's never difficult at all to find someone farming essences in CT and they sell pretty well on the market, so I'd wager it'd be pretty easy to /ooc asking if anyone is doing CT and not needing the drops.  Even if nobody replies, nothing a few SLS can't convince someone who was considering farming them anyhow but didn't want to choke down the tedium involved.

Dragons 1 and 2 - This place is easy as hell to mass pull, you can pull all of the top including the treehouse part in 1 pull...or you could split it off and pull all of T1 top in a pull then all of T2 in a pull, then the entire bottom of T1 takes a single pull to clear out...anyone farming crystals for essences doesn't need the armor drops and you just hang out when they're handing in a bunch and T1 is all archetype with a rot bot, T2 has dragon class as well as class specific drops...wow so far a single character has just leeched their way through all of this content...imagine that!

Gods - Yep, you don't even need to buy gear from here since people are always looking for Gmajors for strike augs...again, single character still hasn't had to lift a finger until they want to farm their epic...even then people are generally clearing HoH with regularity since they need the tokens to spawn the bosses that drop essences.  Even shadow is a simple, /auc WTB 3.5 book

Abyss - Here is the point where someone would likely be stuck having to actually do the content, but it's quite easy to get all the guaranteed spawns from trash mob kills just by asking if anyone is farming T5 and would let you tag along for updates.  But you're right, it's going to take someone a long ass time to ride their way through all of their updates so this would be the point where you have to either leach through your alts or buck up and start working on it.

Anguish - You sure as hell can buy shit here, I have no idea what you mean by saying you can't buy much.  If you mean the plat drops and the essences...well okay, but you can buy every single armor drop, every aug drop and every page and book drop easily, but I'm stumped as to how you contend that you can't really buy much here.  Even relatively new people to the zone rot off books, weapons and spells very quickly after getting the zone clear down.

Loping - If you mean 80% of the work of this zone is /auc WTB 7.0 book and /auc WTB Armor pieces, then yes...there really isn't much you can buy here.

ToV - You must have Stales on ignore because he rots every piece of every type of armor in this zone when he's set up camp here, and he's hardly the only one who can and does sell T8 drops.  Again, if 90% of the gruntwork here is zoning in, asking for a coh, opening a trade window and then /targeting the corpse and /looting it, this is an accurate statement and if not it's just the same hyperbole you continue to spew regarding this whole argument.

T9 - I suppose you could sell stuff here if you were so inclined, I'm guessing at a decent pull rate you'd rot a full suit within 2 hours easily not to mention the faction reward items, but I don't know how prevalent that practice is and other than books I don't know how much people gimp through here...but if they were so inclined and had the resources to offer someone who's farming essences, plat and exp anyhow it's quite a realistic possibility.

I just want to clarify, you are welcome to play the game any way you want to and you can buy your way through tiers all you want...just don't sit here and try to spin doctor it and say it's the intended path of progression.  It's an alternate path of progression, and it's quite a realistic path of progression if that's your cup of tea, but it's by no means what Hunter had in mind when he developed here and I highly doubt it's what Hate has in mind when he busts his ass developing content, tuning it and doing his best to keep it interesting enough to keep people from /slitting their wrists from the tedium of the grind.  There are a total of 2 possible road blocks preventing someone from being able to gear out a single character in end game armor and flags if they have enough resources to buy their way through...one of them is T5 which can be done in 2 days and the other is T9, so I guess aside from conceding T5 as being highly unlikely to completely flag through in a reasonable amount of time unless someone really wants you flagged, you can quite *legitimately* flag yourself through T8 without having done jack shit other than beg, buy and loot.

Also, this is a rant section post so don't take it personally...I speak from the cuff and I try to clarify my stance and illustrate why my opinion is what it is.  I'm always happy to debate issues and offer my opinions on matter when people take the time to send tells in game, and I'd welcome tells from you if there's anything I can offer feedback on.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 21, 2015, 10:36:42 pm

All wrong.

But interesting...

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darpey on January 21, 2015, 10:41:25 pm
you can quite *legitimately* flag yourself through T8 without having done jack shit other than beg, buy and loot.

Nothing I say is going to convince you at this point, and your arguments have not convinced me either, except I will concede T6 ... not sure what I was thinking there. You can sell T6 fairly easily, relative to other tiers (or at least pay someone to crush the zone for you, which would flag one character through). I'm sure I seem just as delusional in my arguments to you as you seem to me.

I still fundamentally disagree with your premise, but there are more fun things to argue about, and this pissing match will just get us both wet... with urine... and who wants that? Except for urolagnia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urolagnia), but I digress.

Time for bed.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: clbreastmilk on January 22, 2015, 05:35:21 am
0/10 would not read this thread again.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 22, 2015, 05:54:29 am
People start on progression servers later so they can have an easier time progressing to new content... that really is the intent of progression servers

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Raygan on January 22, 2015, 06:13:36 am
The only one I hate is Orthanos Wink
WTF I was not even saying anything! :-\

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Dinadas on January 22, 2015, 06:44:21 am
I came back after 4 month hiatus. Some folks helped me get t8 flagged, I think my warrior needed 2 drops left. 

I tried to buy t8 gear for him, the huge hp uptick seemed worth it to speed up UC2 and t7 farming/ bigger pulls.

I had no luck, no lose really, about 1/3 of the way to getting my whole crew t8 flagged now.

Coming from someone who got the typical amount of help, this server/community usually provides, I didn't think anything of trying to make my life easier by picking up some warrior gear.  I think I got help with my first epic, and 3.5 on my warrior was from rots, fair amount of t5 flags from farmers, etc.

Repaid that in due time, of course, but I don't think it is outrageous to consider you could buy your way to a well geared/flagged toon, not an army but 1 sure.

We all have our different rules for helping out new people, I stop when people tell me they are not going to box, Personally.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Peign on January 22, 2015, 10:07:39 am
I bought stuff like everyone else through EZ Merchant... it's good for the server. Guess I'm missing your point Fugi.

Regardless, I agree with Darpey. I actually like everyone I'm arguing with including you Fugi (believe it or not!).

The only one I hate is Orthanos ;)

Aint no one cares what a level 76 thinks!

WTS full T8 runs (all except essences, gsoa and rare drops that are reserved for leet players)  1 million plat per run!      What a bargain!

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Raygan on January 22, 2015, 01:29:12 pm
I think what they are referring to are the people who sit in Nexus/Surefall who never move from that zone (except to bot...I mean farm SLS) then want to buy everything and are T8 flagged and don't know how to spawn mobs in T5.....then want to complain on forums.  ::)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: hateborne on January 22, 2015, 01:42:59 pm
My wine:

  • Tired of people QQing that stuff isn't mechanically predictable or too difficult...then 2-3 months later complains about being bored or the server being too easy.
  • Tired of people attacking me directly because I fixed something HUGELY overpowered and very nicely gave a fair amount of buff/tweak nonsense in return...yet I'm still an asshole that has no idea how the server runs.
  • Tired of the expeditions being abused/broken (tired enough to revert them to LDON style dungeons or remove them).

My cheese:

  • Thrilled to start seeing new faces and names appear.
  • Having fun building out T10 now that I can place structures, objects, and other goodies to help diversify the "feel" of the zone.
  • Enjoying number crunching various changes to actually give casters a well defined purpose.


Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Expletus on January 22, 2015, 03:08:04 pm
Im tired of Hateborne refusing my sexual advances.

Im tired of Chunka sending me daily nudes through email.

Im tired of being poor and having to "work" for SLS with my mouth (giggity).

Im enjoy the server.

Buh bye.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: balidet on January 22, 2015, 05:36:21 pm
My wine:

Tired of people QQing that stuff isn't mechanically predictable or too difficult...then 2-3 months later complains about being bored or the server being too easy.
Tired of people attacking me directly because I fixed something HUGELY overpowered and very nicely gave a fair amount of buff/tweak nonsense in return...yet I'm still an asshole that has no idea how the server runs.
Tired of the expeditions being abused/broken (tired enough to revert them to LDON style dungeons or remove them).

My cheese:

Thrilled to start seeing new faces and names appear.
Having fun building out T10 now that I can place structures, objects, and other goodies to help diversify the "feel" of the zone.
Enjoying number crunching various changes to actually give casters a well defined purpose.


Hate... You really don't need or want my input but...guess what!   Just do what you feel is right....people are going to have freak outs no matter what you do and if you really feel that something needs to be removed/adjusted/fixed just do it... no debate..no discussion we are a crappy democracy.

Any change is like a band-aid stuck in a bad spot...you are going to lose a few hairs removing it...but its got to be done..

aside from that um...i hate mini dungeons or daily's cause they are boring to ME..
I understand that not everyone is full T9 looking to add some more dps with a 6man team... I get it..so remove them..fix them..whatever but if I had a vote they would not be in game. Having to trudge through trivial content to make my UW better is a shame...
I don't know how to make challenging content across the board for people that have 600k hps and people that have 4million ..I would suggest not trying.

and um.. Rent is a dick

I do enjoy playing one group and its a fun server even more so now that I only play 10 hrs a week as opposed to the 80+ I was doing..

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Rent Due on January 22, 2015, 06:16:21 pm

and um.. Rent is a dick

again, why is my name here! seriously

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 22, 2015, 06:30:14 pm
I think what they are referring to are the people who sit in Nexus/Surefall who never move from that zone (except to bot...I mean farm SLS) then want to buy everything and are T8 flagged and don't know how to spawn mobs in T5.....then want to complain on forums.  ::)

Again... who? No one does this. I mean - I get you guys are exaggerating to make a point, but do you mean folks who spend 10% of their time farming SLS? If so, that's their business. If they actually spent 100% of their time farming SLS that would be dumb because:

a.) It would be really, really, really boring
b.) No one in their right mind would actually sell all the gear or tier runs they need to progress through the entire game - unless it was a guildie, which again is their business and probably free
c.) They would have to zone in and get the gear eventually... probably consuming 90% of their playtime. Gear doesn't magically drop from trees and then fly to nexus on a magic carpet.


Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darinow on January 22, 2015, 06:49:23 pm
So...for the nobody spends 100% of their time farming sls and buy gear drops argument....i give you breach.  He is completely t9 geared with a crew that didnt get started til after he was in t5....he would literally spend his entire day farming sls...or ct ess once they got stupid expensive.  And no...he didnt even bot.  He spent most of the time that he was farming yapping with me in vent.  So...yea...that shit happens, just ask rent =p

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 22, 2015, 07:21:45 pm
I know about Breach, he's like the outlier.

And I guarantee he knows how to spawn T5 bosses :P

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: balidet on January 22, 2015, 07:38:53 pm

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 22, 2015, 08:16:18 pm
Biz plays content - lots of it.  ::)

And since you are referring to his tank - I'd wager only a small portion of his tank's gear was bought - a good portion probably came from guild / friends.

Is that not allowed either?

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: zymral on January 22, 2015, 08:30:13 pm
Biz is in a guild that pools resources to push though content.....

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 22, 2015, 08:46:42 pm
Exactly. I guess we are too helpful.  :-\

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Warbash on January 22, 2015, 09:52:33 pm
I know about Breach, he's like the outlier.

And I guarantee he knows how to spawn T5 bosses :P
Yeah Breach is sick in the head but he was very good at farming SLS and determining price bs effort. SLS price and his farm time determined his value and he was right lol, crazy kid. Breach's guild helped him through T5, it's kind of our thing, we help pl the tank so he can pull his bots through without our help and so tank can access rots.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 23, 2015, 01:34:31 am
FoH does the same thing. Some folks on EZ see tanks from other guilds progress quickly and get upset, meanwhile their guilds do it too.

Let's all just be friends  ;D

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 23, 2015, 04:57:51 am
Not buYing gear is like not buying sls or ess gsoa etc everyone buys through there progression somehow if you truly think about it

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: bizban on January 23, 2015, 03:16:51 pm
Biz is in a guild that pools resources to push though content.....

thats what foh is we help each-other ...

Helping someones warrior progress past their boxes is fine that way they can go back themselves without asking for help!

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Peign on January 23, 2015, 10:15:02 pm
This thread has become a bunch of gimp tanks circle jerking on a cracker.

Question,  who is going to eat the cracker?

I'd wager it will be the overlord of gimp tanks.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 23, 2015, 10:24:17 pm
Lol shut up Peign

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Peign on January 23, 2015, 10:39:25 pm
Nom nom  nom........ yummy cracker

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: balidet on January 23, 2015, 10:48:18 pm
helping someone out is getting them to t4... buying and begging your way to t9 while your enter group is t4..that is something else...it makes the entire game trivial..why even play?

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: whatzizface on January 23, 2015, 11:13:33 pm
When I first started this server years ago I had a single Shadow Knight. I built him up and he fell over a lot. Then I made a Wizard and built him up. He fell down and sank into the swamp. Then I made another Wizard and built him up, He to fell over busted himself up and sank into the swamp. But then I built a Palidin, And by god he healed  till he fell down and got busted up sinking into the swamp. So I built a Warrior, He could not life tap, He could not throw cool spells, He could not heal so we put the meathead out in front and guess what, Thats right he fell down and sank into the swamp. After a long and arduous journey some smart ass told me to put them all together and I lived! It was awesome to realize that I could do it all by myself even if I took 5 years to make it to T6 and had multiple nervous break downs and have a wore out liver from long days of grinding It was worth it.
Oh yeah Hi guys! Haven't been around for awhile but planning on making a come back sooner or later if RL permits. I miss those long walks through jagged pine killing those fuzzy white things that crap balls that make weapon augs, That and making up long winded stories that are sort of a therapy for my failing marriage to the couch monster. The point is I guess the server is for fun and no matter the complaint it is still heads and tails above Real life for a stress relief.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 24, 2015, 12:04:47 am
Board needs a whine emoticon. Something better than cry  :'(

Maybe a bottle of wine and some cheese to go with it?

Instead of replying to T9 QQ we could just use that from now on.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 24, 2015, 12:13:40 am
Nom nom  nom........ yummy cracker


Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 24, 2015, 09:05:54 am
helping someone out is getting them to t4... buying and begging your way to t9 while your enter group is t4..that is something else...it makes the entire game trivial..why even play?

Everyone gets enjoyment from different things... if you have had more than 1 partner...Did you have the same enjoyment levels with each...if so you prob only have a mediocre sex life

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: balidet on January 24, 2015, 02:55:16 pm
Quote from: balidet on January 23, 2015, 10:48:18 PM
helping someone out is getting them to t4... buying and begging your way to t9 while your enter group is t4..that is something else...it makes the entire game trivial..why even play?

Everyone gets enjoyment from different things... if you have had more than 1 partner...Did you have the same enjoyment levels with each...if so you prob only have a mediocre sex life

All my sex has been awesome with our without partners so you statement is invalid.

I really don't give a fuck what other people do on this server so I will shut up..thank you

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on January 24, 2015, 03:00:22 pm
Server could take a page.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Expletus on January 24, 2015, 04:08:14 pm
Quote from: balidet on January 23, 2015, 10:48:18 PM
helping someone out is getting them to t4... buying and begging your way to t9 while your enter group is t4..that is something else...it makes the entire game trivial..why even play?

Everyone gets enjoyment from different things... if you have had more than 1 partner...Did you have the same enjoyment levels with each...if so you prob only have a mediocre sex life

All my sex has been awesome with our without partners so you statement is invalid.

I really don't give a fuck what other people do on this server so I will shut up..thank you

If you really didn't give a fuck you wouldn't be posting sir that you don't care. You do. It's fine to admit it.

Peign, do you even play bro? You can't stop saying bro, bro?

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 24, 2015, 05:44:10 pm
Quote from: balidet on January 23, 2015, 10:48:18 PM
helping someone out is getting them to t4... buying and begging your way to t9 while your enter group is t4..that is something else...it makes the entire game trivial..why even play?

Everyone gets enjoyment from different things... if you have had more than 1 partner...Did you have the same enjoyment levels with each...if so you prob only have a mediocre sex life

So what's lower than mediocre... trivial? Oh wait I got it virgin status...

All my sex has been awesome with our without partners so you statement is invalid.

I really don't give a fuck what other people do on this server so I will shut up..thank you

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Rent Due on January 25, 2015, 05:05:53 am
This thread got real boring about 4 pages ago, now its just reaching the de de dee stages

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: hateborne on January 25, 2015, 07:17:13 pm

This thread.


Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 27, 2015, 05:39:57 pm
working 70 hours of week sucks

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 31, 2015, 04:35:18 pm

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Darpey on February 02, 2015, 02:31:16 pm
Hateborne is a fun-hating dictator weilding a nerfbat.
Chunka ruins everything.
Orthanos QQs about everything.
Fugitive is a powerhungry jackass.
Dimur is an elitist asshole.
Darpey is a kissass and made an unnecessary wiki.
Aythena is a girl.
Peign (Maslow) is an elitist asstroll.

Anyone I missed, you're either a n00b, an asshole, an elitist, or otherwise... you suck.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: hateborne on February 02, 2015, 02:33:07 pm
Hateborne is a fun-hating dictator weilding a nerfbat.

I need to photoshop a nerfbat on to a down-syndrome looking napoleon or hitler. I may have a new forum avatar pic....


Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Fugitive on February 02, 2015, 02:36:28 pm
Hateborne is a fun-hating dictator weilding a nerfbat.

I need to photoshop a nerfbat on to a down-syndrome looking napoleon or hitler. I may have a new forum avatar pic....


Why photoshop? Thought that is what you shared as a RL pic on chaterbate with me.

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: hateborne on February 02, 2015, 02:44:31 pm


Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on February 03, 2015, 11:36:51 am
I'm just a player...at least that's what all the ladies say

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: huffdady on February 03, 2015, 12:56:38 pm
Hateborne is a fun-hating dictator weilding a nerfbat.
Chunka ruins everything.
Orthanos QQs about everything.
Fugitive is a powerhungry jackass.
Dimur is an elitist asshole.
Darpey is a kissass and made an unnecessary wiki.
Aythena is a girl.
Peign (Maslow) is an elitist asstroll.

Anyone I missed, you're either a n00b, an asshole, an elitist, or otherwise... you suck.

<------  Noob (Iamthedevil)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Rent Due on February 03, 2015, 04:35:45 pm
Hateborne is a fun-hating dictator weilding a nerfbat.
Chunka ruins everything.
Orthanos QQs about everything.
Fugitive is a powerhungry jackass.
Dimur is an elitist asshole.
Darpey is a kissass and made an unnecessary wiki.
Aythena is a girl.
Peign (Maslow) is an elitist asstroll.

Anyone I missed, you're either a n00b, an asshole, an elitist, or otherwise... you suck.

<------  Noob (Iamthedevil)


Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: warrior5 on February 03, 2015, 04:57:35 pm
Hateborne is a fun-hating dictator weilding a nerfbat.
Chunka ruins everything.
Orthanos QQs about everything.
Fugitive is a powerhungry jackass.
Dimur is an elitist asshole.
Darpey is a kissass and made an unnecessary wiki.
Aythena is a girl.
Peign (Maslow) is an elitist asstroll.

Anyone I missed, you're either a n00b, an asshole, an elitist, or otherwise... you suck.

<------  Noob (Iamthedevil)


<---------- big newb

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: Adydar on February 03, 2015, 07:07:02 pm
Hateborne is a fun-hating dictator weilding a nerfbat.
Chunka ruins everything.
Orthanos QQs about everything.
Fugitive is a powerhungry jackass.
Dimur is an elitist asshole.
Darpey is a kissass and made an unnecessary wiki.
Aythena is a girl.
Peign (Maslow) is an elitist asstroll.

Anyone I missed, you're either a n00b, an asshole, an elitist, or otherwise... you suck.

<------  Noob (Iamthedevil)


<---------- big newb

<------ asshole, but I generally put on a good front  ;)

Title: Re: wine and cheese
Post by: WatchYouDie on March 25, 2015, 03:08:18 pm
The sky is falling