EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chunka on January 28, 2015, 11:54:59 am

Title: IMPORTANT FILES and other resources
Post by: Chunka on January 28, 2015, 11:54:59 am
There are a few files that are a must for EZ, some that are nice to have, and some that are client specific. I will link some of them here.

Oh, and Akk or HB, could you sticky this please, or put in the sticky section? Thanks!


Right client is important! You can use Underfoot, but RoF2 is highly recommended, as per Akkadius thats where the server is headed. Either client may be found at the top of the ez guide (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=2890.0).

EZ Quest Spreadsheet (updated): http://tinyurl.com/ezquester

Mapfiend Map Pack (http://www.mapfiend.net/index.php?pageid=mappacks) (download, unzip to your map folder in the client you use)

http://mqemulator.net for a good working copy of MQ2 (use Underfoot, Classic download for UF, or Classic for RoF2, not just the version RoF). I put this in must haves because IMO its a must. If you wish to use other software, do so at your own risk.

Client specific (important in using UF client, not needed on ROF2)

Missing files: http://tinyurl.com/UFmissing

Tower of Frozen Shadow zone files http://tinyurl.com/TOFSFILES

Optional fun stuff

Sars UI for UF: http://tinyurl.com/ezsars

Sars UI for RoF2: http://tinyurl.com/sarsrof2

http://tinyurl.com/EZMapstuff for custom files for better map functionality, such as automatically performing /maphide npc or /mapshow, along with other MQ2 customizations.

A list of slot names for /itemnotify commands HERE (http://tinyurl.com/EQslots)

VERY good write up on setting up basic MQ2 commands can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/mq2hotkeykit. This will do a ton to help you set up basic commands for boxing. *****ONE ISSUE WITH THAT GUIDE! The "killthis" command is part of MQ2Melee, and I dont think Hunter allows that plugin. So using it is probably NOT a good idea.****

VISUAL GUIDE TO CRAFTERS GUILD (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9A8LWJEUf9nb0tyZlJDSi02UkU/edit) (thanks to Reddwarf!)

Also thanks to Reddwarf, his UI: http://tinyurl.com/redui. Make sure you read the instructions in the zip, especially what you have to turn on in MQ2.

I'll add more as I think of em. Hope this helps.