EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Peign on February 08, 2015, 12:37:06 pm

Title: Keys to Slowing Progression on EZ
Post by: Peign on February 08, 2015, 12:37:06 pm
There are 3 keys to slowing down progression on EZ.    Surprisingly, neither of these keys actually require a code change.

1.   Remove the 2 wikis.   The wikis provide far too much information and make progression far too easy.   Seriously, do we need this information spoon fed?

2.  Remove /ooc from Chunka.    He is responsible for spoon feeding information to the server, regardless of whether or not the server wants said info.   

3.  Remove Chunka's ability to spam his roflstompcontent buffs.    Limit his buff casting to once a week. 

There you have it, 3 keys to slowing down progression on EZ.    These keys do not even require code changes!    No credits are needed, the wealth of knowledge I provide is free!

Title: Re: Keys to Slowing Progression on EZ
Post by: Chieftan on February 08, 2015, 12:59:24 pm
Put a 1 min timer on loot and make all no drop

At least that will stop you from constantly trying to buy stuff you can't be bothered getting yourself

Title: Re: Keys to Slowing Progression on EZ
Post by: Drep on February 08, 2015, 01:53:27 pm
There are 3 keys to slowing down progression on EZ.    Surprisingly, neither of these keys actually require a code change.

1.   Remove the 2 wikis.   The wikis provide far too much information and make progression far too easy.   Seriously, do we need this information spoon fed?

2.  Remove /ooc from Chunka.    He is responsible for spoon feeding information to the server, regardless of whether or not the server wants said info.   

3.  Remove Chunka's ability to spam his roflstompcontent buffs.    Limit his buff casting to once a week. 

There you have it, 3 keys to slowing down progression on EZ.    These keys do not even require code changes!    No credits are needed, the wealth of knowledge I provide is free!

Why do you care so much about how other people play a game.   Do you not feel elite enough when everyone else is in the top tiers also.... in a free game that many play just because they enjoy it?   Is Hate and Akk handing out trophies or cash rewards or something?   You guys sound like a broken record.   

Title: Re: Keys to Slowing Progression on EZ
Post by: warrior5 on February 08, 2015, 02:07:52 pm
I'm just depressed Peign finally comes back, but brings a gallon of koolaid with him.

Title: Re: Keys to Slowing Progression on EZ
Post by: Chunka on February 08, 2015, 02:39:11 pm
Just ignore Peign....pretty much everyone else does. His ire typically stems from the fact that the only accomplishments in his life he can point to with anything even remotely resembling pride all revolve around online games, and most of those have their basis in his spending a lot of cash to buy them. It'd be funny as all hell if it weren't so pathetically sad.

Peign, just a reminder.....get back on your meds.

Title: Re: Keys to Slowing Progression on EZ
Post by: warrior5 on February 08, 2015, 02:46:44 pm
There are 3 keys to slowing down progression on EZ.    Surprisingly, neither of these keys actually require a code change.

1.   Remove the 2 wikis.   The wikis provide far too much information and make progression far too easy.   Seriously, do we need this information spoon fed?

2.  Remove /ooc from Chunka.    He is responsible for spoon feeding information to the server, regardless of whether or not the server wants said info.   

3.  Remove Chunka's ability to spam his roflstompcontent buffs.    Limit his buff casting to once a week. 

There you have it, 3 keys to slowing down progression on EZ.    These keys do not even require code changes!    No credits are needed, the wealth of knowledge I provide is free!

There are three keys to slowing progression in North Korea. Surprisingly, none of these keys actually require any real thought or knowledge on behalf of the elite.

1.) Remove access to information, keeping the population of NK in the dark. Make sure people can't see certain websites - otherwise, they will know the truth.

2.) Remove free speech, and publicly execute someone who is known for helping the folks. This will set an example.

3.) Deprive the commoners of any rations or assistance. This will prevent them from gaining any resources, and more importantly, keep them from gaining power.

There you have it, the 3 keys to slowing down progression in North Korea. If we do this, EVERYONE will want to live in North Korea!

We have a regular Kim Jong-un here!

Title: Re: Keys to Slowing Progression on EZ
Post by: Chunka on February 08, 2015, 02:53:10 pm
Hehe....though it IS rather funny! "Too many of you lazy f#@5s are properly assembling your own furniture! We need to OUTLAW user manuals and assembly instructions! Just figure all this out on your own, and SCREW the left over parts....or do what I did and buy all your furniture already assembled!"

Title: Re: Keys to Slowing Progression on EZ
Post by: Goth on February 09, 2015, 11:30:21 am

Title: Re: Keys to Slowing Progression on EZ
Post by: Phah on February 09, 2015, 12:05:45 pm
Remove all the wikis, then redirect all /ooc questions about progression to peign :D

Title: Re: Keys to Slowing Progression on EZ
Post by: warrior5 on February 09, 2015, 12:55:23 pm
Remove all the wikis, then redirect all /ooc questions about progression to peign :D

Love this idea.

Title: Re: Keys to Slowing Progression on EZ
Post by: Expletus on February 09, 2015, 04:57:37 pm
Yes, so lets make new players NOT feel welcome which forces them to another server so you can play in your sandbox alone causing the server to shut down due to lack of players. SOUNDS BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!

Why haven't we thought of that idea years ago!? WOW Im so amazed this was even posted.... WOW. WOW!