EZ Server

General Category => Quest and Guides => Topic started by: Darpey on February 11, 2015, 09:34:35 am

Title: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on February 11, 2015, 09:34:35 am
Wiki Update
(Shhhhh... don't tell Peign (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=47955))

Dual Official (http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?EZ_Server_Main) and Unofficial (http://ezserverwiki.com/EZ_Server_Wiki) wiki thread - post here with comments, suggestions, content critiques, etc... for either wiki

Official Wiki (http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?EZ_Server_Main) (aka EZ Wiki)
Official Wiki Update Thread (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=4573.0) - Post here or PM Chunka (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=844) for suggestions or updates.
Akkadius (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=304) has the powers to add users

Unofficial Wiki (http://ezserverwiki.com/EZ_Server_Wiki) (aka Darpey's EZ Wiki)
Updates have been nearly non-existent in the past month or so, which is good... meaning the wiki is in pretty good shape.

I just recently updated Hateborne's (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=558) 2-11-15 Caster Changes (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=4621.msg60396;topicseen#new) in several of the articles

Articles that need work listed below, generally in order of importance:
  • Bloodmoon Temple (http://ezserverwiki.com/Bloodmoon_Temple) Incomplete
  • Epic Weapon Skins (http://ezserverwiki.com/Epic_Weapon_Skins) Mostly complete (but undoubtedly missing many weapons, update if you see one that's not included)
  • Frequently Asked Questions (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Frequently_Asked_Questions) Early Stages
  • 1-70 Leveling Zones (http://ezserverwiki.com/Zones) Mostly incomplete
  • Guides (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Guides) Only 2 Guides
  • Abyss Expedition (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Abyss_Guardian_Chambers) Article mostly blank
  • Wanted Pages (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Special:WantedPages) Articles that do not exist but are referenced

Click Here (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Special:RequestAccount) to sign up for an Unofficial Wiki account

And of course, if you see something inaccurate or lacking... fix it :)

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Raygan on February 12, 2015, 06:45:49 am
On "frequently asked questions" sections...getting through locked doors...an easier way to get through a locked door is to use an illusion item....click item...run at door until you run into it and keep running....click the illusion off...pop through the door....if it doesn't work the first time...rinse and repeat

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Chunka on February 12, 2015, 08:21:55 am
And contrary to what some might tell you, this is not an exploit.....or at least it wasnt live. When we pointed this out to devs back in 99 they replied that it was working as intended. One guide even "named" it, stating "It's ok to use your skeleton key" (since it was almost always done using AoN).

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on February 12, 2015, 07:26:22 pm
Orthanos - thanks, added your bit to FAQ (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Frequently_Asked_Questions)  :)

Chunka - lol to devs circa 1999 being okay with "skeleton key"

- on that note though, the monk's signature Feign Death pull wasn't intended either, but the illusion door skip is clearly a glitch... guess the devs just didn't want to mess with such a gaping glitch hole.

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Adydar on April 21, 2015, 10:46:55 am
Hate - Noticed you joined the Wiki and did some updates, I sincerely appreciate the assistance with spell updates.  I haven't been around much recently, but it's a bear to keep them up to date.

Thanks again :)

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: hateborne on April 21, 2015, 12:01:56 pm
I'll be backfilling a LOT of that information this week or next. I used it so heavily as a resource to update my internal docs that I might as well fully flesh it out.

This is a crazy petty request, but could some one please sort the spells on class pages by drop tier, then alphabetically? If not, I can do it but it's an organizational thing that makes reading it 100x easier.


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Warbash on April 21, 2015, 12:03:31 pm
I can try tonight, it bugged me too lol.

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Adydar on April 21, 2015, 12:22:06 pm
I'll be backfilling a LOT of that information this week or next. I used it so heavily as a resource to update my internal docs that I might as well fully flesh it out.

That's good to hear, some of it wasn't clear from the descriptions, or tough to find, etc.

This is a crazy petty request, but could some one please sort the spells on class pages by drop tier, then alphabetically? If not, I can do it but it's an organizational thing that makes reading it 100x easier.

If Warbash doesn't beat me to it, I can look tonight if I get the chance, I had it all in an Excel sheet, although I can't say with any certainty that I saved it  :'(

Darpey and I talked about ways to better present the info on the spells but neither of us are wizards at Wiki's, anyone with a better way to do so, definitely, have at it :)

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: hateborne on April 21, 2015, 12:33:25 pm
Darpey and I talked about ways to better present the info on the spells but neither of us are wizards at Wiki's, anyone with a better way to do so, definitely, have at it :)


I'll see what I can do later. :-)


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Phah on April 21, 2015, 06:51:50 pm
Easiest way I can see is to either
1) add a new field specifically for tier, or
2) add a blip before the location name in "drops from" table.

imma try some stuff in the chanter page right now, will update in a few

Ok, so I went ahead and did that all. just adding the tier number in front of the tier name works beautifully, however to show the list sorted 'properly' from the very start, you have to put it into the wiki in the right order. SO. I did that, for enchanter, and it took me like an hour to do it, and I'm not doing it again for the other pages. Although if I get bored this weekend and no one else has done it, I may write a script to do it for me.
TLDR enchanter spell list is pretty now

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Warbash on April 21, 2015, 09:21:34 pm
Easiest way I can see is to either
1) add a new field specifically for tier, or
2) add a blip before the location name in "drops from" table.

imma try some stuff in the chanter page right now, will update in a few

Ok, so I went ahead and did that all. just adding the tier number in front of the tier name works beautifully, however to show the list sorted 'properly' from the very start, you have to put it into the wiki in the right order. SO. I did that, for enchanter, and it took me like an hour to do it, and I'm not doing it again for the other pages. Although if I get bored this weekend and no one else has done it, I may write a script to do it for me.
TLDR enchanter spell list is pretty now

using your tier structure it took me 1 minute to do 1 character on Darpeys. just click the header and it sorts it :) as it has what Hate posted but user has to do that when they view it.

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Phah on April 21, 2015, 09:38:02 pm
Easiest way I can see is to either
1) add a new field specifically for tier, or
2) add a blip before the location name in "drops from" table.

imma try some stuff in the chanter page right now, will update in a few

Ok, so I went ahead and did that all. just adding the tier number in front of the tier name works beautifully, however to show the list sorted 'properly' from the very start, you have to put it into the wiki in the right order. SO. I did that, for enchanter, and it took me like an hour to do it, and I'm not doing it again for the other pages. Although if I get bored this weekend and no one else has done it, I may write a script to do it for me.
TLDR enchanter spell list is pretty now

using your tier structure it took me 1 minute to do 1 character on Darpeys. just click the header and it sorts it :) as it has what Hate posted but user has to do that when they view it.

well yeah but i wanted it to be SUPER nice :P

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on April 22, 2015, 08:31:12 am
When doing this, make sure to keep the bracketed links in-tact. If you change them even by one character it breaks the link

[[Plane of Dragons]] ORIGINAL: GOOD
[[T1/T2 Plane of Dragons]] MODIFIED: BAD - broken link ("T1/T2" inside brackets)
T1/T2 [[Plane of Dragons]] MODIFIED: GOOD - working link ("T1/T2" outside brackets)

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Warbash on April 22, 2015, 09:23:02 am
Whoops :)

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: hateborne on April 22, 2015, 09:25:31 am
The sortable tables make a world of difference.


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: hateborne on April 22, 2015, 09:42:44 am
Just throwing this out there, if there are items you cannot find, email me a list of items that need screenshots or abilities that need clarifying.

One example I see offhand is the Earring of the Mystic Ages needing a screenshot. :-)


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on April 22, 2015, 11:25:21 am
The most accessed page (other than the main page) is Epic Weapon Skins (http://ezserverwiki.com/Epic_Weapon_Skins)

This page was updated by Me, Rent, RedDwarf, Huffdaddy, and Arthon just by looking at our own weapon collections at the time. Undoubtedly we have missed numerous weapons.

As you see them in game, or if you know offhand of the name of a weapon and tier, please add weapons not currently on wiki to the page.

If you don't have time, or don't know how to add them to page, PM one of the wiki editors, or repost with the name of a weapon not in wiki and its tier and someone can easily fill in the rest using info and screenshot from Bazaar


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Digz on April 22, 2015, 11:42:33 am
Mistress of the Sea is missing from the list, the Special weapon skin from Abyss. Clueless as to what the focus effect actually does.


edit: Missing the special range from T7 as well


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Chunka on April 22, 2015, 12:35:19 pm
Not 100% certain but I think 383 is chance for double cast.

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on April 22, 2015, 12:53:46 pm
Added thanks Digz

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: WatchYouDie on April 22, 2015, 01:41:02 pm
Can't say I've ever seen that range drop

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Warbash on April 22, 2015, 03:22:05 pm
Can't say I've ever seen that range drop
I have 2 or 3 but very rare

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: hateborne on April 22, 2015, 04:23:27 pm
Not 100% certain but I think 383 is chance for double cast.


All your spell effects broken down in a nice, easy readable/searchable list.


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on April 22, 2015, 05:12:47 pm
All class pages have sorted and labeled tiers.

It should now be more easy to spot if there are any missing spells from the wiki page - please update or post on this thread if you know of a spell that isn't on wiki, or is inaccurate.

Also there are a few missing spell pages, that will show up in red  for the link, which need updating

Thanks Phah, Warbash, Arthon, and Hateborne for sorting and labeling

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: hateborne on April 22, 2015, 05:46:13 pm
All class pages have sorted and labeled tiers.

It should now be more easy to spot if there are any missing spells from the wiki page - please update or post on this thread if you know of a spell that isn't on wiki, or is inaccurate.

Also there are a few missing spell pages, that will show up in red  for the link, which need updating

Thanks Phah, Warbash, Arthon, and Hateborne for sorting and labeling

I'll devote a small window of time to spot checking for missing spells. Spell ranks will likely have to wait until another day. :-)


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Tereg on April 22, 2015, 06:34:13 pm
Knight 1hs not on wiki's t9 weapons

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on April 22, 2015, 09:10:11 pm
Updated (http://ezserverwiki.com/Crusader%27s_Challenge) - thanks Tereg

And thanks Hate

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on April 25, 2015, 02:40:09 pm
Clicking on wiki's Recent Changes (http://ezserverwiki.com/Special:RecentChanges) and seeing this...


<3 Reddwarf

One step closer to a completed Epic Weapon Skins (http://ezserverwiki.com/Epic_Weapon_Skins) page

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: RedDwarf on April 26, 2015, 04:15:58 am
Ya Welcome =)
Will put anymore up, if I find any


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Adydar on April 26, 2015, 07:38:14 am
Indeed, nice work Red :)

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Digz on April 28, 2015, 10:07:09 am
Found 1 more weapon skin that is missing from the list, a T8 special int staff!


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on April 28, 2015, 10:21:23 am
Found 1 more weapon skin that is missing from the list, a T8 special int staff!


Added - thanks =)

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: hateborne on May 13, 2015, 10:26:38 am

Gallery link to Caster's Guild items.


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on May 13, 2015, 11:07:13 am
Is that T10 in the background? I remember it looking sandy. Did you release an accidental second teaser?

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: hateborne on May 13, 2015, 11:13:39 am
Heh I am LIVING in this zone 20-30h a week right now. So yes, it is. :-)


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on May 13, 2015, 11:36:20 am
Flowing Black Robe   Firiona Vie   firiona   Vekis
Flowing Black Robe   Najena   najena   Najena

Flowing Black Robe is showing up twice in the CG quest page (http://ezserverwiki.com/Caster%27s_Guild_Quest)

I haven't done this quest in forever... are there two locations this item can be looted? or is one of these wrong?

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Tereg on May 13, 2015, 11:46:08 am
yes you can get it in 2 places

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Phah on May 13, 2015, 07:48:20 pm
Changed it to use rowspan - it looks a tiny bit nicer that way imo. also added a second spot to get the shining metallic robe :)

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on May 13, 2015, 08:08:23 pm
Nice - Didn't know about rowspan... look at you being all fancy.

Well done  ;D

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: littlelongbeard on May 14, 2015, 03:34:42 am
Is that T10 in the background? I remember it looking sandy. Did you release an accidental second teaser?

he did make a mistake in OOC and accidently told everyone who was on what zone he was working in......... but I wont spoil it ill let hate do that again later.

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: hateborne on May 14, 2015, 09:41:58 am
Yeah yeah, shuddap.


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Poker-ecaf on May 14, 2015, 01:50:58 pm
never seen that Caster staff ohne for druid shm and cleric that one that does alter+

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on May 14, 2015, 02:57:12 pm
never seen that Caster staff ohne for druid shm and cleric that one that does alter+

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: WatchYouDie on May 14, 2015, 04:04:01 pm
Think he's talking about mistress

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Poker-ecaf on May 14, 2015, 05:25:01 pm
sorry weed and english isnt a good combi ;p

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Phah on May 14, 2015, 10:43:23 pm
Nice - Didn't know about rowspan... look at you being all fancy.

Well done  ;D

My current project at work involves combing through a bunch of old logs, which I then document on a wiki. /yuck But, I've learned a bunch (too much?) about wiki formatting.

ALSO, super hyped to watch you guys suffer through T10 xD

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Adydar on May 15, 2015, 10:32:11 am
My current project at work involves combing through a bunch of old logs, which I then document on a wiki. /yuck But, I've learned a bunch (too much?) about wiki formatting.

In your spare time, feel free to look at all the pages and cleanup/modify/update/make more user friendly anything.

No, really....I'm serious  ;)

Thanks for your contributions, Darpey's vision for the wiki from the get go was that it would be a true community effort.  I was an early convert and am glad to see quite a few folks have taken an interest in it.

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: hateborne on May 16, 2015, 07:41:45 am
If anyone other than Darpey is truly contributing on a large scale, PM me and let me know what all you're doing with it and I can likely help make it easier for you.


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Digz on June 08, 2015, 07:54:39 am
found another special item out of the T7 mini that ive never seen before, figured u would want it added to the wiki. This one must be ultra rare because ive got about 8-9 of the jewelers candlelight and only 1 of these.


Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Chunka on June 08, 2015, 10:27:33 pm
I've done the T7 mini a total of never. Have seen the bucket several times (4 of my characters have em, I've given several way and have let even more rot) in T7, though.....far more often than the candle. Probably just an rng thing.

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Poker-ecaf on June 09, 2015, 03:05:53 am
the candle torch and that thing both from T7 mini or from the Lopingplains ?

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Chunka on June 09, 2015, 08:32:50 am

Title: Re: EZ Wiki
Post by: Darpey on June 09, 2015, 01:30:48 pm
found another special item out of the T7 mini that ive never seen before, figured u would want it added to the wiki. This one must be ultra rare because ive got about 8-9 of the jewelers candlelight and only 1 of these.

Added - thank you :)

Loping Plains Weapons (http://ezserverwiki.com/Epic_Weapon_Skins#Loping_Plains)
Bucket o' Magic (http://ezserverwiki.com/Bucket_o%27_Magic)