EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: hateborne on February 14, 2015, 05:11:18 pm

Title: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: hateborne on February 14, 2015, 05:11:18 pm

This weekend's Double Loot is both a gift and in memory of Hunter. We lost him Feb 15, 2014 but he is not forgotten. If you have anything that you can/could share about him, please do. I will update this thread later with some of my own memories/shenanigans with him. I wanted to do something special, such as an ingame event to explain the genesis of EZ (I still will over the next week, but real life kept me locked down this week). I hope you all enjoy the loot, enjoy the improvements Akkadius and I have made (mainly Akkadius though), and keep the crazy GM/Troll in your minds/hearts/prayers.

RIP Bud.


Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: Fugitive on February 14, 2015, 05:16:39 pm
/thumbs up 100%

Miss ya Hunter!

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: warrior5 on February 14, 2015, 05:53:21 pm
RIP Hunter.

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: balidet on February 14, 2015, 06:47:14 pm
He did enjoy to /ooc with my toons name for free stuff in ooc/ LInkEDuberDRop free please send tells..got good lolz out that:)

and then i would get flooded with tells...good times.

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: Warbash on February 14, 2015, 06:48:24 pm
Lost a great guy, hope you are in a better place Hunter.

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: hateborne on February 14, 2015, 11:18:04 pm
Trying to dig through my various hard drives to try to find some pictures of him doing the same thing. "WTS <big item> for <1/2 going rate>"...then 92 tells later, I get one from Hunter going "lol".



Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: Rent Due on February 15, 2015, 07:00:08 am
what I miss, with regards to Hunter:

Hunter, from time to time, would ninja afk, but would check his screen from time to time late at night. So, on some nights I would give my customary /wave to him, to see if he was paying attention or not. And, if he was around he would respond back with a Hi or whatever. Every now and then though he would strike up a conversation with me, as I am sure he would with many of us. But, sometimes he would talk....and talk....and talk! These conversations were super cool with him, get some insight into who he was and what he was doing in RL, etc. Hunter being the super spy secretive person he was, this was rare for him. He would tell me about where he lived, things going on with his family, day to day, etc. It was a cool insight into who he was, and why he did things the way he did.

That is what I will miss about him.

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: Hulkpunch on February 15, 2015, 12:57:20 pm
does anyone know how hunter died? heart attack?

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: Chunka on February 15, 2015, 01:21:10 pm
One of the things I loved about Hunter was the child like glee he took in truly screwing with people.....whether it was jokes/pranks in game, in OOC, or his descriptions of his antics in other games (his attacking his own team in World of Tanks comes to mind).....or making game content that intentionally screwed with people, like the buff bot DT. Its one of the things that also made him such a good content creator.....that sadistic pleasure he got from really raking you over the coals.

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: balidet on February 15, 2015, 01:48:04 pm
does anyone know how hunter died? heart attack?

well since everyone has been absolutely silent on this I can only assume it was by his own hand.

I have had several coworkers and friends pass away in a variety of manners and have never seen this level of silence.

Be that as it may we are left to our own imagination on this.

Hunter was funny, smart and yes wonderfully sadistic as a game content creator and the this thing he created will never be the same without him.

It is amazing that we... the random people of the internet are still.... a year after his passing still toiling away at something he created as a hobby.

RIP Hunter

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: Raygan on February 15, 2015, 05:09:27 pm
I remember when ToFS first came out and I had made it to the fourth floor, he was hiding and I kept trying to run to grab mobs and he kept pulling me back over and over and over and over...I was like WTF is going on here!  He was laughing his ass off and then showed himself and clowned me really good.  I thought it was a bad connection or something.  ;D

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: Dinadas on February 16, 2015, 03:06:39 pm
He was just a cool guy, biggest troll i have ever seen, but funny and listened to ideas and implemented a fair number of them.

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: Goth on February 17, 2015, 11:31:59 am
Random buff bot kills where funny

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: Kruciel on August 08, 2015, 04:11:30 am
Was just browsing the updates to see what all has gone down since I last played, when I came across this thread. I feel like I have to share my funniest Hunter moment  ;D It was announced in OOC that someone was repeatedly standing at Tunat spamming "repop instance". I guess the poor bot's instance timer ran out and he couldn't figure out he was in pub (Tavci used to be the tier between Qvic and Plane of Dragons for the new pplz)

After about 15 minutes, this fellow had acquired quite the following. Many players had gathered to watch the infamous "repop instance" over and over. And out of the shadows, A wild Hunter appears! He asks the fellow how he's doing and gets the "repop instance" response. Hunter decides to help the guy out, and GM repops the public zone. This adventurer is obviously overcome with joy, as he takes off across the zone with a horde of people running after him. He clears all the way to Tunat, we all help him kill it of course! Then Hunter banned him and we all went back to farming, the end  :P

Title: Re: Remembering Hunter (2015)
Post by: barrettd04 on August 08, 2015, 02:15:06 pm
does anyone know how hunter died? heart attack?

well since everyone has been absolutely silent on this I can only assume it was by his own hand.

I have had several coworkers and friends pass away in a variety of manners and have never seen this level of silence.

Be that as it may we are left to our own imagination on this.

Hunter was funny, smart and yes wonderfully sadistic as a game content creator and the this thing he created will never be the same without him.

It is amazing that we... the random people of the internet are still.... a year after his passing still toiling away at something he created as a hobby.

RIP Hunter

Yep, I had a friend pass away this year and no one would say how it happened, and people who knew were getting PISSED when people would inquire...When it comes to suicides and things like drug overdoses people are very guarded.  Some think it would tarnish others memory of the person because it could have been something that they kept hidden from everyone(which can often be the case).  In any instance, we all miss da big guy!  Hunter was great.