EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chunka on February 16, 2015, 08:06:47 am

Title: Doubling up augs
Post by: Chunka on February 16, 2015, 08:06:47 am
Ok, RoF2 client kicks ass! GREAT changes, and worth using. The only bitch most have is that you cant stack augs with it. In fact many people keep a UF client just for this purpose....which is silly. New players are told to download a 6 gig client they never use other than for a 10 second process.

No idea where we are on a fix for this, but last I saw was Trev stating that stacking augs was an exploit....which, again, is silly. Stacking augs on EZ IS NOT an exploit, and never was. Hunter set up the strike system and the armor aug system with stacking in mind. THIS IS WHY HE CREATED THE DUMMY AUG THAT SITS ON THE SEALER MERCH!

So.....if we decide we for whatever reason want to start considering stacking an exploit (again, ridiculous) then maybe we can, for strikes at least, create a new aug, made by combining 2 firestrikes to make.....a knightstrike? This would be an aug that does twice the damage of the component augs.

Dont know. But would solve the issue.

Title: Re: Doubling up augs
Post by: Rent Due on February 16, 2015, 08:16:16 am
don't forget the resist augs.....

maybe just name the damn things something different or something

I don't see a way around it that doesn't involve a lot of creative coding to change the system, our side, not client

anyway, yeah this is the only pita thing about ROF that I have found

Title: Re: Doubling up augs
Post by: hateborne on February 16, 2015, 08:24:57 am
Relax. I'll work with Akkadius to see what can be done. If nothing else, we may just do to HP/resist augs what was done to strike augs.

3 * Rank X = Rank X+1

Or, I could potentially rape a bunch of items down to 1 aug slot and automagically scale up the aug slotted.

Will let you gents know as I know. To be 100% clear, the issue is RoF not allowing multiple augs PER ITEM, correct? I somehow got it in my head that the aug is unique across all slots and I want to confirm this isn't true.


Title: Re: Doubling up augs
Post by: Warbash on February 16, 2015, 09:13:42 am
Thanks Hate,
Yes, it will not accept duplicate augs, I assume same item I'd?
So you could not aug 2 Heroic Resuts 1 augs in same gear slot.

Title: Re: Doubling up augs
Post by: Chunka on February 16, 2015, 10:03:26 am
Right. You can slot a HRX and a HRXI....but not 2 HRX. Not that big of a deal on resist augs, but its pretty big on strikes.