EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Raygan on February 16, 2015, 02:30:53 pm

Title: Zerka discussion
Post by: Raygan on February 16, 2015, 02:30:53 pm
I have been trying for a good long time now (since t9 came out) trying to figure the mechanics of this zone out.  I can get BP to spawn w/o any difficulty (use a monks epic clicky to get the stonewall off.  Works better than pally/clr nullify magic btw)...I can get a HG within 26-30 minutes time....Zerka on the other hand is a bitch.  I have got her to spawn twice in over a year....I have tried killing orcs/oblit warlords...oblits/orcs/summoner camp/necro camp.....oblits/orcs/summoners/necros/venom fangs/soulrinder (or whatever the puma mobs are)....I cant figure the right combo out.....anyone shed some light on this for me?  I hear just kill oblits and she will spawn...has got to be a rhyme or reason for this to spawn....something that makes more sense.  ???

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Rent Due on February 16, 2015, 07:33:41 pm
ive seen her like once, no wait, twice and I lived in T9 for a good long time.

the last time I got her to spawn I killed strictly only humanoid mobs (blitz, orcs)

I waited and waited, killed and killed and finally she spawned, no axe of course, but at least she spawned lol

as far as a rhyme or reason to it, F*&^ if I know. its beyond my tiny brain :(

BTW Ray, anyway to not write everything in one paragraph? lol

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Raygan on February 17, 2015, 07:23:56 pm
That would mean I would know about punctuation and sentence structure.....ever noticed how I separate thoughts with periods?....... ::)

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Digz on February 17, 2015, 07:42:51 pm
ive only spent enough time in t9 to farm the essences for my uw + augment essences, in total maybe around ~125. In that time ive spawned 5-6 zerka's. Once i even had a second Zerka envoy spawn instantly after (or maybe during?) killing Zerka + her envoy the first time... I was pretty dumbfounded by that since i originally thought it was some incredibly high kill counter for the obliteration humanoids, but now i'm not so sure...

haven't seen the weapon yet either, 2 of those kills were on DBL loot as well so even if you do get her to spawn i wouldn't get your hopes up :P

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Krinkle on February 18, 2015, 03:51:15 pm
Since it seems there isnt anyone on the entire server who has figured out how to spawn zerka in this ammount of time, Can hate just tell us exactly how already? I mean im not asking for a hand out im just asking for a hand out of exactly how to spawn a mob. Serial.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: WatchYouDie on February 18, 2015, 04:34:37 pm
just pull areas you dont normally pull

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Krinkle on February 18, 2015, 04:43:24 pm
normally i pull all areas, weve all said weve tried everything, t9s been out for at least 14 years now. and nobody has figured zerka out.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: WatchYouDie on February 18, 2015, 04:52:36 pm
normally i pull all areas, weve all said weve tried everything, t9s been out for at least 14 years now. and nobody has figured zerka out.

meh i havent had a problem getting her to spawn.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Peign on February 18, 2015, 04:56:29 pm
It is good to have secrets.   Please do not give out how to spawn Zerka.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: WatchYouDie on February 18, 2015, 04:56:54 pm
It is good to have secrets.   Please do not give out how to spawn Zerka.


Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Krinkle on February 18, 2015, 06:30:30 pm
Well since two people have figured it out, out of all of the people in t9, how bout those two people tell hateborne exactly how zerka is spawned, and if its right, hate can tell us yeah, its possible to figure out how to spawn zerka.
 In the words of ricky bobbys friend, thats actually a pretty good compromise.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Peign on February 18, 2015, 08:03:54 pm
so 10% of the people in T9 know.    Seems a good percentage.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: WatchYouDie on February 18, 2015, 08:44:01 pm
Pretty sure someone alluded to how to spawn zerka on a previous post about the same issue

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Peign on February 18, 2015, 09:32:44 pm
nom nom nom

put it on the Wiki!    Spoon feeding time yo!

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Raygan on February 19, 2015, 02:28:35 pm
Pretty sure someone alluded to how to spawn zerka on a previous post about the same issue

From t9 tips/tricks

Been a bit since I played, but lets see if I remember the pattern.

Start at ent, pull everything left to the shadows at zone border.    Pull the shadows from where the ghoul pops and go north from there.   Pull the summoners on the hill almost due north of ghoul pop area and all animals between that hill and ghoul pop area.  Move north, just west of summoner hill, find a safe spot.    Pull west and get fish, shadows and any animals you see, to include the cursed spiders.     Goto lake and camp out just north of it.     Pull north and get the humanoid camps and skeles plus straggler animals.    HG should pop around now.  If not, pull east and get the animals.   If you want BP quicker do more undead.   If you want Zerka, it is simple, just kill the humanoids  (forgot their names).    You want to find a good balance of mobs in order to spawn HG.   If you have not spawned him by now, perhaps pull the humanoid camps around the lake.   Be wary of pulling too many humanoids or it will wtfown your cycle.  

That is pretty much it in a nutshell.   If you pull like a champ you should get back to back HG spawns.

if you think you need more faction, turn in the special items that the bosses drop to the guy that is preaching in the zone in area.    

edit -  oh yeah, do the undead spawn at midnight.

Hope this helps

Peign/Maslow   -  Red Horse!    (I only have 3 UW 11)

I normally run west from zone in all the way to the top and pull everything with me.  Once at the top I run towards the hill with oblits on it and to the lake with the fish.  Then pull all the camps with oblits in the area.  After that I kill the undead near the stonehinge looking thing.  Then run back east to all the camps with Warlords in them and orcs with yellow con names.  Seems very similar to what you are saying Peign.....just without the results.

Oh and Darpey...don't try so hard to be a complete douche.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Peign on February 19, 2015, 03:49:24 pm
old pull strat, Zerka may have changed    /shrug

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Raygan on February 20, 2015, 02:26:18 pm
Not sure if this will work to show my route that I pull with...or to help anyone spot anything I am lacking.  like I said I get HG in 26/30 minutes consistently with this route...but I can kill all day long with no Zerka.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: balidet on February 20, 2015, 03:17:49 pm
I have killed a similar route..i have camped at lake and just pulled everything around it... i have cursed in ooc...i have no more tactics...i am going to start pulling the zone into a ball and then clicking off my ninja just to watch the world burn.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: balidet on July 09, 2015, 10:45:34 pm
yea still never seen this mob........

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Chunka on July 10, 2015, 12:07:13 am
Same. Never seen the mob after killing every single regular spawn in the zone too many times to count.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Ponzi on July 10, 2015, 03:41:32 am
I seemed to get him more frequently when i was pulling for chain classes. Which always irked me cuz I was rooting for hill giants to the point that i was avoided any undead that didnt come directly out of befallen more often than not. lol.

This was about a year+ ago tho, so the mechanics may have changed by now. Haven't seen him much lately, but then again I intentionally try and do my HG cycle to maximize hill giants so i can get my hundo and escape t9 till the next UW cycle.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Raygan on July 10, 2015, 06:24:22 am
I gave up on Zerka...she is a fickle creature that doesn't like to spawn.  ???
It is easier to just farm 100 essences and get your zerker a UW in t9 anyway.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: balidet on July 12, 2015, 01:07:38 pm
OK I am going to take my best shot here ... I may be on crack..

I think zerka is based on spawns killed in a certain amount of time.

I think she may be related to the refuge..

so its like >kills per (time) = refuge and <kills per (time)= zerka

this number may be very high

this would explain the random reporting on killing X mob 100 times = zerka results..

camping the lake and killing what spawns around it I am limited and have down time..

will experiment....

I am willing to be wrong.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Mixlor on July 13, 2015, 10:20:32 pm
I use to kill the Warlords in the camps...I would go to each camp killing the Warlords and I think about the 5th camp I hit she spawned. That is what I was told to do oh so long ago. I thought you had to kill a certain amount of Warlords before she would spawn and start summoning a lot of mobs to a certain point in the map and then slowly make the trek to the AoL cave. I have only gotten her to spawn 2 times and that was months ago.. but I don't really try and kill all the warlords in the camps so honestly not sure how to make her spawn 100%.


Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Raygan on July 14, 2015, 06:02:59 am
I have tried that too...w/o success. I found it is just easier and better dps to just UW a zerker and be done with it.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Rent Due on July 14, 2015, 04:20:07 pm
that axe doesn't exist

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Darpey on July 14, 2015, 05:08:52 pm
I'm sure hate gets some kind of sick satisfaction out of watching posts like this one speculating about how to spawn a mob in frustration, all the while knowing exactly how he spawns  :o

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Dimur on July 14, 2015, 05:23:11 pm
The problem with reliably spawning Zerka has to do with overlapping kill counts shared with HG, it didn't used to be this way until enough people whined about the original spawn mechanic for HG and Hate felt compelled to placate the whiners.  He can elaborate on this if he wants, but as it stands now she's not a viably farmable/spawnable npc...consider yourself lucky if you happen to see her pop.

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Darpey on July 14, 2015, 05:31:16 pm
In gearing my 16 took crew and UW, I've seen zerka no more no less than zero times. Saw the wisp once

Title: Re: Zerka discussion
Post by: Krinkle on July 15, 2015, 01:57:19 am
Its not people whining untill its changed, its nobody understood how to do things (like spawn zerka) so people post about it, if enough people post about an issue then it gets looked at. I didnt like original t9 hg spawn, I didnt post complaints I just stopped playing basicly because not being able to tell if a spawn is bugged or not because nobody knows how to spawn the mob (kinda like this situation, the one right here were all posting about) sucked ass.
 This is an issue people have they cant understand how to spawn zerka and neither can I but Dimurwars post makes a ton of sense.
I know gms dont like to give out spawn info but maybe after t10 release axe hate to check on dimurwars theory and make zerka spawnable again if its been broke since hg change.