EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chunka on March 03, 2015, 02:11:48 pm

Title: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Chunka on March 03, 2015, 02:11:48 pm
Ok.....using a 9.0 beast pet on the FG practice dummy, JUST beast buffs (hulkamania2, growl of the beast and 2.0 clicky buff, which IS worth casting) and ornate war sword the beast pet did a minimum hit 56890, max hit 422923, average hit 136487.

Using the rank 50 Earring of Brutal Ages (thanks for the test, Hate!), same setup, minimum hit was 121443, max hit was 821662. Average hit was 299948 (LOTS of under 200K hits). Also lots of AE hits on bst pet.

And, of course, beastlords melee was increased noticeably with earring.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Chunka on March 03, 2015, 02:14:53 pm
Of course use your own preference and judgement, but as things stand I'd say the return on the investment in terms of time and resource (300 to 500 million in gems) isnt worth it. UW rogue or warrior, hell yes. Beastlord? Not so much.....not for the pet anyway.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Peign on March 03, 2015, 02:35:24 pm
Why waste your time on this?    BL have not been a viable class on this server since 2010 (when I started). if ever.   This seems pointless.     All this time spent on things that just do not matter.   If you spent even half your time on working on progression, you would have a maxed all classes by now and tasted the nectar of the elite fruit.

How many hours have been spent on pet classes since H8 took over?   Value added?   I think not.   There is no value in continuing down this path.   Leave classes alone and let us enjoy content.    Don't like EZ, ok.   Here is an idea why don't you two collaborate, use the combine pools of your infinite knowledge of all things, and create your own server?   You can call it Pets R Us or Nerf Stick.   It would be awesome!   I'd play and donate there in a heartbeat!

How many players on EQ are frothing over wanting to play a BL?    1?

It amazes me how much time is spent on what just does not matter.    Our lone dev has plenty of time to nerf things that are fun or allow us to max KPH, or set up tests for <insert expletive here> that does not matter..... but 0 time to develop new content.  

Oh, and here is a little dose of reality.    Since the dawn of gaming, developers have worked in vain to try to find some class balance.   Guess what, it is not possible.     These are highly experienced developers, some with advanced degrees from uber tech schools, not just hobbyists who google crap.     Face the reality, class balance is not possible.

Going to make a post of everything I enjoy on EZ so that the lone dev can proceed to nerf every single thing on the list, that would be ethereal!

Ok, start the rage on me for blatantly stating the truth.  

/waiting for the next nerf
EZ Dev mantra:   I love EZ, that is why I am going to fundamentally change EZ.  

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: hateborne on March 03, 2015, 03:09:52 pm
Going to make a post of everything I enjoy on EZ so that the lone dev can proceed to nerf every single thing on the list, that would be ethereal!

Ok, start the rage on me for blatantly stating the truth.  

/waiting for the next nerf
EZ Dev mantra:   I love EZ, that is why I am going to fundamentally change EZ.  

Some one got their cheerios pissed in.


EDIT: He's pissed because he was using Spirit of the Ninja to make himself harder to kill and I knocked it down a peg. Doesn't matter anymore, his gravy train has been derailed indefinitely: http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=4645.msg60762;topicseen#new

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Premador on March 03, 2015, 03:11:15 pm

So you are saying if you dont like EZ then go somewhere else or make your own server.
Then you are saying how you dislike to focus of the server, and the "nerfs"

So maybe you should listen to your own advice???

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Peign on March 03, 2015, 03:27:43 pm
Going to make a post of everything I enjoy on EZ so that the lone dev can proceed to nerf every single thing on the list, that would be ethereal!

Ok, start the rage on me for blatantly stating the truth.  

/waiting for the next nerf
EZ Dev mantra:   I love EZ, that is why I am going to fundamentally change EZ.  

Some one got their cheerios pissed in.

Someone continues to make money for others and spends time on things that do not matter.    Seriously, pet classes?   Wake up man.   Learn how to manage priorities or just give up the dev role.   There are plenty of developers out there that understand the core concepts of EZ and would spend the time on things that matter.    No one but you and Chunka care about this crap.    Maybe Aythena, but she left.   

It is ok though, the world needs lackeys and yes men, so win for the world.

You do not like this server, and never have.   You did not like it when you played and you do not like it now.    Your development efforts continually work to change the fundamental concepts of a server that was once great.   

Create your own server, make your own money.   Pets R US!    Nerf Stick!    You won't.    I'd tell you why but you will ban me probably so it matters little. 

Insult me more though, pee all over my cheerios.      You have the power, for what it is worth, I have none.   I've donated a crap ton in both time (developed, debugged etc for Hunter) and money to this server, but yeah, what I find fun clearly does not matter.    Pet classes and casters all the time, that is the way!    Oh something is fun, time to nerf!   

Ban me if you want, you have the power.

EZ Dev Mantra:   I love EZ, that is why I am going to fundamentally change EZ.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: hateborne on March 03, 2015, 03:39:34 pm
Someone continues to make money for others and spends time on things that do not matter.    Seriously, pet classes?   Wake up man.   Learn how to manage priorities or just give up the dev role.   There are plenty of developers out there that understand the core concepts of EZ and would spend the time on things that matter.    No one but you and Chunka care about this crap.    Maybe Aythena, but she left.   


Ban me if you want, you have the power.


A) You ungrateful shit. Every penny we (Akkadius and I) get goes to Isa, Hunter's widow. We've not kept a single penny. Akkadius pulled money out of his pocket to LEGALLY sort out what Hunter was doing for Isa so EZ could continue without the IRS showing up with a warrant.
B) Your wish is granted. Get out and begone with your crying, complaining, and insulting self.


Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: hateborne on March 03, 2015, 03:49:14 pm
B) Your wish is granted. Get out and begone with your crying, complaining, and insulting self.

Clarifying: Permabanned.


Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: clbreastmilk on March 03, 2015, 03:51:53 pm
Maslow, some of the things you said in the above posts were way out of line.  

Nothing wrong with trying to make some of the more worthless classes actually work.  We had tons of bench worthy classes for years and minus the druid crap we now have more useful classes than ever.  Some people may not like/agree with Hate but he is the one creating us new content (and a few others).  Instead of always being a wall to moving forward, energy would be better spent providing guidance and offering input.  Many tweaks and adjustments have come from hate through player feedback.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Drep on March 03, 2015, 04:52:34 pm
Whew!  I may start paying attention to ooc again.  :)

+10 to Hateborne!

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: balidet on March 03, 2015, 05:07:00 pm
  :o  BOOM!  :o   

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Chunka on March 03, 2015, 06:07:27 pm
If you spent even half your time on working on progression, you would have a maxed all classes by now and tasted the nectar of the elite fruit.

This one statement alone tells me everything I ever need to know about you. Sad.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Premador on March 03, 2015, 07:28:05 pm
Nothing I like better than someone complaining but offering nothing to help. To many of you complainers, if you don't like something do something about it, or fuck off.
Hates trying to do stuff and make it better, for everyone, not just one. If you don't like it the doors open, fuck off.

So in conclusion if you want to help, give hate and aka, constructive ideas or help. If you want to bitch and complain....FUCK OFF!

My old guild on RZs first rule was
1. No assholes.

Maybe we should add that to the server rules here

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Fugitive on March 03, 2015, 08:35:39 pm

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Chunka on March 03, 2015, 08:52:00 pm
Hope ya werent referring to me. The post was about the differences between bst pet with and without rank 50 earring....and it was done with Hate's help. People have asked what kind of an impact the earring has, but no one I know has actually worked a bst up with the earring (since GSOA are a bit rough to come by, and UW characters rightly so get preference).

This isnt a post claiming a beastlord isnt worth leveling up. I will still keep using my BST. Even though by my parse, both with UC2 and NSXI my monk does 34% more dps than my beastlord and pet combined I will keep the beast. I like the variety, and who knows what the future brings.

Action past this is up to Hate, whether he thinks the earring is fine as is on beast, or if he thinks it needs to be beefed. He already has tons of ideas and input about beastlords from a wide variety of players.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Premador on March 03, 2015, 09:04:13 pm
Not at all Chunka

Just finally had enough seeing peighns posts with nothing but insults.

Normally I'm pretty quiet. Just had enough of his verbal diarrhea.  

So how about those beastlords...

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Dimur on March 03, 2015, 10:36:49 pm
Quote from: hateborne
EDIT: He's pissed because he was using Spirit of the Ninja to make himself harder to kill and I knocked it down a peg. Doesn't matter anymore, his gravy train has been derailed indefinitely: http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=4645.msg60762;topicseen#new

All the other drama and vitriol aside, ninja click has always worked in pvp and Hunter was well aware of it because people were complaining about it to him too.  Hell, Hunter is the one who created the ninjaclick item on Gem Collector to encourage people to participate in pvp.  Anyone who was actively doing pvp from the beginning also knew it was easy as fuck to circumvent with mq2 as well.  Clicking ninja is effectively a fade, it removes you from the hatelist of any pc/npc.  A side effect of it is that it also removes you from the active target if you were on target.  But simply /tar = playername would target them again, and you could make it into a hotkey and hit it as often as you wanted, even though there's a refresh timer on the click itself that limits the effectiveness of it. I just want to clarify that using ninjaclick in pvp offered no quantifiable advantage to anyone and I don't know why all of a sudden it was considered game breaking, but as little as I cared about pvp on EZ I could give 2 shits now that it's gone.  That being said, there was a small contingent of people who seemed to enjoy it that will most likely miss it.


Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: warrior5 on March 04, 2015, 12:03:47 am
Is Maslow banned from the boards and the game, or just the boards?

If it includes game also I call all his phat lewtz.

All jokes aside I hope it's just a ban from the boards. He is always usually respectful in game and has put a buttload of time into his toons.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: warrior5 on March 04, 2015, 02:58:04 am
Someone continues to make money for others and spends time on things that do not matter.    Seriously, pet classes?   Wake up man.   Learn how to manage priorities or just give up the dev role.   There are plenty of developers out there that understand the core concepts of EZ and would spend the time on things that matter.    No one but you and Chunka care about this crap.    Maybe Aythena, but she left.   


Ban me if you want, you have the power.


A) You ungrateful shit. Every penny we (Akkadius and I) get goes to Isa, Hunter's widow. We've not kept a single penny. Akkadius pulled money out of his pocket to LEGALLY sort out what Hunter was doing for Isa so EZ could continue without the IRS showing up with a warrant.
B) Your wish is granted. Get out and begone with your crying, complaining, and insulting self.


FWIW I respect you guys immensely for helping Isa, but if there is enough to pay yourselves a small amount for all the work you do I think you should. If it isn't enough to matter I understand as Isa needs to be taken care of first. Regardless, did not know Akka paid out of pocket to assist as well.

Hats off to you both. Please ignore the QQ.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Chunka on March 04, 2015, 08:15:54 am
Maslow....respectful?? Sorry, I just sneezed coffee all over my screen.

Sure, he was, if he was on his meds. If he wasnt he was a complete and total ass to anyone who dared disagree with him. And no, not just to me.....I just put him on ignore and laughed at him....but to a shit ton of others, whether they were new or vets. And the shit he spewed at Hate and Hunter?? Proved to me Hunter had a ton of patience.

As for ther "ton of work" he put into his characters....we all have. Doesnt give anyone the right to be a complete assclown, or especially give them the right to cross certain boundaries, especially with the guys who donate their time to entertain them. And I also cannot call buying my way through early content (and despite his protests to the contrary he did, on Peign and some others) then using cash to buy what he lacked the patience to actually farm later as "a ton of work". But I realize thats simply my opinion and many others dont share it.

I've been dealing with Peign in one form or another for almost as long as I've played EZ. He was an asshole when he started, he's a bigger asshole now. IMO EZ is a better place without him than with....but again, my opinion.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Adydar on March 04, 2015, 09:55:58 am
There is one significant downside to his banning....the forums drama level will significantly drop   :D

Anyway, well played Hate, I was thinking I'd have banned him long ago.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Goth on March 04, 2015, 10:06:00 am
LOLS ...

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Chunka on March 04, 2015, 12:44:33 pm
Thats the thing.....through all his crap over the years (and this isnt the first time he's cheated or exploited) Hunter then Hate and Akk have showed massive restraint dealing with Peign. People need to understand this wasnt Hate just getting ticked and lashing out. Peign had plenty of chances.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Dimur on March 04, 2015, 02:44:19 pm
Hate can police however he wants, most people aren't going to put themselves in a situation that warrants discipline, let alone multiple times.

People need to understand this wasnt Hate just getting ticked and lashing out. Peign had plenty of chances.

People need to understand that despite not being guilty of hacking, griefing, or abusing game mechanics in a way that offered some sort of advantage and or benefit, Peign got perma banned.  Do I agree with a shred of what he said in his incendiary comments?  Nope, but should he be allowed to have and voice an opinion?  Sure, within reason which he didn't exercise in this case...a substantial ban to offer some cooldown time is understandable but perma ban seems excessive to me.  And don't for one minute be someone that tries to say I'm here defending his actions, anyone who's played an extended amount of time has seen me call Peign out in /ooc for being retarded.  I just have an opinion that differs regarding the punitive measures enacted.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: warrior5 on March 04, 2015, 04:14:26 pm
Hate can police however he wants, most people aren't going to put themselves in a situation that warrants discipline, let alone multiple times.

People need to understand this wasnt Hate just getting ticked and lashing out. Peign had plenty of chances.

People need to understand that despite not being guilty of hacking, griefing, or abusing game mechanics in a way that offered some sort of advantage and or benefit, Peign got perma banned.  Do I agree with a shred of what he said in his incendiary comments?  Nope, but should he be allowed to have and voice an opinion?  Sure, within reason which he didn't exercise in this case...a substantial ban to offer some cooldown time is understandable but perma ban seems excessive to me.  And don't for one minute be someone that tries to say I'm here defending his actions, anyone who's played an extended amount of time has seen me call Peign out in /ooc for being retarded.  I just have an opinion that differs regarding the punitive measures enacted.

As someone who often butts heads with you as well Dimur I couldn't agree more. We will all have disagreements - just have to try to be respectful in the process - lapses in judgement do happen. He went way overboard including personal attacks, and a ban is definitely justifiable, but maybe a one month, or three month ban or something would be more appropriate.

It's Hate's decision regardless and I respect his choice either way - just my two cents.

And Chunka I understand it's an ongoing thing, and Peign has been particularly vitriolic towards you, I just wonder if perma ban is the solution.

Also, fwiw, I'm saying this despite the fact that Peign has been trolling me and my guild in /ooc for the last couple months (along with some other folks) - I've also seen a softer side of him and I know he can be a good guy.

Lastly, if we're gonna ban people for hating on hate and being disrespectful, why cant we ban Orthanos?  ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Chunka on March 04, 2015, 05:48:14 pm
Again, I could give a shit what he says to me....but when you have someone that knowingly exploits, hurls insults in OOC, PMs and forums to players....but then does the same and more to the GM's....at some point you have to say enoughs enough, IMO.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Fugitive on March 04, 2015, 06:09:05 pm
He was banned before remember? For pretty much the same scatter brain stuff. HB lifted it and let him back in game only to get his fingers chewed off again. The 1st banning should be the "cool off"... didn't learn, repeated so outcome is simple

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: warrior5 on March 04, 2015, 06:24:35 pm
He was banned before remember? For pretty much the same scatter brain stuff. HB lifted it and let him back in game only to get his fingers chewed off again. The 1st banning should be the "cool off"... didn't learn, repeated so outcome is simple

Fair enough.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Fugitive on March 04, 2015, 07:06:10 pm
Only reason I say this, I pissed in Hunters Wheaties with some name calling, shit talking and genearly rere stuff and he whooped my ass with a B hammer.. I was able to get it flipped to 7 day suspension but quickly knew the line in the sandlot which not to cross.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Raygan on March 05, 2015, 06:20:04 am
Man I have been laying low on forums and people still bringing my name up.....Its ok though...I hate you too!  :-*

BTW who are you, in game, warrior5?  Or do you hide behind a forum name because you don't want people to "know" your main?  ???

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Danish on March 05, 2015, 07:14:40 am
Would have been enough, to just revoke his posting privileges, wouldn't it?

I could be wrong...

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: warrior5 on March 05, 2015, 09:44:07 am
Man I have been laying low on forums and people still bringing my name up.....Its ok though...I hate you too!  :-*

BTW who are you, in game, warrior5?  Or do you hide behind a forum name because you don't want people to "know" your main?  ???

This has been covered a thousand times. Like a lot of people, I made my forum name before I made my toon, so I chose something random years ago. Nothing nefarious at all. I bring you up BC you are known to troll pretty hard. When I came back to the game you trolled me, and you've been known to attack Hate. I'm not saying it's at the Peign level, I'm just saying...

My in game toon is Godtank.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 05, 2015, 03:17:04 pm
It's about time Peign was banned. He's been a dick the whole time he has been here.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Raygan on March 06, 2015, 06:17:42 am

I bring you up BC you are known to troll pretty hard. When I came back to the game you trolled me

First time I "trolled" you you were QQ'ing...and this wasn't even a troll it was more of a joke....but hey if your feelings got all hurt, I'm sorry.


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As for my off topic message after hate, I had it all typed up when he posted, which is why I added the apology. Considering I also complimented the devs in the same post, which I do a lot because they deserve it, I think he will let it slide.

So we can insult you and call you names....as long as we compliment someone afterward?  Well where to begin.........

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Darpey on March 06, 2015, 06:48:27 am
Warrior5 - you can change your forum display name. Mine used to be TinkleyToys

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: avadar on March 06, 2015, 02:16:46 pm
Hey guys, haven't been around much at all lately, very busy IRL. Actually just bought an engagment ring for the woman and getting the proposal all planned out.

Enough about me, I just wanted to ramble for a bit. Now please forgive me if this post is redundant to anything posted on the boards in the past month or two, as i've been away and haven't kept up with anything. To my many friends I have made on this server and to those who know me, I've always tried to be a fun, helpful, knowledgeable, and caring EZ player. The past few months, I found myself as a bitter, resentful, half-focused, bored EZ Player. I still enjoyed engaging with my buddies, the few that still remained active, my guildmates (again the few that remained active),  but man I found myself being more irritated playing the game than enjoying it. The community I felt was toxic, I couldn't even stand reading these boards, the EZ economy was so topsy-turvy (I am sure I contributed to it being EL BORKO, but thats what happens when you have Bill Gates Plat), my play styles completely changed due to some class tweaks, and ultimately all I had left to do was more brain numbing grinding. I am hopefuly for some new content and excited, as I love playing this game. What alarms me most is the community of EZ. Back when I started in 2009-2010, the EZ community was incredible. People were helpful, nice, and had just a great time playing the game. It was harder, there was grinds, but the grind ever ending. You could get away with playing a few toons and have fun. Not many rolled more than 6 and there was minimal game stress (imo).  Game pop's were around 400 on regular - non event times. And remember people played less toons so that 400 was more like 100 unique players instead of the 18 raid squad monstrosities we all run now. There are a ton of AWESOME dudes (and gals) that play on this server. They have even more spirit for the progression of this server than I. This server also is blessed to have the presence and management/dev of HB and Akka, two very capable and talented individuals. Along with all the behind the scenes dev's that lend a hand, the EZ server has always been a place I felt safe investing time in playing, that I knew my time wouldnt be wasted, that the community and dev's would make sure the server stands the test of time.

I see that Peign/Maslow has been permabanned. Honestly, thats pretty crushing to me. I really enjoyed playing with Maslow. He helped me out in my progression, and when he returned from hiatus, we crushed some end game together. I understand the fact that some people saw him as annoying / mouthy / aggravating / pushed limits etc etc. but man, dont we have ways as players to control that? If you dont like someone /ignore. I cant imagine, being a player investing over a hundred days in PT, and being Perma banned for my personality. I get that you have to control the server and weed out bad apples, but is there a better way? I really like to think that Peign/Maslow really just talked with his opinion on how the game should progress and he really didnt hide his feelings. Im not going back to look at previous posts or what he did so i may be just talking out my ass, but if he was caught cheating the game, then I believe this is harsh. I think we sometimes cheat ourselves as a community. We allow ourselves to get so hurt by things and I constantly see banter back and forth on these boards and then it ends up in bans. The last thing I want to see from this server is skilled players who've invested a lot of time in this game get banned because of there personality. If a player is cheating the game, I get it, and I'd be all for a removal, but a personality? I tend to think thats a slippery slope. I hope you I do not offend you hate for voicing my disdain to your action, and I remain a supporter and fanboy of how you and akk run EZ. Understand I am just a player who has been around, off and on, for years of EZ and speak from experience. I've been meaning to get this off my chest for awhile, and just want my friendly, populated, helpful, and fun EZ server back. I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting the arrival of T10 and you will see me no-lifing EZ once again, even if the Fiancee (hopefully by that time) doesnt approve. However, after T10 is running smooth, I think the community and devs need to really talk about the future of EZ and how to create a better, more helpful, and fun EZ community and game. This is all my opinion and a vast majority of you may disagree. If that is the case, I can always find my solitude in gaming elsewhere. I guess seeing that Mas was permabanned really torked me and made me emotional.

Hope the epic lewtz have been droppin for you guys, and even as a burnt out EZ no-lifer, i still miss it.


Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: warrior5 on March 06, 2015, 02:21:33 pm
Warrior5 - you can change your forum display name. Mine used to be TinkleyToys

Ah cool thx

Edit: just tried this, says the prefix "god" is reserved  :'(

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: warrior5 on March 06, 2015, 02:25:16 pm

I bring you up BC you are known to troll pretty hard. When I came back to the game you trolled me

First time I "trolled" you you were QQ'ing...and this wasn't even a troll it was more of a joke....but hey if your feelings got all hurt, I'm sorry.

Okay. Still, you and your buddies in particular are the biggest trolls on the server apart from Peign, and I've seen you go at Hate hard. Was just making an observation.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Danish on March 06, 2015, 02:26:42 pm
It's about time Peign was banned. He's been a dick the whole time he has been here.

I don't know about that. Being a dick, shouldn't necessarily get you banned. There should be room for dicks on the server as well as good-guys.

He had his opinions, he had a shitty way of conveying his frustration, about the server not working in the direction he wanted. Like I said, you could have just removed his posting privileges. And if you didn't like his input in-game, you could /ignore.

In many cases, the people who come to this place, has some degree of brain damage, otherwise, what would compel them to completing T5? We're for the most part an odd bunch, and there should be room for all types of people, even the shitty ones.

I haven't read everything the guys posted, especially over the last few months. But I sort of get the sense, that the management doesn't like when someone questions their monetary ethics. I honestly think they should get over that, in a hurry too... Cause as long as nothing is documented to the "public", they will always run in to the occasional dude, who thinks they're pocketing the money themselves. It's been known to happen out there in the world.

So yeah... Not sure what I'm saying, other than, this place should be able to handle douchebags - by other means than basically telling them to piss off. Or the rules should be add mended. 

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: warrior5 on March 06, 2015, 02:58:58 pm
Not gonna quote you Harthek because it's too long (congrats on your pending engagement!), but I agree in many ways. It's tough to see 150 or less folks on during peak hours. Recently, I've been doing /w all 70, 71, 72 etc to see the players and often there is no one on of x level, and I rarely see "too many players" for any level.

Just this week I was doing some T9 with a friend during reasonable hours and we needed some help. Thank god Raygan was on otherwise no one else would have been available, on the entire server.

Years ago I remember folks like Harthek going out of their way to help newbies in any way possible, and /ooc was lively and fun with 300+ on during slow times.

Since returning last year I've noticed a change in the server while I was away. There is a lot of animosity from the top tier down, not sure why. /ooc is mostly dead or trolling. A rare few like Chunka still offer help to new folks, but the vast majority are often vitriolic towards new players. Again, no clue why. This isn't a recipe for keeping people on the server.

Additionally, as I've said in the past, EZ can be daunting for new folks, which is why I'm glad we have an abundance of wiki information. It's even more daunting when people call them names for not knowing everything right away.

I've offered suggestions to increase population before but they were rejected, meanwhile it continues to decline. And losing annoying folks like Maslow hurts an already dwindling group. /ignore is always an option. Just last week Maslow told me he didn't want to be banned. It's like he knew his antics were on the border and have been for some time.

Imho, Maslow isn't much unlike many other T9 folks. For months we've been seeing toons named FOHBOT killed by the buff bot, and my guild has been attacked in /ooc - some guys personally attacked. All in good fun for sure, but I can't help but wonder if it's all coming from the elite few who hate to see new toons moving up the ranks. Again, this isn't how you encourage others to play on the server.

Regardless, I still love EZ, and completely disagree with everything Maslow said here (as I usually do with him). I love the caster changes and mini dungeons and new content. I think Hate and Akka are doing an amazing job. The reality is, it may be the culture of the server itself which is hurting our population. As a side note, it seems we had a big drop off in sub T9 players after the Skin nerf / instance changes. Perhaps lower players can't imagine progressing through content at a reasonable pace if they can't #pullzone or stay in the same location through instances anymore (which I think was something Rent warned us about a couple months ago) - I don't know. The truth is, running through the same part of a zone over and over is boring, and its something only the elite called for (any guesses why?). Same goes for Skin, pulling 5 mobs at a time is significantly more daunting than pulling 15 20 or 30+ not to mention hundreds (Skin did affect non maxed folks significantly). Maybe the maxed folks called for a Skin nerf because they knew it would only affect those still working their way up. Just some thoughts.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: balidet on March 06, 2015, 04:01:32 pm
Regardless, I still love EZ, and completely disagree with everything Maslow said here (as I usually do with him). I love the caster changes and mini dungeons and new content. I think Hate and Akka are doing an amazing job. The reality is, it may be the culture of the server itself which is hurting our population. As a side note, it seems we had a big drop off after the Skin nerf / instance changes. Perhaps players can't imagine progressing through content at a reasonable pace if they can't #pullzone or stay in the same location through instances anymore (which I think was something Rent warned us about a couple months ago) - I don't know. The truth is, running through the same part of a zone over and over is boring, and its something only the elite called for (any guesses why?). Same goes for Skin, pulling 5 mobs at a time is significantly more daunting than pulling 15 20 or 30+ not to mention hundreds. Just some thoughts.

just to be clear the skin changes did  not effect the elite..at all....

In fact their(our) pull times went down with the druid out of the lineup..

The instance thing is highly annoying for back farming casters guild/fighters guild and TOFS....other than that its also a non issue.

Some pop rates have changed ....drop rates have been tweeked... this is all to prevent us from maxing out 6 or 12 toons with uw's    its a panic move because they don't have another option.

the top 5% are going to roll t10 just like the roll t9 is the fear and all of this will be for naught... and they don't want this to spread to the top 20% or more...that's why they are trying to stop  it ..IMHO

I am taking some time off again just because i was about to start my 3rd UW and I have to ask myself why?

its not that they want to stop you from getting your strike augs...or completing t5.. they just want to slow the server down a bit to buy some time....

its all good:)

and yes..maslow can  be a cunt in ooc sometimes...and he does post shit on here I don't like...but I chatted with him in game daily and he was good people

ban ...dont ban....it is what it is.

thank you if you read this far...:)

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Raygan on March 06, 2015, 05:57:21 pm
I've seen you go at Hate hard.

Hate is a big boy and can handle himself...he doesn't need fanboys to police the internet for him.  Hate and I have had our differences but we know where each other stand as well.  Just because I don't kiss his big toe like some people doesn't mean I dislike him.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Fugitive on March 06, 2015, 07:49:54 pm
Orthanos, hehe did you ever see your signature?

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Raygan on March 06, 2015, 08:40:27 pm
Yeah I did Fugi...I rekon Hate did that fter one of our heated debates  ;D

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Blurring on March 06, 2015, 09:14:52 pm
In my very limited playtime over the last couple month I have witnessed Maslow hurling personal attacks in OOC incessantly, almost every single time I log in to the game. Any person who thinks he wasn't breaking the rules

Limit Profanity
No spamming
Use common sense
Play nice and don't grief

is delusional or already had him on ignore.

Good riddance.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Darpey on March 06, 2015, 09:54:17 pm
Posting on phone so this will be short.

I didn't know avadar was harthek. You are a super cool guy. One of the best on EZ.  I agree with everything you said about EZ community. Not sure what the answer is to that. You really need newer players without the playtime baggage all of us have. New players that have no clue what they're doing. It's got to be possible - p99 population is exploding. EZ is a great game, but I agree with everything you said about the players past and present.

Maslow - I think it was primarily the money related jabs (like you said) that pissed the admin... Especially with Hunter's situation :(

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Chunka on March 07, 2015, 09:04:50 am
No....it was primarily the breaking the rules non stop, even after being suspended for doing so....and then it was most probably the shit you didnt see, Peign blasting Hate in IMs with personal attacks and insults (which seemed to be the norm from him whenever he had an "episode").

And it amazes me how people think this is all just "one big happy family". EZ is a benevolent dictatorship, one run by two guys who are decent enough to do so with a rather soft hand.  They want you here, and they want you to have fun....and they act accordingly. But even more so than a major online game, any cash you might spend on EZ doesnt buy you a "vote". It doesnt give you license to act an ass toward the guys who run this machine without taking a paycheck for the massive time and effort they put in here.

Try the shit Peign pulled in a Sony or Blizzard game and see how patient they are with you...and consider those guys get paid a pretty good salary to take that kind of shit.

Peign had a ton of chances on this server, and he wiped his ass with them time and again. Once more all I can say is, regardless of my personal feelings toward the guy, EZ is a better place without him than with.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Chunka on March 07, 2015, 09:20:07 am
And another thing...it doesnt give you license to act like a douche to others. People talk about the community declining, and they are correct. Its not for lack of chances....we get a decent flow of new meat coming through all the time, but more than a few dont see what I saw when I started, which was people willing to go out of their way to help, to ease these guys past the pitfalls you'll find starting up here.

And I have to admit I am just as guilty as others, at times. I dont help actively as much as I used to. I watched Ugazel drop what he was doing the other day to help a new guy get a bunch of AA for a newly minted team of 70's, and I thought, "When did I stop doing that?" I noticed the other day I was getting snappy with new players asking in OOC about rightfully confusing issues, pretty much telling them "Go read the wiki, ya n00b!" I didnt write the wiki to make MY life easier, I did it to help newer players have more fun starting on the server. I also need to remember that personal interaction is what really makes this game fun.

Hate and Akk can only provide us the basics. They're two guys with lives, jobs, etc, and the time they put in here is to make the content enjoyable; they dont have the time and energy to make the experience enjoyable. Thats on all of us.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Chunka on March 07, 2015, 09:33:19 am
Now....someone hand Fugi some bongos and lets all start singing Kumbaya before I'm forced to kill all of you.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Danish on March 07, 2015, 09:51:10 am
I still think it was dodgy to ban the guy.

Trying to use the current ruleset to enforce it, is impossible. None of the things blurr listed, applies here.

Saying that the place is a dictatorship, could be right, but then they really shouldn't ask players of their opinions all the time. Making the players think their opinions matter, good or bad.

If Peign was being retarded over /tells in game or IMS on the board, the ignore feature is there for just that reason.

I think he stepped over the the blurred line, when he started bringing the donations into the picture, and like I said before, that should be something the dictators should be able to handle in other ways than the banhammer. Cause it'll be brought up again... eventually.

The server needs asshats too, as well as good guys. Seeing as most agree with the ban, I guess its me this time.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Fugitive on March 07, 2015, 10:19:26 am
I'm sorry hate me, it's no ones right to play here period. It's a privilege, the server will be here with or without each one of us.

There seems to be this entitlement or that the player base has a right to "vote" where this server goes and whom is allowed to play on it. It's Hates Sandbox now deal with it or leave. Dragging this thread through the mud while beating a dead horse is doing nothing. Get over it and grind away.

There was many lines crossed, he was given plenty of leeway period. (it's easy to armchair a GM position when not one)

Enjoy the server or leave, there will be more players that come and go, the one thing that is consistent is that EZ is here and will stay here with or without each one of us period.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: hateborne on March 07, 2015, 11:07:31 am
Ok, I'm going to address this in full and I'm locking this damn thread.

First, why is it that everyone seems fit to question what Akkadius and I do with the donations? Hunter took in plenty and kept it, bought games, and sent to Isa. I believe it's because everyone knew that Hunter would not tolerate bullshit or questions. It was his server, on his (mostly) equipment, and he alone was running the show. As Akkadius have stated a dozen times, Isa gets ALL of the donation money we take in (minus the few hundred at the beginning of 2014 to replace some hardware FOR THE SERVER).

Second, why is it that people can openly insult or attack myself or Akkadius? None of you would call out Hunter publicly and rudely because you knew damn well that he would ban you without notice/warning because it was HIS show and HE ran it.. A few others have brought this up in private and I believe it's because I try to be accommodating and the "give an inch, take a mile" thing is happening. I've bent over backwards trying to be polite, helpful, and understanding when I post threads regarding changes...get abused/attacked...work through the scarce GOOD input...then release changes. Even with UW changes, started with a shitstorm, some ragequits, pages of bitching, and then suddenly...we had useful and well thought out feedback. As a result, the UWs saw a fairly stiff damage increase at the high end with the heavy drop in HP/survivability across the board (which more than a few seemed 'OK' with!). I'm not saying I'm going to start dropping the hammer left and right, but I'm not going to work for free hours a week to continue to be abused/attacked. If you are going to whine, attack, and contribute nothing...you will start losing posting/chatting privileges. If you have feedback, post it constructively. Yes, even whining/hateful feedback CONSTRUCTIVELY can be exceptionally useful. Look at a lot of Dimur's posts, we've butted heads VERY publicly over the last year but he's generally been a great help.

Third, Peign/Maslow has had more than enough chances. He was a toxic player and a constant source of issues. In Summer 2013 up to Jan 2014, he would CONSTANTLY attack me in OOC or tells. I eventually ignored all of his characters, but as he started new toons to gear up, he kept giving me hell. I continued to ignore them as he made them. I would mention something that rustled his jimmies and he blew the fuck up to Hunter. Hunter asked me "Hey...wtf is going on", I would explain...again, and he would shake his head...again. Around Sept/Oct, Hunter gave me the ability to revoke ALL chat privileges minus /say after his weekly emails of butthurt. I didn't tell anyone, I didn't flaunt it, and I didn't use it until Jan 2014. I always gave that goon three strikes. If he were openly hostile, stupid, insulting, or attacking others...I gave him one strike per. He always hit two, but never hit three (as I had to log off or he went silent before that third). In Jan 2014, he was just particularly volatile and he hit his three strikes. I revoked all of his characters and continued with my day. He blew-the-fuck-up on Hunter with some long winded email. Hunter replied "stfu" and Peign ragequit that day. It wasn't until June or July did he come back to the server. He PMed me with an apology and asked if he would be welcome back. Both because I want to see the server grow and continue, and because I believe everyone gets one chance to redeem themselves (see the last year's worth of week long suspensions as further proof). He came back, spent 2 months or so being a GREAT player....then it started again. Slowly but surely, he started picking on other players, starting shit in OOC, harassing others, mocking people on forums, and other activities that effectively amount to 'climbing on that high horse' to look down on others. I try to stay out of others' affairs as much as possible as I don't have the time to babysit you ladies/gents/trolls. Most of you are adults and I simply don't have the time/energy to give a shit, much less do anything about it. He started with the super vocal and super hateful rants about changes (WHICH IS OK, SO LONG AS YOUR RANTS ARE CONSTRUCTIVE AND USEFUL, NOT JUST BITCHING!). He also turned to PM and emails about how he didn't like changes or how I was screwing up the server. He also started reporting the hell out of ANY post that ran contrary to his (or made him look like a fool...again. I had to setup a filter rule just for his post reports in my inbox). The last month or so (maybe three), he's been particularly volatile and rude to anyone/everyone. Insults/mocks/rips on most posts I make and almost ALL posts that the rest of you make. Finally, when he dropped his little butthurt post and then played the donation card, that was a last straw type of thing. Months (before ragequit and after) of being a toxic, rude, and generally useless individual coupled with his entitlement to whatever the fuck he felt like he wanted as the moment was too much.

Finally, I just started a new job. I'm living off my unused vacation pay + tax return right now. I'm going to pull money out of savings soon if the first check doesn't arrive. I do not touch donations as Akkadius keeps them in an isolated account to send chunks to Isa as she needs (or in a fairly regular interval...whichever comes first). Akkadius, on at least three occasions, has offered to buy Love and myself pizza (order online through dominos or whatever) when we pulled heavy nights or heavy weekends of work to get things ready (t9, halloween, dranik mini dungeons) as he knew I was giving up overtime to make this shit work for you guys.

After finishing this wall'o'text post, I'm actually going to leave the thread unlocked. I would like to see if anyone has any useful questions/complaints/concerns. Anyone threatening/attacking without any constructive or useful bits will be outright suspended in-game with forum privileges banned (yes, banned). Basic rule of the internet applies here, "Don't be a dick."


Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Danish on March 07, 2015, 01:29:59 pm
I'm gonna stop beating the dead horse.

I understand where you're comming from, and like Fugi says, you can do whatever you want :-)

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: clbreastmilk on March 07, 2015, 05:05:46 pm
Hunter did far more things to players than hate and certainly Akk, people just didn't bitch about that because he would handle that too.  Fact.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Decades on March 07, 2015, 06:38:35 pm
Basic rule of the internet applies here, "Don't be a dick."

That's actually a good life rule. If you treat everyone with respect, things will generally go well. If you run around acting like a dick, eventually someone is going to punch you in the face.

A large majority of the player base has a profound appreciation for you guys. Sadly the humble and appreciative rarely pick up the megaphone.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Darpey on March 07, 2015, 07:29:51 pm
A large majority of the player base has a profound appreciation for you guys. Sadly the humble and appreciative rarely pick up the megaphone.

To EZ's credit (or humanity/the Internet's discredit) that does usually seem to happen with games and forums (not just EZ) . The dicks and trolls are very vocal on the forums and the good helpful players tend to keep off the forums.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: WatchYouDie on March 07, 2015, 07:43:48 pm

After finishing this wall'o'text post, I'm actually going to leave the thread unlocked. I would like to see if anyone has any useful questions/complaints/concerns. Anyone threatening/attacking without any constructive or useful bits will be outright suspended in-game with forum privileges banned (yes, banned). Basic rule of the internet applies here, "Don't be a dick."


Maslow is a dick. Plain and simple but some people just don't know how to express what they need to say in a rational manor. We all do that sometimes, including myself. I would say that he has had some good points about certian things and horrible ones about others. Some of the accusations here from others is just ridiculous. I've played with the dude the last year as he and i both quit time to time but we all troll ... well a lot.... he did push the line but he's in a low spot in his life ... worse than you hate .... not going to get into it but we all hit bottom. Ban meh mute his ass or limit him to like 5 /ooc auc /tells a day ban forum filter his e-mail maybe he will shape up ... if not doesnt matter he cant prove it anyways but he has spent a lot of time on the server helped in other ways but a dick he may be

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Gannicus on March 07, 2015, 10:24:58 pm
I don't play much anymore, time, bored of the same rinse repeat but that's bound to happen with anything. I don't necessarily like the direction some things have taken here but I've always bit my tongue (for the most part) in respect to the work Hate and Akka have put in. I get that people get fed up at some point and just blow up but of course pulling what Maslow did into his rant with no real direction was ignorant and he deserved what he got.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 07, 2015, 11:56:13 pm
If anyone, even Hate or Akk had insulted Hunter the way Peign has continually insulted Hate they would have been banned with the quickness. That was one of the quickest ways to get banned with Hunter. Got something bad you want to say about Hunter? You can do it, but do it respectfully and certainly don't be a dick about it. And Hunter extended that to other devs as well, and even players at times if someone got too carried away on the forums. Granted yes, this is not Hunter's playground anymore I am still glad to see Hate pull out some Hunter rules, (especially the don't be a dick rule) and enforce them in Hunter fashion.

And the bs about some people just having no filter, it is exactly that, bs. Peign was the way he was because he was allowed to continue to be that way. He has received warning and now his banning is a warning to others. You can criticize, but there are limits about the way you criticize.

I remember talking to Hunter once about some psychotic drama that I was in the middle of and all kinds of people around me got banned but I didn't. I always attributed it to the fact that while I was critical of the situation I never insulted Hunter. I remember telling Hunter the way I looked at it was you don't sit at a mans dinner table while eating food he has served you and say, 'Dude this shit tastes awful. What kind of cook are you?' If you want to say something like that you wait till you're on your way out the door. He laughed about that.

Peign was a jerk and was toxic for the server. Sure he had a few friends but hell, even the protagonist in the 'psychotic drama' had a few friends as have several other douches who have been banned. However when the majority of the server has a problem with one person then that one person has a problem with the majority of the server.

I say good call Hate.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: warrior5 on March 08, 2015, 12:40:36 am
Basic rule of the internet applies here, "Don't be a dick."

That's actually a good life rule. If you treat everyone with respect, things will generally go well. If you run around acting like a dick, eventually someone is going to punch you in the face.

A large majority of the player base has a profound appreciation for you guys. Sadly the humble and appreciative rarely pick up the megaphone.

He's alive! :o

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Dinadas on March 08, 2015, 07:19:19 am

In the end I hope it's at least some fun for you.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Decades on March 08, 2015, 09:53:52 pm
He's alive! :o

I'm more of the stalker/lurker type. I'm in your thredz reading your wurdz though, you better believe it!

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: Chunka on March 08, 2015, 11:36:12 pm
Posting this by request. DPS comparison, bst and monk. Both unbuffed (self buffs and clicks only on either), both UC2 and 2x NSXI. Taken using Gamparse, on practice dummy:

bst with rank 50 earring 1303394, pet 202558

monk 2022795 (no earring). Neither UW, obviously :P

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: garfield101 on March 11, 2015, 12:58:26 pm
I hope you will forgive him Hate. For all his drama and I will admit he aggravated me in a short amount of time after we first spoke. He was very helpful, and nice person if I ever had a problem in game. That being said A Dervish Cutthroat once told me that I ruined my own lands that I wouldn't ruin his. Maybe there's something to that.

Title: Re: Playing around with the beast pet
Post by: balidet on March 11, 2015, 01:47:02 pm
CHunka by that we can all clearly see that the BL is in need of DPS nerf...they have outstanding dps and buffs! monks dont have buffs!

we all demand equal rights for everyone!

stop the discrimination!

I in fact have the ultimate solution to this problem of DPS disparity...

prepare your mind for this...

have only 1 class....

that's it everyone! just have one class..one set of gear...then everyone is equal!!!

/drops mic