EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: hateborne on March 03, 2015, 03:23:18 pm

Title: Gem Collector Disabled, West Commons Reverted
Post by: hateborne on March 03, 2015, 03:23:18 pm
Audience: All

Gem Collector is no longer spawning, Superior Willowisp is no longer spawning, and West Commons is now a normal zone. With the PVP, I'm bloody sick of hearing it. Overthere is still a PVP zone, but there is no boss spawn anymore.

Furthermore, if you would like to continue to harass me and tell me how things "should" be run, this will continue to happen. If you continue to tell me how bad the server is and complain endlessly without contributing anything, you may leave at anytime or I can help your out the door permanently. If you have constructive criticism, not bellyaching, crying, or butthurt...PLEASE share it! :-)

Non-PVP folks: Keep grinding, nothing of note.


EDIT: Spoke with a few about this and they convinced me that we should evaluate a new Level 60 PVP event, to be hashed out and built after T10.