EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chunka on March 07, 2015, 04:53:48 pm

Title: MQ2 crash
Post by: Chunka on March 07, 2015, 04:53:48 pm
Others have had this same issue, and damned if I can find a solution....but using RoF2 client and the mqemulator.net RoF2 classic version of MQ2 I have just one character that cannot log in. Gets to character se3lect, then when I try to log in it crashes. Its the general MQ2 crash message when I have MQ2 running...but if I load without MQ2 that single character will crash when I try to zone, or just wont log in at all past character select (no error message, client just shuts off).

Have heard some people having similar issues, but would appreciate anyone else seeing it posting any info they might have.

Meanwhile, no ranger for me :P

Title: Re: MQ2 crash
Post by: Chunka on March 07, 2015, 05:14:48 pm
And just to clarify: this happens on RoF2 full or skinny, UF full or skinny, with or without MQ2 as stated. I've used character mover, moved them to a couple different zones (crashes on zone each time if I can log him in without MQ2). Sometimes doesnt crash, but character logs in, can see in world, can send tells to that character....but cannot open that client screen. It wont even come up to a blank screen. Mousing over shows a preview of the screen, and its frozen on the load splash hints screen you get after character select. I have tried deleting all character files, same issue. I tried with a newly downloaded and installed RoF2 with fresh spell/zone files, same issue.

Again, just happens on my ranger. No other box atm.

Title: Re: MQ2 crash
Post by: Chieftan on March 07, 2015, 05:40:00 pm
My Ranger is benched atm
Just tried to to log him in and CRASH
crashes mq2 if loaded, crashes EQ if unloaded

same client loads other accounts ok, wierd

scatched head - dug old copy of titanium out, just for the hell of it, no mq2
loaded in, zoned a few couple times ok, camped in nexus

now ranger loads on UF ok - very weird, dunno if a fix, but seems to work on mine, it crashed every time before, maybe worth a try )

Title: Re: MQ2 crash
Post by: Ugazel on March 07, 2015, 06:15:12 pm
Chunka i just thought of what is crashing you it was happeneing too all my Skinny bots as well with the custom Hud, you have to go into Mq2Hud and turn off class/zone hud at the very bottom i had to do the same thing to all my bots, sometimes they would load sometimes not... Hope this helps

Title: Re: MQ2 crash
Post by: Chunka on March 07, 2015, 10:38:19 pm
Damn....thanks Ugz, that did it.