EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: balidet on March 14, 2015, 07:59:33 pm

Title: How the Server dies...
Post by: balidet on March 14, 2015, 07:59:33 pm
Just like this...

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: derekthom on March 14, 2015, 08:50:58 pm
We being dramatic or did i miss something?

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Akito1221 on March 14, 2015, 10:06:44 pm
Something does need to be done to help new players stick with our server. What about dragon style armor in other tiers to help people progress. Maybe 2 or 3 tiers lower then current content.

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: derekthom on March 14, 2015, 10:22:22 pm
I'm basically a new player and I think up to podragons is just fine (that is as far as my crew is flagged, still missing a couple pieces of qvic, a ton of ct and t1/2 but im enjoying it) I think the biggest thing is that the newbies aren't reading that boxing is pretty much a  must to get anywhere. I just started my second group to add a couple more dps and shaman/chanter for buffs but they are still very low level.

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: balidet on March 15, 2015, 01:29:10 am
No nothing happened and no drama...just the gradual decline...

we are lucky to break 200 players now on a weekend.....reality is we rarely have more than 30 people online...

I have no magic bullet solution ....

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Raygan on March 15, 2015, 06:01:30 am
Weather warms up and the server goes down a little...its normal every year...nothing to see here...move along.  This is just the normal ebb and flow

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Warbash on March 15, 2015, 09:42:14 am
Yup it's summer :) I'm coaching my sons baseball team, no time to play right now.

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Chunka on March 15, 2015, 09:49:34 am
Orth got it in one. I've been seeing these same type posts for 18 years now, in a ton of games. Absolutely normal. The sky isnt falling.

I typically afk more than I play (just how my life goes) and with spring here I'll be spending a ton more time on yard work, remodeling the bathroom, painting the kitchen and living room, working on a portable cold fusion device.....you know, the usual. Shit gets busier this time of year for me, and I doubt I am unique.

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: slaughterhaus on March 15, 2015, 10:39:12 am
Folks come and go and then come back to the server when they have time. I think it's fine. Heck it's not really any different from when I left 3 years ago. I feel it was a ghost town when I left. /shrug

Now to hijack this topic a moment to focus all of your nerdery powers - I've been thinking that if there was a way to reduce the time it takes to load in my dudes into EZ it would help me play more often. I've have to load in 13-14 boxes. I've done some things to speed things up for instance I use a windows batch file to load all the shortcuts I have on my desk top but still entering all those passwords takes time, then going through the character select option also takes time. The batch file is great but I'm still typing in all the passwords. I found a link here in forums that gave me some info about allowing MQ2 to auto click the Eula etc. But I wasn't able to get mq2 to enter the passwords for me and server select.  If anyone knows of a method that would allow me to carry out that function I would dance a jig.

My point is I know I would(maybe others too) play more often in between daily activities if I could quickly load in and kill things for half hour here forty five there. As it stands now it takes 10 plus to get everyone into the game. (not a hardware or connection issue either just the sheer number of manual entries)

As for the dragon class in other tiers... I would love to see that in t4 + - flipping 3 weeks and still cant' get 2 t4 zerker bps!

Anyway all is well.


Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Chieftan on March 15, 2015, 11:19:10 am
I've been thinking that if there was a way to reduce the time it takes to load in my dudes into EZ it would help me play more often. I've have to load in 13-14 boxes. I've done some things to speed things up for instance I use a windows batch file to load all the shortcuts I have on my desk top but still entering all those passwords takes time, then going through the character select option also takes time

Only way i know, is autologin, but still cluncky, as needs update every day with new server number
http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=3851.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=3851.0)

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Chunka on March 15, 2015, 11:52:27 am
Another issue, too, is that a lot of people are waiting for T10. Content for many has been conquered, so logging in is harder (gets boring fast for some). Minis are god awful to many, and some dont want to start up another UW grind. So....yeah, pops down because of that, too. Again, very normal. We've seen it before.

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Kielohawk on March 15, 2015, 03:48:55 pm
I haven't been playing lately due to warmer weather and getting ready for a physical fitness test for work.  If I had run all those miles in RL that I ran in EQ for the last few months I would be in freakin awesome shape! Lol I do check forums regularly though and plan on playing a little soon. I am flagging my third group through T5 and you know how that is.

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Kielohawk on March 15, 2015, 03:50:44 pm
If I find myself yelling "Anyone have SOW?" during my 1.5M run I know I have a problem  :o

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Rent Due on March 15, 2015, 07:22:15 pm
like already stated, summer time = less people logging in. A lot of people try to take advantage of this thing called life when the weather is nice.

as also already stated, waiting on T10..............waiting............waiting...........

Its hard to log in when you have pretty much everything, done everything, been everywhere, etc. its like what's the damn point?

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Dinadas on March 16, 2015, 07:09:08 am
AS someone who hates outside.  I've just not been around because this is my busiest month of the year.

Musical over in 1 week thankfully.

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Expletus on March 16, 2015, 12:22:35 pm
Something that would probably help... Just destroy me for it... it will take time...

You have your Tiered zones. Why not link them to a dungeon for "raiding" with others? So Tier can drop your standard items like it does now. Dungeon for "Raiding" will drop essences, jewelry with sweet clickies, and armor power sources that when combined w/that tier armor will create a new armor with additional stats, effects, resists etc.

This "Dungeon" would be extremely hard compared to what the tier is and would satisfy those who want that type of gaming. I'm talking multiple healers, oh shit moments, off tanking, strategy etc.

Just an idea. A lot of work but I believe it could evolve to something to take the standard go into zone X and slay mobs for hours... then what... oh ya wait another year for another tier or farm more UW's.

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Akito1221 on March 17, 2015, 08:13:56 pm
AS someone who hates outside.  I've just not been around because this is my busiest month of the year.

Musical over in 1 week thankfully.

If outside is so good, why has mankind spent thousands of years trying to perfect inside? -Sheldon Cooper

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Chunka on March 17, 2015, 08:35:42 pm
While I am all for harder content and encouraging cooperation, Hate already has a plate so full he cant even eat a "wafer thin mint". Dont think we should start ladling him bowls of stew.

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Hank Hill on March 18, 2015, 09:14:24 am
Yeah the server has its ups and downs. i go "afk" for 6 months sometimes, because the grind gets to long. But some day i am in the mood and then i start playing again. been that way for as long as i have been on the server. Waiting on new things, RL hits you, bored etc etc etc.

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Expletus on March 18, 2015, 03:11:38 pm
I know what you are saying chunks and that would lead to my next suggestion. Let ppl help. Promote someone to a demi developer. Give access to a test server and let them go nuts with developing a zone. If it passes the standard for hate it can go live.

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: balidet on March 18, 2015, 03:18:16 pm
^ yea if we have someone or some team with the skill set...that would be great.

As long as they could work with hate and be cool with him calling the shots....problem i see is people being people and having a hate /newperson faction that ends up blowing up hate and then we all just go splat....just saying!

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Akkadius on March 18, 2015, 05:35:07 pm
The sky is falling. Halp.

People have lives, they realize it's nice outside, numbers slope this time of year like any.

Hate is changing jobs, I've been insanely busy.

Before you know it we'll explode with goodies

The amount of doomsdaying is ridiculous

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Woodee on March 18, 2015, 07:42:31 pm
The sky is falling? It just got nice outside too! S.O.B

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Raygan on March 19, 2015, 02:51:22 pm

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Rent Due on March 20, 2015, 07:36:05 pm

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Sutiea on March 27, 2015, 08:25:42 pm
Hi there!  :D

Here's my 2 cents on stuff... idk if it will help or not;  I mean it can either be taken as completely useless (i.e. ROFL N00B NO ONE CARES!) or a brutally honest viewpoint from the outside looking in.

I played here really casually for 2 years or so.. and fully quit around the time T5 was revamped (when bosses started being casters.. so like half a year ago? I can't remember).  Only had a few UC1 done and made it to T6, so... far far from uber type player!  I'm here right now because I like to see what's new or what neat content is being updated from time to time.  I don't know why :(

Anyway, I pray my post isn't taken as a troll and/or a rant.  It's just being honest (and of course, JUST one person's opinion!).  Here goes:

What made this server easy to quit was the community.  I just really got the impression after a good while that the player base here on EZ is generally just a negative bunch.  It was apparent in /ooc and apparent here on the msg boards.  IMO this is no surprise when you look at the format of this server:  It's a solo server.  Your 18 boxes don't count as group play.  There is no /ooc 70 mag LFG.  Ever.  Everyone is wrapped up doing their own thing.  Nothing wrong with that, but don't be surprised when people who are looking to play one character and have fun grouping don't stick around.

I personally enjoyed boxing on live, and would sometimes box on raids.  It was fun! ..with 2 boxes ~_~ I think it's awesome when I see the videos of some of you guys handling three groups with macros and doing a jillion dps.  Unfortunately I just found trying to box a full group to be cumbersome and inefficient at best; downright maddening at worst.  But this is a 'suit yourself' type of thing, for sure!  It's just the reason I personally was turned off by EZ the further I went.  If you guys are wondering why the population is getting stagnant... I dunno... this may be a possible reason why /shrug !

Hunter... sigh... I got the impression he knew his plan, knew what he was doing, knew how to balance stuff, knew how to best go forward.  Everything.  I think everyone really trusted his ideas and vision for the server.  I really can't say the same for new management.  Not trying to hurt any feelings so I'll leave it at that.

Lastly, a big turn-off was just the one-two punch of a lack of fresh ideas + timesinks.  As I was rolling through T6 confidently, it just hit me like a truck:  okay, now you'll have to do this literally hundreds of times before you're set for T7.  ...and all it really was for was just so I could turn this 6k item into a 8k item (or whatever the actual value was  :-[ ).  Wait, didn't I just do this process in T5 ?  Yup!!

Anyway, feel free to pick apart my post!  It's a great server honestly and I pray that it'll stay healthy just for you guys sake!  Be kind to each other  :-*

Title: Re: How the Server dies...
Post by: Akkadius on March 27, 2015, 08:43:23 pm
Appreciate the posts. Sutiea, if I can't take criticism then I probably shouldn't be running the server if I don't know where I stand.

I understand what you're saying about content however the analysis you're making on 'existing' management is of content Tiers that were created during Hunter's time here on the server.

It might be a newsflash for people but everytime a new Tier came out on EZ, Hunter and Basher secretly thought it would be the last thing that would kill the server because its always been insane increments stats and it gets more and more difficult to scale and keep content interesting.

I'm personally not worried about population, this time of the year (Spring) the same thing happens literally with every other game. People get involved with many things outside when its nice and have plenty of other things to do in life. This is a normal occurrence in my mind.

Even our EQEmu Development staff activity dips, the story is no different.

For now I'm locking the thread not because of any specific reason of avoidance because I just stated acceptance of peoples concern, but because doomsday-ing and inspiring negative thoughts doesn't really do anyone any good.

Thanks Everyone.
