EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Warbash on April 01, 2015, 11:29:23 am

Title: Living Without Drake - Suggestions?
Post by: Warbash on April 01, 2015, 11:29:23 am
Morning all,
I took a break from T8 right before the nerf to drake. Now that I am back playing some I find that I can't pull 2 dragons and trash. Wanted some tips on where to focus or what to change.
SoA is T8 with uw9 RoA is like 600 and resists 3300.
So I use passive healing from paly only which currently uc1 which is most likely the issue but wanted other input and strats?
Also use Druid regen etc...

Title: Re: Living Without Drake - Suggestions?
Post by: Dinadas on April 01, 2015, 11:38:45 am
It must be your pallies.

I have less raw stats then you and can pull up to 3 dragons at the same time plus trash.

Both my pallies have UC2's

My resists are a touch higher at 3500, other than that you have more hp.

Title: Re: Living Without Drake - Suggestions?
Post by: Premador on April 01, 2015, 11:59:10 am
Whats your group/s makeup?

I have never had a druid past T5

Title: Re: Living Without Drake - Suggestions?
Post by: Warbash on April 01, 2015, 11:59:37 am
Yeah I need to do uc2 lol bleh.

Title: Re: Living Without Drake - Suggestions?
Post by: Dinadas on April 01, 2015, 12:14:47 pm

I need to go back and finish it for my mage, bard, shaman, enc, druid.

I think in that order.

Title: Re: Living Without Drake - Suggestions?
Post by: balidet on April 01, 2015, 04:38:11 pm
uc3 pally and I can pull enough to dysync from the server ...that's the only limiting factor on how many mobs I can pull in this game atm.

full t9, max SOA, 550ish ROA, IG and UW11

pally is uc3  and the only healer I have....

I also dont use any buffs other than the warriors self clickys and the xp mask..not even on paladin...

so yea...get the uc up and you have no problem.

Title: Re: Living Without Drake - Suggestions?
Post by: Warbash on April 02, 2015, 12:02:08 am
Thanks guys :)