EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: jaxs1031 on April 03, 2015, 04:18:05 pm

Title: Boxing full group
Post by: jaxs1031 on April 03, 2015, 04:18:05 pm
What is the best classes and race to make the perfect 6 man group? I'm not sure what to pick? I made a few classes that I used when I played the real EQ just to mess around but I'd like to move on now and I'm not really sure what classes will give me the best group to make it to the end game.

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Warbash on April 03, 2015, 04:50:35 pm
War for tank, paly for heal, then a mix of single target dps like monk or rog (i prefer monk) and Ae DPS like Zerk. Could ad a cleric for spot heals would be useful at all levels.

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Phah on April 03, 2015, 06:04:02 pm
I'll second that. Warrior for tank; Pally for heals; Rogue, Monk, and Zerker for DPS; last slot is kind of a personal preference.

A cleric will help with the very early game (before you get your pally to his 3.0). You really can't go wrong with just picking another melee dps class. Casters just got a pretty decent buff, so you could go with something like a wizard or mage. Or you can pick out a support class like Bard or Chanter (personally i'd prefer chanter, as I really don't understand bards, never have and never will :P )

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Dinadas on April 03, 2015, 06:36:19 pm
Include some single target DPs. That was mistake with group 1.

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: WatchYouDie on April 03, 2015, 10:45:46 pm
What do you like to play? War is not the only option for tank. Sk's can tank clerics can heal. Ae groups take a little longer to get started but they come in handy for farming later on.

The best thing anyone can say is play what you like otherwise why play ?

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Danish on April 04, 2015, 05:30:14 am
War, Pal, MNK, Zerk, Zerk, BRD

Have fun!

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: jaxs1031 on April 04, 2015, 02:53:53 pm
Thank you all so much for all the input

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: balidet on April 04, 2015, 11:11:07 pm
war pal cleric zerk zerk zerk...min max

war pal cleric monk rogue zerk not min max

war pal cleric bard mage wizzy necro ...wtf?

you have a war pally cleric...do what you want...just know that when you reach the end it wont be about single target dps....

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Danish on April 05, 2015, 05:05:01 am
The cleric gets obsolete around T7 - and having a bard, is a really good idea :-)

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Rent Due on April 05, 2015, 07:40:51 am
The cleric gets obsolete around T7 - and having a bard, is a really good idea :-)

apparently I didn't get this memo, cause I still have mine in the group  :-\

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Digz on April 05, 2015, 08:10:54 am
clerics can actually be super usefull for filling the role druids played with skin of the drake since vie gives ~45-50% addtional dmg reduction on a tank with full mitigation buffs

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Danish on April 05, 2015, 10:13:48 am
The cleric gets obsolete around T7 - and having a bard, is a really good idea :-)

apparently I didn't get this memo, cause I still have mine in the group  :-\

Suppose lots of people do - I just found, that I could leave the cleric out of the group and just run with the paladin and add the DPS instead. To each his own.

I should have wrote "I found that my cleric got obsolute around T7 - and I've enjoyed having a bard on my team!" so it didn't come off as science :)

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Digz on April 05, 2015, 10:27:11 am
yeah truthfully I benched my cleric in t8 once i realized the true potential of paladins with a t8-t9 epic, they are just so insanely good.

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Warbash on April 05, 2015, 11:09:01 am
clerics can actually be super usefull for filling the role druids played with skin of the drake since vie gives ~45-50% addtional dmg reduction on a tank with full mitigation buffs
I was reading Vie and it's 10%? Also only usable every 3 minutes. Maybe it's just me but that is mostly situational if you can't recast once worn off. When I pull its in sections (t8) and fast paced. If I can't add it to my attack key and rely that it will cast I usually skip it, trying to hit that other key means I'm dead :) (no melee, no paly heals).

edit: recast is 60 seconds. I should probably add it to key.

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Digz on April 05, 2015, 11:26:53 am
recast time is 60 seconds not 3 minutes and when your tank has full mitigation buffs from IG, epic and soa its 78% dmg reduction. The 10% from vie is 10% of total damage reduced, not 10% of the actual damage you're taking so going from 78% to 88% cuts the remaining 22% damage you take to 12% damage taken which is roughly a 48% reduction.

its still not as powerfull as drake which is probably why hate hasn't nerfed it into the ground

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Darpey on April 05, 2015, 05:20:49 pm
War, Pal, MNK, Zerk, Zerk, BRD

Have fun!

Second that exact setup - you used to want a druid, but not anymore.

Necros are OP for QVic/Time/CT--- because of their instacast relatively high damage nuke, and great pet (early on), so if you're just breaking in that would be nice... but they become worthless around T1/T2

Title: Re: Boxing full group
Post by: Chunka on April 06, 2015, 05:21:23 pm
And then they become viable again later, with mana neck, UC, pet and death/epidemic cast....but you need to kill a certain way on your mass pulls.