EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: warrior5 on April 11, 2015, 12:28:09 am

Title: T7 Mini
Post by: warrior5 on April 11, 2015, 12:28:09 am
So I finally checked out the T7 mini. Haven't heard much about it so haven't really been tempted to try it till today. Few suggestions:

Since it's a decent size zone, I think the bb reward should be 10 or 15. I don't think anyone in their right mind wants to complete it as is for 5 berries. I actually left the zone today without completing when I discovered it was only 5 berries.

Bosses should drop two charm prism upgrades each. The zone is large enough and difficult enough it's definitely not a problem to have two on each boss.

I've heard complaints about the drop rates, including essences. Can't say I disagree - seems to be unusually low for a mini dungeon. I'm told some folks strongly prefer the original zone to the mini for this reason. I think the point of the minis is to be an attractive alternative to the main zones - not just a one-and-done. I'm having trouble finding people who have any interest in doing the T7 mini as is.

Lastly, I attempted to attack Warchief and was unable to damage him, not sure what the zone mechanics are, but if there is a required order to the boss kills it isn't clear like in Dranik.

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: Raygan on April 11, 2015, 06:06:16 am
Bosses should drop two charm prism upgrades each. The zone is large enough and difficult enough it's definitely not a problem to have two on each boss.

I agree with everything but this.  Mini's shouldn't be a means of equipping UCv1's...we already have ToFS for that.  If you cant do t7 normally you shouldn't be able to "cheat" your way by going through a mini.

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: Warbash on April 11, 2015, 09:53:54 am
I don't see it this way, the mini is an alternate daily route for those with less playing time to accomplish something reasonable for older content. I also see it as a nice way for those that have past the content, to gear up an alt or 2 slowly without having to follow the normal progression. I'm almost in t9 with my crew and have been gearing a wis. It would be nice to do the dailys, get a few essence, charms and gear.

Think about the zones Hate chose to support in them, t2 ~ t4, t5 and t7.
The former require lots of farming of items to spawn mobs that may then drop essences.
T5 has a crazy (like it now) quest to spawn mobs to progress, so alternate way to get a mob or 2. T7 has a nutty but good process to spawn mobs that drop gear and esseneces (should add epic stones too).

I think charm's and essence should drop more in t7 along with gear and epic stone too.
It can be done daily which does not allow a new player to bypass the zone, with the exception of T5 and thats slower than just grinding it, but it is nice alternative.

P.S. Wish SLS were put back on berry vender.

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: Hank Hill on April 11, 2015, 05:04:32 pm
Didnt read all of the posts :p BUT the boss after you find the Warcheaf, somethingsomething Geod NEEDS to be fixed. i cant compleat the mini, i cant kill it before it lags the zone out. So the insta is broken all together!

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: balidet on April 12, 2015, 07:57:33 pm
I almost logged in today..maybe next week

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: gagem on April 12, 2015, 11:57:04 pm
Didnt read all of the posts :p BUT the boss after you find the Warcheaf, somethingsomething Geod NEEDS to be fixed. i cant compleat the mini, i cant kill it before it lags the zone out. So the insta is broken all together!

I had this problem until I re-downloaded the EZ server Files, something needed to be updated to allow this zone to function.  Without it, older installs will appear to lag when the geo tries to lock down one of your guys.  Give it a try :)

Loot is pretty rare here, got that one weapon skin that one time, and far far less essence for the time as the T7 zone.  Most definitely should be worth 10 berries not 5.  That all said it IS one more place to get berries every day, but always the last place you would look, the t5 mini takes 1 pull and done for your 5 berries unlike the t7 mini.

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: Dimur on April 13, 2015, 10:45:54 am
I wouldn't cite the T5 mini as a balance point for the T7 one unless your intent is to get the T5 one *tuned* to be on par with return on time invested.  The T7 mini isn't something I find all that rewarding for the effort involved, I can totally agree on that point.  The long narrow hallways with turns, the zone geometry and objects strewn about that alts get hung up on when following, the buggy mechanics of the bosses that people have noted numerous times still unaddressed, and the horrible drop rate on essences (average just better than 1 essence per clear over 30+ clears) are why I don't really like doing the mini.  The mobs and concept are decent and fun, but you don't feel like you are making any progress on anything in doing this particular mini...you can get way more exp and plat per time invested in the regular T7 zone and a better chance at essences not to mention you can get as many or more berries from the other 2 dailies. 
The only real reason I bother with dailies is as a quick run through to bank some essences since the berries are useless after you get your UW aug, and the T7 daily doesn't lend itself well to a quick run through.  I'd be more than happy to do it though if each miniboss had a guaranteed drop of 1 essence per, maybe this is something to consider.

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: Dimur on April 13, 2015, 11:31:22 pm
Pretty sure I know why the Bloodmoon Chief is bugged, it seems that at some point all the doors in the zone were removed.  While that's great as far as navigating through the dungeon it is also why Bloodmoon Chief can't activate to be killed.  Normally when you got to him, he had a door in front of his room you'd click on and he'd do some emote about stomping you or whatever and then charge you as you ran into the room.  The door was probably his activate trigger and without it he's just sitting there waiting to be activated.  Can one of the dev types look into this and verify/fix the issue?

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: hateborne on April 14, 2015, 10:44:09 pm
Pretty sure I know why the Bloodmoon Chief is bugged, it seems that at some point all the doors in the zone were removed.  While that's great as far as navigating through the dungeon it is also why Bloodmoon Chief can't activate to be killed.  Normally when you got to him, he had a door in front of his room you'd click on and he'd do some emote about stomping you or whatever and then charge you as you ran into the room.  The door was probably his activate trigger and without it he's just sitting there waiting to be activated.  Can one of the dev types look into this and verify/fix the issue?

Looking now.

Fixed! :-D


Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: Tereg on April 16, 2015, 12:05:19 pm
Ok did t7 mini today.  All working as intended.  Got 4 LP essences with complete clear.

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: Rent Due on April 16, 2015, 02:06:37 pm
Ok did t7 mini today.  All working as intended.  Got 4 LP essences with complete clear.

I dont believe you got 4!!!!! comeon, how many did you really get?

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: Tereg on April 16, 2015, 02:17:10 pm
4 i swear...but did a full clear

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: Raygan on April 17, 2015, 08:47:02 am
I did a clear yesterday too, right before work, and got 1...yes 1...but hey I guess I should be happy that I got 1...... :-\

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: Raygan on April 18, 2015, 09:18:09 am
Cleared just now 0 esse....x2 50k plat bags  :-\

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: balidet on April 18, 2015, 12:36:46 pm
I logged in and cleared t7 and got 12 essence and 4 stacks of plat boxes...stop being lazy bitches and just clear t7

Title: Re: T7 Mini
Post by: warrior5 on April 18, 2015, 04:28:15 pm
My point was T7 mini should be a viable alternative.