EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: warrior5 on May 29, 2015, 06:40:10 pm

Title: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on May 29, 2015, 06:40:10 pm
I realize T10 is a priority, but I have a few suggestions. These are only suggestions, and I am aware the devs are super busy - please avoid flaming as this is being posted on the *suggestion* board - where it belongs. If zero of these are implemented even after T10 is finished it's no skin off my back - they're just ideas. Thanks for all the hard work Hate and Akka ;D

an idea or plan put forward for consideration.

1.) Bring T5 mini back but make the zone larger. Alternatively, if you're just trying to prevent people from finding specific bosses (I personally don't see how this is game breaking), then only allow toons to create one instance per day, and set the level requirement to 73 if it isn't already (I think Akka might have done this). This would greatly reduce everyone's ability to repop instances, and would reward only those folks who have more toons 73+. I think it's fair for folks like Dimur to solo mini zones with multiple toons - it's a reward for end game. It would also help if you could disable the #e invite function for T5 mini specifically - the only toons that can zone in would have to be grouped or raided first - if a toon is grouped or raided, and a group or raid member creates an instance, then their one instance per day would be used up as well.

2.) Please add more loot to T7 mini - I don't see anyone using the zone (except Hank). Chunka and I were talking today, and despite his irrational hatred of minis, we both agree regular T7 seems to return 3-1 LP ess vs. mini, plus, you get a ton of cash and other loot. If the minis are designed for folks who aren't ready for the main zone, then the T7 mini is still too large and difficult for the reward. I know this from experience as I did not use the T7 mini even before I could handle T7 main. Personally, I think minis should be a fun alternative to the main zone for everyone - it can get tedious doing LP or abyss or T3/4 again and again - it's nice to switch to mini sometimes.

6.11.2015 edit - heard someone in ooc today say they cleared T7 mini and got zero essences.

3.) Restore the original essence drop rate in Dranik and please fix the mobs around Pusbelly. They never seem to attack. Also replace the lightning boss with a regular boss and have him drop another charm. Right now it's a bit silly to sit against the wall while we simply wait for him to shoot his balls of fire.

6.11.2015 edit - just cleared Dranik and got one (1) essence.  ???

4.) Add plat bags, GSoA and rainbow crystals to CT (everyone except crazy people will cheer).

5.) Can we stay in location when using leave instance? I think it was like this before the new system was put in place.

6.) Why aren't all DD and AE spells recast and recovery essentially at zero? I know Hate mentioned there was a change here, but I still see delay in the spells - I'm not sure how it's working. Wouldn't this help casters become more viable on top of the recent changes? I also believe dmg should be much higher on most caster spells in order to compete with melee. My casters still can't contribute as nearly all mobs die before they can cast anyway so a nice heavy boom stick once in a while would be fun.

7.) Just out of curiosity, my understanding is haste was made worthless (including bard haste), because it would help improve server performance. However, since then Akkadius has made numerous changes to the server to improve performance significantly (zoning, instances etc.). Additionally, I see less folks on nowadays (seasonally adjusted). Would it make sense to add haste back now? Maybe just cap it at 15 delay or something lower than the current 30?

8.) Fix beastlords for Chunka so he stops complaining in ooc.

9.) Increase GSoA drop rate and add tangible scaling for tiers (I think Hate mentioned he would do this). Haven't noticed a change after the 10% adjustment and it has been some time. As we discussed, going from 1/10,000 to 1.1/10,000 is - eh.

10.) Can we have some kind of boss server event? Even something as simple as making Kern much more powerful, inviting everyone to zone and adding real lewtz on everyone's cursor after kill - real loot...not hp food.

11.) Make a SoT 2.0 and replace reward in SoT quest with 2.0 version. Existing SoTs would not change, but new SoT would be 2015 uber - justifying the existing quest beyond lvl 1. SoT 2.0 should rank up similar to the Leaf of Vitality 1+1=2, 2+1=3 etc., but the mobs should be adjusted to T9 or T10 level in power.

12.) Change server name to Extended Zones (EZ) to clear up confusion with newbs. I think Hate said he was doing this already.

13.) Maybe add a suggestion for new players when they first log in that they use MQ2 and create at least six toons for boxing? This would cut down on the /ooc tards when P99 is under construction. Would also help if we provide them a link to both wikis right when they log into Surefall. Chunka would have so much more time on his hands.

14.) Fix druids. Make Skin of Drake more powerful but keep the recast delay to avoid overuse. I think nerfs should fix the game, not make spells into poop. Also, please change the druid epic click - it's no good and usually ends up killing my druid when I try to use it. Also druids could use a hefty bump on dps spells.

15.) Can we have the bazaar back and allow trading while offline? Economy is dead right now and without an alternative way to trade there basically is no trade. I literally *never* see anyone selling anything anymore apart from no drop items. I also don't see many buyers now as everyone is accustomed to the no selling. That means resources are *extremely* scarce. No one. sells. anything. on. EZ.

16.) Let us buy SLS from vendors for 200k or 2 buzzing berries. Everyone and their mother is tired of farming these things.

17.) Fix Leaderboards and add some guild metrics.

6.11.2015 edit for additions

17.1) Make Shrimp's Manastone droppable (warriors getting caster flag to make mana neck when a bunch of alts already have caster flag is silly).

17.2) Oshimi Spirit (sp?) or whatever his name is in T6 is exploitable. It's possible to pull him without the other boss, and then kill him over and over indefinitely for xp. Tried to bring this up in game but haven't been able to catch devs online for a while.

17.3) For the love of god please make Call of Companions clickie a raid CoH, or at the very least make the recast delay 5 seconds instead of 10. I find myself leaving my 3-4 other groups behind in nearly every zone and just bringing them in at the very end for loot only if needed. I would bet most folks with more than two groups do this - it's too annoying switching groups for CoH especially if you have to move toons out of multiple groups just to make room. It defeats the purpose of having all these toons if bringing them along is a gigantic hassle. I say more toons is more fun and it should be easier to bring them along if we're willing to cough up the $$ for CoH clickie. Folks who usually roll with only 1 or 2 groups will say this isn't necessary. It's not for them.

17.4) Is it possible to make our corpses auto disappear after we mass rez?

17.5) Mistress of Flame is being resisted way too much for it to be useful in later tiers. Considering this is supposed to be a later tier item you would think it would be useful in later tiers.

17.6) I'm still not seeing a dps benefit from black unicorn familiar even after it was fixed - my dps parse might be off though not sure. Same goes for chilled devil.

17.7) I'm sure this is a no, but is it possible to remove the movement effects of mounts? I love that Hunter introduced these way back when, and it would be fun to actually use them. However, because of the effects on movement I don't think anyone actually does apart from in Nexus center. Alternatively, if you gave the higher tier mounts much more HP (for EZ 2015) - I think people would be more inclined to use them.

17.8 ) "Fastest Travel" is 155%, but BU is 175%... so which is fastest...? ;)

17.9) Abyss essences are in server-wide short supply ever since T5 mini was removed. High lvl folks are less inclined to fully clear T5 for some boss essences now that they can't get a couple from the mini now and again. We all avoid the original T5 like the plague - which is partly why the mini was so nice.

17.10) I noticed nearly no one has more than one warrior anymore (except Harthek before he quit and maybe some other folks who were here back when it was a good idea). I'm getting tired of seeing zerk zerk zerk zerk groups honestly. I think the devs have done a good job of fixing warriors as they were clearly OP years ago by making them true tanks and killing their AE dmg. That said, I think you should introduce Anger Aug 7s in T10, and give the warriors a real AE dmg option again (100k or something?). This way warriors can contribute to AE as well like they used to, and people that prefer to use UW 1H can finally justify the quality of the AE aug in their offhand. This would also encourage more folks to UW other toons maybe even before their main tank - creating some more diversity in the game. :)

17.11) Can Epic Vendor not show the INCOMPLETE Augment book message when we have an incomplete book in our bank? I understand why he says it when it's on our toon, but having an old book in the bank shouldn't trigger the message.

17.12) Is it just me or is the conversion of rainbow crystals with miner a little too low? It's barely worth handing them to him as is, and a string of bad luck can be devastating especially to new players who really need the aa - I think it would make more sense if the benefit here was more tangible (say 50% success rate).

17.13) Can you add an easy experience v3 upgrade option to EZ Rewards Vendor? Maybe a v2 upgrade option as well? $1k is a lot to ask for those of us who aren't hedge fund managers, and it would be nice to be able to work up to something like this over time. I bet a lot more people would pay this if it could be earned in chunks. For example, the v3 upgrade would require eev2 and would cost 500 credits.

17.14) FWIW, my wizard (including pet dps) with Chilled Devil and Mana Neck IX is now doing about 2.3% of my group's DPS against practice dummy using Hateborne's Glacial Gift (~430k dps in 150 or so hits). This is about on par with a paladin with a single (yes one) Firestrike VI. Compare that to a 2xNSIX geared monk or rogue which are each getting more like 1.5-2M dps in about 400 hits and you can see why casters still don't make sense. Obviously, since the practice dummy isn't anything like a real fight, where mobs often die before casters can even cast, it's not hard to imagine the wizard doing closer to 0% in real combat even with Mana Neck IX. Considering a Mana Neck IX costs about as much as a FSIX plus a lot more essences and SLS, and the total cost of a completed Mana Neck is on par with NS plus a lot more ess and sls, and since casters can't stack two Mana Necks like a melee can have two augs, I would say it's not worth doing at all - thus keeping dps casters comfortably in the recycle bin.

This is just an observation of single target dps with some actual numbers to back it up. Obviously this could look a bit better with big pulls, but I doubt it would be very much. Even though it's an improvement from before, for the current cost of the Mana Neck vs. Strike Augs, I believe it's a waste of resources. More importantly, while the changes to Mana Neck have been great for casters, going from zero dps to a tiny bit of dps at the expense of 40+ essences, 20M plat and 25+ sls just doesn't make sense.

Solutions could include increasing the Mana Neck spell damage multiplier even more, and decreasing the cost of Mana Neck - particularly the essence cost (didn't this go from 1 to 4 when the effect was changed?? Was 2 not enough?). Other suggestions if not game breaking: increase base damage of select spells even more and decrease recovery and recast time on most dmg spells.

18.) Nerf Fugitive.

19.) I can has cheezburger?


Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: hateborne on May 29, 2015, 08:39:07 pm
Holy crap, thank you for the fantastically well written suggestion potion.

1) T5 will be back after T10. Had people abusing it again by spamming instances until the bosses they wanted THEN proceeding to clear. I'll likely spread the three bosses across three zones. Additionally, I'll likely get Akkadius' help to immediately bind the players to the instance and act as a lockout as soon as the instance is created. This would help prevent spam abuse. Will also likely disable expedition invites.

2) I'll look in to increasing the drop chance of a variety of things after T10, since it takes time to rework this. :)

3) The mobs around Pusbelly are INTENTIONALLY frozen until being summoned. The lightning boss can get loot.

4) Plat bags I can do. GSoA and Rainbow Crystals can be added, but at somewhat low rate due to the ease of training.

5) Nope.

6) I changed the damage significantly on most of them. If there was no cast-time/delay, then an army of wizards would be ungodly overpowered.

7) No, MELEE haste is less useful due to the way almost everything HAS haste on it. Spell haste is HIGHLY beneficial right now though.

8 ) L M A O

9) "As we discussed, going from 1/10,000 to 1.1/10,000 is - eh." So I should set it to 1/5k or something equally easy? If so, then everyone gets one and it's infinitely less useful.

10) I agree. We'll see what we can drum up. :)

11) Hmm, we'll see. No guarantees.

12) Discussed with Akkadius, both agreed that it's not the best thing to do.

13) This is easy and I will likely do Sunday or Monday.

14) Druids are hybrids. They do more damage than clerics (at the cost of less healing) probably slightly less damage than shaman (at the gain of more healing). The DoT is fine unless you're trying to melee train the NPCs, in which case, "you're doing it wrong". Considering that almost all of the druid DoTs are quad target, I'm less inclined to worry as 2-3 casts and a small pull is lit up like a Christmas tree....OF PAAAAIN.

15) It's broken. Will not come back until it's fixed.

16) Maybe. It won't be cheap, but maybe. 

17) Will reach out to Akkadius on that.

18) I can't. He's too powerful. He'll gank me.

19) Level your cooking. It can be yours.

20) Pugs > Cats.


Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on May 29, 2015, 09:16:51 pm
Holy crap, thank you for the fantastically well written suggestion potion.
Thanks for the responses!  ;D
1) T5 will be back after T10. Had people abusing it again by spamming instances until the bosses they wanted THEN proceeding to clear. I'll likely spread the three bosses across three zones. Additionally, I'll likely get Akkadius' help to immediately bind the players to the instance and act as a lockout as soon as the instance is created. This would help prevent spam abuse. Will also likely disable expedition invites.
Sounds reasonable
2) I'll look in to increasing the drop chance of a variety of things after T10, since it takes time to rework this. :)
Great :)
3) The mobs around Pusbelly are INTENTIONALLY frozen until being summoned. The lightning boss can get loot.
Learn something every day
4) Plat bags I can do. GSoA and Rainbow Crystals can be added, but at somewhat low rate due to the ease of training.
Fair enough
5) Nope.
6) I changed the damage significantly on most of them. If there was no cast-time/delay, then an army of wizards would be ungodly overpowered.
Make sense.
7) No, MELEE haste is less useful due to the way almost everything HAS haste on it. Spell haste is HIGHLY beneficial right now though.
I see. Is it true we're capped at 30 delay?
8 ) L M A O

9) "As we discussed, going from 1/10,000 to 1.1/10,000 is - eh." So I should set it to 1/5k or something equally easy? If so, then everyone gets one and it's infinitely less useful.
Maybe 1/8k? ???
10) I agree. We'll see what we can drum up. :)
11) Hmm, we'll see. No guarantees.


12) Discussed with Akkadius, both agreed that it's not the best thing to do.

13) This is easy and I will likely do Sunday or Monday.

14) Druids are hybrids. They do more damage than clerics (at the cost of less healing) probably slightly less damage than shaman (at the gain of more healing). The DoT is fine unless you're trying to melee train the NPCs, in which case, "you're doing it wrong". Considering that almost all of the druid DoTs are quad target, I'm less inclined to worry as 2-3 casts and a small pull is lit up like a Christmas tree....OF PAAAAIN.
Fair point, but their epic click still sucks :)
15) It's broken. Will not come back until it's fixed.

16) Maybe. It won't be cheap, but maybe.  
17) Will reach out to Akkadius on that.

18) I can't. He's too powerful. He'll gank me.
19) Level your cooking. It can be yours.
MMM... cheezburger.
20) Pugs > Cats.
This is wrong.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Chunka on May 29, 2015, 09:53:06 pm
I'll still bitch even when they are fixed. Gives me something to do between trying to explain to P99 kids why they wont get far trying to LFG. "But what if I play a chanter? Everyone needs those!" (Not kidding, had someone say that to me even after explaining EZ.)

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Fugitive on May 30, 2015, 07:54:04 am

I be Gimp already!

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: WatchYouDie on May 30, 2015, 10:19:55 am

I be Gimp already!

Truth you lost Drake

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Fugitive on May 30, 2015, 10:37:57 am
Never played with it before anyway, was gimp then too.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Rent Due on May 30, 2015, 10:51:31 am
I'm still unhappy, and will still bitch!

I have vaginitious

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Chunka on May 30, 2015, 11:44:38 am
Vaginitis silicosis.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Pyronost on May 30, 2015, 02:28:24 pm
After finishing my post on the GSoA, a little lightbulb went off. You want these things to be decently rare (maybe 1 dropping every week or two of constant nolife farming). And like it has been pointed out multiple times, there is 0 economy on EZ right now (I blame people hoarding things for their 12-18 box armies). Right now, there is just no incentive to trade. Anything. This kind of fucks the little guys who are still struggling their ways through the hell content, as where there used to be essence trading, and whatnot, theres just a fat round of silence.

1)  Use the goldmine you have already that is the mini. You have this amazing system set up that allows you to buy UC crystals, but nothing else of use to lower end players. They arent going to see an UW to apply those augs to until they are likely able to farm t5 fairly easily. So, the suggestion here? Add essences to the berry vendor.

Qvic - 3b
Tacvi - 4b

And so on. For characters who already have the UC, this would be a wonderful way to contribute to the group makeup. And with that, there is suddenly a decent amount of essences floating around that people are forced to work for, and the up and comers are not forced to rely on upper players for handouts.

Edit: Adding essences to vendors starting at the cost of a charm upgrade also solves the problem of tinkering with essences droprates based on amount looted.

2) Add a new item to the berry vendor - Shard of The Ages. Combine four in the magic box + 1 EoN ,to get a GSoA. Make the shards no-drop so you dont run the risk of someone dumping nine characters worth of berries into crystals and pooling them all. Each individual character needs to complete his or her own. Make the cost of each shard 100b or so. Yes, 40 days for a complete GSoA doing dranik, or 28ish for those doing the t7. Its still grindy enough to be a pain in the ass and a long term goal, but with tangible rewards that will keep people drinkin the coolaid. The other issue I could forsee with this one is the sudden spike in GSoA being made by people who have a few hundred saved already. Who cares? Theyll drain their berries and get their rewards, but the same thing happened with the release of the UW. Now, players still have to farm it. Long-term, it would even out.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Pyronost on May 31, 2015, 08:44:38 pm
Another random suggestion - Would it perhaps be possible to make the essences something you could put in your "alt currency" tab?

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: littlelongbeard on June 01, 2015, 12:32:21 am
OR figuring out how to turn items in stacked.... but I think that was part of CoTF expansion

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Dinadas on June 01, 2015, 08:12:02 am

Change summoning hitpoint percentage from mid 90's to like 80.

One riposite from a high UW can make bosses start summoning and bork pulls.

Not game breaking just annoying on backfarming.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: WatchYouDie on June 01, 2015, 08:52:45 am

Change summoning hitpoint percentage from mid 90's to like 80.

One riposite from a high UW can make bosses start summoning and bork pulls.

Not game breaking just annoying on backfarming.

Move uw to offhand or switch weapons when you pull

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Dinadas on June 01, 2015, 09:27:08 am
I understand that is a work around, but still annoying.

I'd say most people have UW at this point and this would be a nice slight change to make life more convenient.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: balidet on June 01, 2015, 01:05:28 pm
why do you have a weapon equipped when pulling?

stop being lazy!

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Brannyn on June 06, 2015, 06:04:11 am
I do all my pulling WITH MY FISTS!
at least in qvic I do.
Also, there are still tons of people without UW so your argument is invalid.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 06, 2015, 12:37:59 pm
I like the suggestion Dinadas. Apparently many people prefer inconvenience because they think it makes the game harder and more fun (?), but it's really just a nuisance.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: balidet on June 06, 2015, 12:41:23 pm
well..you see its something in the game where you know if you hit a mob it will bork your pulls so you have to be smarter than that.. see its not about just vacuuming up as much loot as you can in a given time... sometimes you have to stop and be like..if i do this...this other thing will happen and it is bad...so i should not do that....

if we remove that from game it could just be a facebook game where you grow bushes for lewtz... wont that be fun! log in...do it.....just do it!

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 06, 2015, 12:46:45 pm
teho  :-*

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Fugitive on June 06, 2015, 03:30:27 pm
Why keep just changing all the low end content to just make back-farming simpler?.. just do like the rest, move to offhand you won't die I promise.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Warbash on June 06, 2015, 03:44:31 pm
I pull with aged left eye of xalgoz and t9 shield :)

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Krinkle on June 06, 2015, 04:47:12 pm
Fugitive, I died, and you promised. Ill never trust you again. I promise. Period. I forgive you though. Period.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Fugitive on June 06, 2015, 07:34:39 pm

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Dinadas on June 06, 2015, 10:02:34 pm
Guess this makes it a first world 2h UW problem.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Warbash on June 07, 2015, 06:46:09 am
Guess this makes it a first world 2h UW problem.
Need a new line Din

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 01:15:10 am
Bump for additions:

17.1) Make Shrimp's Manastone droppable (warriors getting caster flag to make mana neck when a bunch of alts already have caster flag is silly).

17.2) Oshimi Spirit (sp?) or whatever his name is in T6 is exploitable. It's possible to pull him without the other boss, and then kill him over and over indefinitely for xp. Tried to bring this up in game but haven't been able to catch devs online for a while.

17.3) For the love of god please make Call of Companions clickie a raid CoH, or at the very least make the recast delay 5 seconds instead of 10. I find myself leaving my 3-4 other groups behind in nearly every zone and just bringing them in at the very end for loot only if needed. I would bet most folks with more than two groups do this - it's too annoying switching groups for CoH especially if you have to move toons out of multiple groups just to make room. It defeats the purpose of having all these toons if bringing them along is a gigantic hassle. I say more toons is more fun and it should be easier to bring them along if we're willing to cough up the $$ for CoH clickie. Folks who usually roll with only 1 or 2 groups will say this isn't necessary. It's not for them.

17.4) Is it possible to make our corpses auto disappear after we mass rez?

17.5) Mistress of Flame is being resisted way too much for it to be useful in later tiers. Considering this is supposed to be a later tier item you would think it would be useful in later tiers. Will check on this as per Chunka.

17.6) I'm still not seeing a dps benefit from black unicorn familiar even after it was fixed - my dps parse might be off though not sure. Same goes for chilled devil.

17.7) I'm sure this is a no, but is it possible to remove the movement effects of mounts? I love that Hunter introduced these way back when, and it would be fun to actually use them. However, because of the effects on movement I don't think anyone actually does apart from in Nexus center. Alternatively, if you gave the higher tier mounts much more HP (for EZ 2015) - I think people would be more inclined to use them. Sounds like this is resolved with new client. Still higher tier mounts could use more HP ;)

17.8 ) "Fastest Travel" is 155%, but BU is 175%... so which is fastest...? ;)

17.9) Abyss essences are in server-wide short supply ever since T5 mini was removed. High lvl folks are less inclined to fully clear T5 for some boss essences now that they can't get a couple from the mini now and again. We all avoid the original T5 like the plague - which is partly why the mini was so nice.

17.10) I noticed nearly no one has more than one warrior anymore (except Harthek before he quit and maybe some other folks who were here back when it was a good idea). I'm getting tired of seeing zerk zerk zerk zerk groups honestly. I think the devs have done a good job of fixing warriors as they were clearly OP years ago by making them true tanks and killing their AE dmg. That said, I think you should introduce Anger Aug 7s in T10, and give the warriors a real AE dmg option again (100k or something?). This way warriors can contribute to AE as well like they used to, and people that prefer to use UW 1H can finally justify the quality of the AE aug in their offhand. This would also encourage more folks to UW other toons maybe even before their main tank - creating some more diversity in the game. :)

17.11) Can Epic Vendor not show the INCOMPLETE Augment book message when we have an incomplete book in our bank? I understand why he says it when it's on our toon, but having an old book in the bank shouldn't trigger the message.

17.12) Is it just me or is the conversion of rainbow crystals with miner a little too low? It's barely worth handing them to him as is, and a string of bad luck can be devastating especially to new players who really need the aa - I think it would make more sense if the benefit here was more tangible (say 50% success rate).

17.13) Can you add an easy experience v3 upgrade option to EZ Rewards Vendor? Maybe a v2 upgrade option as well? $1k is a lot to ask for those of us who aren't hedge fund managers, and it would be nice to be able to work up to something like this over time. I bet a lot more people would pay this if it could be earned in chunks. For example, the v3 upgrade would require eev2 and would cost 500 credits.

17.14) FWIW, my wizard (including pet dps) with Chilled Devil and Mana Neck IX is now doing about 2.3% of my group's DPS against practice dummy using Hateborne's Glacial Gift (~430k dps in 150 or so hits). This is about on par with a paladin with a single (yes one) Firestrike VI. Compare that to a 2xNSIX geared monk or rogue which are each getting more like 1.5-2M dps in about 400 hits and you can see why casters still don't make sense. Obviously, since the practice dummy isn't anything like a real fight, where mobs often die before casters can even cast, it's not hard to imagine the wizard doing closer to 0% in real combat even with Mana Neck IX. Considering a Mana Neck IX costs about as much as a FSIX plus a lot more essences and SLS, and the total cost of a completed Mana Neck is on par with NS plus a lot more ess and sls, and since casters can't stack two Mana Necks like a melee can have two augs, I would say it's not worth doing at all - thus keeping dps casters comfortably in the recycle bin.

This is just an observation of single target dps with some actual numbers to back it up. Obviously this could look a bit better with big pulls, but I doubt it would be very much. Even though it's an improvement from before, at the current cost of the Mana Neck vs. Strike Augs, it's a waste of resources. More specifically, while the changes to Mana Neck have been great for casters, going from zero dps to a tiny bit of dps at the expense of 40+ essences, 20M plat and 25+ sls just doesn't make sense.

Solutions could include increasing the Mana Neck spell damage multiplier even more, and decreasing the cost of Mana Neck - particularly the essence cost (didn't this go from 1 to 4 when the effect was changed?? Was 2 not enough?). Other suggestions if not game breaking: increase base damage of select spells even more and decrease recovery and recast time on most dmg spells.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Chunka on June 12, 2015, 01:48:07 am
17.4) Is it possible to make our corpses auto disappear after we mass rez?

Sure! Hotkey /hidec all then /hidec looted, issue resolved :D

17.5) Mistress of Flame is being resisted way too much for it to be useful in later tiers. Considering this is supposed to be a later tier item you would think it would be useful in later tiers.

Try this: activate the buff, unequip all weapons and remove all other buffs. Then attack something in T9, and see how much your proc is. Remove the buff, then add it back in, and see the diff. What you're seeing is the odd way this buff proc records you or your boxes resisting. Other than a handful of named I havent come across many mobs that resist it, and it procs like crazy in T9.

17.6) I'm still not seeing a dps benefit from black unicorn familiar even after it was fixed - my dps parse might be off though not sure. Same goes for chilled devil.

Agreed.....just seeing hps and run speed. Not seeing the spell miti or the spell haste, either.

I'm sure this is a no, but is it possible to remove the movement effects of mounts? I love that Hunter introduced these way back when, and it would be fun to actually use them. However, because of the effects on movement I don't think anyone actually does apart from in Nexus center. Alternatively, if you gave the higher tier mounts much more HP (for EZ 2015) - I think people would be more inclined to use them.

Whats wrong with the movement effects on mounts? They add speed to folks without a fastest travel clicky. Only issue with em I can think of is that you need to jog around the skinny client so they'll work.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 01:57:18 am
I'm sure this is a no, but is it possible to remove the movement effects of mounts? I love that Hunter introduced these way back when, and it would be fun to actually use them. However, because of the effects on movement I don't think anyone actually does apart from in Nexus center. Alternatively, if you gave the higher tier mounts much more HP (for EZ 2015) - I think people would be more inclined to use them.

Whats wrong with the movement effects on mounts? They add speed to folks without a fastest travel clicky. Only issue with em I can think of is that you need to jog around the skinny client so they'll work.

Ever tried to navigate a dungeon with them on? Heck even in T7 I can't bring myself to click the mounts.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Chunka on June 12, 2015, 02:00:55 am
Yeah. Whats the issue? No problem at all with mine. Unless you mean the size, in which case a shrink works great.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 02:20:35 am
Hmm agree to disagree.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Chunka on June 12, 2015, 02:24:20 am
Still dont understand, though.....whats the issue you're having with mounts?

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 02:30:44 am
Cannot navigate dungeons with them as mounted toons cannot turn corners correctly, and will often run beyond the group into danger or get stuck. Also they accelerate very slowly which is a real drag (literally).

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Chunka on June 12, 2015, 02:41:26 am
Ahhh! Upgrade your client, most those issues will vanish.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 02:52:58 am
Ahhh! Upgrade your client, most those issues will vanish.

bah ty sir  :o

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 05:15:43 am

Sure! Hotkey /hidec all then /hidec looted, issue resolved :D

I hate messing with other corpses tho :( I feel like it's easy to lose corpses this way - maybe it's my ocd.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: balidet on June 12, 2015, 11:22:31 am
OK for the uninformed on mounts...

spoiler alert....

summon your mount...  its sucks...like ridding a pregnant water Buffalo...

REpoP the INstance /haterswillhate

now you have all the benefits...and none of the water buffalo...

enjoy or remove...i stopped using mounts long ago:)

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: balidet on June 12, 2015, 12:14:03 pm
17.1 I don't really see why this is important... do the quest..

17.2 its exploitable? killing 1 mob over and over is an exploit? please you only get a fraction killing one mob as you would mass pulling..this is silly..hell you can do the same thing with the guards...its bad xp..

17.3  yea this would be nice...i guess...you run 5 groups of toons? jebus...what a pain in the ass

17.4 /hidecorpse all its neat!

17.5 she is mostly for farming I think.. i dunno if it matter with her gimp aoe..

17.6 ya this would be nice to get fixed

17.7 been a work around for this since...forever

17.8 i have no idea

17.9 so the essence is in short supply because the mini was removed...but because the high level people can do the mini they don't clear for essence...but...i don't understand this sentence..i am probably not smart...

17.10 I am OK with warriors being great at tanking... my dps comes from others...not every class should do all things...hell..no class should do all things.../shrug

17.11 don't care

17.12  or 12.12 you pick.... yea this sucks... it used to be really good.. now it so bad... i came out 30k down on aa a few times after turn ins or worse and I was like..fuck that shit.... that's like playing blackjack and trying to get 21 on each hand..that shit will bankrupt you.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 12:46:38 pm
17.1 I don't really see why this is important... do the quest..
I did. Trying to help people in the future since it doesn't make sense.
17.2 its exploitable? killing 1 mob over and over is an exploit? please you only get a fraction killing one mob as you would mass pulling..this is silly..hell you can do the same thing with the guards...its bad xp..
Since I have eev2, I get 10xp per kill on this guy - and he doesn't have a lot of hp. This adds up fast. Very fast. Someone with eev3 can macro kill this guy overnight and get 100k-200k aa easy. Why give cheaters the option especially as having him repop adds no value? 150k aa isn't bad xp... it's insane. Bannable for two reasons, but an exploit nonetheless imo. If Hate tells me this isn't an exploit then I'll be in anguish for a bit.
17.3  yea this would be nice...i guess...you run 5 groups of toons? jebus...what a pain in the ass
Not necessarily. Even if I run 4 groups, you have to move toons out of each group in order to CoH, effectively turning it into 5 groups. Same goes for 3 groups etc. The worst part is waiting for the clickie delay every single time, again and again and again throughout the zone. Right now it greatly discourages people from running more than 11 toons (to keep a space open in g2).
17.4 /hidecorpse all its neat!
Bothers me as I said above. Just asking.
17.5 she is mostly for farming I think.. i dunno if it matter with her gimp aoe..
Fair point.
17.6 ya this would be nice to get fixed
17.7 been a work around for this since...forever
Sounds like an exploit. Regardless, I removed it since Chunka says it's resolved with the new client.
17.8 i have no idea
Well figure it out! Wasn't asking you though.
17.9 so the essence is in short supply because the mini was removed...but because the high level people can do the mini they don't clear for essence...but...i don't understand this sentence..i am probably not smart...
Since mini is gone high lvl folks don't get abyss essences like they used to. Reason: clearing T5 for bosses sucks so hard they just say "f-it" - I know I do. This is why we see /auc wtb abyss essences all the time now (and of course there are no sellers).
17.10 I am OK with warriors being great at tanking... my dps comes from others...not every class should do all things...hell..no class should do all things.../shrug
Understandable. I'm just tired of the zerk zerk zerk zerk incentive.
17.11 don't care
I don't care that you don't care. Thanks for sharing.
17.12  or 12.12 you pick.... yea this sucks... it used to be really good.. now it so bad... i came out 30k down on aa a few times after turn ins or worse and I was like..fuck that shit.... that's like playing blackjack and trying to get 21 on each hand..that shit will bankrupt you.
I'm so used to losing crystals on this guy I almost don't gaf when they drop anymore since I know they will be gone. Still, can't resist a gamble. Just wish the odds were better since they suck hard now.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2015, 02:44:41 pm
17.1) That's part of the "benefit" of the guild. You mention having other characters flagged. You'll live. Just make the first rank on them. :-P

17.2) Will fix Oshimaiaiaiai tonight.

17.3) It's Call of the Companions, a group version of the spell. It was originally a mage spell that Hunter liked enough to convert into a reward item (without the long cooldown). It'll stay group. May add a raid version with few minute cooldown later, but no intentions anytime soon.

17.4) Not easily. Too much work for trivial bits.

17.5) The "resists" are your GROUP members resists. It's not PBAOE, it's AOE Rain. Which means you are likely getting resists from it trying to hit your CHARACTER (and obviously resisting). If you need further proof, get fire resist below 800 and attack test dummy. You'll notice that the resists go away and you're losing health fast.

17.6) This is valid and I'll look in to tonight or tomorrow.

17.7) idk, my bff jill

17.8 ) This should've been corrected already.

17.9) After the mini being exploited was disabled, essences are less common? That's just "terrible".

17.10) Warriors will NOT become the AFK aoe/tank/dps-gods they were before. They are TANKS. If, by earrings and UW they become large dps...so be it. I will not give them back that unstoppable afk AOE dps in addition to the best mitigation possible.

17.11) The check inventory plugin hits all inventory slots. Sorry, can't fix without WAY too much work for a minor inconvenience.

17.12) It's not a conversion. It's a gamble. If you don't like the rates, don't gamble.

17.13) The rewards are going to be heavily looked at after T10.

17.14) All casters have potential for SWEEPING changes soon. With T10, I'm scaling the spells off of the augment damage. This way, it will be a STATIC bonus at whatever level, relative to the tier. If this works particularly well in T10, I'll retrofit the spells to scale in this manner. Additionally, I will look at the necklace scaling too.


Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Pyronost on June 12, 2015, 02:53:46 pm

17.9) After the mini being exploited was disabled, essences are less common? That's just "terrible".


I think what he meant by that, was that in comparison with the t1/2 and t7 mini's being active, t5 essences have become a huge bottleneck. People have become used to being able to grab 1-2 of drag minor/major and maybe a gods once a day thanks to the mini's. It actually makes it feel like you're progressing when gathering the things up for the lovely UW (the droprate on dragons minor is horrendous otherwise). The mini-dungeons provide us an alternate way of farming for things we might need. Not that since people are exploiting the huge stockpile of t5 essences is gone.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 04:39:09 pm

17.9) After the mini being exploited was disabled, essences are less common? That's just "terrible".


I think what he meant by that, was that in comparison with the t1/2 and t7 mini's being active, t5 essences have become a huge bottleneck. People have become used to being able to grab 1-2 of drag minor/major and maybe a gods once a day thanks to the mini's. It actually makes it feel like you're progressing when gathering the things up for the lovely UW (the droprate on dragons minor is horrendous otherwise). The mini-dungeons provide us an alternate way of farming for things we might need. Not that since people are exploiting the huge stockpile of t5 essences is gone.

Pretty much.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Krinkle on June 12, 2015, 04:40:22 pm
I can tell you got alot of stuff on your plate hate but the t5 essences not being around after being exploited is "terrible" I didnt exploit it, my guild didnt, nobody i know did. BAN half the server if you have to, whats better punishing us all? come on now. T5 illsalin essence drop rate is on par with ultimate weapon 17 drop rate, ive seen about 5 drop from about 15 clears thats on par with. nothing, nothing else is that shitty. if you want to punish the exploiters, find out who they are, let em stockpile somethin they worked real hard to get Then just randomly delete it. then you dont have to ban half the server, and you dont have to stop honest players progression because of faggots exploiting shit.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 04:50:52 pm
I can tell you got alot of stuff on your plate hate but the t5 essences not being around after being exploited is "terrible" I didnt exploit it, my guild didnt, nobody i know did. BAN half the server if you have to, whats better punishing us all? come on now. T5 illsalin essence drop rate is on par with ultimate weapon 17 drop rate, ive seen about 5 drop from about 15 clears thats on par with. nothing, nothing else is that shitty. if you want to punish the exploiters, find out who they are, let em stockpile somethin they worked real hard to get Then just randomly delete it. then you dont have to ban half the server, and you dont have to stop honest players progression because of faggots exploiting shit.

This is actually more to my point. I don't know anyone who was farming tons of T5 ess from T5 mini, but the regular T5 drop rate is abysmal (pun intended), and you can't even get them to drop without clearing all the corals and mobs and getting to the boss pool - then you're lucky to get even a couple essences after an hour of clearing. It was bad enough taking multiple parties through T5 by clearing the zone 100 times, to have to do it 100 more times for a terrible essence drop rate that is unlike any other essence in the game is murderous death kill pain hate angry die suck. Point is, T5 continues to murder us in our sleep well after we finally finally finally finish the zone.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2015, 05:03:27 pm
Lol I made a joke about essences and the butthurt can be heard from space.

On a serious note: claiming to not exploit it, but taking advantage of vastly increased quantities is hilarious. I will review the drop chances for tiers and minis after T10 as some of the minis are simply being abused too often. T5 was a huge problem as it allowed progression, which the others do not. I intend to simply fix that aspect of it.

Lastly, people hated t5 before. I add a new way for faster (apparently, much much faster) essences and after being abused horribly twice, I've disabled it...which is punishing the server? That's reaching for it...


Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 05:05:10 pm
17.1) That's part of the "benefit" of the guild. You mention having other characters flagged. You'll live. Just make the first rank on them. :-P
K  :(
17.2) Will fix Oshimaiaiaiai tonight.
Excellent. You can PM me for my routing number w.r.t. any and all EZ Credit rewards. Or not.
17.3) It's Call of the Companions, a group version of the spell. It was originally a mage spell that Hunter liked enough to convert into a reward item (without the long cooldown). It'll stay group. May add a raid version with few minute cooldown later, but no intentions anytime soon.
I'm drooling over this prospect.
17.4) Not easily. Too much work for trivial bits.
17.5) The "resists" are your GROUP members resists. It's not PBAOE, it's AOE Rain. Which means you are likely getting resists from it trying to hit your CHARACTER (and obviously resisting). If you need further proof, get fire resist below 800 and attack test dummy. You'll notice that the resists go away and you're losing health fast.
I'm ashamed I got this so wrong.
17.6) This is valid and I'll look in to tonight or tomorrow.
17.7) idk, my bff jill
17.8 ) This should've been corrected already.
When I have my fastest travel clickie activated, and I click the BU pet, I notice an uptick in my run speed. It could be my imagination, but if it isn't - either the fastest travel clickie is too slow or BU is too fast (and in that case forget I said anything).
17.9) After the mini being exploited was disabled, essences are less common? That's just "terrible".
See the above posts. I wasn't aware people were farming abyss ess from T5 mini, but my point is the bottleneck exists even if people weren't or aren't exploiting T5 mini. Having Dranik and T7 mini without a T5 mini makes T5 ess a bottleneck especially since the regular illsalin zone is poop for ess.
17.10) Warriors will NOT become the AFK aoe/tank/dps-gods they were before. They are TANKS. If, by earrings and UW they become large dps...so be it. I will not give them back that unstoppable afk AOE dps in addition to the best mitigation possible.
Fair enough. How about rangers then?  ;) JK sort of.
17.11) The check inventory plugin hits all inventory slots. Sorry, can't fix without WAY too much work for a minor inconvenience.
17.12) It's not a conversion. It's a gamble. If you don't like the rates, don't gamble.
But some of us might have a gambling problem. I'm not saying it's me, but it's me.
17.13) The rewards are going to be heavily looked at after T10.
17.14) All casters have potential for SWEEPING changes soon. With T10, I'm scaling the spells off of the augment damage. This way, it will be a STATIC bonus at whatever level, relative to the tier. If this works particularly well in T10, I'll retrofit the spells to scale in this manner. Additionally, I will look at the necklace scaling too.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 05:09:59 pm
Lol I made a joke about essences and the butthurt can be heard from space.

On a serious note: claiming to not exploit it, but taking advantage of vastly increased quantities is hilarious. I will review the drop chances for tiers and minis after T10 as some of the minis are simply being abused too often. T5 was a huge problem as it allowed progression, which the others do not. I intend to simply fix that aspect of it.

Lastly, people hated t5 before. I add a new way for faster (apparently, much much faster) essences and after being abused horribly twice, I've disabled it...which is punishing the server? That's reaching for it...


Fair enough but as it exists now there is a bottleneck without the T5 mini. I personally love the minis (more worthwhile content is always better) and I hope you fix the T5 exploit so we can use it again.

I don't see a problem with the ess drop rates in Dranik or T7 mini, if anything T7 mini is way way too low, and Dranik is slightly too low. If I recall, T5 mini seemed a little high since the zone was so small, but definitely not game breaking. Not everyone on the server can solo clear these zones with multiple toons, and if they can, they should be rewarded for their progression. Not to mention the rich benefit from high ess drop rates in minis but then it gets nerfed for others as they progress which is economic oppression!  ;D

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Chunka on June 12, 2015, 07:04:04 pm
FWIW, my wizard (including pet dps) with Chilled Devil and Mana Neck IX is now doing about 2.3% of my group's DPS against practice dummy using Hateborne's Glacial Gift (~430k dps in 150 or so hits). This is about on par with a paladin with a single (yes one) Firestrike VI.

Dunno.....right now I am running a UC2 monk with 2 NSXI, no earring, and hitting 2.9 mil dps. Mage running mana neck XI and UC2, 9.0 pet, using weapon bag with T9 sword and whip is doing 3.3 mil dps. Swap T9 sword for UW2 longsword and she's doing 3.6 mil dps. This is pet and mage chain casting TV2, on guild PDs.

As for wiz....using UC2, mana neck XI and HGG2 I am getting 2.8 mil dps. basically about the same as monk and NSXI.

I dont think casters is broke. I think if you set things up right and use em right you can do just as much (or more) with a caster or caster/pet as you can with anyt non UW melee.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 12, 2015, 07:27:56 pm
FWIW, my wizard (including pet dps) with Chilled Devil and Mana Neck IX is now doing about 2.3% of my group's DPS against practice dummy using Hateborne's Glacial Gift (~430k dps in 150 or so hits). This is about on par with a paladin with a single (yes one) Firestrike VI.

As for wiz....using UC2, mana neck XI and HGG2 I am getting 2.8 mil dps. basically about the same as monk and NSXI.

Can you post the actual complete results? If this is on practice dummy, how long did you fight? I would be surprised if my wiz could go from 400k dps to 2.8 mil just by going to UC2, hgg2 and nsxi. That said, if both our numbers are correct, then it just means casters are still weak basically until you beat the game, have the best spells, the best neck and UC2+. Not the end of the world, but it would make more sense if they were competitive in all tiers.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Chunka on June 12, 2015, 08:08:52 pm
Ok....lets try this then: NO UC, slot empty, using HGG1 (not 2) and mana neck XI, on CG dummy:

878 seconds, 808336710 damage, or 920657 dps.

Any way you cut it caster dps aint bad, with the exception of necros....but even necros can do well IF you have the death spells and the right situation for massive AE damage.

Oh, and another thing to consider: even though wizzies dont get any pet AA to speak of if you add ANY damaging pet it will increase their dps considerably as long as the pet's alive (even a Scarecrow pet will proc 800K using Mana Neck XI and UC2). If your wiz has a decent halloween pet they do some solid dps with em.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Krinkle on June 12, 2015, 11:29:13 pm
Hate when you said claiming not to exploit while taking advantage of massive drop rates were you referring to my post right before yours? Because any time I find something that seems out of balance I usually discuss it with a guildy or two, get a second opinion, and if they agree something is off I always report it to you as soon as i see a raving green wizard.

I can see why there isnt alot of trust between staff/player base but I wish there was alot more trust between the staff and the player base that has been here enough years to have shown their true colors to everyone, because you can trust and believe when i find a bug/exploit i do report it. And not just in hopes of getting credits. I dont have the ability to donate so reporting that stuff makes me feel like im helping the server out a little.

If I just mis read the tone of the post sorry, but I prob talk to 25% of the server population quite abit when im online, of that 25% id be suprised as hell if a single one of them would find a major exploit and abuse it. Unless its Dimurwar hes always got some exploit going.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: hateborne on June 13, 2015, 12:53:37 am
Heh no Krinkle, that wasn't aimed or implied your way. :-)


Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: balidet on June 13, 2015, 02:04:27 am
people keep bitchen about t5 being a bottle neck and they will just lower the drop rates in the other tiers.....t5 will not be a bottle neck then..problem solved...

but please keep bitchen...

All I see on here is people asking for more faster ..make this so I have more dps...make this drop more...make this so I can exchange it for this so I can be done faster....

why the rush?



Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 13, 2015, 02:33:28 am
people keep bitchen about t5 being a bottle neck and they will just lower the drop rates in the other tiers.....t5 will not be a bottle neck then..problem solved...

but please keep bitchen...

All I see on here is people asking for more faster ..make this so I have more dps...make this drop more...make this so I can exchange it for this so I can be done faster....

why the rush?



Please stfu hurty - it's a suggestion board. Go somewhere else - I'm tired of your same old "stop suggesting stuff" crap. You don't like suggestions read another thread.

Sorry for language but it's getting old. Be constructive or zip it. Calling people whiners isn't helpful. Hate can do that since he's in charge. When you do it it's annoying.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Dinadas on June 13, 2015, 06:44:37 am
Can regular CoH be turned on in all progression songs.  That solves the summoning problem.

I have a key that makes my mage target my G2 summon reward guy and then click his reward item.

Works great for moving both groups around together.

However due to an exploit from t6 back in the day CoH is turned off in t6 where it would be most useful for getting G2 up the stairs.  I just leave G2 at the zonein now.

I think with the OMM fix, not summoning the zone, there is no reason to have coh turned off  in t6 anymore.

Just my 2 cents.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Rent Due on June 14, 2015, 07:16:57 pm
Can regular CoH be turned on in all progression songs.  That solves the summoning problem.

I have a key that makes my mage target my G2 summon reward guy and then click his reward item.

Works great for moving both groups around together.

However due to an exploit from t6 back in the day CoH is turned off in t6 where it would be most useful for getting G2 up the stairs.  I just leave G2 at the zonein now.

I think with the OMM fix, not summoning the zone, there is no reason to have coh turned off  in t6 anymore.

Just my 2 cents.

agree, I don't see the problem with group summon reward item working in every zone, but maybe I'm just not thinking in a "how do I get over on the game" mindset

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: balidet on June 14, 2015, 08:52:56 pm
Please stfu hurty - it's a suggestion board. Go somewhere else - I'm tired of your same old "stop suggesting stuff" crap. You don't like suggestions read another thread.

Sorry for language but it's getting old. Be constructive or zip it. Calling people whiners isn't helpful. Hate can do that since he's in charge. When you do it it's annoying.

LOL.. I am being constructive.. you can complain all you like.. I cant comment on your complaints?  Gimme this gimme that... that gets old as well.. I like it just the way it is.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 14, 2015, 11:57:31 pm
Please stfu hurty - it's a suggestion board. Go somewhere else - I'm tired of your same old "stop suggesting stuff" crap. You don't like suggestions read another thread.

Sorry for language but it's getting old. Be constructive or zip it. Calling people whiners isn't helpful. Hate can do that since he's in charge. When you do it it's annoying.

LOL.. I am being constructive.. you can complain all you like.. I cant comment on your complaints?  Gimme this gimme that... that gets old as well.. I like it just the way it is.

Remember when you quit after a couple low lvl UWs dropped last Halloween?

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: balidet on June 15, 2015, 12:43:52 am
Remember when you quit after a couple low lvl UWs dropped last Halloween?

I do and I still stand by that its was a horrible idea... and I did not play for several months..

I am on another break now.. because all the content is trivial and I don't need a 3rd UW and I frankly have better things to do right now.

That being said the server is still fun and  I do care about how it works because I plan on logging my 6 toons In and having fun in t10.. what I don't want to see is a bunch of people who breeze past all the content in 6 months and are screaming at the Devs for more content!  Its hard for a reason.. if you don't struggle with it what is the fun? for real if you just want your reward for logging in the go play whatever Farmville game Facebook has now.. its totally what you want.. you log in and every day you are guaranteed progress! Everyone gets a prize!

I guess I just want a game that when you get to the end and look around at your peers...they have been through the same tribulations you went through....brothers in arms... that sort of thing... you accomplish something that not everyone can... and as stupid as that may seem in a game... it means something,  to me at least. /shrug but maybe I am off base and what they should do is dumb it all down.. make it so everyone can get from A to Z in a strait line... if people have fun and that's what makes the crowd happy.. then have at it.

its just not what I am interested in..  and its not what EZ meant when I logged in the first time.

and whether you like it or not that is just how it is.. and I will post on threads that seek to undermine that until the mods get involved or I lose hope.

thank you.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 15, 2015, 01:50:06 am
Remember when you quit after a couple low lvl UWs dropped last Halloween?

I do and I still stand by that its was a horrible idea... and I did not play for several months..

I am on another break now.. because all the content is trivial and I don't need a 3rd UW and I frankly have better things to do right now.

That being said the server is still fun and  I do care about how it works because I plan on logging my 6 toons In and having fun in t10.. what I don't want to see is a bunch of people who breeze past all the content in 6 months and are screaming at the Devs for more content!  Its hard for a reason.. if you don't struggle with it what is the fun? for real if you just want your reward for logging in the go play whatever Farmville game Facebook has now.. its totally what you want.. you log in and every day you are guaranteed progress! Everyone gets a prize!

I guess I just want a game that when you get to the end and look around at your peers...they have been through the same tribulations you went through....brothers in arms... that sort of thing... you accomplish something that not everyone can... and as stupid as that may seem in a game... it means something,  to me at least. /shrug but maybe I am off base and what they should do is dumb it all down.. make it so everyone can get from A to Z in a strait line... if people have fun and that's what makes the crowd happy.. then have at it.

its just not what I am interested in..  and its not what EZ meant when I logged in the first time.

and whether you like it or not that is just how it is.. and I will post on threads that seek to undermine that until the mods get involved or I lose hope.

thank you.

You're really basic man - you think you have any idea what the devs are thinking? To suggest if someone asks for "x" the devs will definitely nerf something else is obnoxious. You have no idea what hate or akka are thinking and neither do I.

If anyone suggests anything to make the game a bit more streamlined you lose it - regardless of the body of their suggestions. Forget that I and others suggest things which should be fixed to avoid exploiting as well - and you claim it isn't even an exploit.

If a UW2 drops during a once-a-year signature event you lose it and quit. Forget how completely awesome the event was and how much time Hate and Akka both spent on it. When you criticize them for their decisions, including insinuating they are making the server too easy (which is utterly bs, they're obviously making it better), you're being disrespectful to the hosts. My suggestions are 90% improvements to the server in my opinion, not just asking for freebies - sometimes I whiff, we all do. Wanting to see less zerkers, wanting to have access to T5 mini because it's cool, posting updated caster data, wanting to see more diversity in the game and wanting to spend less time in Jaggedpine are not gimme gimme gimme - they're suggestions. Sorry you got your team through T9 and now you have to watch people on the server catch up - learn to deal with it.

It doesn't matter to you if someone spots a bug - you're annoyed. If someone has a different opinion about progression and classes and whatever you're totally pissed off because it's not what you want.

I say it's time you bail then. The server and folks on it obviously piss you off too much. You're part of the "whaa whaa whaa - it was so much harder for me" crew - which everyone knows is total bs. Everyone and their cousin on EZ knows some people benefit massively from time to time before certain things get nerfed or changed (T6 mass pull, skin of drake, dranik drops left and right, T5 ess and exploits, berry exploits, super cheap mana necks, crazy GSoA drops for a few days, crystal conversion much higher, making half a mil. in pvp zone and exploiting ninja clickie, increased eofs drop rates, charms, scepters, cash and pets dropping like candy and literally with candy for hween etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.) It all evens out over time.

You're full of it hurty and it's painfully obvious. Just quit while you're ahead man and spare us the "whaa." You suggest if I just play more I will progress? I am on nearly every day - but I never see you. I like difficult games also, that's why I play on this server.

I have hundreds of days played just like the rest of us. We all do. It's a super hard server even with the occasional mass drops. Get over yourself man you're not special.

I'm done with the flame just so tired of folks derailing suggestion threads because they want to "whaa" about how they used to walk 10 miles a day naked in -20 degree blizzard conditions when everyone else knows they are completely full of it.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Darpey on June 15, 2015, 09:19:56 am
If a UW2 drops during a once-a-year signature event you lose it and quit.

In Balidet's defense - a guy from my guild looted a UW8 during the Halloween event.

Not to bring up old controversial memories... but he looted an UW 8.

That thing that took... I can't even begin to count the number of hours... to achieve. Ultimate Weapon 8.

I was pretty ragequit'ey too after hearing that.

That being said, Halloween was pretty awesome. Dropping UW's was not, even if it was just UW2 (which it was not) that's too much to loot. - 100 QVic 100 CT 20m platinum, ToFS 1 and 2 (lol @ 2), 2 EoFS... not trivial.

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: balidet on June 15, 2015, 12:50:00 pm
Ok last post on this I promise:)

Godtank you have no idea what you are talking about..  I cant even begin to point out how wrong you are...

its like you are on an entirely different planet.

I have never insulted any of the devs.. not once... ever.. I don't like what they do sometimes and I think its poor decision making..  Now pay attention.. not agreeing with someone is not the same and not liking them...You seem to get fuzzy on this point at best..

this server is a wonderful project that has seen many changes both good and bad since I first logged in and that is the nature of the beast... I accept that..

I also accept that I have no control over anything that happens on this server... its not my sandbox..

all we can hope is to have some influence by posting on this board and interactions in game....

that's it...

So enjoy it and continue posting.. as I will...

(side note)

its rather comical to me that your response to me not agreeing with you is I should leave and not come back... I am sorry but that is just stupid;) <---see that's insulting. 

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: warrior5 on June 15, 2015, 01:42:53 pm

Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Fugitive on June 15, 2015, 01:49:12 pm
Uphill barefoot gets mighty cold..


Play on Playa


Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: hateborne on June 19, 2015, 08:37:36 pm
This thread, like all threads, has derailed into "who has the biggest epeen". Subsequently locking the thread.


Title: Re: Suggestions
Post by: Akkadius on June 23, 2015, 07:13:55 pm
This thread, like all threads, has derailed into "who has the biggest epeen". Subsequently locking the thread.


Mine's bigger