EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: warrior5 on June 20, 2015, 02:09:21 am

Title: Immaterium
Post by: warrior5 on June 20, 2015, 02:09:21 am
is officially way, way, too close now.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Krinkle on June 20, 2015, 05:40:06 am
I agree, it was meant to keep people from bouncing pets from mob to mob to mob pulling stuff from across an entire zone, the first day the change came out pet range was shortened, and it seems to be getting shorter once a week. Def not a change thats enhancing fun or challenge in the game, just making a few trivial parts of it a little more annoying.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Dinadas on June 20, 2015, 06:32:59 am

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: balidet on June 20, 2015, 02:05:13 pm
Yea I have noticed if I am pulling my pets always poof because they are slow asses..  is this game ruining feature? no... is it annoying...yes

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Krinkle on June 22, 2015, 12:33:42 pm
Yeah can we not let this thread just poof off into the immaterium, its getting super super annoying to have to stop and wait on my pet every 10 seconds of running, all pet classes have become absolute burndens and a detriment to my group.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Chunka on June 22, 2015, 12:55:52 pm
Easy fix, really. Give the pets the same run speed buff as the master.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: warrior5 on June 22, 2015, 01:32:56 pm
Or just increase the poof distance back to something reasonable.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Natedog on June 22, 2015, 03:19:50 pm
Whats the point of the poof thing for pets?

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Fugitive on June 22, 2015, 03:33:25 pm
Whats the point of the poof thing for pets?

Players were abusing Pet Dynamics

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Chunka on June 22, 2015, 04:30:49 pm
Yes, but the immaterium was, as someone said, added for a reason. Increasing the run speed to match the casters would address that exploit still and prevent the issue of pets poofing because they run slower than my dead grandmother.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: warrior5 on June 22, 2015, 04:44:08 pm
I think it was fine after poof was first added. It seems to have gotten progressively more ridiculous.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Rent Due on June 22, 2015, 05:48:51 pm
Yes, but the immaterium was, as someone said, added for a reason. Increasing the run speed to match the casters would address that exploit still and prevent the issue of pets poofing because they run slower than my dead grandmother.

he said slower! hahahaha

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Darpey on June 22, 2015, 07:36:48 pm
Whats the point of the poof thing for pets?

Hushed Banquet - Epic 2.5

Pet target nearest npc
Pet attack

^ Spam that

Get key

The pet distance wasn't calculated from the PLAYER, it's calculated from the PET... so you could chain your way through the entire zone, while the player sat at ZIN... or in QVic you could strategically have your pet "attack" mobs in a distance chain to get it to kill any mob in zone - or even bring it to zin for you.

Although before immaterium was added, the Hushed Banquet was fixed... by making pets unsummonable in the zone

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Krinkle on June 22, 2015, 11:07:06 pm
I agree when the change was first made it was perfect, I understand the need for it, but i mean, are we REALLY that damn worried about being able to pull phinny from zone in with a pet? Thats such a huge exploit that its worth us all having to deal with this super shitty pet range.   (I know there are other things phinny was just an example) And I dont mean any disrespect to hate when Im sayin this stuff, Im a big fan of just giving things a shot and imo we should do that more. I think we gave immaterium a shot, and it worked out well, then we shortened the range on it, and it has not worked out well for alot of us. And I see no harm in just putting it back at the original change.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Adydar on June 23, 2015, 07:27:19 am
I'm a fan of fixing the root of the problem, remove the range restriction, publicly post that you get 1 warning, if you are caught doing something you shouldn't a second time, you get a free vacation.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Krinkle on June 23, 2015, 10:54:36 am
The problem with removing the restriction all together, is we have waypoints, theres no way for a player to see another player exploiting (and exploiting is ruining the game for every one of us so yes we should report it if we see it but we wont see it)

Hate and Akka I think have real life stuff to do, and In game have other things to do than randomly check instances all the time for people exploiting.

The original Immaterium range was just fine a perfect fix to the problem that made none of us have to worry about it ever again.

This will be my last post using paragraphs, so take a picture, not a screenshot a real picture.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Warbash on June 23, 2015, 11:12:14 am
Just remove pets, they suck anyways   ;D

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: littlelongbeard on June 23, 2015, 08:33:47 pm
Just remove pets, they suck anyways   ;D

agreed, I do not use mine for that reason.... I mean also I always forget to summon the bastards anyway.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Leis on June 26, 2015, 11:37:29 am
It would be awesome if they could be ported back to us instead of poofing. Its a really bad day for a mage when your pet goes poof in the middle of a pull. I have no idea if thats a sound idea from a coding standpoint.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: hateborne on June 27, 2015, 07:24:11 am
is officially way, way, too close now.
I agree, it was meant to keep people from bouncing pets from mob to mob to mob pulling stuff from across an entire zone, the first day the change came out pet range was shortened, and it seems to be getting shorter once a week. Def not a change thats enhancing fun or challenge in the game, just making a few trivial parts of it a little more annoying.

It has been changed TWICE time since being added. The first change was the week I made these changes, which was DOUBLING the range. The second change happened a month ago where I included a Z-axis check too. This was, again, watching people pull things on different floors in TOFS and from the next room up in T5.

I will review the logic involved to make sure there isn't a goofy failure. Additionally, I'll see what I can do about matching owner's runspeed. :-)


Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Krinkle on June 27, 2015, 01:34:54 pm
Thanks hate I appreciate it, And I overstated it when i said shorter once a week I did only notice a change happen twice but they both seemed to be shorter so maybe in my head.

My Issue is It was perfectly fine the first day it came out, if you notice people pulling tofs mobs (if your pulling tserrina down to lower floors so people you havent keyed can loot her, you fucking know that your flat out exploiting, if you pull her down to kill her so people that are keyed can loot her, you know your still exploiting)
Whats the issue with popping out of gm invis and having a big red mushroom destroy your bow or helm and take all your plat and put it in the lotto bot or something. Gamewide shout hey I caught Fugitive (we all know it was him) pulling tserrina down to equip his necromancer army (we all know your building one) we all go haha queer you got caught, some newb gets some lotto bot plat, exploiter gets punished, and none of us, including you hate, have to suffer with incredibly inconvient things like the current immaterium range or us whining about it. Weve all used pet to pull up the bat in the cave almost in dead center of t7 since t7 came out and im 100% positive a GM has watched me do it and not care. I cant speak for hate but I imagine if hate watched me do that he wouldnt give two shits thats just how you do that part of the game the zones too god damn big as it is all shortcuts are welcome there.

I understand you cant watch everyone, everywhere 24/7, but I know I dont want my plat in the lotto bot for someone else to win. I imagine 2-3 times of that and people will think twice before acting like a retard by exploiting and ruining the game for us and themselves.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: hateborne on June 27, 2015, 01:58:24 pm
Couldnt help but notice on pet stats that pets are lacking a stonewall now on stats. Is the stats bugged or is the stonewall gone?

Bugged. Will check.


Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Leis on June 27, 2015, 02:10:41 pm
I have to agree with Krinkle. Draw a line in the sand and when you see people stepping over it warn them or punish them as needed. I didn't realize this was that big of an issue, and I know I have pulled up that dead center t7 spawn the same way without knowing it was an issue. I also remember using it in T5 to pull down bosses because I was to lazy to climb the walls and snag them.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: warrior5 on June 27, 2015, 05:38:13 pm
Why is it a problem to pull mobs that are 15ft away if they are on a different z-axis? Isn't that one of the only real benefits of using pets? Isn't it realistic to be able to use a pet to snag a mob on a cliff or ledge? It simply saves us a bit of boring game time and allows us to enjoy more good content. Running around an empty T5 or T7 100 times more than we already do doesn't make much sense. I agree, different floors in TOFS should be off limits, but honestly I recall pulling mobs from different floors by accident when I was first learning the zone - it's impossible to prevent this without making pet pulling useless.

I guess I don't understand why some suggest we can't pull anything with a pet unless it's 5 ft in front of us and the exact same z axis.

For me personally, if I click "attack" using my pet to pull, and he gets it, I feel it should be okay. Should be up to Hate to decide what distance and z axis pets can reach. That said, if we can't pull anything with pets, then they are even more worthless, and if they poof when we run, it's an even bigger problem.

Sounds like Hate has a good solution with pets matching our speed. Just my two cents on pet pulling.

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: Krinkle on June 27, 2015, 08:22:10 pm
Its all about common sense, every one of us is smart enough to install everquest, set it up to run on eqemulator, and set that up to run on ezserver. That doesnt take alot of smarts, neither does knowing when your doing stupid shit and exploiting (pulling tserrina through walls down to other floors) and when your doing something thats technicaly against the rules but is perfectly acceptable (pulling a bat through the cave in t7 so you dont have to take literally 4 minutes to run all the way around and pull it out)

Just like we all know the speed limit is 55 mph, but its perfectly acceptable to go 56 or 57 mph, and it is not ok to go 80 or 90 mph.

Is the goal of the immaterium to prevent us from doing things that I think (and I may be completly wrong thinking it) are acceptable (bat t7) or is the goal of it to keep pets as close to how they should be operating while providing some exploit prevention?

Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: hateborne on June 27, 2015, 08:40:39 pm
Is the goal of the immaterium to prevent us from doing things that I think (and I may be completly wrong thinking it) are acceptable (bat t7) or is the goal of it to keep pets as close to how they should be operating while providing some exploit prevention?

The goal is to keep pets are "legit" as possible. Since we don't utilize actual pathing on EZ, mobs and pets will pretty much just run through walls/doors/ceilings/floors/mountains. As a result, this is an attempt to curb the broken nature of the pet pulling "beast" (if you will). If we ever get to a point where pathing works on EZ, this will go away. For now, this is making the best of a (not so) bad situation. :-)

Is that clear enough?


Title: Re: Immaterium
Post by: warrior5 on June 27, 2015, 09:08:12 pm
Roger  8)